"Berbagai studi menunjukkan adanya inkonsistensi mengenai dampak cyberloafing terhadap performa kerja, sementara terdapat 83,1% karyawan di Indonesia yang melakukan cyberloafing (Hartijasti & Fathonah, 2015). Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini dilakukan untuk meneliti kembali hubungan antara cyberloafing dan performa kerja pada dimensi performa tugas, performa kontekstual, dan perilaku kerja kontraproduktif melalui mekanisme tertentu, yaitu psychological detachment. Sampel penelitian adalah karyawan dari berbagai industri berusia 20-64 tahun (N = 614) yang menggunakan internet dalam bekerja. Analisis mediasi menunjukkan bahwa psychological detachment memediasi hubungan antara cyberloafing dan performa tugas (ab = -0,03, BootSE = -0,012, 95% CI [-0,06, -0,02]) serta performa kontekstual (ab = -0,03, BootSE = 0,011, 95% CI [-0,053, -0,011]) tanpa adanya hubungan langsung, sementara psychological detachment memediasi hubungan antara cyberloafing dan perilaku kerja kontraproduktif secara sebagian (ab = 0,02, BootSE = 0,01, 95% CI [0,000, 0,035]) karena ada hubungan langsung di antara keduanya (c’ = 0,21, t(614) = 5,4, SE = 0,04, 95% CI [0,14, 0,29]). Organisasi dapat menggunakan hasil penelitian sebagai pertimbangan dalam merumuskan kebijakan penggunaan internet oleh karyawan
Previous studies showed that there is inconsistency in the consequences of cyberloafing on job performance, whereas 83,1% employees in Indonesia did cyberloafing (Hartijasti & Fathonah, 2015). Therefore, the current research was conducted to reinvestigate the relationship between cyberloafing and job performance, specifically task performance, contextual performance, and counterproductive behavior, through a certain mechanism, namely psychological detachment. The sample was employees from various industries aged 20-64 years old (N = 614) who use internet to work. Mediation analysis showed that psychological detachment fully mediates the relationships between cyberloafing and task performance (ab = -0,03, BootSE = -0,012, 95% CI [-0,06, -0,02]), also contextual performance (ab = -0,03, BootSE = 0,011, 95% CI [-0,053, -0,011]) without direct effect between them. Meanwhile, psychological detachment partially mediates the relationship between cyberloafing and counterproductive work behavior (ab = 0,02, BootSE = 0,01, 95% CI [0,000, 0,035]) because there is direct effect between the two (c’ = 0,21, t(614) = 5,4, SE = 0,04, 95% CI [0,14, 0,29]). Organizations can utilize the results to be put into consideration when creating employees’ internet use policy."