ABSTRAKMenopause merupakan periode normal pada perempuan ditandai dengan berhentinya siklus menstruasi selama 12 bulan. Menopause mengakibatkan organ reproduksi secara anatomi dan fungsi berubahsehingga mempengaruhi fungsi seksual perempuan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengambarkan fungsi seksual perempuan menopause di Kelurahan Depok dan Pancoran Mas,menggunakan metode survei deskriptif, cross-sectional,dengan sampel sebanyak 106 responden, dipilih secara consecutive sampling. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah Female Sexual Function Index. Hasil penelitian dengan analisis univariat menunjukkan bahwa 90,6 % memiliki resiko disfungsi seksual, sedangkan 9,4% memiliki fungsi seksual normal. Penyuluhan dan konseling masalah seksualitas penting dilakukan sebagai upaya memberikan pendidikan kesehatan bagi perempuan usia menopause.
ABSTRACTMenopause is a normal period when menstrual cycle was absent for twelve monthsconsecutively. Menopause causes reproduction organs to change anatomically and functionally thus affects female sexual function. In response, this research was conducted to describe the characteristics and sexual function of menopausal woman in Depok and Pancoran Mas sub-districts.It uses descriptive survey design with cross-sectional approach on 106 respondents chosen by consecutive sampling technique. The respondents were interviewed usingFemale Sexual Function Index. Findings, with univariat analysis, demonstrates that 90,6 % respondents have risk for sexual dysfunction while only 9,4 % repondents have normal sexual function. This research suggests it is important to conduct seminar and counseling activitiesregarding sexuality issues as an effort to educate menopausal woman.