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Ichsan Kamil
Dwelling Time adalah lamanya waktu peti kemas ditimbun di Tempat Penimbunan Sementara (TPS), sejak dibongkar dari kapal sampai keluar dari TPS. Salah satu proses proses timbulnya dwelling time adalah proses customs clearance. Dari empat jalur yang diterapkan oleh manajemen resiko Indonesia, Jalur kuning dan jalur merah merupakan dua jalur dengan dwelling time yang lama dimana rata – rata dwelling time untuk jalur kuning pada bulan Januari 2015 adalah sebesar 3,08 hari sedangkan untuk jalur merah sebesar 6,91 hari. Penelitian ini disusun dengan dua tahap, tahap pertama menyusun strategi dalam menurunkan dwelling time pada proses customs clearance dengan metode Multi Criteria Decision Making yang diperoleh dari para pakar yang terkait pada proses customs clearance. Tahap kedua dengan mengambarkan As-Is dan membuat skenario alternatif dengan menggunakan metode Discrete event simulation. Strategi yang diperoleh dengan metode MCDM adalah Menambah jumlah operator pemeriksa fisik dan dokumen, Menambah jumlah operator pemeriksa fisik dan dokumen, Memperbaiki Tempat penimbunan, Membangun gudang khusus di berbagai daerah, Perizinan online, Membuat pelayan izin terpadu satu atap dan Menggunakan Hi-Co Scaner, Perizinan online, Membuat pelayan izin terpadu satu atap dan Menggunakan Hi-Co Scaner. Hasil dengan simulasi Arena menggambarkan situasi “what-if”.

Dwelling Time is the duration of a container is stored in a temporary storing area (TSA), from the moment it is unloaded from ship until it is taken out of the TSA. One of the processes that causes dwelling time is the customs clearance. Out of all four lanes implemented by the Indonesian risk management, the yellow and red lanes are the two lanes with the longest dwelling time, where the average dwelling time for the yellow lane in January 2015 was recorded to be 3.08 days, and 6.91 days for the red lane. This research was conducted in two phases. The first phase was planning a strategy in decreasing the dwelling time on customs clearance by using Multi Criteria Decision Making, with the aids obtained from relevant experts in customs clearance. The second phase was designing the As-Is condition and an alternative scenario by using Discrete Event Simulation. The strategy obtained from the MCDM was to add the number of physical inspection and document cross-checking officers, improving temporary storing area, build special warehouses in various regions, online licensing, making a one-stop integrated licensing service, and using the HiCo Scanner. The results obtained from the Arena software described the “what-if” situation"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Made Dimas Agung Perwira
"Perusahaan Engineering Procurement Construction (EPC) memiliki ruang lingkup pekerjaan yang luas sehingga proyek-proyeknya membutuhkan dukungan dari rekanan terutama dalam bidang penyediaan jasa atau yang dikenal dengan Subkontraktor. Dengan mengalihkan lingkup mayoritas kepada Subkontraktor, hal ini menyebabkan Subkontraktor mempengaruhi kinerja keberhasilan proyek. Namun dalam prakteknya subkontraktor yang dipilih belum efektif dalam mendukung peningkatan kinerja perusahaan karena banyak subkontraktor yang gagal dalam melaksanakan pekerjaannya. Masalah ini juga dihadapi oleh salah satu perusahaan EPC terkemuka di Indonesia yang dipilih sebagai studi kasus. Dalam menghadapi permasalahan tersebut, penelitian ini memandang perlu adanya pengembangan proses pengambilan keputusan terutama pada kriteria yang digunakan dalam proses pemilihan subkontraktor agar tujuan pemilihan subkontraktor yang lebih baik dapat tercapai. Multi Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) dipilih dalam penelitian ini karena kompleksitas kriteria dalam proses pengambilan keputusan dan teknik Analitycal Hierarchy Process (AHP) diusulkan. AHP menerapkan struktur hirarkis dalam mencapai tujuan dan mampu mengkonsolidasikan expert judgment pada multikriteria yang tidak berkaitan satu sama lain. Berikut adalah kriteria dan subkriteria yang diperoleh melalui tahapan literature review dan pengolahan data. Kriteria yang penting adalah kriteria kemampuan, keselamatan, dan teknis. Sedangkan ringkasan subkriteria penting adalah kekuatan finansial untuk kriteria kapabilitas, dan program keselamatan kerja untuk kriteria keselamatan, serta jadwal pelaksanaan dan daftar personil untuk kriteria teknis.

Engineering Procurement Construction (EPC) companies have a wide scope of work so that their projects require support from partners, especially in the field of service supply or known as Subcontractors. By transferring the majority scope to Subcontractors, this causes Subcontractors to affect the performance of project success. However, in practice the selected subcontractors have not been effective in supporting increased company performance because many subcontractors have failed in carrying out their work. This problem is also faced by a leading EPC company in Indonesia, which is selected as a case study. In dealing with this problem, this study considers that it is necessary to develop the decision-making process, especially on the criteria used in the subcontractor selection process so that the goal of choosing a better subcontractor can be achieved. Multi Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) is selected in this study due to complex criteria in the decision-making process and Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) technique is proposed. AHP applies hierarchical structure in achieving goals and can consolidate expert judgments on multi-criteria that are not related to one another. The following are the criteria and sub-criteria obtained through the literature review and data processing stages. The important criteria are Kapabilitas, safety, and technical criteria. While the summary of the important sub-criteria is financial strength for Kapabilitas criteria, and work safety program for safety criteria, and implementation schedule and personnel list for the technical criteria."
Jakarta: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ulfa Azizia
"Internet of Things (IoT) dapat menjadi salah satu solusi bagi rumah sakit untuk meningkatkan efisiensi dan kualitas layanan operasional. Akan tetapi, dengan adanya hambatan teknis dan non-teknis seperti biaya, organisasi, dan pengalaman pengguna menyebabkan penerapan IoT tidak bisa dilakukan secara langsung di semua bagian di rumah sakit. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuat prioritaspemilihanunit di rumah sakit dalam rangka penerapan Internet of Things (IoT) berdasarkan performa unit saat ini untuk meningkatkan kualitas layanan operasional kesehatan.
Penelitian ini menggunakan metode DEMATEL (Decision-Making Trial And Evaluation Laboratory) berbasis ANP (Analytic Network Process) untuk melihat secara detail pengaruh dan bobot dari faktor yang mempengaruhi penerapan Internet of Things di rumah sakit. Selain itu, metode VIKORRUG (VlseKriterijumska Optimizacija I Kompromisno Resenje for Ranking Unimproved Gap) juga digunakan untuk melihat kesenjangan kinerja pada 9 unit rumah sakit di Jakarta.Pada hasil akhir, ditemukan bahwa unit One-Day-Care adalah unit yang menjadi prioritas pertama dalam penerapan teknologi IoT di rumah sakit.

Internet of Things (IoT) can be a solution for hospitals to improve the efficiency and quality of operational services. However, with technical and non-technical barriers such as costs, organization, and experience of users using IoT, it cannot be done directly in all parts of the hospital. For this reason, this study aimsto make a framework to prioritize hospital units to implementthe Internet of Things (IoT) based on current performance.
This research using the DEMATEL (Decision-Making Trial And Evaluation Laboratory) based ANP(Analytical Network Process) methodto see more about detail and calculate the influence weight between factors. In addition, the VIKORRUG method (VlseKriterijumska Optimizacija I Kompromisno Resenje for Ranking Unimproved Gap) was also used to look at performance gaps in 9 units in hospitalat Jakarta. As a final results, it was found that the One-Day-Care unit was the unit that was the first priority in the application of technology in hospitals.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Daniela Alma Candrakanti
"Pengembangan proyek lapangan minyak dan gas merupakan prosedur kompleks yang melibatkan banyak risiko. Oleh karena itu, studi manajemen risiko sangat penting untuk mencapai keunggulan kompetitif jangka panjang dan mencapai keseimbangan antara paparan terhadap risiko dan penciptaan nilai bisnis yang diharapkan. Sebagai industri hulu migas, Conrad Asia Energy Ltd. sedang fokus pada tahap pengembangan produksi di Duyung PSC, kawasan seluas 927 km2 di Provinsi Kepulauan Riau, perairan Indonesia di kawasan Natuna Barat. Perusahan ini menemukan sumur Mako South-1, yang memiliki tangki gas metana kontinu dengan pengotor minimal dan reservoir produktif dengan permeabilitas tinggi. Hasilnya, rencana pengembangan (POD) Lapangan Gas Mako disahkan, yang mengubah PSC dari eksplorasi ke eksploitasi. Empat tahapan proyek pengembangan Lapangan Gas Mako adalah Select, Define, Execute, dan Operate. Proyek ini saat ini sedang dalam tahap Define, dan tahun 2025 ditetapkan sebagai tanggal Ready for Start-Up (RFSU). Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menguji faktor-faktor risiko yang terkait dengan proyek pengembangan Lapangan Gas Mako dan memberikan saran untuk menentukan prioritas dan mitigasi risiko selama proyek berlangsung. Dengan menggunakan Metode Best-Worst (BWM), sebuah teknik baru untuk memecahkan masalah pengambilan keputusan multi-kriteria (MCDM), prioritas risiko proyek pengembangan Lapangan Gas Mako telah tercapai. Berbeda dengan metode konvensional, model prioritas risiko yang diusulkan menerapkan tingkat kepentingan risiko pada nilai kemungkinan dan tingkat keparahan risiko ketika menentukan ukuran risiko, karena berbagai risiko diberi bobot yang berbeda. Oleh karena itu, upaya ini akan memberikan hasil yang lebih menyeluruh dan obyektif, dengan mempertimbangkan pentingnya risiko, dan memanfaatkan sumber daya yang dialokasikan untuk inisiatif pengurangan risiko dengan lebih baik. Pemeringkatan prioritas risiko didukung oleh analisis Pareto, yang menunjukkan bahwa 80% pelaksanaan proyek dipengaruhi oleh 20% risiko—atau 12 risiko yang teridentifikasi—dalam analisis.

The development of oil and gas field projects is a complex procedure that involves numerous risks. Consequently, risk management studies are essential to achieving long-term competitive advantages and striking a balance between exposure to risk and expected business value creation. As an upstream oil and gas industry, Conrad Asia Energy Ltd. is focusing on the development stage of production in the Duyung PSC, a 927 km2 area in the Riau Islands Province, Indonesian waters in the West Natuna area. The company discovered The Mako South-1 well, featuring a continuous methane gas tank with minimal impurities and a productive reservoir with high permeability. As a result, the plan of development (POD) for the Mako Gas Field was authorised, moving the PSC from exploration to exploitation. The four phases of the Mako Gas Field development project are Select, Define, Execute, and Operate. The project is in the Define stage now, with 2025 designated as the Ready for Start-Up (RFSU) date. The objective of this research is to examine the risk factors associated with the Mako Gas Field development project and offer suggestions for risk prioritisation and mitigation throughout the course of the project. Using the Best-Worst Method (BWM), a novel technique to solve multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) problems, the risk prioritisation of the Mako Gas Field development project has been achieved. As opposed to the conventional method, the proposed risk prioritisation model applies the risk importance level to the likelihood and severity values of the risk when determining the risk size, as various risks are assigned different weights. It will therefore get more thorough and objective results, considering the relative importance of the risks, and make better use of the resources allotted for risk reduction initiatives. The risk priority ranking is supported by a Pareto analysis, which shows that 80% of the project's execution is impacted by 20% of the risks—or 12 identified risks in the analysis."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Egi Aulia Mahendra
Untuk dapat meningkatkan daya saing, dibuat desain faktor UKM untuk menerapkan manajemen rantai pasok dalam proses bisnisnya. Studi literatur dilakukan untuk mengetahui variabel apa saja yang harus dilakukan dalam proses pengimplementasian konsep SCM UKM. Kemudian, variabel tersebut dinilai dan dipilih oleh 9 orang ahli. Variabel-variabel tersebut dikelompokkan menjadi variabel customer requirement CR dan Design Requirement DR . Variabel CR dan DR penerapan manajemen rantai pasok kemudian diolah menggunakan metode ISM, ANP, dan ZOGP. Hasil pengolahan data menunjukkan bahwa budaya organisasi yang mendukung sharing informasi memiliki kekuatan penggerak yang tinggi dan tingkat kebergantungan yang rendah dalam upaya penerapan manajemen rantai pasok pada UKM. Hasil pengolahan data juga menunjukkan bahwa kemampuan dalam mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor promosi, diskon, dan lain-lain yang mempengaruhi jumlah permintaan dan menilai pengaruh masing-masing faktor terhadap pemintaan konsumen di masa mendatang memiliki bobot kepentingan relatif yang tertinggi memiliki bobot kepentingan relatif tertinggi dalam upaya penerapan manajemen rantai pasok pada UKM. Disediakan pula beberapa studi kasus yang menggambarkan limitasi dari perusahaan dalam penentuan DR yang harus diimplementasikan.

To improve the competitiveness of SME, they have to construct factor designs of the SCM in the business processes. Literature study was conducted to identify variabels that need to be done in the implementation of suppy chain management in MSME.Then, these variabels were assessed and selected by 9 experts. These variabels mentioned are grouped in to CR dan Design Requirement Variables DR. Cutomer requirement variable dan Design Requirement variabels. CR and DR variables then processed using ISM, ANP, and ZOGP method. The results obtained show that organization culture that support information sharing has high riving power and low dependency in the implementation process of SCM for MSME. Results also showed that the ability to identify factors promotion, discount, etc. that affect the demand and to asses the effect of each factors to future demand has the highest relative weighted priority in the implementation process of SCM for MSME. We also proposed case studies that show the limitation and cosntraint of enterprises in selecting which DR they should imlement."
Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Guruprasad Anaokar
"Deciding which are the best performing wastewater treatment plants can be complicated, as their operations comprise different parameters which are either dependent or non-dependent on each other, and are important when deciding the type of treatment. The relative importance of these parameters in terms of weight indicates the priority assigned by decision-makers to the criteria when ranking the alternatives. These weights are calculated by statistical relativity and Saaty’s nine point scale. The sensitivity of both of these approaches is analyzed. The performance of six municipal wastewater treatment plants is evaluated using the Multi-criteria Decision Making (MCDM) Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS). Efficiency is monitored on the basis of nine wastewater characteristics and compared with the limits established by the Central Pollution Control Board of India. The analysis uses both qualitative and quantitative approaches, which result in differential rankings; accordingly, plants with maximum organic loading removal efficiency were found to be most efficient when weights were applied as per Saaty’s scale. The study proposes a field base approach with regard to the suitability of the weight allocation method for respective utilization of the fuzzy approach in environmental monitoring systems."
Depok: Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI-IJTECH 9:4 (2018)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mutiara Nurmawati Dewi
"Dalam beberapa waktu ini, peningkatan signifikan kondisi sosial ekonomi masyarakat telah menyebabkan meningkatnya permintaan akan perangkat listrik dan elektronik. Sementara itu, perubahan teknologi yang cepat cenderung membuat orang untuk mengganti perangkat lama mereka menjadi yang terbaru. Itu menyebabkan akhir hidup perangkat listrik dan elektronik menjadi lebih pendek. Tren ini menghasilkan sejumlah besar limbah listrik dan elektronik (WEEE) secara tidak sadar, situasi berbahaya bagi kesehatan manusia dan lingkungan. Dengan demikian, ada kebutuhan untuk penerapan manajemen limbah elektronik yang tepat. Salah satu konsep manajemen limbah elektronik adalah penerapan Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR), yang berarti bahwa tanggung jawab produsen diperluas ke pasca konsumsi siklus hidup produk. EPR telah banyak diadopsi di negara maju dan berkembang, dan efektivitas implementasinya terbukti dengan baik. Negara maju dan berkembang yang telah menerapkan EPR meliputi Swiss, Jepang, Taiwan, India, dan Cina. Setiap negara memiliki karakteristiknya sendiri untuk menerapkan EPR.
Di negara maju, EPR sudah mapan dan diterapkan, sementara di negara berkembang belum. Indonesia, sebagai salah satu negara berkembang, belum memiliki pengelolaan limbah elektronik. Studi ini bertujuan untuk menentukan model pengelolaan limbah elektronik berbasis EPR yang cocok untuk diterapkan di Indonesia dari perspektif produsen. Metode Keputusan Multi Kriteria (MCDM) akan berlaku; menugaskan berbagai kriteria dengan beberapa pendapat ahli; untuk menemukan model manajemen WEEE yang paling tepat. Pembobotan masing-masing kriteria akan diperoleh berdasarkan tanggapan kuesioner dari produsen elektronik di Indonesia. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa model manajemen limbah elektronik yang sesuai dengan kondisi di Indonesia berdasarkan perspektif produsen adalah yang diadopsi dari negara China.

In recent time, a significant raise of people`s socio-economic conditions has led to the increasing demand for electrical and electronic devices. Meanwhile, a rapid change of technology tends to tempt people to replace their old devices into the newest one. It causes end of life of those electrical and electronic devices to be shorter. The trend produces a high amount of electrical and electronic waste (WEEE) unconsciously, a harmful situation for human health and the environment. Thus, there is a necessity for the application of appropriate e-waste management. One of e-waste managements concept is the application of Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR), which means that a producer`s responsibility are extended into the post-consumption of product`s life cycle. EPR has been widely adopted in the developed and developing countries, and its implementation effectiveness is well proven. Developed and developing countries which have implemented EPR include Switzerland, Japan, Taiwan, India, and China. Every country has its own characteristics to implement EPR.
In the developed countries, EPR has been well established and implemented, while in developing countries, it has not been yet. Indonesia, as one of the developing countries, does not have any e-waste management yet. This study aims to determine an EPR-based e-waste management model which fits to be implemented in Indonesia from the perspective of producer. Multi Criteria Decision Method (MCDM) will apply; assigning various criteria with some expert`s opinions; to find the most appropriate WEEE management model. Weighing of each criteria will be obtained based on the questionnaire respond from electronic producers in Indonesia. The results of this study indicate that the electronic waste management model that is in accordance with the conditions in Indonesia based on the producer perspective is adopted from China.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Oksa Angger Dumas
"Dalam dunia perawatan, line stop adalah salah satu dari banyak ancaman yang dapat memberikan kerugian besar bagi dunia industri. Line stop terjadi karena kerusakan sebagian komponen sementara suku cadang tidak siap stok. Oleh karena itu, perusahaan memerlukan lebih banyak waktu untuk mendapatkan suku cadang dari pemasok, sehingga dapat membuat kerugian yang lebih besar. Di sisi lain, jika perusahaan menyediakan lebih banyak suku cadang daripada yang dibutuhkan, itu akan menghadapi biaya persediaan yang lebih tinggi. Pertukaran ini dapat diselesaikan melalui sistem persediaan yang efektif dengan menentukan klasifikasi dan prioritas suku cadang yang lebih baik, serta menghitung tingkat stok optimal.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengusulkan metode klasifikasi suku cadang yang efektif menggunakan Multi Criteria Decision Making (MCDM). Analytical Network Process (ANP) dan Multi Attribute Spare Tree Analysis (MASTA) digunakan sebagai metode MCDM untuk klasifikasi suku cadang, karena keunggulannya pada kemungkinan memperhitungkan faktor-faktor yang lebih potensial dan tidak berwujud yang mempengaruhi klasifikasi/strategi inventaris suku cadang.
Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan dapat memberikan metode inventaris baru sebagai hasil dari klasifikasi suku cadang dengan kombinasi antara ANP dan MASTA, dan kemudian menetapkan tingkat stok yang tergantung pada hasil klasifikasi yang telah disebutkan sebelumnya.

In the maintenance world, line stop is one of many threats that can give a big loss to the industrial world. Line stop occurs due to a partial breakdown of the components while the spare parts is not readily stock. Therefore, the company needs more time to get the spare parts from the suppliers, hence it can make a bigger loss. On the other hand, if the company stocks more spare parts, it will face a higher inventory cost. This trade-off can be solved through an effective inventory system by determining a better spare parts classification and prioritization, as well as calculating the optimum stock level.
This study aims to propose an effective spare parts classification method using a Analytical Network Process and Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM). An Analytical Network Process (ANP) and  Multi-Attribute Spare Tree Analysis (MASTA) are used as the MCDM method for spare parts classification, due to its advantage on possibility to take into account more potential and intangible factors influencing the spare parts classification/inventory strategies such as.
The result of this research is expected to give a new inventory method as a result of spare parts classification with combination between ANP and MASTA, and then setting stock level which depends on the result of classification that already mentioned before.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Safira Hazhiyah Ikramina Busyra
Logistik memainkan peran penting dalam mempertahankan pasokan makanan segar di seluruh dunia. Adanya risiko dalam aliran produk makanan pada supply chain yang dapat terkontaminasi dari berbagai aspek, seperti bahan baku, bahan baku untuk proses industri, penyimpanan dan distribusi makanan. Sektor makanan halal akan tumbuh sekitar 18,3% dari pengeluaran makanan global menjadi 1.914 milyar USD pada 2021. Halal supply chain management sebagai suatu aktifitas yang mengendalikan dan mengelola aliran material, informasi dan modal; melalui koordinasi strategis dan kolaborasi dengan sedemikian rupa sehingga Halal dan Toyyib diperluas dari farm-to-fork. Pada praktiknya ada kemungkinan risiko berupa kontaminasi dari produk makanan halal dalam halal supply chain. Identifikasi dan mitigasi risiko masih dilakukan secara terpisah dan belum terintergasi ditiap stream. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangankan model analisis risiko upstream halal supply chain pada industri daging dengan hasil akhir dirumuskannya kriteria penilaian yang dapat menjadi acuan untuk menghindari risiko pada halal supply chain.  Telah diidentifikasi 40 risiko pada halal supply chain dan dilakukan prioritisasi risiko yang akan menjadi dasaran penyusunan kritera. Terdapat 27 risiko prioritas yang menjadi dasaran pembuatan kriteria penilaian sehingga didapatkan 34 kriteria penialain halal supply chain pada level upstream yang. Metode yang digunakan dalam pengerjaan penelitian ini yaitu metode semi kuantitatif yang mana menggunakan pendekatan Multi Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) DEMATEL based ANP (D-ANP).

Logistics plays an important role in maintaining the supply of fresh food throughout the world. Types of food products have different uniqueness based on the type of food products such as agrifood (Akhtar, et al., 2016) and beef products (King, et al., 2014). There are risks in the flow of food products in the supply chain that can be contaminated from various aspects, such as raw materials, raw materials for industrial processes, food storage and distribution (Nerin, et al., 2016). The halal food sector will grow around 18.3% of global food spending to 1,914 billion USD in 2021 (Reuters and Standards 2016). Indonesia has a population of 255 million people where 87.2 percent are Muslim, representing the largest Muslim population in the world (Hefner, 2017). Halal supply chain management as an activity that controls and manages the flow of material, information and capital; through strategic coordination and collaboration in such a way that Halal and Toyyib are expanded from farm-to-forks (Khan et al., 2018). In practice there is a risk of contamination from halal food products in the halal supply chain. Risko identification and mitigation are still done separately (not integrated) in each halal supply chain stream. The risk of contamination will affect the safety and quality of halal food products. These risks should be integrated with each other so that they can manage risks properly. This study aims to develop a risk analysis and priority model and develop a risk mitigation strategy from halal supply chain activities in the beef industry, especially at the upstream level, from the cattle farm, slaughtering process, storage, distribution and retail. 40 risks have been identified in the halal supply chain and risk prioritization has been carried out which will be the basis for the preparation of criteria. There are 27 priority risks which are the basis for making the assessment criteria so that 34 criteria for halal supply chain management are obtained at the upstream level. The method used in conducting this research is a semi-quantitative method which uses the D-ANP Multi Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) approach."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Losita Dewi
Haji merupakan ibadah yang dilakukan satu kali dalam setahun oleh umat
Islam. Kementerian Agama mengalokasikan kuota haji untuk setiap propinsi
dengan mempertimbangkan proporsi jumlah penduduk yang beragama Islam pada
masing-masing propinsi tersebut1. Pertanyaan yang muncul adalah apakah sistem
yang ada saat ini bisa diterima atau tidak, ketika faktor sosial ekonomi ikut
dipertimbangkan dalam penentuan kuota haji. Untuk itu, saya menerapkan
Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), sebuah metode pengambilan keputusan
yang menggunakan banyak kriteria di mana faktor-faktor tersebut disusun dalam
suatu hirarki (Saaty, 1990).
Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kriteria yang paling berpengaruh
untuk menentukan bobot kuota haji adalah jumlah pendaftar haji kumulatif. Saya
juga menemukan bahwa waktu tunggu haji bagi masyarakat yang ingin
melaksanakan ibadah haji, dalam penelitian ini menghasilkan rata-rata waktu
tunggu haji yang lebih rendah, nilai waktu tunggu haji maksimum dan varians
yang lebih kecil, dan selisih waktu tunggu haji yang lebih pendek. Oleh karena
itu, sebuah pendekatan baru untuk menentukan kuota haji yang diajukan pada
penelitian ini dapat membantu dalam penetuan kuota haji yang lebih adil dan
proporsional. Selain itu, hal ini dapat menghasilkan perbaikan dalam penyusunan
kebijakan haji, dan karenanya, mencapai hasil yang lebih baik untuk pelaksanaan
haji di masa depan

The Hajj is the annual Islamic pilgrimage to Mecca. Because of limited
capability, the Ministry of Religious Affairs allocates the quota for every province
by considering the proportion of Muslims in that province2. The question is
whether the current system is plausible or not, when the socio-economic
considerations taken into account. To do so, I apply the Analytical Hierarchy
Process (AHP), a multi-criteria decision-making approach in which factors are
arranged in a hierarchic structure (Saaty, 1990).
In this thesis, the result shows that the most influential criterion for
determining the hajj quota?s weight is the number of cumulative registrant. I also
find that the calculated hajj waiting time for people who want to do hajj yields a
lower average, smaller maximum value and variance, and a narrower hajj waiting
time gap. Therefore, the new approach proposed in this research can help make
the hajj quota allocation fairer and more proportional. In addition, it may lead to
an improvement in the hajj policy, and hence, achieve better results for
implementation of hajj in the future.;The Hajj is the annual Islamic pilgrimage to Mecca. Because of limited
capability, the Ministry of Religious Affairs allocates the quota for every province
by considering the proportion of Muslims in that province2. The question is
whether the current system is plausible or not, when the socio-economic
considerations taken into account. To do so, I apply the Analytical Hierarchy
Process (AHP), a multi-criteria decision-making approach in which factors are
arranged in a hierarchic structure (Saaty, 1990).
In this thesis, the result shows that the most influential criterion for
determining the hajj quota?s weight is the number of cumulative registrant. I also
find that the calculated hajj waiting time for people who want to do hajj yields a
lower average, smaller maximum value and variance, and a narrower hajj waiting
time gap. Therefore, the new approach proposed in this research can help make
the hajj quota allocation fairer and more proportional. In addition, it may lead to
an improvement in the hajj policy, and hence, achieve better results for
implementation of hajj in the future.;The Hajj is the annual Islamic pilgrimage to Mecca. Because of limited
capability, the Ministry of Religious Affairs allocates the quota for every province
by considering the proportion of Muslims in that province2. The question is
whether the current system is plausible or not, when the socio-economic
considerations taken into account. To do so, I apply the Analytical Hierarchy
Process (AHP), a multi-criteria decision-making approach in which factors are
arranged in a hierarchic structure (Saaty, 1990).
In this thesis, the result shows that the most influential criterion for
determining the hajj quota’s weight is the number of cumulative registrant. I also
find that the calculated hajj waiting time for people who want to do hajj yields a
lower average, smaller maximum value and variance, and a narrower hajj waiting
time gap. Therefore, the new approach proposed in this research can help make
the hajj quota allocation fairer and more proportional. In addition, it may lead to
an improvement in the hajj policy, and hence, achieve better results for
implementation of hajj in the future.;The Hajj is the annual Islamic pilgrimage to Mecca. Because of limited
capability, the Ministry of Religious Affairs allocates the quota for every province
by considering the proportion of Muslims in that province2. The question is
whether the current system is plausible or not, when the socio-economic
considerations taken into account. To do so, I apply the Analytical Hierarchy
Process (AHP), a multi-criteria decision-making approach in which factors are
arranged in a hierarchic structure (Saaty, 1990).
In this thesis, the result shows that the most influential criterion for
determining the hajj quota’s weight is the number of cumulative registrant. I also
find that the calculated hajj waiting time for people who want to do hajj yields a
lower average, smaller maximum value and variance, and a narrower hajj waiting
time gap. Therefore, the new approach proposed in this research can help make
the hajj quota allocation fairer and more proportional. In addition, it may lead to
an improvement in the hajj policy, and hence, achieve better results for
implementation of hajj in the future.;The Hajj is the annual Islamic pilgrimage to Mecca. Because of limited
capability, the Ministry of Religious Affairs allocates the quota for every province
by considering the proportion of Muslims in that province2. The question is
whether the current system is plausible or not, when the socio-economic
considerations taken into account. To do so, I apply the Analytical Hierarchy
Process (AHP), a multi-criteria decision-making approach in which factors are
arranged in a hierarchic structure (Saaty, 1990).
In this thesis, the result shows that the most influential criterion for
determining the hajj quota’s weight is the number of cumulative registrant. I also
find that the calculated hajj waiting time for people who want to do hajj yields a
lower average, smaller maximum value and variance, and a narrower hajj waiting
time gap. Therefore, the new approach proposed in this research can help make
the hajj quota allocation fairer and more proportional. In addition, it may lead to
an improvement in the hajj policy, and hence, achieve better results for
implementation of hajj in the future., The Hajj is the annual Islamic pilgrimage to Mecca. Because of limited
capability, the Ministry of Religious Affairs allocates the quota for every province
by considering the proportion of Muslims in that province2. The question is
whether the current system is plausible or not, when the socio-economic
considerations taken into account. To do so, I apply the Analytical Hierarchy
Process (AHP), a multi-criteria decision-making approach in which factors are
arranged in a hierarchic structure (Saaty, 1990).
In this thesis, the result shows that the most influential criterion for
determining the hajj quota’s weight is the number of cumulative registrant. I also
find that the calculated hajj waiting time for people who want to do hajj yields a
lower average, smaller maximum value and variance, and a narrower hajj waiting
time gap. Therefore, the new approach proposed in this research can help make
the hajj quota allocation fairer and more proportional. In addition, it may lead to
an improvement in the hajj policy, and hence, achieve better results for
implementation of hajj in the future.]"
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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