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Putri Tunjung Arafah
Rendahnya tingkat kepatuhan Wajib Pajak di Indonesia yang tercermin dalam tax ratio Indonesiayang relatif rendah dibandingkan dengan negara asia tenggara. Hal tersebut menjadikan Reinventing policy sebagai salah satu alternatif yang dikeluarkan pada pertengahan tahun 2015. Reinventing policy ditujukan untuk meningkatkan penerimaan, mendorong kepatuhan Wajib Pajak serta memperkuat basis data di Direktorat Jenderal Pajak DJP . Kebijakan ini memberi keringanan Wajib Pajak dengan mengurangi atau menghapus sanksi administrasi pajak melalui surat permohonan yang diatur dalam Peraturan Menteri Keuangan Nomor 91/PMK.03/2015. Skripsi ini merupakan studi kasus implementasi kebijakan reinventing policy di KPP PMA Lima dengan menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa implementasi kebijakan reinventing policy dikatakan tidak berhasil dalam meningkatkan penerimaan dan kepatuhan Wajib Pajak. Upaya yang telah dilakukan KPP PMA Lima dalam pelaksanaan kebijakan ini diantaranya melakukan sosialisasi, himbauan dan melakukan lembur di akhir batas pelaksanaan kebijakan.

The low level of tax compliance in Indonesia which is reflected in Indonesia 39 s tax ratio is relatively low compared with countries of Southeast Asia. It made Reinventing policy as an alternative released by government in mid 2015. Reinventing policy aimed at increasingtax revenue, tax compliance and also strenghten database at Directorate General of Taxation DJP . This policy gives relief taxpayer by reducing or removing the administrative sanction of taxes through petition regulated in Finance Minister Regulation No. 91 PMK.03 2015. This thesis is a case study implementation of reinventing policy in KPP PMA Lima using qualitative research methods. The results of this study indicate that implementation of reinventing policy has failed in increasing tax revenues and tax compliance. In optimizing this policy, the tax office undertakes socialization activities, provide appeal to taxpayer and do overtime at the end of utilization limit of reinventing policy."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Chandika Budi Novandra
"Konfirmasi Status Wajib Pajak (KSWP) merupakan suatu kebijakan yang melibatkan sinergi antar Instansi Pemerintah untuk meningkatkan kepatuhan Wajib Pajak di Indonesia secara kolaboratif. Kebijakan KSWP meningkatkan kapabilitas Direktorat Jenderal Pajak untuk mendeteksi ketidakpatuhan Wajib Pajak serta membantu dalam pembentukan basis data perpajakan yang kuat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis implementasi kebijakan KSWP sebagai upaya peningkatan kepatuhan Wajib Pajak di lingkungan Pemerintah Kota Bogor. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitaif dengan paradigma post-positivist, dengan mengacu pada model implementasi kebijakan publik Merilee S. Grindle. Data yang dikumpulkan berbentuk data kualitatif, yang ditranskrip dan dianalisis dengan metode successive approximation. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa implementasi kebijakan KSWP di lingkungan Pemerintah Kota Bogor dapat digolongkan ke dalam kategori berhasil karena lingkungan implementasi yang mendukung serta kesiapan sumber daya yang dimiliki oleh Pemerintah Kota Bogor, tetapi dengan catatan rendahnya tingkat pengetahuan Dinas Penanaman Modal dan Pelayanan Terpadu Satu Pintu Kota Bogor terhadap kebijakan KSWP.

Tax Clearance Simplified System (KSWP) is a policy that involves synergy between Government Institution to improve taxpayer compliance in Indonesia collaboratively. This policy enhances the capability of the Directorate General of Taxes to detect taxpayer disobedience and helps in establishing a strong taxation database. This study aims to analyze the implementation of KSWP policies as an effort to increase taxpayer compliance in the City Government of Bogor. This study uses a quantitative approach with the post-positivist paradigm, with reference to the Merilee S. Grindle public policy implementation model. Data collected in the form of qualitative data, which are transcribed and analyzed by successive approximation methods. The results showed that the implementation of the KSWP policy within the City Government of Bogor could be categorized as a success because of the supportive implementation environment and readiness of resources owned by the City Government of Bogor, but with a note of the low level of knowledge of the Bogor City One Stop Service and Integrated Services (DPMPTSP Kota Bogor) towards KSWP policies."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sinaga, Cintya Evelyn Mustika Sari
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi penerapan aplikasi e-Bupot 23/26 dalam membantu memenuhi kewajiban PPh 23/26 dari persepsi wajib pajak. Dan melihat efektivitas aplikasi e-Bupot 23/26 terhadap kepatuhan pajak berdasarkan rasio tingkat pelaporan tepat waktu dan rasio tingkat pembayaran tepat waktu. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada KPP PMA 4 dengan pendekatan studi kasus menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa wajib pajak menilai aplikasi e-Bupot 23/26 merupakan aplikasi perpajakan yang lebih baik dibandingkan dengan e-SPT 23/26. Meskipun demikian, Dirjen Pajak masih perlu melakukan peningkatan dan penyempurnaan pada aplikasi e-Bupot 23/26. Dan hasil penelitian dari trend kepatuhan pajak dalam penggunaan aplikasi e-Bupot 23/26 pada masa Januari 2019 - September 2020 cenderung tinggi namun memasuki tahun 2020 mengalami fluklutasi trend yang mengarah kepada penurunan rasio kepatuhan pajak.

This research aims to evaluate the implementation of the e-Bupot 23/26 application in helping to meet the taxpayer's PPh 23/26 obligations from the perception of taxpayers. And see the effectiveness of the e-Bupot 23/26 application on tax compliance based on the ratio of filling compliance and payment compliance. This research was conducted at KPP PMA 4 with a case study approach using a qualitative descriptive method. The results of this study indicate that taxpayers consider the e-Bupot 23/26 application to be a better tax application than e-SPT 23/26. Even so, the Director General of Taxes still needs to make improvements and refinements to the 23/26 e-Bupot application. And the results of tax compliance trend in the use of the e-Bupot 23/26 application in the January 2019 - September 2020 tend to be high, but entering 2020 there is fluctuation that leads to a decrease in the tax compliance ratio."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Selvi Arsanti
"Saat ini kebanyakan wajib pajak sudah memahami kegunaan internet dengan berbagai kemudahannya. Inilah yang mendorong penciptaan bentuk pelayanan perpajakan berbasis internet. Terdapat tiga aplikasi sistem informasi berbasis internet yang telah dikembangkan dan diluncurkan Ditjen Pajak sejak tahun 2005, yaitu sistem pendaftaran wajib pajak dengan aplikasi e-regristration, sistem pembayaran pajak dengan e-payment, dan sistem pelaporan pajak dengan aplikasi e-Filing. Terobosan e-system ini tidak lain sebagai bagian dari reformasi perpajakan khususnya administrasi perpajakan. e-Filing adalah penyampaian Surat Pemberitahuan Masa (SPT Masa) atau Surat Pemberitahuan Tahunan (SPT Tahunan) yang berbentuk formulir elektronik dalam media komputer (e-SPT) melalui internet secara online real time. SPT ini berbentuk formulir elektronik yang ditransfer atau disampaikan ke Ditjen Pajak melalui website www.pajak.go.id atau perusahaan Penyedia Jasa Aplikasi (Aplicatian Service Provider atau ASP).
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis pelaksanaan penerapan e-Filing dalam pelaporan SPT Tahunan PPh Orang Pribadi di KPP Pratama Bogor ditinjau dari asas kepastian hukum dan asas ease of tax administration and compliance; mengetahui hambatan yang dihadapi KPP Pratama Bogor dalam pelaksanaan pelaporan SPT Tahunan SPT PPh Orang Pribadi dengan menggunakan aplikasi e-Filing; serta menjelaskan upaya yang dilakukan KPP Bogor mengatasi hambatan yang dihadapi dalam pelaporan SPT Tahunan PPh Orang Pribadi dengan menggunakan aplikasi e-Filing.
Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan Pelaksanaan e-Filing dalam pelaporan SPT Tahunan PPh Wajib Pajak Orang Pribadi di KPP Pratama Bogor belum ada kepastian hukum, sedangkan ditinjau dari asas ease of administration and compliance dari sisi wajib pajak sangat tercermin dalam kemudahan pelaporan e-Filing tersebut, karena wajib pajak sudah tidak perlu lagi antri dan repot dengan berkas-berkas kertas. Begitu juga dari sisi fiskus, mereka sangat terbantu dengan adanya e-filing, karena sudah tidak perlu lagi melakukan perekaman data SPT, dan lain-lain. Tetapi di satu sisi dengan adanya SPT LB yang pada hakekatnya adalah SPT Nihil justru menambah beban kerja aparat pajak serta seringnya terjadi gangguan dalam akses ke website Ditjen Pajak membuat pelaksanaan e-Filing menjadi terhambat.

Currently most taxpayers already understand the usefulness of the Internet with various ease. This prompted the creation of an Internet-based form of taxation services. There are three applications of Internet-based information system that has been developed and launched the Directorate General of Taxation since 2005, the taxpayer registration system with the application of e-regristration, payment systems with e-payment of tax, and the tax reporting system with e-Filing. Breakthrough e-system is not another as part of a tax reform tax administration in particular. e-Filing is the delivery of the Notice Period (return period) or Notice of Annual (Annual SPT) in the form of an electronic form in computer media (e-SPT) over the internet in real time online. SPT is shaped electronic form transferred or delivered to the Directorate General of Taxes through the website www.pajak.go.id or Application Service Provider (Aplicatian Service Provider or ASP).
The purpose of this study was to analyze the implementation of e-Filing in the reporting of Annual Income Tax Personal in KPP Pratama Bogor in terms of the principle of legal certainty and ease of tax administration and compliance; know the constraints faced in the implementation of reporting SPT by using the e-Filing application; and the efforts of KPP Pratama Bogor overcome obstacles faced in implementation of e-Filing.
This study used a qualitative approach. The results indicate the implementation of e-Filing in KPP Pratama Bogor no legal certainty, while in terms of the principle of ease of administration and compliance of the taxpayer is strongly reflected in the ease of reporting the e-Filing, because taxpayers no longer need to queue and hassle with paper files. So also from the tax authorities, they were greatly assisted by the e-filing, because it was no longer perform SPT data recording, and others. But on the one hand with the SPT LB which is essentially nil tax return will increase the burden of work and the tax authorities of frequent interruptions in access to the website of the Directorate General of Taxation makes the implementation of e-Filing to be blocked."
Jakarta: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yuyun Margaret
"Kepatuhan pajak adalah perilaku kompleks yang berdasarkan hasil-hasil riset telah terbukti adanya beberapa faktor yang bisa mendorong dan menahan wajib pajak dari memenuhi kewajiban pajak mereka. Namun upaya Indonesia dalam menangani masalah ketidak-patuhan selama ini sangat terbatas pada reformasi administrasi perpajakan dan pencegahan secara hukum, tanpa mengindahkan interaksi antara moral pajak, legitimasi politik, dan pertukaran fiskal yang baik secara gabungan maupun independen mempengaruhi perilaku kepatuhan pajak. Gagasan pajak sebagai bentuk kontrak sosial antara wajib pajak dan pemerintah yang berwenang semakin diterima oleh masyarakat luas dan dengan demikian perlu adannya upaya untuk menelusuri persepsi legitimasi politik dan pertukaran fiskal dari persepsi wajib pajak di Indonesia.
Penelitian kuantitatif ini dilakukan dengan populasi sampel wajib pajak dalam satu kantor pelayanan pajak yang tingkat ketidak-patuhan formal salah satu tertinggi di Jakarta. Responden memiliki moral pajak cukup tinggi meskipun mereka kurang puas dengan pemerintah atau lembaga publik serta dengan barang dan jasa publik. Perilaku kepatuhan responden dan moral pajak bervariasi tergantung pada indikator yang diukur. Persepsi pada perilaku kepatuhan orang lain berbanding terbalik dengan perilaku kepatuhan responden. Penerimaan terhadap perilaku ketidakpatuhan adalah prediktor yang lumayan akurat untuk menentukan kepatuhan responden yang sebenarnya.
Dampak dari legitimasi politik dan pertukaran fiskal pada kepatuhan formal bervariasi tergantung pada item yang diukur. Persepsi tentang korupsi dan keterwakilan tidak mempengaruhi perilaku kepatuhan, sementara tingkat kepercayaan pada pemerintah dan kemampuan pemerintah untuk mengelola pengeluaran penerimaan pajak berdampak positif kepatuhan formal. Dalam kategori pertukaran fiskal, wajib pajak yang patuh lebih kritis dalam menilai 'manfaat' yang mereka terima di seluruh wilayah diukur yaitu: kesehatan, pendidikan, infrastruktur, penanganan kejahatan dan korupsi.

Tax compliance is a multi-faceted behaviour, previous studies have recognised and proven there are factors which entices and hold taxpayers back from fulfilling their tax obligations. However Indonesia's effort in tackling noncompliance issue has been limited on tax administration reform and deterrence factors. Meanwhile the interaction between tax morale, political legitimacy, and fiscal exchange which compoundingly (or individually) affect a person tax compliance behaviour have not been given much attention to. The notion of tax as a form social contract between taxpayer and governing authority is more wellreceived and thus it is necessary to address the issue of political legitimacy and fiscal exchange from Indonesia's taxpayers perception.
This quantitative study has come to conclusion that sample population of taxpayers in one tax service office with highest non-compliant rate have moderately high tax morale even though they are dissatisfied with government or public institution as well as with the public goods and services. Respondents' compliance behaviour and tax morale vary depending on the tax morale indicators measured. The perception on other people's compliance behaviour inversely proportional to the respondents' compliance behaviour; acceptance on noncompliance behaviour however is a better predictor for how the respondents' actual compliance behaviour are.
The impact of political legitimacy and fiscal exchange on formal compliance vary depending on each particular items. Perception on corruption and representativeness does not seem to impact compliance behaviour Meanwhile confidence level in government and government's ability to manage tax revenue expenditure does positively impact formal compliance. In fiscal exchange category, the result suggests that compliant taxpayers are more critical in judging the 'benefits' they receive across the measured area which are: healthcare, education, infrastructure, handling of crime and corruption."
Jakarta: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yan Ardyanto
"Penerimaan negara dari sektor pajak dari tahun ke tahun mengalami peningkatan. Pentingnya pendapatan dari pajak ini dapat dilihat dalam trend persentase sumbangan perolehan pajak bagi APBN. Pemeriksaan pajak sebagai salah satu bagian dari administrasi pajak, dalam tujuannya untuk meningkatkan kepatuhan wajib pajak, merupakan hal yang selalu dikritisi karena hubungannya yang sangat "erat" dengan masyarakat, dalam hal ini sebagai wajib pajak yang diperiksa. Masyarakat menilai cara kerja dan kualitas aparat Ditjen Pajak tidak profesional dan cenderung mengandalkan kekuasaan.
Tujuan penulisan tesis ini adalah untuk menganalisa kebijakan pemeriksaan pajak di Indonesia dan implementasinya, menguraikan permasalahan yang timbul dan melakukan analisis untuk mengatasi masalah yang timbul ditinjau dari prinsip kesetaraan antara wajib pajak dan fiskus.
Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penulisan tesis ini adalah metode deskriptif analistis, dengan teknik pengumpulan data berupa studi kepustakaan dan studi lapangan melalui participant observation dan wawancara dengan pihak pihak terkait. Dari hasil pembahasan diperoleh bahwa banyak hal- hal yang perlu dikaji lebih jauh dan dilakukan perubahan dalam hal kebijakan pemeriksaan pajak di Indonesia dan implementasinya. Reformasi perpajakan, peningkatan kepatuhan sukarela, perubahan ketentuan perundang- undangan untuk lebih menjamin keadilan dan kepastian hukum dan perlindungan terhadap hak wajib pajak bisa meningkatkan kesetaraan antara wajib pajak dan fiskus.

From the beginning of Tax Payer Compliance Policy from 2001, the progress its implementation is not very good. It is proven from the fact that the amount of tax payer compliance compare to registered tax payer is very low according to data in 2001 it is only 0,008%. Based on that fact, it needs to examine why the policy is not functioned well and what are the factors that influence the implementation of the policy.
The aim of the research is to identify the tax payer compliance policy and its implementation especially in the Office of Tax Services for Foreign Investment one and the District Office of General Directorate of Tax Special Jakarta. It aims to define the problem that rises from the implementation of the policy.
The research uses the method of descriptive analysis with literature only and field study to interview related sources as data collection technique. From the analysis it is found that there are many things of the policy and its implementation that Must be explored and changed. The study relates several factors that detain the implementation of the policy in term of the tax payer and other factors. Other thing discussed in the research is the influence of the policy on tax auditing and the Nation of the policy and the voluntarily compliance."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nafisyah Masnamala
"Saldo piutang pajak di Indonesia meningkat setiap tahun. Hal ini mencerminkan Wajib Pajak belum mematuhi seluruh kewajiban pajaknya. Salah satu upaya untuk meningkatkan kepatuhan Wajib Pajak yaitu dengan tindakan penagihan pajak termasuk pemblokiran rekening keuangan Penanggung Pajak. Pemblokiran dimaksudkan untuk memberikan konsekuensi hukum bagi Penanggung Pajak yang melanggar ketentuan pajak, sehingga menciptakan efek jera dan mendorong kepatuhan pajak. Berdasarkan permasalahan tersebut, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pemblokiran harta kekayaan Penanggung pajak ditinjau dari deterrence effect menurut Beccaria (1963) yaitu certainty, celerity, dan severity dan dampak pemblokiran terhadap kepatuhan formal dan material dari Wajib Pajak. Data primer kualitatif berupa wawancara dengan Juru Sita KPP Pratama Jakarta Setiabudi Satu dan Wajib Pajak untuk mengetahui aspek deterrence effect dari pemblokiran serta wawancara dengan Account Representative untuk mengetahui dampak pemblokiran terhadap kepatuhan Wajib Pajak setelah pemblokiran. Data sekunder berupa data kepatuhan formal juga digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa aspek certainty pemblokiran tidak memberikan deterrence effect bagi Wajib Pajak, Aspek celerity dan severity pemblokiran memberikan deterrence effect bagi Wajib Pajak, namun deterrence effect dalam aspek severity harus memenuhi beberapa kondisi yang harus dipenuhi. Dampak pemblokiran harta kekayaan Penanggung Pajak belum tercermin dalam kepatuhan formal dan kepatuhan material di KPP Pratama Jakarta Setiabudi Satu.

The tax receivables in Indonesia increases every year. This reflects that taxpayers have not complied with all their tax obligations. One effort to increase Taxpayer compliance is by tax collection actions including blocking the Tax Insurer's financial account. Financial account blocking is intended to provide legal consequences for Tax Insurers who violate tax provisions, thereby creating a deterrent effect and encouraging tax compliance. Based on these problems, this research aims to analyze the blocking of tax insurers’ financial assets in terms of the deterrence effect according to Beccaria (1963), namely certainty, celerity, and severity and the impact of blocking on formal and material compliance of taxpayers. Qualitative primary data in the form of interviews with the KPP Pratama Jakarta Setiabudi Satu Bailiff and the Taxpayer to determine the deterrence effect aspect of the financial account blocking as well as interviews with Account Representatives to determine the impact of the financial account blocking on Taxpayer compliance after that. Secondary data in the form of formal compliance data was also used in this research. The results of the analysis show that the certainty aspect of financial account blocking does not provide a deterrence effect for Taxpayers. The celerity and severity aspects of financial account blocking provide a deterrence effect for Taxpayers, however the deterrence effect in the severity aspect must fulfill several conditions that must be met. The impact of blocking the Tax Insurer's assets has not been reflected in formal compliance and material compliance at KPP Pratama Jakarta Setiabudi Satu."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"In APBN Year 2002-2003 tax income gave 70%-80% contribution for state income, which Income tax gave the biggest contribution about 50%. Therefore to improve tax income from income taxes in the future, to be needed by the improvement of taxpayer compliance. According to the above statement, hence factors influencing the compliance of taxpayer in filling corporate income tax return is an interesting issue to be researched.
Corporate income tax return filling arranged in Act of Republic of Indonesia No. 16 year 2000 (KUP) concerning: tax return, Bookkeeping, Inspection and Sanction. And Act of Republic Of Indonesia No. 17 year 2000 (income tax) about * calculation in tax liability. And guide of execution of admission filling of corporate income tax return Decision of DIP No. KEP-185IPJ./2003. The fundamental of problems is how far tax payer comprehend Law and Regulation of Taxation including the ability of conducting fiscal correction of financial statement base on calculation taxes amount owed to be filed in tax return, and what kind of effort which have been conducted by DJP to push voluntary compliance creation (compliance voluntary) of taxpayer in filling tax return.
In developing theoretical framework, research taken is library a research. The knowledge and ability of Taxpayer in comprehending and laws application and Regulation of Taxation is the main variable which influence compliance of 'Taxpayer in filling tax return. Counseling and also inspection is an important matter for DIP so that tax payer feel to be observed and will request to fulfill accountability of responsibility in filling tax return using Self Assessment system.
Research type used is qualitative with analytical descriptive. Method data collecting is "quota sampling" to be held an interview with by using guidance of interview at tax payer, tax consultant, even at Functionary of DJP which related to admission the filling of corporate income tax return. The result of the Research analyzed and reported in tabular, composition and descriptive.
Research result shows the existence of high impact between knowledge and ability of Taxpayer to comprehend and laws application and Regulation of Taxation, to the compliance of in filling income tax return. Role of inspection and counseling by DJP have a big impact in realizing compliance of level of tax payer in filling income tax return. Policy of giving the predicate of "Obedient tax payer" by DJP, to motivate obedient tax payer so that, this program not yet so drawn for most tax payer because do not influence tariff of tax payment.
Analysis to research finding show that: Formal compliance of tax payer in submitting income tax return in KPP Bekasi is only 30% from amount of income tax return which enlist, and among which have submitted income tax return the 64% is zero tax return. For the measurement of accuracy calculation in tax liability in tax return seen from ability of tax payer in conducting fiscal correction to financial statement only 25% from tax payer the research, consist of " Obedient tax payer" and " Regular tax payer submit tax return", and this tax payer there no correction of tax officer after checked_ From this finding result earn requested that there is still lower mount compliance of tax payer in filling corporate income return. Added again with limitation of DJP Resources in conducting inspection to corporate income tax return, hence tax potency owed by which not yet dug by in KPP Bekasi is still high.
Conclusion, that knowledge and ability of tax payer for the application of Law and Regulation of Taxation influence compliance of tax payer in filling seen corporate income tax return of result inspection of tax officer to tax return submitted by tax payer most unable to fulfill the laws and regulation of Taxation. Strive counseling of DJP to socialize Law and Regulation of Taxation there are, but not yet reached entire/all levels of taxpayer. And activity of inspection by DJP still limited and prioritized to overpaid tax return, condition of this also give opportunity for tax payer which tend to avoid Tax, to submit underpaid tax return in order not to be object of inspection. To improve compliance of tax payer in filling tax return repair there must be from both parties, first tax payer have to improve the knowledge of comprehending rule of legislation of Tax to fill corporate income tax return. Both of DJP as Stakeholders running role to improve acceptance of Tax better progressively fraternize in giving counseling but coherent in executing inspection by totally to all tax payer, therefore shall DJP conduct inspection pursuant to data of DJP alone is not pursuant to restitution, and in management and inspection of corporate income tax return use information technology system like sketch which have in format by DJP, so that tax payer feel to be observed and asked the accurate is calculation of and accountable and also responsible in filling tax return using the system of self assessment."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2004
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yohanes Sigit Subandriawan
"Milka Casanegra denotes that "Tax Administration is Tax Policy". It means tax administration dictates tax policy (Brooks). The developed as well as developing countries have the same challenges in improving tax compliance to increase their revenue capacity; and for that purpose tax reform will be a mantra of tax modernization. The objective of tax reform is different between developing countries and developed countries. For the latest, beside to respond the increased market economy the tax reform is aimed to improve the number of taxpayers.
Tax reform in Indonesia launched in 1983 characterized by the application 'of the self assessment system in its tax regime. Citing the Gillis's, Gunadi says that the tax reform in Indonesia is phenomenal and monumental because it not only has the clear goals for improving tax administration and facilitating taxpayers compliance but also will be the road to create the tax voluntary compliance in the future. Directorate General .of Tax (DGT) as the tax authority in Indonesia envisages being a public service model that operates the world class tax system and management. Achieving that vision, DGT formulated-the-Medium-term-Tax Reform Policy (3-5 years) in 2001 which, amongst other, placed the attention on taxpayer service programs, i.e. The Tax Service Improvement Program and The Development of Excellent Service Program. In short, these programs focused on accessibility improvement for the taxpayers to report, update, pay, consult, get assistance, and gain information about tax. This will be achieved by the development of the office automation, creation of advanced multimedia access, and improvement of the service capacity of their human resources.
The interesting question is to which extend those taxpayers service programs.have made impact on taxpayers compliance? The central focus of this thesis tries to answer this issue. However, due to the complexity of the compliance matter, this study has several limitations such as (i) the unit analysis is narrowed only to one local tax office (Kantor Pelayanan Pajak1KPP), (ii) the respondents are limited only for the corporate-type taxpayers, (iii) the data used is cross-section instead of time series, and (iv) the model excludes other important determinants that reflect the enforcement approaches such as tax audit, effectiveness of sanction, and tax automation as well.
The theories used to construct the research model are (i) Theory of Tax Compliance, (ii) Theory of Service Quality, and (iii) other contemporary study in the public administration. Research conducted by Price Waterhouse which measured the impact of IRS's Taxpayers Assistance Program to the level of tax compliance in 1989 concluded that the program plays significant role in improving taxpayers compliance. Studying several researches that developed the tax compliance measurements, this study adopts the Adam Forest's qualitative indicators, i.e. both (i) the occurrence of overstating the cost, and (ii) the occurrence of concealing the income by taxpayers. The measurements of service quality used in this study are combination of the service quality indicators developed by Parasuraman and the service quality principles remarked by David Osborne.
The methodology employed in this study is social research. Data collected by using questionnaire instruments, and treated as quantitative (interval). Beside descriptive analysis, this study also uses statistical analysis (multivariate analysis) to conclude the degree of causal-effect between the quality service in the programs and the compliance. All data processing uses SPSS release 10.
The study concludes that (i) there is correlation between the tax service quality in the programs and the level of taxpayers compliance. However, the regression model shows that the service quality variables are not strongly able (only 25,61%) to explain the degree of compliance as reflected in the low value of determination coefficient (R2), (ii) the model expresses that there are three service quality measurements which have significant influence to the tax compliance, i.e. (a) the physical appearance of tax-office building, (b) the fairness of tax officers in servicing, and (c) the simple implementation of service procedures. The low R2 mentioned above reflects the weakness of Taxpayers Service Program in affecting taxpayers compliance. However, as argued by Gill, the tax reform demands a comprehensive tax policy instruments. Taxpayers service is only a part of strategy to raise tax compliance beside other vast activities such as tax campaign, tax education, etc. Meanwhile, another strategy is aimed to eradicate the noncompliance taxpayers by enforcement activities e.g.: tax auditing, sanction fostering, administration automation, etc. Therefore, this study suggests the further study might take into account those important activities in the analysis model in order to obtain the clearer picture on how to increase taxpayers compliance.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"[Penelitian ini membahas mengenai efektivitas pelaksanaan sosialisasi perpajakan terkait E-Faktur terhadap Wajib Pajak yang diselenggarakan oleh KPP Pratama Jakarta Pancoran. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui apakah sosialisasi telah berjalan secara efektif dalam meningkatkan kepatuhan Wajib Pajak dengan tercapainya tujuan dan manfaat. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan desain deskriptif. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini dilakukan melalui kuesioner dengan Wajib Pajak dan wawancara terstruktur dengan Account Representative di KPP Pratama Jakarta Pancoran. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sosialisasi perpajakan terkait E-Faktur telah berjalan cukup efektif meskipun masih ditemukannya faktor-faktor yang menghambat efektivitas dari sisi Wajib Pajak dan Direktorat Jenderal Pajak. Dengan demikian diharapkan adanya peran aktif dari Account Representative, KPP Pratama Jakarta Pancoran, maupun Kantor Pusat DJP untuk melakukan perbaikan secara terus-menerus dalam penyelenggaraan sosialisasi perpajakan.

This study discusses the effectiveness of the implementation of socialization related taxation E-Faktur against taxpayer held by KPP Pratama Jakarta Pancoran. The aim of this study was to determine whether sosialization was effective in improving taxpayer compliance with the achievement of the goals and benefits. This research is a qualitative descriptive design. The approach used in this research was conducted through a questionnaire with taxpayer and a structured interview with the Account Representative at KPP Pratama Jakarta Pancoran. The results showed that the taxation-related socialization E-Faktur has been running quite effectively while still finding the factors that hinder the effectiveness from the taxpayer and DJP. It is expected the active role of Account Representative, KPP Pratama Jakarta, and DJP to make continuous
improvements in socialization taxation., This study discusses the effectiveness of the implementation of socialization
related taxation E-Faktur against taxpayer held by KPP Pratama Jakarta
Pancoran. The aim of this study was to determine whether sosialization was
effective in improving taxpayer compliance with the achievement of the goals and
benefits. This research is a qualitative descriptive design. The approach used in
this research was conducted through a questionnaire with taxpayer and a
structured interview with the Account Representative at KPP Pratama Jakarta
Pancoran. The results showed that the taxation-related socialization E-Faktur
has been running quite effectively while still finding the factors that hinder the
effectiveness from the taxpayer and DJP. It is expected the active role of Account
Representative, KPP Pratama Jakarta, and DJP to make continuous
improvements in socialization taxation.]
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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