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Ditemukan 15 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Verlinton Waldo
Abstrak :
Skripsi ini membahas tentang inovasi, kesinambungan, dan komersialisasi yang terjadi dalam pelaksanaan yosakoi matsuri ( _?_______). Ketiga hal ini merupakan fenomena yang kerap hadir pada proses pelaksanaan maupun penciptaan produk budaya dewasa ini. Penulisan skripsi ini menggunakan metode penelitian analisis deskriptif. Melalui skripsi ini, akan terlihat hubungan antara inovasi 3 unsur, yaitu ongaku ( ?_S), odori ( ?__), dan ish__ ( ???_); kesinambungan dalam pelaksanaan; dan bentuk komersialisasi terhadap yosakoi matsuri (_?_______). Pada akhirnya, inovasi dan kesinambungan menjadi suatu dasar bagi lahirnya komersialisasi dalam kebudayaan.
This research talks about innovation, sustainability, and commercialization occured in yosakoi matsuri (_?_______) event. These three aspects are phenomenons happened most often both in the performance and the creation of culture product at recent times. This research applies descriptive-analytical method. In this research, we can find the connection between three aspects ; ongaku (?_S), odori (?__), and ish__ (???_), sustainability in the performance, and commercialization form toward yosakoi matsuri (_?_______). Finally, innovation and sustainability has become the basic of the newborn commercialization in culture.
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jonathan Alfa R
Abstrak :
Sejak perkembangan zaman pada abad ke-21, ilmu Hubungan Internasional merupakan ilmu yang bersifat multidisiplin; terdapat berbagai isu 'non-tradisional' yang dapat dikaji dan mendapatkan ruang pembahasan. Salah satu di antaranya adalah praktik olahraga yang secara hakikatnya telah memiliki berbagai signifikansi, bahkan sejak awal narasi kemunculannya dalam tataran domestik. Sementara itu, kemunculan Olimpiade modern pada tahun 1896 dan Piala Dunia pada tahun 1930 merupakan tonggak terjadinya proses internasionalisasi olahraga. Semenjak kedua peristiwa tersebut, olahraga berkembang dengan pesat sebagai salah satu fenomena penting dalam globalisasi, terlebih dengan perkembangan media serta semakin beragamnya kepentingan aktor-aktor internasional. Berdasarkan narasi tersebut, Tugas Karya Akhir ini mencoba untuk mengkaji melalui pemetaan-pemetaan bagaimana olahraga mengalami transformasi beserta implikasinya selama proses globalisasi. Merujuk kepada pendekatan-pendekatan yang dipelajari, penulis akan membagi pemetaan tersebut ke dalam dua pembahasan : [1]. Pemetaan berdasarkan isu-isu ekonomi internasional, dan [2]. Pemetaan berdasarkan isu-isu kebudayaan dan identitas (masyarakat transnasional).
Since the beginning of the 21th Century, international relations is a multidisciplinary field of study; as there are various 'non-traditional' issues to be discussed and learned. Among those is a practice of sport which its significance can be traced even since its emergence as a domestic phenomenon. The emergence of Modern Olympics in 1896 and Football World Cup in 1930 is a momentum in the process of internationalization of sport. Since then, sport has developed as a major phenomenon in the process of globalization, especially with the development of the media sector and the diversifying interests of international actors. Based on these narratives, this final paper aims to explore and depict how sport undergo the process of transformation and its implications within the process of globalization. There are two approaches of mapping that will be used : [1]. Its economic significance and [2]. Its social and cultural significance.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tarsisius Murwaji
Abstrak :
ABSTRAK Campur tangan Negara dalam usaha PT (Persero), yang melakukan "go (public) international" seharusnya dipertahankan, karena selain pada diri PT (Persero) dibebankan tugas menunjang Pembangunan Nasional, juga karena penyertaan modal Negara yang tertanam pada PT (Persero). Namun demikian, campur tangan Negara tersebut sebaiknya tidak menghambat pelaksanaan hak dan kewajiban PT (Persero) sebagai subyek hukum yang mandiri. Walaupun Pasal 14 PP No. 55 Tahun 1990 telah berusaha mengurangi campur tangan Negara terhadap PT (Persero), yang melakukan "go (public) international", namun belum memadai untuk menjadikannya subyek hukum yang mandiri. Diperlukan regulasi dan restrukturisasi pengaturan BUMN, untuk menata kembali campur tangan Negara terhadap PT (Persero). Namun demikian, kebijaksanaan ini memakan waktu lama, biaya banyak dan pakar hukum dan ekonomi yang mencukupi. Pengaturan kembali mengenai penyertaan modal Negara ke dalam PT (yang bukan Persero) secara mayoritas atau pendirian PT (yang bukan Persero), yang ditindaklanjuti dengan program "go (public) international, merupakan alternatit yang lebih tepat. Perlindungan terhadap pemegang saham minoritas dalam kegiatan "go (public) international", terdapat dalam Anggaran Dasar PT (Persero), Undang-undang Perseroan Terbatas dan ketentuan-ketentuan tentang bursa efek suatu negara, dimana saham tersebut dijual. Dengan demikian, Anggaran Dasar PT (Persero) yang akan melakukan "go (public) international" harus diubah, dengan memperhatikan Undang-undang Perseroan Terbatas dan prinsip-prinsip umum dari ketentuan bursa efek internasional yang menjadi tempat penjualan saham. Pengaturan adanya derivative suit dalam' Anggaran Dasar PT (Persero) dan Undang-undang tentang Perseroan Terbatas, merupakan dasar pengawasan sekaligus perlindungan bagi para pemegang saham. Swastanisasi dengan metoda "go (public) international" dan korporatisasi dengan metoda "go international" merupakan upaya untuk membuat PT (Persero) maju dan mandiri, sehingga dapat melaksanakan kedua misi yang diembannya, yaitu melayani kepentingan umum dan memupuk keuntungan. Dalam mencapai keberhasilan upaya-upaya inilah, peranan hukum sangat dominan untuk mewujudkan tertib niaga, yang menjunjung tinggi etika bisnis dalam menjalankan usaha suatu perusahaan.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 1994
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Siahaan, Frenchelse Gorga
Abstrak :
Rempah rempah sangat berperan penting bagi masyarakat Indonesia sejak dulu, mulai dari kegunaannya sebagai penambah cita rasa pada makanan hingga sebagai bahan dalam pembuatan obat-obatan. Selain itu, rempah rempah menjadi salah satu sumber ekspor yang turut memberikan berkontribusi terhadap perekonomian Indonesia. Tentu saja hal ini berhubungan langsung karena rempah rempah juga dibutuhkan oleh negara lain yang tidak memiliki rempah rempah di negaranya. Andaliman merupakan salah satu komoditas dan termasuk dalam rempah rempah yang memiliki ciri khas yaitu rasanya yang unik dan sensasinya ketika dikonsumsi serta manfaatnya yang tidak sebagai bahan masakan tetapi dapat digunakan untuk kebutuhan lainnya. Ciri khas Andaliman ini ternyata mampu menarik perhatian negara lain salah satunya negara Jerman yang sudah menjadi negara tujuan ekspor Andaliman. Hal ini juga sudah dikonfimasi oleh Kemeterian Perdagangan yang mengungkapkan akan terus  mengupayakan  produk  Andaliman sebagai produk unggulan ekspor Indonesia agar dapat bersaing di pasar global. Dalam sebuah webinar, Atase Perdagangan KBRI Berlin Nurlisa Arfani juga turut menjelaskan  potensi pasar Jerman yang menjanjikan  bagi  produk  Andaliman, karena adanya kebutuhan dari Jerman terhadap Andaliman. Hal ini merupakan peluang yang bagus bagi Indonesia untuk bisa menjadikan Andaliman sebagai produk unggulan yang akan mampu bersaing di pasar internasional. Jika Andaliman hendak  menjadi produk yang akan diekspor secara terus menerus, maka hal yang perlu diperhatikan Indonesia ialah kemampuan dalam menyediakan produk yang sesuai dengan permintaan pasar, berkualitas, memiliki harga yang bersaing  dengan  kompetitor,  serta  bagaimana upaya Indonesia untuk melakukan komersialisasi ke pasar ekspor. Namun masih banyak hambatan dan tantangan yang harus diperhatikan Indonesia dalam rangka mengkomersialisasikan komoditas Andaliman agar menjadi komoditas jagoan ekspor. ......Spices have long been essential to the Indonesian people, from their use as flavor enhancers in food to their use as ingredients in the manufacture of medicines. Furthermore, spices are one of the exports that contribute to the Indonesian economy. Of course, this is directly related because spices are also needed by other countries that do not have spices in their country. Andaliman is one of the commodities and is included in spices with a characteristic, namely its unique taste and sensation when consumed. Its benefits are as a cooking ingredient and can be used for other needs. This characteristic of Andaliman attracted the attention of other countries, including Germany, which had become the export destination for Andaliman. The Ministry of Trade confirmed that they would continue to strive for Andaliman products as superior Indonesian export products so they can compete in the global market. In a webinar, Trade Attaché of the Indonesian Embassy in Berlin, Nurlisa Arfani also explained the promising potential of the German market for Andaliman products due to a need from Germany for Andaliman. This is an excellent opportunity for Indonesia to make Andaliman a superior product that can compete in the international market.If Andaliman is to become a product that is continuously exported, Indonesia must focus on its ability to provide products that match market demand, are of good quality, have competitive prices with competitors, and how Indonesia's efforts to commercialize it to the export market. However, Indonesia must address numerous obstacles and challenges to commercialize Andaliman commodities and make them export champion commodities.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Alldo Fellix J.
Abstrak :
Kemenangan neoliberalisme sebagai ideologi yang diterima secara universal telah mengubah paradigma negara-negara dalam pengelolaan hak publik dan juga mengubah perilaku ekonomi manusia. Melalui aktor-aktornya, neoliberalisme juga mendorong pemerintah Indonesia untuk memprivatisasi universitas publiknya dan memperlakukan peserta didik sebatas konsumen dalam ruang pasar. Saat ini, universitas publik turut terjerat dalam relasi sosial neoliberal. Universitas yang terpengaruh neoliberalisme disebabkan dorongan untuk memprivatisasi institusinya dan minimnya alokasi anggaran dari pemerintah untuk penyelenggaraan pendidikan. Pengaruhnya turut mengubah model pengelolaan universitas publik yang berbasis kompetisi pasar, menginisiasi korporatisasi dan komersialisasi. Skripsi ini membahas fenomena tersebut terhadap empat universitas publik dan Universitas Indonesia secara spesifik dalam hal implementasi korporatisasi, otonomi dan dampaknya terhadap aksesibilitas.

Korporatisasi Universitas Indonesia berdampak signifikan terhadap komersialisasi peserta didik, meningkatkan biaya pendidikannya secara gradual dan mereduksi aksesibiltas bagi masyarakat miskin untuk memasuki universitas publik. Penulis juga mengangkat argumennya berdasarkan tren yang mengemuka: privatisasi sektor pendidikan, peningkatan korporatisasi dan otonomi pengelolaan universitas dan peningkatan biaya pendidikan sebagai indikasi dari komersialisasi.
Neoliberalism has changed the world’s paradigm on how governments should manage public rights and also affecting people’s economic behavior. Neoliberalism through its actors also push Indonesian government to privatize its public university and treat its student only as finite market consumers. In the current context, public universities are both enmeshed in, and reproduce neoliberal social relations. The neoliberal university is affected by privatization and underfunding from the government. Public universities have also internalized the competitive model of the market; initiating corporatization and commercialization. The study covered four Indonesia’s public university and specifically examines Universitas Indonesia in terms of its implementation of corporatization, autonomy and its effect on accessibility.

Corporatization of Universitas Indonesia had significant effect on the commercialization of students, increasing their tuition fee gradually and reduces the accessibility of the poor in Indonesia to enter public university. The author weaves the arguments together to point to several prominent trends: higher education sectors privatization, increased corporatization and autonomy of university governance and mounting student’s tuition fee as indication of commercialization.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Siringoringo, Cheelsy Rumondang
Abstrak :
Kota-kota besar membutuhkan third place inklusif yang bisa dinikmati oleh masyarakat dari berbagai kalangan. Ruang terbuka hijau berupa taman kota merupakan pilihan ideal yang memenuhi kebutuhan tersebut sebagai tempat bersosialisasi untuk bersantai di tengah rutinitas kota yang menjenuhkan. Namun seiring dengan perkembangan zaman, kemajuan teknologi, dan peningkatan kemampuan ekonomi membuat gaya hidup masyarakat ikut berubah. Beberapa taman kota yang dibangun beberapa dekade lalu jadi kurang relevan lagi saat ini, hingga akhirnya ditinggalkan pengunjungnya dan menjadi terbengkalai. Oleh karena itu revitalisasi pada taman kota perlu dilakukan agar tetap relevan dengan gaya hidup masyarakat perkotaan saat ini, salah satunya dengan menambahkan unsur komersial seperti tenant makanan dan minuman dengan tujuan untuk menambah daya tarik dan kenyamanan pengunjungnya. Sehingga keberadaan komersialisasi dalam hal ini tidak menghilangkan inklusivitas taman kota sebagai third place. Metode yang digunakan dalam skripsi ini adalah kajian studi literatur dan observasi dengan dua studi kasus yaitu Tebet Eco Park dan Taman Literasi. Skripsi ini dibuat dengan tujuan untuk menelusuri taman kota sebagai third place dan bagaimana pengaruh keberadaan komersialisasi terhadap inklusivitas taman kota. ......Big cities needs an inclusive third place that can be enjoyed by various level of society. Green open spaces in the form of urban parks is an option that can fullfill these needs to socialize and relax amidst the tiring city routines. However, over time, technological advances and increasing of level economic capability that have a direct influence on changes in culture and livestyle, some urban parks were built several decades ago are no longer relevant today are ultimately ignored by visitors and become abandoned. Therefore, revitalization of urban parks needs to be carried out so that they become relevant to the lifesytle of today’s urban communities by adding commercial elements such as food and beverage tenants with the aim of increasing the attracttion and confort of visitors. Thus, the existence of commercialization in this case does not eliminate the inclusiveness of urban parks as a third place. The method used in this thesis is a literature review and observation with two case studies, Tebet Eco Park and Taman Literasi. This thesis was written with the objective of exploring urban parks as a third place and how the precence of commercialization influences the inclusiveness of city parks.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mohammad Taghi Ansari
Abstrak :
The transformation process from idea to product and finally to wealth creation is one of the major problems in the agriculture sector in Iran. This study used a qualitative-exploratory approach to investigate the barriers and the solutions, which were derived from the interview results of our study, to commercialization of research findings in Iranian schools of agriculture. The data was collected through in-depth semi-structured interviews. The results showed that the highest ranking barriers to commercialization were inappropriate perspectives and policy-making, financial-investment barriers, mistrust, and poor communication; the barriers related to the participation of the private sector were among the lowest ranking items. The top ranking solutions for commercialization were related to planning, legislation, policy-making, needs assessment, goal setting, and prioritization. The technical-specialized solutions were the lowest ranking items.
Depok: Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI-IJTECH 7:1 (2016)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Puspa Kriselina Asmoro
Abstrak :

The activity of knowledge and technology transfer from the academic side into businesses or the industrial sector through various schemes, so-called university technology transfer or academic technology transfer, involves a complex process of developing research ideas into the utilization of research. Historically, university technology transfer was triggered by amendment of the U.S. Patent Law, named the Bayh-Dole Act. Shortly after the amendment, technology transfer activity at U.S. universities escalated, particularly in patent and license activities. The movement of transfer technology was closed related to a research activity of the university and university patent in general. Through empirical study, this paper identifies technology transfer activities specifically on herbal pharmaceutical products at two Indonesian state universities, i.e. Institut Pertanian Bogor and Universitas Indonesia. The identification of technology transfer activity in both universities aims to study whether IPRs play a significant role in technology transfer activity.
Depok: University of Indonesia, Faculty of Law, 2017
340 UI-ILR 7:1 (2017)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Eko Santoso
Abstrak :
Evaluation Study of Releasing Commercialization of Transgenic Cotton in South Sulawesi (Commercialization of Biotechnology Product)Transgenic crops are a plant that genetically modified contains a gene that has been artificially inserted instead of the other plant. The inserted gene (known as the trasgene) may come from another unrelated plant or from a completely different species with a purpose to increase the plant/crop productivity. Transgenic cotton is conventional cotton that inserted by gene of Bacillus Thuringensis (called further by Bollgard or Bt) which is immune by target pest from ordo Lepidoptera which is annoying the growth of cotton crops. The lower production of local cotton at Indonesia and higher import of cotton fiber as a basic need for local consumption for spinning mills, triggering the government to re look the process to look over how to increase the cotton production. The choice is fall to transgene cotton technology which is more effective and efficient. Cotton transgenic crops is the pioneer and the first project of biotechnology approach was introduced among the grower/farmer into Indonesia agriculture environment which is has supported by Central government and local government alliance with multinational company who has a leading technology in crop I plant as a agriculture/agrochemical industry named Monsanto through their subsidiary in Indonesia territory was called PT Monagro Kimia. As real commitment from Indonesia government in order to follow the multilateral world agreement in Trade with World Trade Organization and also to follow up the ratification of Cartagena protocol about the biosafety and food safety to have a contribution and to ensure the maximum level of safe protection about the usage of Genetically modified corps which is possible to get negative impact with agricultural sustainability and keep the unity of National food/biodiversity in general. The observation was done in order to find out the factor which is implicated the transgenic cotton is not smoothly working and stopped in year 2003 and with two entity interaction : government policies and company strategy who introducing the new transgenic crops. The descriptive evaluation is one of observation method with analyzing in Clipping study, newspaper study, journal study, interview approach in connection with the regulation of biosafety and food safety concern, transgenic crop in general and transgenic cotton in specific. In this thesis is also describes the role of stakeholder, the role of regulator who has a major involvement with the transgenic cotton policy (externality factor). SWOT analysis and Business Ecological model as well as Competitive Environment Strategy is disclose to have a clear understanding about the importance of mechanism of synergistic partnership in a specific role to reach integration and synergy. The observation also to look the effectiveness of Multinational Corporation to work with partnership will close in contact with society, environment and government. The weakness of core competency, transfer technology and communication with environment is pointed out as a one of improvement in the future(internality factor). The steadiness in law treatment for Biotechnology Company who interest to invest in Indonesia is also one improvement suggested in the last chapter of this thesis. Synergistic partnership is one engine boost and a good foundation for this such of transgenic project in near future and to encourage the stakeholder to build up the whole of integrated agribusiness cotton system and local cotton consumption. In line with the project were involvement all parties not only scientist, agriculture ministry, Wealth ministry, university, Indonesia Scientist Center, society, farmer but also Non government organization willing to sit together and have a same perception, acceptation of biotechnology refer to agriculture sustainability, biosafety, food safety. Recommendation is disclose at the end of this chapter of this thesis as a one of suggestion and improvement of development strategy of cotton transgenic in the future. Bibliography : 39 book, 6 website, 6 report, 1 regulation, 13 newspaper clipping (1991- 2004)
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2004
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tri Djoko Pariworo
Abstrak :
Kajian Islam kontemporer menunjukkan perkembangan metode dakwah pada masyarakat era digital yang semakin variatif ragam dan bentuknya termasuk menggunakan aplikasi teknologi digital. Ustadz Yusuf Mansur menggunakan aplikasi Paytren yang merupakan salah satu aplikasi berbasis teknologi sebagai produk keagamaan yang didalamnya terkandung unsur komersialisasi dalam relasinya dengan kelompok atau komunitas pengikutnya yaitu para pengguna aplikasi Paytren. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif melalui observasi dan wawancara terhadap komunitas Ustadz Yusuf Mansur yang juga pengguna aplikasi Paytren. Temuan penelitian ini menujukkan bahwa produk keagamaan dalam aplikasi Paytren yang mengandung unsur komersialisasi berdampak pada perubahan bentuk praktek keagamaan dari semula yang bersifat konvensional menjadi lebih fleksibel khususnya dalam masyarakat digital.

Contemporary Islamic studies show the development of the da'wah method in the digital age society which is increasingly varied in its variety and form including using digital technology applications. Ustadz Yusuf Mansur uses the Paytren application which is one of the technology-based applications as a religious product which contains elements of commercialization in relation to the group or community of followers, namely the users of the Paytren application. This study uses a qualitative method through observation and interviews with Yusuf Mansur Community Islamic Community who are also Paytren application users. The findings of this study show that religious products in the Paytren application which contain elements of commercialization have an impact on changing forms of religious practice from the conventional to become more flexible especially in digital societies.

Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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