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Ditemukan 10 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Yokebed Triwigati
Abstrak :
Penelitian mengenai Analisis Wacana Iklan Indonesia ditujukan untuk mempelajari keutuhan wacana iklan dan unsur persuasifnya. Penelitian dilakukan dengan cara mcnganalisis sejumlah data yang dipilih melalui pengelompokan wacana iklan yang sering muncul dalam majalah Ayahbunda selama tahun 1995. Melalui penelitian ini diperoleh aspek yang membangun keutuhan wacana iklan, yaitu aspek leksikal, gramatikal dan semantik. Selain itu juga diperoleh unsur yang membangun wacana iklan yang bersifat persuasif.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 1999
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hastin Melur Maharti
Abstrak :
Intervensi ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan tingkah laku volunteering calon sukarelawan pada komunitas SA Cijantung. Berdasarkan studi baseline, motivasi adalah faktor terbesar yang mempengaruhi keputusan individu dibandingkan helping personality dan social support. Atas dasar ini, penulis menggunakan teknik intervensi pesan persuasif berbasis fungsi motivasi dan invoking the selfdengan menggunakan sebuah poster elektronik yang dikirimkan melalui media komunikasi whatsapp. Desain intervensi ini adalah field experimental between subject group design dengan perhitungan tingkah laku selama empat minggu terhadap 137 partisipan di wilayah Jabodetabek. Evaluasi intervensi menggunakan uji Chi-square dan Kruskal-Wallis menunjukan bahwa teknik intervensi pesan persuasif berbasis fungsi motivasi dipadukan dengan invoking the self secara signifikan lebih efektif meningkatkan tingkah laku volunteeringuntuk calon sukarelawan dibandingkan dengan teknik pesan persuasif berbasis fungsi motivasi saja (p < .05, p = .000), namun tidak signifikan meningkatkan tingkah lakuvolunteering sukarelawan secara berkelanjutan (p > .05, p= .301). 
This intervention aimed to increase the volunteering behavior for prospective volunteers in the SA Cijantung community. Based on baseline studies, motivation is the most impactful factor than helping personality and social support. Two intervention techniques in this research are motivational function-based persuasive message and invoking the-self by using electronic poster that is sent through whatsapp. The intervention design is field experimental between subject group-design with four weeks behaviour assessment. Intervention evaluation is using Chi-square test and Kruskal-Wallis to 137 participants in Jabodetabek show that motivational function-based persuasive message collaborated with invoking the self is significantly effective in increasing volunteering behaviour for the prospect volunteer, compared than motivational based-persuasive message only (p < .05, p = .000), but not significant increase volunteering behaviour continuously (p > .05, p = .301).
[;;, ]: 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Miranda Adhli Fahira
Abstrak :
Upaya meyakinkan seseorang dikenal dengan istilah persuasi. Setelah penutur bahasa meyampaikan tuturan persuasif, seyogianya tuturan tersebut berhasil meyakinkan mitra tuturnya. Namun, tampaknya agen properti tidak hanya mengucapkan tuturan persuasifnya sekali. Berdasarkan pencermatan awal, tampaknya agen properti menyampaikan tuturan persuasifnya berkali-kali, ia menyampaikan sekuens (urutan) tuturan persuasif kepada calon pembeli. Oleh karena itu, sekuens tuturan persuasif agen properti kepada calon pembeli menarik untuk dicermati. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan realisasi dan karakteristik sekuens tuturan persuasif bahasa Jepang dalam penjualan properti. Data yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah 12 percakapan yang mengandung sekuens persuasif. Data itu diperoleh dari drama Jepang Ie Uru Onna. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa sekuens tuturan persuasif oleh agen properti kepada calon pembeli dapat dikategorikan menjadi (i) Sekuens tuturan persuasif dengan eksplikatur, (ii) Sekuens tuturan persuasif dengan implikatur, dan (iii) Sekuens tuturan persuasif dengan eksplikatur dan implikatur. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa agen properti cenderung mengujarkan tuturan persuasifnya berkali-kali. Sekuens tuturan persuasif yang paling banyak digunakan adalah sekuens tuturan persuasif dengan implikatur. Dengan kata lain, agen properti cenderung menyampaikan beberapa kali tuturan persuasif yang disertai alasan agar persuasi berhasil. ......The effort to convince someone is known as persuasion. After the speaker delivers a persuasive speech, the speech should successfully convince his/her speech partner. However, it seems that real estate agents do not only utter their persuasive speech only once. Based on the initial observation, it seems that the real estate agents utter their persuasive speech many times, they deliver persuasive speech sequence to convince potential buyers. Therefore, the persuasive speech sequence by real estate agents to potential buyers are interesting to observe. This study aims to explain the realization and characteristics of Japanese persuasive speech sequence in property sales. The research data consists of 12 conversations containing persuasive sequence. The datas were obtained from Japanese drama Ie Uru Onna. This study found that persuasive speech sequence by real estate agents to potential buyers can be categorized into (i) persuasive speech sequence with explicatures, (ii) persuasive speech sequence with implicatures, and (iii) persuasive speech sequence with explicatures and implicatures. The analysis results indicate that real estate agents tend to repeatedly deliver their persuasive speech. The most frequently used persuasive speech sequence is the one with implicature. In other words, real estate agents tend to convey persuasive speech multiple times, accompanied by reasons, in order to achieve successful persuasion.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Qisty Amanda Deviacita
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui strategi komunikasi persuasi dalam relationship marketing yang dilakukan oleh pelaku bisnis network marketing khususnya enterpriser HDI di dalam memasarkan bisnis di masa pandemi Covid-19. Relationship marketing dan taktik persuasif memiliki peran dalam menyebarkan informasi yang dapat membangun kedekatan serta memotivasi para member dalam bisnis network marketing. Enterpriser melakukan pemasaran melalui media sosial Instagram dengan pendekatan yang lebih soft melalui sharing, membangun bonding dan personal branding dengan memperlihatkan komunitas positif, serta mempersuasi dengan menggali ketakutan positif. Pemasaran melalui media sosial Instagram mempermudah percepatan bisnis dan menjangkau member. ...... This study aims to understand the communication strategy used by business actors, particularly HDI enterprises, in building their marketing relationships during the COVID-19 pandemic era. Relationship Marketing and persuasive tactics have a role in disseminating information that can build closeness with members and motivate members in the network marketing business. Enterprisers does marketing through Social Media Instagram with a soft approach through sharing, bonding and and personal branding by showing a positive community, and persuading by exploring positive fears. Marketing through social media Instagram makes it easier to accelerate business and reach members.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dyah Yasmina
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk menemukan cara yang efektif guna mengubah tingkah laku membuang sampah. Perubahan yang dimaksud adalah pembahan dari tingkah laku membuang sampah tidak pada tempatnya menjadi tingkah laku membuang sampah pada tempatnya. Penelitian ini dirancang dalam bentuk eksperimen untuk membuktikan efektlvitas tehnik forced compliance yang digunakan di dalam penelitian Aronson, Fried & Stone (1991; dalam Baron & Byrne, 1994) pada tingkah laku membuang sampah. Forced compliance disimulasikan melalui tugas partisipan untuk membuat dan merekam pidato mereka. Setelah itu, partisipan diingatkan bahwa mereka juga pernah membuang sampah sembarangan. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan desain Laboratory Controlled Experiment, Pretest-posttest Control Group Design. Eksperimen ini menggunakan 36 partisipan yang dibagi ke dalam dua kelompok eksperimen, yaitu kelompok eksperimen dan kelompok kontrol. Kelompok eksperimen diminta untuk membuat dan membacakan pidato di depan handycam untuk mengajak orang lain untuk membuang sampah pada tempatnya. Peneliti membuat mereka percaya bahwa rekaman pidato mereka akan dipertontonkan pada orang lain. Kemudian mereka diingatkan akan tingkah laku membuang sampah sembarangan yang pemah mereka lakukan. Diharapkan mereka akan merasa munafik sebab telah mengajak orang lain melakukan tingkah laku yang mereka sendiri pernah lalai melakukannya. Kelompok kontrol mengalami treatment yang sama, kecuali bahwa mereka merekam pidato dengan menggunakan tape recorder, dan mereka tidak sedang berusaha untuk meyaklnkan orang lain. Adapun pengukuran tingkah laku untuk menunjukkan efektivitas treatment menggunakan tes tingkah laku dengan proyeksi verbal. Data penelitian menunjukkan skor tes tingkah laku pada kelompok eksperimen tidak lebih tinggi secara signifikan dari pada kelompok kontrol. Perhitungan t test dengan menunjukkan hasil t sebedar 0,497. Dengan pengujian signifikansi one-tail, temyata hasil tersebut tidak signifikan. Perbedaan hasil tes tingkah laku antara kelompok eksperimen dan kelompok kontrol tidak signifikan, dengan kecenderungan hasil kelompok kontrol lebih tinggi dibandingkan hasil kelompok eksperimen. Tehnik forced compliance pada kelompok eksperimen temyata tidak menimbulkan disonansi kogn'itif yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan treatment yang diberikan pada kelompok kontrol untuk mengubah tingkah laku membuang sampah. Saran-saran yang diajukan adalah perbaikan yang perlu dilakukan Jika hendak mengadakan penelitian serupa.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Aphrodita Christie
Abstrak :
Bermain adalah aktivitas yang bersifat universal, instingtif, dan dapat dilihat dalam semua jenis budaya dan masyarakat. Dengan bermain, seseorang bisa menjelajahi kemungkinan-kemungkinan eksistensialnya yang hilang dengan mengambil sebuah peran serta mengasimilasi fenomena-fenomena yang bisa ditemukan di dunia aktual kedalam sebuah dunia irreal yang bernama playworld. Seiring berjalannya waktu dan perkembangan teknologi yang semakin pesat, cara kita bermain juga berubah. Selain permainan analog, pemain juga bisa menikmati permainan digital. Melalui metode fenomenologi eksistensial dan pendekatan existential ludology, artikel ini akan mengkaji perubahan play dalam game digital melalui implementasi teknologi persuasif dan interaksi para-sosial serta bagaimana ia mempengaruhi eksistensi virtual seseorang. Implementasi kedua hal ini mengubah playworld virtual dengan menegasi playfulness, dan berakhir pada hiperrealitas. Dalam kepalsuan absolut ini, seorang pemain yang tidak menemukan playfulness menampik eksistensinya di dunia aktual. Tulisan ini membuktikan bahwa teknologi persuasif dan interaksi para-sosial mempengaruhi pengalaman dan eksistensi seseorang di dunia virtual dan di dunia aktual. ......Play is an activity that’s universal, instinctive, and can be seen in all types of cultures and societies. Through play, a person can explore lost possibilities of their existence by taking on a role and assimilating various phenomena found in the actual world into an irreal realm called a playworld. As technology advances rapidly, the way we play also changes. Instead of analog games, players can enjoy themselves by playing digital games. Through the use of existential phenomenology and existential ludology, this article will examine the change of play in video games due to the implementation of persuasive technology and para-sosicial interaction within virtual playworlds and how it impacts a person’s virtual existence. The implementation of these two things changes virtual playworlds by negating playfulness, which ends in hyperreality. Within this absolute fake, a player that cannot find playfulness renounces their existence within the actual world. This paper proves that persuasive technology and para-social interaction changes play in virtual playworlds, which influences a person’s experience and existence within the virtual world and in the actual world.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lukas Lukman
Abstrak :
Tujuan program intervensi ini adalah untuk menciptakan perilaku mendaur ulang sampah pada siswa SMP Negeri 5 Tambun Selatan. Theory of Planned Behavior merupakan teori yang digunakan peneliti. Hasil studi baseline menunjukkan variabel sikap yang paling signifikan mempengaruhi intensi mendaur ulang sampah (β= 0,295, p<0,05). Intervensi dilakukan menggunakan melalui pelatihan, pesan persuasif, insentif dan manajemen komunitas. Penelitian ini menggunakan design kuasi eksperimen. Partisipan dalam intervensi adalah siswa SMP Negeri 5 Tambun Selatan Bekasi, sejumlah 15 partisipan yang dilakukan selama 2 (dua) hari selama 6 jam per hari di lokasi SMP Negeri 5 Tambun Selatan. Pengukuran dampak intervensi dilakukan dengan uji hasil pre-test dan post-test dengan uji paired samples t test menunjukkan adanya perubahan sikap yang positif (nilai 0,839, p<0,05), membuktikan bahwa program intervensi dapat membuat perilaku pengelola sampah siswa SMP melalui mendaur ulang sampah di sekolah dan terbentuknya komunitas Recycle Trash Community.
The objective of this intervention program was to create a recycle waste behavior in students of SMP Negeri 5 South Tambun. Theory of Planned Behavior is a theory that is used by researchers. The results of the baseline study showed that the most significant variable affecting the attitude of the intention to recycle waste (β = 0.295, p <0.05). Interventions performed using through training, persuasive messages, incentives and community management. This study used a quasiexperimental design. Participants in this intervention were 15 participants from the students of SMP Negeri 5 South Tambun Bekasi. Interventions conducted over two (2) days for 6 hours per day at the site of SMP Negeri 5 South Tambun. Measuring the impact of interventions carried out by test results of pre-test and post-test with paired samples t test showed a positive change of attitude (value 0.839, p <0.05), proves that intervention programs can make waste management behavior of junior high school students through recycling rubbish at school and community formation Recycle trash community.;The objective of this intervention program was to create a recycle waste behavior in students of SMP Negeri 5 South Tambun. Theory of Planned Behavior is a theory that is used by researchers. The results of the baseline study showed that the most significant variable affecting the attitude of the intention to recycle waste (β = 0.295, p <0.05). Interventions performed using through training, persuasive messages, incentives and community management. This study used a quasiexperimental design. Participants in this intervention were 15 participants from the students of SMP Negeri 5 South Tambun Bekasi. Interventions conducted over two (2) days for 6 hours per day at the site of SMP Negeri 5 South Tambun. Measuring the impact of interventions carried out by test results of pre-test and post-test with paired samples t test showed a positive change of attitude (value 0.839, p <0.05), proves that intervention programs can make waste management behavior of junior high school students through recycling rubbish at school and community formation Recycle trash community.;The objective of this intervention program was to create a recycle waste behavior in students of SMP Negeri 5 South Tambun. Theory of Planned Behavior is a theory that is used by researchers. The results of the baseline study showed that the most significant variable affecting the attitude of the intention to recycle waste (β = 0.295, p <0.05). Interventions performed using through training, persuasive messages, incentives and community management. This study used a quasiexperimental design. Participants in this intervention were 15 participants from the students of SMP Negeri 5 South Tambun Bekasi. Interventions conducted over two (2) days for 6 hours per day at the site of SMP Negeri 5 South Tambun. Measuring the impact of interventions carried out by test results of pre-test and post-test with paired samples t test showed a positive change of attitude (value 0.839, p <0.05), proves that intervention programs can make waste management behavior of junior high school students through recycling rubbish at school and community formation Recycle trash community.;The objective of this intervention program was to create a recycle waste behavior in students of SMP Negeri 5 South Tambun. Theory of Planned Behavior is a theory that is used by researchers. The results of the baseline study showed that the most significant variable affecting the attitude of the intention to recycle waste (β = 0.295, p <0.05). Interventions performed using through training, persuasive messages, incentives and community management. This study used a quasiexperimental design. Participants in this intervention were 15 participants from the students of SMP Negeri 5 South Tambun Bekasi. Interventions conducted over two (2) days for 6 hours per day at the site of SMP Negeri 5 South Tambun. Measuring the impact of interventions carried out by test results of pre-test and post-test with paired samples t test showed a positive change of attitude (value 0.839, p <0.05), proves that intervention programs can make waste management behavior of junior high school students through recycling rubbish at school and community formation Recycle trash community.;The objective of this intervention program was to create a recycle waste behavior in students of SMP Negeri 5 South Tambun. Theory of Planned Behavior is a theory that is used by researchers. The results of the baseline study showed that the most significant variable affecting the attitude of the intention to recycle waste (β = 0.295, p <0.05). Interventions performed using through training, persuasive messages, incentives and community management. This study used a quasiexperimental design. Participants in this intervention were 15 participants from the students of SMP Negeri 5 South Tambun Bekasi. Interventions conducted over two (2) days for 6 hours per day at the site of SMP Negeri 5 South Tambun. Measuring the impact of interventions carried out by test results of pre-test and post-test with paired samples t test showed a positive change of attitude (value 0.839, p <0.05), proves that intervention programs can make waste management behavior of junior high school students through recycling rubbish at school and community formation Recycle trash community.;The objective of this intervention program was to create a recycle waste behavior in students of SMP Negeri 5 South Tambun. Theory of Planned Behavior is a theory that is used by researchers. The results of the baseline study showed that the most significant variable affecting the attitude of the intention to recycle waste (β = 0.295, p <0.05). Interventions performed using through training, persuasive messages, incentives and community management. This study used a quasiexperimental design. Participants in this intervention were 15 participants from the students of SMP Negeri 5 South Tambun Bekasi. Interventions conducted over two (2) days for 6 hours per day at the site of SMP Negeri 5 South Tambun. Measuring the impact of interventions carried out by test results of pre-test and post-test with paired samples t test showed a positive change of attitude (value 0.839, p <0.05), proves that intervention programs can make waste management behavior of junior high school students through recycling rubbish at school and community formation Recycle trash community.;The objective of this intervention program was to create a recycle waste behavior in students of SMP Negeri 5 South Tambun. Theory of Planned Behavior is a theory that is used by researchers. The results of the baseline study showed that the most significant variable affecting the attitude of the intention to recycle waste (β = 0.295, p <0.05). Interventions performed using through training, persuasive messages, incentives and community management. This study used a quasiexperimental design. Participants in this intervention were 15 participants from the students of SMP Negeri 5 South Tambun Bekasi. Interventions conducted over two (2) days for 6 hours per day at the site of SMP Negeri 5 South Tambun. Measuring the impact of interventions carried out by test results of pre-test and post-test with paired samples t test showed a positive change of attitude (value 0.839, p <0.05), proves that intervention programs can make waste management behavior of junior high school students through recycling rubbish at school and community formation Recycle trash community., The objective of this intervention program was to create a recycle waste behavior in students of SMP Negeri 5 South Tambun. Theory of Planned Behavior is a theory that is used by researchers. The results of the baseline study showed that the most significant variable affecting the attitude of the intention to recycle waste (β = 0.295, p <0.05). Interventions performed using through training, persuasive messages, incentives and community management. This study used a quasiexperimental design. Participants in this intervention were 15 participants from the students of SMP Negeri 5 South Tambun Bekasi. Interventions conducted over two (2) days for 6 hours per day at the site of SMP Negeri 5 South Tambun. Measuring the impact of interventions carried out by test results of pre-test and post-test with paired samples t test showed a positive change of attitude (value 0.839, p <0.05), proves that intervention programs can make waste management behavior of junior high school students through recycling rubbish at school and community formation Recycle trash community.]
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sucipto Adhetama
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menurunkan konsumsi kantong plastik yang terjadi di minimarket 212Mart, Bojongkulur, Bogor. Penelitian dilakukan melalui penerapan teknik persuasive normative message yaitu membuat sebuah promosi melalui poster dengan isi pesan yang bersifat persuasif dan memiliki aspek normatif sehingga mengundang konsumen untuk tidak memakai kantong plastik. Selain itu, juga digunakan teknik nudge dengan menetapkan sebuah pilihan standar kepada konsumen untuk tidak memakai kantong plastik melalui penawaran yang diberikan oleh petugas kasir. Berdasarkan penerapan teknik intervensi yang sudah dilakukan, hasilnya penerapan teknik nudge dapat memberikan efek lebih baik pada penurunan konsumsi kantong plastik di 212Mart.
This study aimed to reduced the consumption of plastic bags in 212Mart, Bojongkulur, Bogor. The research had done through the application of persuasive normative message technique that was making a promotion through posters with persuasive message content and has normative aspect so that invite consumer not to use plastic bag. In addition, nudge techniques are also used by setting a default option for consumers not to use plastic bags through the offer provided by the cashier. Based on the application of intervention techniques that have been done, the application of nudge technique can give a better effect on the decrease of plastic bag consumption in 212Mart.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Titik Sugiarti
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh permasalahan rendahnya keterlibatan netizen pada media sosial Instagram@bnn_cegahnarkoba. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis isi konten, keterlibatan netizen dan merekomendasikan strategi dalam meningkatkan keterlibatan netizen pada media sosial instagram @bnn_cegahnarkoba. Teori utama yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah teori civic engagement, didukung dengan teori Ketahanan Nasional, teori kampanye sosial, teori komunikasi persuasif, teori media sosial,teori analisis isi dan teori fungsi komunikasi massa. Metode penelitian menggunakan mixed methods (sekuensial eksplanatory), tahap pertama dilakukanpendekatan kuantitatif analisis isi kemudian tahap kedua dilakukan pendekatan kualitatif dengan wawancara. Objek penelitian ini adalah pada 64 konten pada instagram @bnn_cegahnarkoba (oktober-desember 2018). Instrumen analisis isi terdiri dari informasi, edukasi, persuasi rasional dan persuasi emosional. Teknik analisis data pada analisis isi kuantitatif berupa analisis deskriptif, analisis hubungan antar kategori dengan Pearson Correlations dananalisis bedaselanjutnya analisis data kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Isi konten pada media sosial @bnn_cegahnarkoba adalah berupa konten informasi sebesar 84, 4% dan konten peruasi emosional sebesar 15, 6 %. Konten persuasi emosional berkorelasi positif pada keterlibatan aktif netizen sehingga strategi yang perlu dilakukan yaitu meningkatkan konten persuasi emosional agar keterlibatan netizen dapat meningkat.
This research is motivated by the problem of lack of involvement of netizens on social media Instagram @ bnn _cegahnarkoba. The purpose of this study was to analyze the content, the involvement of netizens and recommend strategies to increase the involvement of netizens on social media instagram @bnn_cegahnarkoba. The main theory used in this research is the theory of civic engagement, supported by the national security theory, the theory of social campaigns, persuasive communication theory, theory of social media, content analysis theory and the theory of mass communication functions. The research method using mixed methods (sequential explanatory), first stage of quantitative content analysis approach then the second stage qualitative approach with interviews. The object of this study is on the 64 content on instagram @bnn_cegahnarkoba (October-December 2018). The instrument consists of a content analysis of information, education, rational persuasion and emotional persuasion. Data analysis techniques in the form of quantitative content analysis of descriptive analysis, analysis of the relationships between categories with different analysis Pearson Correlations and subsequent analysis of qualitative data. The results showed that Content @bnn_cegahnarkoba content on social media is a form of information content by 84, 4% and emotional peruasi content by 15, 6%. The content of emotional persuasion positive correlation between active involvement netizen that strategy needs to be done is to improve the content of emotional persuasion in order to increase the involvement of netizens.
Depok: Sekolah Kajian Stratejik dan Global Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library