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Hendra Wiradinata
Abstrak :
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah memberikan fasilitas dan menyempurnakan proses bisnis yang sedang berjalan di perusahaan PT. Gateway Internusa. Dimana proses bisnis yang ada sekarang masih mempunyai kendala ? kendala yang sangat berpengaruh terhadap kegiatan operasional PT. Gateway Internusa sekarang ini. Metode penelitian berupa pengumpulan data atau informasi pada sistem yang sedang berjalan. Mengidentifikasikan permasalahan yang dihadapi pada sistem yang sedang berjalan. Hasil yang dicapai berupa jalur baru dimana konsumen bisa melakukan aktivitas bisnis melalui teknologi internet dengan cara belanja online, mendaftar online dan mendapatkan personalisasi layanan secara online Kesimpulannya adalah dengan adanya rancangan aplikasi e-bisnis ini, dapat mendukung dan menambah operational excellence di dalam proses bisnis PT. Gateway Internusa, juga dengan rancangan e-bisnis ini memungkinkan juga menaikan posisi strategis perusahaan di industri sejenis.
The purpose of this research is to facilitate and enrich the ongoing business process in PT. Gateway Internusa. The current ongoing business process still have a lot of problems and obstacles which have huge effect on the current ongoing operational activities. The research methodology are data and fact finding and also information gathering on the current system and identify problems occurred on the ongoing system. The results is a new way which the consumer can do the business process through internet technology by doing the online shopping, online subscription, and get personalize online services.The summary is with the design of e-business application, can be supporting and enhance operational excellence in the business process of PT. Gateway Internusa, and with e-business design can also raising up the bargaining position of PT. Gateway Internusa in the similar industry.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2004
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Noni Juliasari
Abstrak :
Universitas Budi Luhur merupakan salah satu universitas di Jakarta yang memberikan layanan administrasi akademik sebagai bagian dari proses bisnisnya. Layanan administrasi akademik ini terdiri atas beberapa kegiatan birokratis yang harus ditempuhi mahasiswa untuk menyelesaikan aturan akademik. Bagi mahasiswa, mekanisme birokratis bukanlah layanan yang efektif dan efisien karena tidak fleksibel dalam waktu dan sangat menyulitkan. Layanan PA online merupakan sebuah aplikasi online yang dikembangkan untuk menggantikan sistem offline yang selama ini berjalan. Sistemini menyediakan layanan administrasi akademik pada sistem berbasis web yang dapat memfasilitasi layanan pengisian KRS dan KPRS oleh mahasiswa sendiri. Beberapa kelemahan yang ada pada sistem offline serta adanya perubahan kebijakan yang berlaku dari pihak akademik terhadap dosen Penasehat Akademik turut memicu keberadaan system PA online ini, selain karena adanya keinginan dari mahasiwa untuk memperoleh layanan yang memudahkan mereka. Spesifikasi kebutuhan perangkat lunak yang lengkap dan terdokumentasi dengan baik sangat dibutuhkan untuk menunjang berhasilnya pengembangan aplikasi ini. Dengan memanfaatkan metodologi Rational Unified Process (RUP) diharapkan spesifikasi yang dihasilkan dapat membantu dan mempermudah bagian pengembangan dalam mengembangkan aplikasi ini. Adaptasi RUP khususnya disiplin business modeling dan requirement dalam proyek ini akan disesuaikan dengan karakter aplikasi yang akan dikembangkan.
Budi Luhur University is one of university in Jakarta that provide some academic administration services as part of their business process. This academic administration services consist of several birocratic tasks that must be completed by student in order to finish an academic rule. For our students, birocratic mechanism is always not effective and not efficient too because it ussualy not flexible in time and very complicated. PA online is an online system that develop to replace an offline system that runs during the time. This system provide academic administration services based on web system which can facilitated an entry KRS service and KPRS by student themselves. Some weakness which found on an existing offline system and a change of policy in academic level for Penasehat Akademik lecturer have been trigger for build this system, besides caused by students desire to get an easy service that is facilitated for them. To make this project success, a complete and well documented software requirements becomes the main requisite. Software requirement specification yielded by adapting Rational Unified Process (RUP) methodology is expected to help this software developer. In this project, RUP adaptation particularly business modeling and requirement discipline will be conformed to characters of application being developed.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rr. Zabrina Ispratami Budi Sulistiyanti
Abstrak :

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh parental belief terhadap perilaku bermain online games anak remaja serta menguji apakah regulasi diri anak remaja berperan sebagai mediator pada hubungan kedua variabel. Alat ukur yang digunakan adalah Parental Belief Questionnaire, Adolescent Self-Regulatory Inventory, dan Internet Gaming Disorder 20 Test. Hasil penelitian terhadap 64 pasangan orang tua dan anak remaja awal menunjukkan bahwa aspek kreativitas dan kemampuan praktis pada parental belief berpengaruh terhadap perilaku bermain online games, sedangkan aspek-aspek lain (kemampuan pemecahan masalah, konformitas, kemampuan kognitif, kemampuan sosial, kemampuan praktis di sekolah) tidak berpengaruh. Di samping itu, regulasi diri berpengaruh terhadap perilaku bermian online games namun tidak berperan sebagai mediator pada pengaruh variabel parental belief terhadap perilaku bermain online games.

This study aimed to examine the influence of parental belief on adolescents’ online gaming behavior and whether self-regulation took the role as mediator. The instruments used for this study were Parental Belief Questionnaire, Adolescent Self-Regulatory Inventory, and Internet Gaming Disorder 20 Test. Result from 64 pairs of parent-early adolescent child shows that two aspects of parental belief (creativity and practical skill) influence the online gaming behavior while other aspects (problem-solving skill, conformity, cognitive skill, social skill, and practical skill at school) do not. In addition, self–regulation influences the online gaming behavior but does not take the role as the mediator for the influence of parental belief on adolescents’ online gaming behavior.

UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nathanael Surya Prawiro
Abstrak :
Tesis ini meganalisa faktor-faktor yang dihipotesiskan dapat mempengaruhi niat konsumen untuk membeli secara online. Ada lima variabel yang dihipotesiskan mempengaruhi niat untuk membeli secara online langsung yaitu Attitude, Product Knowledge, Online Information Search, Perceived Risk, and Trust. Model penelitian ini diambil dari berbagai peneliti seperti jurnal dan juga studi orang. Menggunakan beberapa jurnal seperti, 'Online Purchase Determianants: Is Their Efect Moderated By Direct Experience?' by Broekhuizen and Huizingh 2009; 'The impact of online store environment cues on purchase intention: Trust and perceived risk as a mediator' by Chang and Chen, 2008; ?A Research Modeling to Understand Online Shopping Intention. Australian Journal of Basic & Applied Sciences? by Delafrooz, Paim, Khatibi, 2011; 'Consumer Behavior Research of Factors Influencing Online Purchase Intention' a thesis by Febriyanti, Institut Teknolgi Bandung, 2011. Ada 13 hipotesis yang disimpulkan dari model yang dibangun. Berdasarkan 341 responden konsumer online di wilayah JABODETABEK yang mengetahui secara khusus tentang Bukalapak.com, ditemukan bahwa dari 5 variabel yang dihipotesiskan mempengaruhi niat beli online secara langsung, ditemukan bahwa sebenarnya dalam kenyataan hanya 2 variabel yang secara signifikan mempengaruhi niat untuk membeli secara online. Kedua variabel itu adalah Online Information Search dan Percieved Risk. ......This thesis anlayzes the factors that are hypothesised to affect a consumer's intention to purchase online. There are five variables which are hypothesised to affect intention to purchase online directly which are Attitude, Product Knowledge, Online Information Search, Perceived Risk, and Trust. The model of this research is taken from various researchers such as journals and also past studies of people. The journals used in some consists of 'Online Purchase Determianants: Is Their Efect Moderated By Direct Experience?' by Broekhuizen and Huizingh 2009; 'The impact of online store environment cues on purchase intention: Trust and perceived risk as a mediator' by Chang and Chen, 2008; 'A Research Modeling to Understand Online Shopping Intention. Australian Journal of Basic & Applied Sciences' by Delafrooz, Paim, Khatibi, 2011; 'Consumer Behavior Research of Factors Influencing Online Purchase Intention' a thesis by Febriyanti, Institut Teknolgi Bandung, 2011. There are 13 hypotheses concluded from the model constructed. Based on 341 respondents in the JABODETABEK area who are online shoppers and know specifically about Bukalapak.com, it was found that from the 5 variable that are hypothesised to affect online purchase intention directly, it was found that there were actually in reality only 2 variables that significantly affects intention to purchase online. These two variables are online information search and perceived risk.
Jakarta: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ratna Puspita
Abstrak :
Tesis ini bertujuan mengungkap dampak kapitalisme baru terhadap jurnalisme online. Kapitalisme baru dibangun dengan logika jangka pendek, yaitu proses harus berlangsung dengan cepat untuk mendapatkan keuntungan. Penelitian ini menggunakan paradigma kritis dan studi kasus sebagai strategi penelitiannya. Data dikumpulkan melalui wawancara, observasi, dan analisis berita. Metode analisis data, yaitu logika jangka pendek milik Richard Sennett. Determinasi teknologi mendorong perusahaan terus berubah sehingga memunculkan ketidakgunaan dan politik konsumsi yang menempatkan berita sebagai komoditas. Jurnalisme jangka pendek ditandai dengan berita ringkas, stripping, sensasional, berbagi konten, topik terhangat, dan viewers. Logika jangka pendek mengembalikan jurnalisme kuning ke media baru dan mengeksploitasi wartawan.
This thesis aims to reveal the impact of new capitalism on online journalism. The new capitalism emphasis on short-term thinking. The process must be fast and quick to gain profit for the company. This research uses a critical paradigm and case studies as a research strategy. Data are collected through interviews, observation, and content analysis. The method of data analysis is Richard Sennett’s short-term thinking. Technological determination pushes media company to keep change. This process led to the uselessness and political consumption that put news become commodity. Short-term thinking on journalism characterized by concise news, stripping, sensational, sharing content, hot topic, and viewers. Short-term thinking brought yellow journalism to new media and exploit journalists, This thesis aims to reveal the impact of new capitalism on online journalism. The new capitalism emphasis on short-term thinking. The process must be fast and quick to gain profit for the company. This research uses a critical paradigm and case studies as a research strategy. Data are collected through interviews, observation, and content analysis. The method of data analysis is Richard Sennett’s short-term thinking. Technological determination pushes media company to keep change. This process led to the uselessness and political consumption that put news become commodity. Short-term thinking on journalism characterized by concise news, stripping, sensational, sharing content, hot topic, and viewers. Short-term thinking brought yellow journalism to new media and exploit journalists]
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hamonangan, Yuliantino Fernando
Abstrak :
[Tesis ini membahas kebijakan newsroom media berkonvergensi. Bagaimana sejumlah media massa yang sudah berkonvergensi menyatu dalam sebuah newsroom baru terpadu. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan cara wawancara mendalam dan observasi untuk mengambil data. Informan adalah pekerja jurnalistik dalam newsroom terpadu Beritasatu.com yang terdiri atas satu pemimpin redaksi, tiga redaktur pelaksana, dan dua redaktur dari masing-masing media. Penelitian ini mencapai kesimpulan bahwa media massa saat ini mulai beradaptasi dengan media baru dan melakukan konvergensi. Konvergensi memaksa terciptanya newsroom terpadu, konten disalurkan ke berbagai platform. Beritasatu.com menerapkan kebijakan newsroom terintegrasi penuh. Tetapi kebijakan itu tidak berjalan, hanya menjadi terintegrasi semu, karena masing-masing media yang bergabung di integrasi masih menerapkan pola lama;This thesis discusses the policies of the converging media newsroom. It is about how the converged mass media work together in a new integrated newsroom. The research was conducted using qualitative research with in-depth interviews and observation to retrieve the data. The informants here are journalists in the integrated newsroom Beritasatu.com, consisting of one chief editor, three managing editors, and two editors of the respective medias. The study concluded that currently, the mass medias are starting to adapt to the new media and create a media convergence. This causes the creation of an integrated newsroom, where the content is distributed to various platforms. Beritasatu.com implements a fully integrated newsroom policy. Yet, the policy can not be operated smoothly, because each medias in the integration still apply their old patterns;This thesis discusses the policies of the converging media newsroom. It is about how the converged mass media work together in a new integrated newsroom. The research was conducted using qualitative research with in-depth interviews and observation to retrieve the data. The informants here are journalists in the integrated newsroom Beritasatu.com, consisting of one chief editor, three managing editors, and two editors of the respective medias. The study concluded that currently, the mass medias are starting to adapt to the new media and create a media convergence. This causes the creation of an integrated newsroom, where the content is distributed to various platforms. Beritasatu.com implements a fully integrated newsroom policy. Yet, the policy can not be operated smoothly, because each medias in the integration still apply their old patterns, This thesis discusses the policies of the converging media newsroom. It is about how the converged mass media work together in a new integrated newsroom. The research was conducted using qualitative research with in-depth interviews and observation to retrieve the data. The informants here are journalists in the integrated newsroom Beritasatu.com, consisting of one chief editor, three managing editors, and two editors of the respective medias. The study concluded that currently, the mass medias are starting to adapt to the new media and create a media convergence. This causes the creation of an integrated newsroom, where the content is distributed to various platforms. Beritasatu.com implements a fully integrated newsroom policy. Yet, the policy can not be operated smoothly, because each medias in the integration still apply their old patterns]
Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sherly Haristya
Abstrak :
Dengan karakter kebaruan yang dimiliki oleh berita online sebagai salah satu bentuk computer mediated communication: multimediality, archivaiity, hypertextuality, dan interactivity, user semakin dihadapkan kepada informasi yang beragam di dalam berita online dan semakin memiliki kebebasan untuk mengklik informasi mana yang mereka inginkan. Di tengah hal tersebut maka dengan menggunakankonsep audiens aktif, penelitian ini berusaha melihat aktivitas pencarian informasi di da!am konsumsi berita online oleh user digital native yang merupakan salah satu pengakses berita online yang akan menjadi langkah perkembangan teknologi baru di masa mendatang. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan studi kasus intrinsik dan metode kualitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data berupa wawancara mendalam. Ditemukan bahwa aktivitas user bergerak dari sekedar resepsi kepada pencarian, konsultasi, dan interaksi yang semakin gencar lagi dan personal di tengah konten berita online yang semakin beragam.
With its novelty characteristics as a form of computer mediated communication: multimediality, archivality, hypertextuality, and interactivity, users of online news more confronted to various information and freedom to read the information they need. Considering those matters, with the use of active audience concept, this research tried to analyse infoimation seeking activity in consuming online news by digital native users who are going to forge new technologies development in the future. This study used an intrinsic case study approach and qualitative method with in-depth interviews as data collection techniques. It is found that users' activity in this research is not only reception but to the more frequent and personal search, consultation, and interaction among various information in online news.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2010
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sara Almira Nindyaswari
Abstrak :
Studi ini dilakukan untuk menganalisa hubungan antara ulasan online di Instagram dan pembelian impulsive pada kategori produk kecantikan, dengan browsing dan dorongan untuk pembelian impulsif sebagai mediator. Ada dua manfaat ulasan online yang mungkin memainkan peran penting dalam mendorong perilaku penelusuran konsumen, yaitu nilai utilitarian dan nilai hedonis. Selain itu, riset ini juga mendiskusikan bagaimana efek moderasi dari perbedaan tingkat impulsive pada konsumen dapat mempengaruhi kegiatan browsing mereka. Data yang dikumpulkan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan pembagian kuisioner online kepada 441 responden yang berpengalaman menggunakan Instagram dan pernah membaca ulasan online di platform tersebut. Hal ini dilakukan untuk memverifikasi efek dari nilai yang dirasakan konsumen saat membaca ulasan online terhadap perilaku pembelian impulsif. Teknik pengambilan sampel dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teknik convenience sampling, dengan melibatkan penduduk Jabodetabek sebagai sampel. Tes hipotesis dilakukan menggunakan Structural Equation Model (SEM) yang diolah menggunakan software LISREL 8.8. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa nilai utilitarian dan nilai hedonis secara positif memengaruhi browsing dan akan semakin meningkatkan dorongan untuk membeli secara impulsif dan akhirnya mengarah pada perilaku pembelian impulsif. Studi ini juga menunjukkan bahwa perbedaan tingkat impulsive setiap konsumen memoderasi pengaruh nilai utilitarian dan nilai hedonis pada kegiatan browsing. Hasil penelitian ini memiliki implikasi bagi manajer pemasaran produk kecantikan untuk memahami bagaimana pelanggan berperilaku dan mengembangkan strategi untuk merangsang perilaku pembelian impulsif tersebut. ......This research was conducted to analyse the relationship between online reviews on Instagram and impulse buying for beauty products, with browsing and urge to buy impulsively as the mediator. Moreover, this research also discusses how the moderation effect of impulsiveness level of customers affects their browsing behaviour. The framework of this study was tested on Instagram social media in Indonesia. An online questionnaire with 441 participants who had experience using Instagram and have been exposed by beauty products online review was recruited to verify the effects of consumers’ perceived value from reading online reviews on urge to buy impulsively and impulse buying behaviour. The sampling technique in this study is using convenience sampling, with residents of Jabodetabek used as samples. Hypothesis test used in this study is the use of SEM (Structural Equation Model) using LISREL 8.8. There are two benefits of online reviews that may play an important role in driving consumers’ browsing behaviour, namely utilitarian value and hedonic value. The results of this study indicate that utilitarian value and hedonic value positively influences browsing and which further enhances the urge to buy impulsively and leads to impulse buying behaviour. This study also shows that impulsiveness moderates the influence of utilitarian value, hedonic value on browsing. This result of this study has implications for the marketing manager of beauty products to understand how customer behaves and developing strategy to stimulate customer impulsive buying behaviour.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan BIsnis Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rizky Bagus Sampurno
Abstrak :
Online marketplace merupakan sebuah format e-commerce yang cukup populer di Indonesia dan memiliki karakteristik yang berbeda dibanding dengan online store pada umumnya. Karakteristik jual-beli dapat dipahami melalui pendekatan relational exchange menggunakan variabel transaction cost. Transactional cost merupakan salah satu komponen penting kegiatan pertukaran baik online maupun offline dan sudah cukup sering di diskusikan dalam berbagai penelitian ilmiah terkait dampaknya terhadap perilaku konsumen. Penelitian ini akan menganalisis pengaruh dari information searching cost, moral hazard cost, dan specific asset investment yang merupakan komponen dari transactional cost terhadap perceived value dan repurchase intention dari konsumen online marketplace Forum Jual Beli Kaskus. Sampel penelitian yang digunakan adalah pengguna FJB Kaskus di kota-kota besar di Jawa, dan data yang didapat diolah dengan menggunakan metode structural equation modelling. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa information searching cost dan moral hazard cost berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap pembentukan perceived value yang dirasakan konsumen dalam proses jual-beli, sedangkan specific asset investment tidak memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap perceived value konsumen. Selanjutnya dalam kaitannya terhadap intensi pembelian ulang, hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa information searching cost dan specific asset investment memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan dalam mendorong repurchase intention konsumen.
Online marketplace is a fairly popular e-commerce format in Indonesia which has different characteristic compared to the common online stores. Transaction characteristics can be well-explained by relational exhchange approach, using transaction cost variables. Transaction cost is one of the most important component for both online and offline exchange activity and frequently discussed on scientific research related to consumer behavior. This study will analyze the impact of information searching cost, moral hazard cost, and specific asset investment which are the components of transaction cost to perceived value and repurchase intention of consumer of popular online marketplace; FJB Kaskus. Data on this study collected from FJB Kaskus user which live in Java Island’ biggest cities. The data analyzed using two-step approach structural equation modelling. The results indicates that information searching cost and moral hazard cost significantly influence to the consumer perceived value, while specific asset investment has no significant influence to the perceived value. Related to consumer repurchase intention, the result indicates information searching cost and specific asset investment has significant influence on consumer repurchase intention. However, moral hazard cost has no impact on consumer repurchase intention.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nancy Gloria Miranda
Abstrak :
Tulisan ini bermaksud untuk mempelajari dan menganalisis peran Eksternalitas Jaringan, Karakteristik Inovasi, dan Kecemasan Teknologi pada suatu bentuk model bisnis keuangan yang baru. Inovasi-inovasi Digital telah mengubah banyak aspek kehidupan manusia modern. Banyak model bisnis mengintegrasikan bisnis mereka ke bentuk online atau virtual di bagian depan bisnis mereka, termasuk perbankan. Jenius adalah bentuk baru model bisnis bank yang hanya terbentuk dalam bentuk virtual dengan memanfaatkan popularisasi penggunaan smartphone dan internet. Jadi bentuk baru tersebut adalah Jenius hanya mobile / online-banking, dengan kehadiran fisik minimal. Model penelitian ini diambil dari penelitian perbankan bergerak dan dimodifikasi untuk menganalisis secara ekstensif hubungan dan teori yang diajukan sebelumnya. Dengan partisispasi 174 orang respondent data dapat dikumpulkan dan di proses dengan metode Structural Equation Modeling dengan tiga jenis hubungan: Interaksi Langsung, Tidak Langsung / Mediasi, dan Moderasi. Dari Eksternalitas, efek mediasi Karakteristik Inovasi Jenius, dan seberapa banyak kegelisahan teknologi mungkin mencairkan hubungan yang diusulkan. ...... This paper intends to study and analyze the role of Network Externalities, Characteristics of Innovation, and Technological Anxiety on a new form of financial business model. Digital Innovations change many aspects of modern life, many business model integrate their business to online or virtual form at their front end of their business, that includes banking. Jenius is a new form of bank business model which form only in virtual form and utilizes the popularization of smartphone and internet use. Essentially a mobile online banking only, with minimal physical presence. The model of this researchs taken from a research of mobile banking and modified to extensively analyze the previously proposed relationships and theories. It uses the 3 previously mentioned theories on Intention to adopt Jenius. With the participation of 174 respondents, the data is gathered and then analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling with three types of relationship Direct, Indirect Mediation, and Moderation Interactions. From the result we find the supported and not supported effect of Network Externalities, the mediation effect of Jenius Innovation Characteristics, and how much technological anxiety might dilute the proposed relationship.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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