Kata Kunci : Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI), fungsi seksual, perempuan menopause. ......Menopause is a point in a series of life stages for women and marks the end of their reproductive period. Anatomically and functionally there will be changes that affect sexual function in menopausal women. This study aims to describe the sexual function of postmenopausal women in Bedahan Village using a descriptive survey method with a cross-sectional method the instrument to be used in this study uses the Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI). With a total sample of 122 respondents. The results of the study showed that 74.59% % had risk of sexual dysfunction and 25.41% had normal sexual function. The results of this study use analysis Chi- Square and Spearman Rank Correlation Coefficient is results that there is a relationship between age showed p-value 0.047 and the level of education sexual which showed p-value 0.041. Counseling and discussions on sexual issues need to be carried out as an effort to provide knowledge and health education for women of menopausal age and those who have not yet entered menopause in order to understand sexual problems that occur.
Hasil: Terdapat total 36 pasien silikonoma penis yang direkonstruksi dengan tandur kulit, dan 19 pasien bersedia untuk ikut serta pada penelitian ini. Dari total pasien, 16 (84,2%) pasien memiliki fungsi seksual yang normal, 2 (10,5%) mengalami disfungsi ereksi ringan dan 1 (5,3) mengalami disfungsi ereksi ringan-sedang.
Kesimpulan: Pasien dengan silikonoma penis yang mendapatkan rekonstruksi dengan penutupan defek menggunakan tandur kulit memiliki fungsi seksual jangka panjang yang baik, sehingga dapat digunakan sebagai opsi penutupan defek.