Consensus Statement of Standards for Interventional Cardiovascular Nursing Practice menetapkan domain standar praktik interventional keperawatan kardiovaskular meliputi mampu berfikir kritis dan menganalisis intervensi kardiovaskular dalam praktik keperawatan, terlibat dalam hubungan terapeutik dan hubungan profesional untuk meningkatkan pelayanan dan pengalaman dalam pemberian asuhan keperawatan. The dynamic nurse-patient relationship model telah digunakan sebagai teori dasar dalam memberikan asuhan keperawatan pada praktik keperawatan, yang menekankan prinsip-prinsip dasar pemikiran kritis, pendekatan yang berpusat pada klien intervensi serta berorientasi pada tujuan, dan penggunaan rekomendasi intervensi keperawatan berbasis bukti. Penerapan The dynamic nurse-patient relationship model pada praktik residensi menetapkan penurunan curah jantung sebagai diagnosis keperawatan utama pada pasien kelolaan utama dan 30 pasien lainnya, dengan cardiac care sebagai pilihan intervensi keperawatan untuk mengoptimalkan fungsi jantung dan menurunkan beban kerja jantung. CAM-ICU sebagai instrumen diagnostik memiliki keandalan yang sempurna untuk menilai delirium pasca pembedahan jantung (sensitifitas 100% dan spesitifitas 100%), lain halnya BHIS sebagai istrumen untuk menilai risiko kejadian SSI pasca pembedahan jantung memiliki keandalan yang sedang ( sensitifitas 70% dan spesitifitas 67%), artinya BHIS perlu dikembangkan kembali dengan memperhatikan faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan kejadian SSI.
The Consensus Statement of Standards for Interventional Cardiovascular Nursing Practice has established the standard domain of interventional cardiovascular nursing practices which includes the ability to think critically and to analyze cardiovascular interventions in nursing practice, engaging in therapeutic relationships and professional relationships to improve service and experience in providing nursing care. The dynamic nurse-patient relationship model has been used as a primary theory, providing nursing care approach into nursing practice which emphasizes the basic principles of critical thinking, client-centered and intervention-oriented approaches, and the use of evidence-based nursing intervention recommendations. The dynamic nurse-patient relationship model in residency practice establishes a decrease in cardiac output as the main nursing diagnosis in primary management patients and 30 other patients, with cardiac care as the choice of nursing intervention to optimize cardiac function and reduce cardiac workload. CAM-ICU as a diagnostic instrument has perfect reliability to assess delirium after cardiac surgery (100% sensitivity and 100% specificity). BHIS as an instrument to assess the risk of SSI events after cardiac surgery has moderate reliability (70% sensitivity and 67% specificity), meaning that BHIS needs to be developed by taking into account the factors related to SSI events.
Keywords: ida jean orlando, delirium, CAM-ICU, surgical site infection, cardiac surgery, low cardiac output, respiratory muscle training.
"Praktik ilmu keperawatan didasarkan hasil riset dan inovasi terbaru. Kualitas asuhan keperawatan ditentukan dari level pendidikan perawat. Perawat spesialis keperawatan medikal peminatan sistem kardiovaskuler berperan pemberi asuhan, edukator, peneliti, dan inovator. Praktik residensi Ners spesialis dilaksanakan selama 2 semester yang bertujuan melakukan peran ners spesialis dengan pendekatan konservasi. Asuhan keperawatan pada gangguan sistem kardiovaskuler menggunakan pendekatan model konsep konservasi Myra Estrin Levine. Asuhan keperawatan pada 30 kasus resume dan 1 kasus utama pada ADHF. Active Cycle of Breathing Technique (ACBT) diterapkan pada pasien paska bedah jantung untuk pemulihkan fungsi paru paska bedah jantung. Proyek inovasi rehabilitasi jantung fase I pada pasien sindrom koroner akut untuk pemulihan toleransi aktivitas. Hasil analisis praktik bahwa model konsep konservasi efektif diterapkan pada gangguan sistem kardiovaskuler untuk mempertahankan konservasi holistik, ACBT mampu memulihkan fungsi paru pasien paska bedah jantung, dan penerapan rehabilitasi jantung fase I mampu toleran terhadap aktivitas, dan standard prosedur operasional dapat dipahami, mudah dilaksanakan oleh pasien dan perawat.
The nursing science practice is based on research results and the most current innovations. The quality of nursing care is determined by the nurses education level. Nurses of medical surgical nursing specialist, whose specialty are for cardiovascular system disorder, have some roles which are as a care provider, educator, researcher, and innovator. The clinical residency practice is conducted for 2 semesters and aims to implement the roles of specialist nurse by applying a conservation model approach. The nursing care on cardiovascular system disorders is using Myra Levine Conservation model approach to 30 patients with various cardiovasculer disorders, which the primary case is ADHF. The active cycle of breathing technique is applied to postoperative cardiac surgery patients for pulmonary function recovery after a cardiac surgery. The phase I of cardiac rehabilitation is applied to acute coronary syndrome patients for activity tolerance recovery. The analysis practice result shows that the conservation model might be applied effectively to the nursing care for cardiovasculer disorders in order to maintain a holism conservation. The active cycle of breathing technique is able to aid pulmonary function recovery post cardiac surgery and the phase I of cardiac rehabilitation is able to aid for activities tolerance, and the standard operating procedures is able to be easily understood and implemented by the patients and nurses."