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Basuki Wibowo
Perkembangan perumah sakitan di Indonesia dipengaruhi perubahan-perubahan yang terjadi di lingkungan rumah sakit. Perubahan terjadi karena kita memasuki era globalisasi dan sistem informasi yang berkembang dengan begitu pesat, kebijakan-kebijakan pemerintah, perubahan struktur demografi, pertumbuhan ekonomi, pendidikan masyarakat meningkat, transisi epidemiologis, teknologi yang berkembang pesat dan persaingan antar rumah sakit meningkat. Sedangkan R.S. Mardi Rahayu belum mempunyai perencaraan strategi yang tertulis. Hal inilah yang menjadi latar belakang peneliti untuk memilih judul Penelitian ini bersifat krosseksional dengan analisa strategik dengan menggunakan metoda kualitatif. Dan penelitian dibatasi di R.S. Mardi Rahayu. Pengumpulan data didapat dan data-data sekunder, diskusi fokus grup dan indepth interview, kemudian dianalisa dengan The Grand Strategy Matrix, SWOT Matrix, BCG Matrix dan pertimbangan strategik lainnya. Tujuan jangka panjang meliputi bidang pelayanan, SDM, manajemen, pemasaran dan kesejahteraan karyawan. Dan strategi raya yang dipilih strategi intensif yaitu market penetration , market development dan product development dan dijaiankan dengan membuat rencana induk untuk perkembangan R.S. Mardi Rahayu, membangun dan merenovasi sarana fisik terutama untuk unit rawat inap, unit rawat jalan, unit laboratorium dan unit radiolosgi, melengkapi peralatan baik diagnostik, terapeutik maupun perawatan, peningkatan mutu SDM baik manajerial maupun profesional, mutu pelayanan kesehatan ditingkatkan sehingga berfokuskan pelanggan, cepat dan cost effective, pemasaran diintensifkan, kerjasama dengan rumah sakit swasta lain dan pemasok.

Hospital development in Indonesia is influenced by changes occurring in the hospital environment. These changes happen because we enter the globalization era, fast growing information system, government policies, changes in demographic structure, economic development, increasing level in the education of the society, epidemiologic transition, fast growing technology and increasing competition between hospitals. Today, Mardi Rahayu hospital doesn't have a written strategic planning. This is the background why the researcher has chosen this topic. The research's design is cross sectional with strategic analysis and it use qualitative method. The research is located in Mardi Rahayu hospital. The data is got from secondary data, focused discussion group and indepth interview, and then analyzed with the Grand Strategy Matrix, SWOT matrix, BCG matrix and other strategic considerations. Long term objectives are covering services, human resources, management, marketing and employee welfare. The grand strategies are intensive strategies which are done by generating the master plan to develop Mardi Rahayu hospital; building and renovating buildings especially inpatient unit, outpatient unit, laboratory unit and radiological unit; completing the equipments for diagnostic, therapeutic and nursing; increasing the quality of human resources, managerial and professional; increasing the quality of health services so it is costumer focused, fast and cost effective; intensify marketing; and alliance with other private hospital and supplier.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 1997
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Menghadapi masalah kesehatan, perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi, pergeseran pada sistem pelayanan kesehatan dan perkembangannya pada masa yang akan datang, terutama dengan disepakatinya pasar bebas ASEAN Free Trade Area (AFTA) tahun 2003 serta disusul dengan World Trade Organization (WTO) tahun 2010 dan 2020, pelayanan kesehatan dituntut untuk mampu memberikan pelayanan profesional berdasarkan standard global. Sejalan dengan perkembangan pelayanan kesehatan dalam menyonsong era globalisasi maka Puskesmas Kecamatan Grogol Petamburan harus dapat mengantisipasi dan mempersiapkan diri agar mampu berkompetisi dengan pelayanan kesehatan lainnya. Untuk itu Puskesmas perlu menyusun suatu rencana strategik.
Penelitian ini dilakukan bertujuan untuk menganalisis faktor-faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap penyusunan Rencana strategis Puskesmas Kecamatan Grogol Petamburan dalam kurun waktu 5 tahun antara tahun 2003 - 2007. Adapun desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah Penelitian Operasional, analisis dilakukan dengan analisis deskriptif dan analisis strategik dengan pendekatan kualitatif.
Dari hasil penelitian, faktor eksternal yang berpengaruh terhadap penyusunan rencana strategik adalah faktor peluang: demografi, Kebijakan, Pelanggan, Pemasok, Geografi dan sosial/pendidikan, dan faktor ancaman adalah ekonomi, Pesaing, teknologi dan epidemiologi. Faktor Internal yang berpengaruh adalah faktor kekuatan: fasilitas fisik dan faktor kelemahan adalah SDM, pemasaran, keuangan, sistem informasi, sistem manajemen dan produk layanan.
Dengan memakai matriks IFE dan EFE pada tahap Input, tahap Marching dengan matriks IE dan SPACE serta tahap Decision dengan QSPM maka dapat ditentukan Posisi Puskesmas berada pada posisi bersaing dengan alternatif strateginya adalah Pengembangan Produk dan Penetrasi Pasar.
Adapun rekomendasi yang disarankan untuk Pengembangan Produk adalah Pengadaan pelayanan Rumah Bersalin dan Penetrasi Pasar dengan melakukan promosi Puskesmas kepada masyarakat. Dengan mengimplementasikan strategi terpilih ke dalam program-program yang tepat diharapkan Puskesmas Kecamatan Grogol Petamburan akan dapat lebih berkembang dan dapat mencapai misi dan visinya.

Strategic Planning Grogol Petamburan Public Health Center Jakarta Facing healthy problem, the improvement of knowledge and science, change on healthy service system and its increasing in the future, chiefly with The ASEAN Free Trade Area (AFTA) acceptance which on going in 2003 and will be followed by The World Trade Organization (WTO) in 2010 and 2020, public services to be insisted capable giving professional service based on global standard. As a developing of in hearth service sector in facing globalization era, Grogol Petamburan public health center have to anticipate and get ready itself to be capable in competing with another health services. So it need public health center strategic planning.
This research conducted to analyze many factors that gave impact on public health center strategy. This research use operational research method with descriptive analyze and strategic analyze.
The research is concluded that external factor which gave impact to public health center strategy, the Opportunities are: demography, regulation, customer, vendor, geography and social/education. The Threats are: economic, competitive, technology and epidemiology. Internal factor which gave impact, the Strengths are: physical facility and the Weakness are: human resources, marketing, information system, management system and services product.
This research using IFE and EFE Matrix in the Input stage, the matching stage using IE Matrix and SPACE Matrix and finally the decision stage using QSP Matrix. There are potential external and internal factor that have to be follow with chosen strategy. The chosen strategy that appropriately to be applied is Competitive strategy.
As an alternative there is appropriate strategy that stated as market penetration and product development. Recommendation for product development is Birth Place and market penetration is Public Health Center Promotion. By implementing chosen strategy into the right program it is hoped that Grogol Petamburan public health center will be more developed and could reach its mission and vision."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2003
T 10716
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Puji Triastuti
"Saat ini kondisi Laboratorium RSJP Bogor masih merupakan unit yang bersifat cost center. Seiring dengan perubahan status RSJP Bogor menjadi RS Perjan diharapkan Laboratorium bisa menjadi unit yang profit center. Sehingga dalam operasional pelayanannya diperlukan suatu perencanaan strategik.
Dalam penyusunan perencanaan strategik Laboratorium RS Jiwa Pusat Bogor dilakukan penelitian operasional dengan analisis data kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Penyusunan strategi dilakukan melalui beberapa tahapan yaitu Tahap I Input Stage yang merupakan analisa lingkungan Internal dan External, Identifikasi faktor kekuatan, kelemahan dan faktor peluang serta ancaman yang dilakukan oleh Consensus Decision Making Group (CDMG) yang terdiri dari direksi, para kepala bidang dan para kepala Instansi.
Tahap II dilakukan Matching Stage, CDMG melakukan analisa dengan IE matrix dan BCG Matrix, yang menghasilkan beberapa alternatif strategi. Selanjutnya Tahap III adalah Decision Stage dengan menggunakan matrix QSPM untuk menentukan prioritas strategi.
Dari hasil penelitian pada Matrix IE, posisi Laboratorium RSJP Bogor berada pada posisi kuadran III yaitu Hold and Maintain dengan alternatif strategi yaitu Market Penetration dan Product Development. Sedangkan dengan BCG Matrix berada pada posisi kuadran II yaitu Question Mark dengan alternatif strategi market penetration dan product development.
Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa Laboratorium RSJP Bogor masih memiliki peluang pasar yang besar dan dengan memaksimalkan kekuatan yang dimiliki serta meminimalkan kelemahannya diharapkan dapat meraih peluang yang ada. Sebagai saran, maka strategi yang terpilih perlu dijabarkan dalam bentuk kegiatan sehingga lebih mudah dioperasionalkan dan dipantau.

Now a days, the condition of RSJP Laboratory still a cost center unit. According to the changing of RSJP Bogor become RS Perjan we hope that the Laboratory will be the profit center unit. Within the operational services will need a strategic planning.
In heaps of strategic planning of Laboratory RSJP Bogor held the operational research of analysis from qualitative and quantitative data. The strategic heaps was done by ranking or step such as step 1 is Input Stage means Internal and External Environment analysis, identification of strengthen, weakness, opportunities and threatened factor done by Consensus Decision Making Group (CDMG) consist of Board of Director, and other staffs. Step II is Matching Stage, CDMG has analyzed with IE matrix and BCG matrix, has produced a few strategy alternative. Next step, step III is Decision Stage using QSPM matrix to set up the strategy priority.
From the result of IE matrix research, the position of RSJP Bogor Laboratory exists on position Quadrant III which Hold and Maintain with strategy alternative which is Market Penetration and Product Development. According to BCG matrix the position was Quadrant II is Question Mark with strategy alternative Market Penetration and Product Development.
The research has conclude that RSJP Bogor Laboratory still have a big market chance with maximizing the strengthen and minimizing the weakness, and hope to get the chance. As an advising, the strategy still need to apply on good activity means easy to operate and evaluate."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2001
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Verardo, Denzil
"Steer a clear course for your organization's strategic planning with the process in this Infoline. A seven-step model and a sample strategic plan and planning worksheet help clarify every step."
Alexandria, VA: American Society for Training and Development Press, 1999
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Theresia Chrisnani R.
"Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi perubahan kondisi RSPP yang sebelumnya berada dibawab Pertamina lengkap dengan fasilitas pembiayaannya, namun kini dilepaskan menjadi organisasi mandiri yang harus memenuhi segala kebutuhannya secara mandiri termasuk dalam pembiayaan kegiatan pelayanannya.
Faktor tersebut mendorong RSPP membuat suatu perencanaan strategi agar tetap mampu melaksanakan kegiatan pelayanannya serta bersaing dengan rumah sakit lain seperti kondisi sebelumnya bahkan bila mungkin menjadi lebih baik.
Dari analisis situasi diketahui bahwa sebenarnya RSPP telah mempunyai perencanaan strategi, tetapi karena dalam pembuatan tidak melibatkan para karyawannya sehingga mengalami kesulitan dalam implementasinya.
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menyusun suatu perencanaan strategi RSPP tahun 2003 - 2007 yang benar-benar representatif dengan melibatkan para karyawan secara aktif dalam penyusunannya.
Jenis penelitian ini adalah Operational Research dengan analisis strategik, yaitu gabungan metode deskriptif analitik dan intuisi terbaik (good intuitive judgement). Penelitian ini menggunakan informasi sebagai dasar pengambilan keputusan strategik. Penyusunan strategi dilakukan melalui tiga tahap dengan menggunakan empat matriks. Tahap I (input stage) mengunakan matriks EFE dan IFE. Tahap 11 (matching stage) menggunakan matriks IE dan TOWS, dan tahap III (decision stage) menggunakan QSPM. Teknik untuk analisis lingkungan, penentuan faktor sukses kritis dan penilaian (scoring) untuk setiap matriks menggunakan metode delphi dan CDMG.
Hasil penelitian untuk tahap I diperoleh nilai total EFE 3,06 dan IFE 2,65. Artinya RSPP mampu merespon dengan baik peluang dan menghindari ancaman yang ada serta memiliki posisi internal yang kuat.
Tahap II dengan matriks IE menunjukkan RSPP berada pada posisi grow and build serta dengan matriks TOWS posisi RSPP pada Future Quadrant. Strategi alternatif yang direkomendasikan oleh keduanya adalah market development, market penetration dan product development.
Pada tahap Ill dengan menggunakan QSPM diperoleh Strategi Utama untuk RSPP adalah Product Development. Produk yang akan dikembangkan kemudian dinilai lagi dengan QSPM dan menghasilkan produk prioritas yang akan dikembangkan yaitu Diabetic Center. Langkah terakhir untuk mendukung implementasi strategi yang telah disusun adalah menerjemahkannya ke dalam program kerja tahunan dan mensosialisasikannya kepada seluruh karyawan RSPP agar timbul rasa memiliki dan tanggung jawab untuk secara optimal melaksanakannya.

This research is inspired by conditional change of RSPP formerly managed by Pertamina, including financing facilities, into an independent organization entitled to comply with every single need including financing activities on owned sources at present.
This factor motivates RSPP to set a comprehensive strategic plan to maintain better services and to compete with other competitors as has been performed before.
The situational analysis found that RSPP has had a strategic plan, however, there have been too much trouble in implementing such a plan due to absence of staffs participation in format.
In purpose this research is proposed to set a strategic plan for RSPP for the period of 2003 - 2007 through which all staff are actively participated that result may represent all levels.
The type of this research was operational research through strategic analysis, a consolidated method between descriptive analysis and good intuitive judgment, that strategic decision making should be information-based. The research was strategically carried out through 3 (three) steps using 4 (four) matrixes. Step I (input stage) using EFE and WE matrix. Step II (matching stage) using IE and TOWS matrix. Step III (decision stage) using QSPM. Delphi and CDMG method were used for internal and internal analysis, critical success factors and scoring for every matrix.
The input stage resulted on EFE 3,06 and IFE 2,65 total values. It means RSPP has good respond capacity for any opportunities and at the same way overcoming the available threats, and has strong internal position either.
The matching stage with IE matrix showed RSPP is on grow and build position, and with TOWS matrix RSPP is on Future Quadrant position. Both matrixes recommended a strategic alternative on market development, market penetration and product development.
The decision stage using QSPM resulted on Product Development, proposed as Grand Strategy for RSPP. The product to develop has to be appraised using QSPM and found The Diabetic Center to be the first priority.
The last step is to support the strategic implementation has been set by realizing those into annual working program and socializing through all staffs of RSPP to get sense of belonging and responsibility for optimum performance.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2002
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Russell, Jeffrey
"Your organization has a strategic agenda and a compelling vision of the future, right? But do you know what it isdo you fully grasp its meaning and translate that into your day-to-day work? While most companies have carefully crafted strategic vision statements and a strategic plan to translate this vision into results, in reality there is often a large knowledge/behavior gap between what the organization says its strategic vision and agenda are, and what people actually know, understand, and do. This Infoline offers you a simple, straightforward look at strategic planning and strategic thinking and helps you develop practical approaches to bring the disciplines of both into your everyday work."
Alexandria, Virginia: American Society for Training & Development, 2006
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Barksdale, Susan
"Create a dynamic strategic plan, central to your organizations ability to make critical business decisions, with this step-by-step walk through the strategic planning process.
10 Steps to Successful Strategic Planning offers a simple 10 step process to assessing your priorities, organizing your goals, and getting your organization on the path to planned success. Loaded with worksheets, exercises, tips, tools, checklists, and other easy-to-use and interactive learning aids, this title guides you through the entire strategic planning process."
Alexandria, Virginia: American Society for Training & Development, 2006
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sembiring, Vanny Marianta
"Pada saat sekarang ini baik organisasi swasta maupun milik pemerintah menghadapi sebuah situasi atau lingkungan yang tidak menentu, rnembingungkan dan penuh ancaman. Perubahan yang signifikan dapat berasal dari beberapa sumber, termasuk adanya pembahan kebijakan kesehatan tekanan ekonomi maupun tekanan pasar dalam Penelitian ini meneliti tentang aplikasi sebuah aiat fonnulasi rencana strategi yaitu Product Life Cycle. Konsep PLC adalah menunjukkan karakteristik atas variabel-variahei yang diteliti dan memberi alternative strategi utama pada setiap fasenya. Variabel tersebut adalah sales (pendapatan), profit, competitors, dan capital access dari RSDS. Penelitian ini merupakan suatu penelitian operasional dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dan kuantitatif.
Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah bahwa RSDS berada pada fase Growth pada kursus PLC. Dan strategi alternatif utama adaJah market development, product development, dan market penetration, yang dikembangkan menjadi beberapa altematif strategi. Sebagai kesimpulan atas penelitian ini ada1ah dipero1ehnya strategi terpilih yaitu pengadaan paket medical check up bagi perusahaan. Keputusan tersebut dihasilkan dalam sebuah diskusi Concessus Decision Making Group (CDMG).

At no previous time have both public and private health care institutions face a more turbulent,- confusing, and threatening environment. SJgnificant change wiH come from many sources, including health care reform policy intemalional as weli as domestic economic and market forces. demographic shifts lind lifestyle changes. and technological advanced within the health care industry. A health care organizations is influenced both by This research is an operational research by using qualitative and quantitative approach. The data comes from primer and secunder data.
As the result, Duren Saw1t Hospital is at the Growth Stage at the PLC curve. And the major alternative strategies are market development, product development, and market penetration. They are devetoped to be some alternative strategies and the conclusion of this research is that the main strategy for Duren Sawit Hospital is making the medical check up package for companies. The decision is achieved by Concessus Decision Making Group (CDMG).
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Didik Suhartono
"The management of communication sector which included government as a regulator and providing the service by operator and also other service provider, aimed to provide communication service which can fulfill intention and requirement of all public community not only in country, but also from and to foreign country.
In sea communication sub-sector, especially in port, the government through the revision from Government Regulation No. 7011996 become Government Regulation No. 6912001 has given the facility to stakeholder to be able to respond the situation that happened in liberalization, competition in globalization, transformation in reformation era and also the implementation of decentralization.
By the implementation of Government Regulation No. 6912001, PT. Pelabuhan Indonesia II, in managing port service in the future should positively done in improving income through good strategic management, because the challenge in the future in facing the competition is more competitive either in the country, for example of Local Government demand in order to make-up of Local Government Income and also competition which tend to ascend with other port in ASEAN, for example Port Of Singapore, Port of Kiang, Bintulu, Tanjung Pelepas, Hochi Minh, etc which have more efficient in operational performance.
In facing the competition which tend to global, it is needed the existence of reliable strategic management matching with existing strategic environment which able to assign value added to company growth, especially in make-up its income. This is the condition which need excellence compete in managing its business.
Therefore, in stimulating how the company could succeed in facing the competition in the future which tend to spread out, it is needed the existence of scenario planning of strategic management for company to know the situation happened in the next time, so that various policy which need to solve the condition could set up early.
This research is aiming to analyze how compilation process of scenario planning of strategic management of PT. Pelabuhan Indonesia II in facing the globalization, to show what factors were become resistor in creating excellence competition of the company in providing the port service, and also to explain what factors which can be developed to to create excellence competition in providing the port service.
The theory in this research, are taken from various literature, Internet websites and interview with all experts concerning the strategic management of PT. Pelabuhan Indonesia II to face the competition globally which analyzed with scenario planning approach.
This research are basically showing and describing all external and internal factors related to scenario planning of company which estimated that it can influence emulation of management of port that happened in the future. The approaches used in this research are qualitative approach, so that it can explain the reality or symptom which happened in business management in the future.
From the result of analysis, it can know that the decision of the strategic management of the company in the future very influenced by the decisions as a key factors for scenario input. Hereinafter, from the result of that analysis found that there are 10 factors which have high impact level and uncertainty of degree, which influence the compilation process of scenario, can divide to four clusters.
The conclusion of this research is there are four scenarios in developing PT. Pelabuhan Indonesia II base on most sensible strategic management in the future. Pursuant to interpretation, hence the scenario ?PT. Pelabuhan Indonesia II Berjaya? is the scenario which is more reliable happened in the future.
So that the scenario planning of strategic management of PT. Pelabuhan Indonesia II in facing the of globalization which have been compiled in this research become better and more objective, it is suggested to be continued with additional research by socialization or consulted with other related parties outside the company.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2004
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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