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Ditemukan 10 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
"Banyak faktor yang mempengaruhi tingkat pencapaian sasaran perusahaan. Management perusahaan harus mampu mengidentifikasi faktor yang paling berpengaruh terhadap pencapaian sasaran, guna menganalisa faktor-faktor itu secara kualitatif maupun kuantitatif untuk mengetahui dampak atau pengaruhnya terhadap pencapaian sasaran, yang akan dipergunakan untuk menentukan langkah strategis maupun kebijakan yang diperlukan untuk mengendalikan faktor-faktor tersebut sehingga sasaran yang optimal dapat dicapai. Penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor yang paling berpengaruh dalam mencapai sasaran perusahaan jasa konstruksi yang didasarkan pada tuntutan pemegang saham untuk memberikan masukan bagi management perusahaan dalam menentukan rencana tindak lanjut pada Rencana Jangka Panjang Perusahaan.Dengan diperolehnya faktor yang paling berpengaruh maka manajemen dapat menganalisanya dan membuat rencana tindak lanjut dalam Rencana Jangka Panjang Perusahaan untuk mencapai sasaran secara optimal.

Many factors influencing achievement level of company's goals. The Management have to identify the dominant factor that influencing the goal achievement, analyze those factors qualitatively and quantitatively to know the impact to goat achievement, then determined strategic actions and policy needed to control the factors so that the target can be reached optimally. This research is meant to identify the dominant factor that influencing the goal achievement, based on the shareholder requirement so that the management have the inputs for prioritizing do step and strategic policy in the effort of to reach most optimal target. After gained the dominant variables it could be analyzed by management to create action plans in Long Term Planning of the company to reach the target optimally."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2004
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Citra Astri Wulandari
"Sektor jasa konstruksi merupakan kegiatan masyarakat mewujudkan bangunan yang berfungsi sebagai pendukung atau prasarana aktivitas sosial ekonomi kemasyarakatan guna menunjang terwujudnya tujuan pembangunan nasional. Namun dalam implementasinya banyak terjadi kegagalan konstruksi yang mengakibatkannya proyek konstruksi menjadi terlambat dan mengalami penambahan biaya lebih dari yang direncanakan. Dalam periode Juli 2017 – Maret 2020 tercatat terdapat lebih dari 34 kejadian kegagalan konstruksi yang terjadi di Indonesia.
Dari berbagai kejadian tersebut penyebab paling banyaknya adalah karena faktor manusia, salah satunya dalah faktor leadership. Maka dari itu diperlukannya sebuah penelitian terkait leadership system dalam meningkatkan budaya mutu dalam upaya menurunkan kegagalan konstruksi.
Adapun tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menentukan indikator leadership system mana yang berpengaruh terhadap keberhasilan suatu perusahaan jasa pelaksana konstruksi dalam upaya menurunkan kegagalan konstruksi dan mengembangkan strategi leadership system yang perlu diterapkan perusahaan jasa pelaksana konstruksi tersebut dalam upaya menurunkan tingkat kegagalan konstruksi.
Dalam penelitian ini akan penulis melakukan analisis data terhadap 148 responden yang bekerja dibidang jasa pelaksana konstruksi. Metode penelitian yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini yaitu dengan menggunakan metode kuantitatif dengan ialat bantu instrument penelitian berupa kuesioner . Setelah pengumpulan data penulis melakukan analisis deskriptif dengan bantuan software SPSS untuk mendapatkan nilai homogenitas, reliabilitas dan kecukupan data serta menggunakan software SmartPLS yang membantu penulis untuk mendapatkan hubungan nilai signifikansi dari variabel leadership system yang ditemukan melalui kajian literature dan masukan para pakar. Dari hasil analisa didapatkan bahwa dari ke-11 variabel leadership system (Stimulasi Intelektual, Inspirasi dan Motivasi, Keterampilan Manajemen, Integritas Personal, Profesional dan Kompetensi Emosional, Keterampilan Komunikasi dan Interpersonal, Pengembangan dan Pemberdayaan, Visioner, Fokus dan Perencanaan Strategis (Kebijakan), Kepedulian terhadap Bawahan, Inovasi, Peningkatan dan Problem Solving, dan Keterlibatan Pemangku Kepentingan) yang penulis dapatkan dari kajian litertur dan masukan pakar di tahap awal, dan didapatkan hanya variabel Keterlibatan Pemangku Kepentingan yang berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap tingkat kegagalan konstruksi. Hal tersebut dibuktikan dengan nilai T-Statistics variabel X11 terhadap variabel Y pada SmartPLS sebesar 3.991 (lebih besar dari 1.96, nilai level signifikansi 5%). Serta didapatkan 7 dari 8 indikator yang mempengaruhi variabel X11 (Keterlibatan Pemangku Kepentingan) diantaranya indikator X11.2, X11.3, X11.4, X11.5, X11.1, X11.7 dan X11.8.
Maka berdasarkan temuan di atas, mengingat masih tingginya pembangunan di Indonesia, dalam upaya menurunkan tingkat kegagalan konstruksi di Indonesia dan belum diterapkannya strategi pengembangan leadership system maka penelitian ini dapat menjadi jawaban untuk menurunkan tingkat kegagalan konstruksi di Indonesia dengan menerapkan strategi pengembangan leadership system dalam meningkatkan budaya mutu.

The construction service sector is the community's activity in realizing buildings that function as supporting or infrastructure for social economic activities in the community to support the realization of national development goals. However, in its implementation many construction failures have resulted in construction projects being delayed and experiencing additional costs more than planned. In the period July 2017 - March 2020 recorded there were more than 34 incidents of construction failure that occurred in Indonesia.
From the various incidents the most causes are due to human factors, one of which is the leadership factor. Therefore the need for a study related to leadership systems to increasing quality culture in an effort to reduce construction failure.
The purpose of this study is to determine which leadership system indicators that affect the success of a construction service company in an effort to reduce construction failures and develop a leadership system strategy that needs to be implemented by construction service companies in an effort to reduce the level of construction failure.
In this study the author will analyze the data from 148 respondents who work in the construction implementation service. The research method used in this research is by usingquantitiative methods and the help of a research instrument is using questionnaire. Aftter collecting the data, author carried out a descriptibe analysis and with using SPSS software to get the values of homogenity, reliability and adequacy of the data and used the SmartPLS software which helped the author to get the relationship between the significance value of the leadership system variables found through literature review and expert input.
From the result the author found that 11 of the variables of leadership system (Intellectual Stimulation, Inspiration and Motivation, Management Skills Personal Integrity, Professional and Emotional Competencies, Communication and Interpersonal Skills Development and Empowerment, Visionary, Focus and Strategic Planning (Policy), Concern for Subordinates, Innovation, Improvement and Problem Solving, and Engagement Stakeholders that the author fouund from the literature and expert input in the first stage of the research, and only Engagement to Stakeholders variable has a significant effect on the construction failure rate. This is evidenced by the T-Statistics value of the X11 variable against the Y variable on SmartPLS of 3.991 (greater than 1.96, the value of the significant level is 5%). And obtainde 7 out of 8 indicators that affect the X11 variable (Stakeholder Engagement) including indicators X11.2, X11.3, X11.4, X11.5, X11.6 X11.7 and X11.8.
So based on the finding above, considering the high development rate in Indonesia, in a effort to reduce the failure rate of construction in Indonesia and the absence of a leadership system development strategy, this research can be an answer to reduce the failure rate of construction in Indonesia by implementing a leadership system development strategy in improving quality culture.
Jakarta: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Siti Arina Safarina
Industri perawatan pesawat terbang sedang berada pada momentum yang
sangat penting untuk digarap. Prospek dan peluang bisnis industri ini terbuka lebar,
contohnya dengan akan diberlakukannya ASEAN open sky. Namun, hal ini juga
memberikan indikasi bahwa persaingan antara AMO akan semakin tajam dan headto-
head diantara AMO lintas negara bahkan regional. Untuk menangkap peluang
tersebut, AMO harus mampu memahami kustomernya dan memberikan pelayanan
berkualitas berdasarkan pemahaman tersebut. Perhatian manajemen AMO terhadap
Perceived Value dan Service Quality diperlukan, mulai dari penawaran kepada
kustomer hingga proses evaluasi oleh kustomer.
Penelitian ini berusaha untuk mengidentifikasiperceived value dan indikatorindikator
service quality yang ditawarkan oleh AMO kepada pemegang keputusan
hingga ke perwakilan dari kustomer yang merasakan langsung pelayanan yang
diberikan. Dari penelitian terhadap service quality tersebut, teridentifikasi gap lain
yang perlu ditambahkan di dalam model service quality klasik. Gap tersebut adalah
bahwa pada industri B2B, kemungkinan besar akan terjadi kesenjangan di dalam
organisasi konsumen tersebut, yakni antara pengambil keputusan dengan yang
langsung merasakan proses ataupun hasil dari pelayanan jasa tersebut.
Proses untuk mengidentifikasi indikator-indikator apa yang dianggap penting
oleh kustomer cukup sulit. Sebagai bahan masukan untuk perancangan awal sistem
service quality bagi AMO, penelitian ini berusaha menginvestigasi indiktor-indikator
yang memiliki kemungkinan dampak yang signifikan terhadap terjadinya gap pada
layanan jasa yang diberikan dan relasinya dengan tingkat kepentingan dimensidimensi
service quality.
Satu set kuesioner disusun untuk membentuk manajemen pelayanan kualitas
yang solid di dalam tubuh AMO. Kuesioner tersebut terdiri dari:
 Kuesioner untuk mengidentifikasi kesenjangan yang terjadi diantara
organisasi pembeli. Sekaligus, kuesioner untuk mengidentifikasi
kesenjangan antara ekspektasi konsumen dengan persepsinya.
 Kuesioner untuk mengidentifikasi kesenjangan antara persepsi
manajemen AMO terhadap ekspektasi konsumen dibandingkan
dengan apa ekspektasi kustomer sebenarnya.
 Kuesioner untuk mengidentifikasi penyebab terjadinya perbedaan
persepsi antara manajemen AMO dengan ekspektasi kosumen. Kuesioner untuk mengidentifikasi apakah ada formalitas standard
pelayanan yang disusun oleh manajemen AMO.
 Kuesioner untuk mengidentifikasi formalitas standard pelayanan
dijalankan oleh seluruh karyawan dalam organisasi AMO.
 Kuesioner untuk mengidentifikasi apakah terjadi kesenjangan antara
pelayanan yang diberikan dengan janji yang dikomunikasikan.
 Kuesioner penunjang lain yang telah disusun oleh peneliti
sebelumnya, yakni, untuk mengidentifikasi gap yang terjadi pada
front-liner, contohnya gap pada employee empowerment.
Relationship quality sama pentingnya dengan service quality dalam
memberikan dampak terhadap kepuasan konsumen pada industri yang membutuhkan
trust. Kuesioner yang dirancang oleh Durvasula et.al dapat dimanfaatkan untuk
melengkapi program peningkatan kepuasan konsumen.

Aircraft maintenance industry is on the truth of moment to grap. Business
prospects and opportunities of this industry is now widely opened, for example,
ASEAN open sky policy which would be enacted this year. However, it also
indicates that the competition among the AMO?s will be sharper and AMO?s might
be faced head-to-head across country and regional. In order to capture these
opportunities, AMO should understand the customers and be able to provide quality
services consistently with their wants and needs. AMO management must be paid
attention to service quality demanden by them, from the offering process to them
until the evaluation process by them.
This aim of this study is to identify perceived quality and the indicators of
service quality offered by AMO. These indicators are identified from the decision
maker to the customer?s representatives of who directly evaluated the services
provided. This study identified an additional gap to the classical model of service
quality. There is a gap in B2B organization, which is between the decision makers
and who directly evaluated the processes/results of theservices.
Process for identifying indicators importantly considered by customers is
quite difficult. In order to designed the tools for management of service quality (a
aset of questionnaires), this study investigates the factors that significantly impacted
on service qulity and its dimension. In order to form an integrated management of
service quality of AMO, a set of questionnaires are developed, consisted of:
 Questionnaire to identify gaps in the buyer organization, among
team of decision makers, or between the decision maker and the
customer?s representatives who directly evaluated the services
 Questionnaire to identify the gaps between consumer expectations
and consumer perceptions.
 Questionnaire to identify gaps between management perceptions
against consumer expectations, if compared to what customers
 Questionnaire to identify the causes of perception differences
between management and consumer expectations.
 Questionnaire to identify if there are formalizatons of service
standards prepared by AMO management Questionnaire to identify if the service standards /procedures are
executed by employees in AMO organization.
 Questionnaire to identify the gaps between the service delivery and
the promises that has been communicated by AMO.
 Other supporting questionnaires that had been developed by
previous researchers, to identify the gaps that occurs in the frontliner,
for example is the gap of employee empowerment.
In industry requiring trustworthiness, relationship quality is the same
important as service quality for customer satisfaction. Questionnaire of relationship
quality that developed by Durvasula et.al. can be utilized as well to improve
customer satisfaction, Aircraft maintenance industry is on the truth of moment to grap. Business
prospects and opportunities of this industry is now widely opened, for example,
ASEAN open sky policy which would be enacted this year. However, it also
indicates that the competition among the AMO’s will be sharper and AMO’s might
be faced head-to-head across country and regional. In order to capture these
opportunities, AMO should understand the customers and be able to provide quality
services consistently with their wants and needs. AMO management must be paid
attention to service quality demanden by them, from the offering process to them
until the evaluation process by them.
This aim of this study is to identify perceived quality and the indicators of
service quality offered by AMO. These indicators are identified from the decision
maker to the customer’s representatives of who directly evaluated the services
provided. This study identified an additional gap to the classical model of service
quality. There is a gap in B2B organization, which is between the decision makers
and who directly evaluated the processes/results of theservices.
Process for identifying indicators importantly considered by customers is
quite difficult. In order to designed the tools for management of service quality (a
aset of questionnaires), this study investigates the factors that significantly impacted
on service qulity and its dimension. In order to form an integrated management of
service quality of AMO, a set of questionnaires are developed, consisted of:
 Questionnaire to identify gaps in the buyer organization, among
team of decision makers, or between the decision maker and the
customer’s representatives who directly evaluated the services
 Questionnaire to identify the gaps between consumer expectations
and consumer perceptions.
 Questionnaire to identify gaps between management perceptions
against consumer expectations, if compared to what customers
 Questionnaire to identify the causes of perception differences
between management and consumer expectations.
 Questionnaire to identify if there are formalizatons of service
standards prepared by AMO management Questionnaire to identify if the service standards /procedures are
executed by employees in AMO organization.
 Questionnaire to identify the gaps between the service delivery and
the promises that has been communicated by AMO.
 Other supporting questionnaires that had been developed by
previous researchers, to identify the gaps that occurs in the frontliner,
for example is the gap of employee empowerment.
In industry requiring trustworthiness, relationship quality is the same
important as service quality for customer satisfaction. Questionnaire of relationship
quality that developed by Durvasula et.al. can be utilized as well to improve
customer satisfaction]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Arif Hidayat Zain
Saat ini, manajemen pengetahuan atau Knowledge Management (KM) dianggap sebagai alat kompetitif yang tepat untuk sukses dalam ekonomi berbasis pengetahuan, sehingga banyak organisasi telah mengerahkan dan menerapkan KM untuk miningkatkan kinerja seperti perusahaan jasa konstruksi. Tujuan dari makalah ini adalah untuk memberikan pedoman dan gambaran bagi organisasi untuk mengevaluasi tingkat kematangan KM pada perusahaan jasa konstruksi swasta nasional di Indonesia dan cara untuk menaikkannya agar kinerja organisasi meningkat. Langkah pertama dalam mencapai tujuan KM adalah pengakuan status saat ini dari kemampuan KM itu sendiri pada perusahaan yang didapat melalui model kematangan knowledge management. Selanjutnya, bagaimana meningkatkannya agar kinerja perusahaan lebih baik dengan peninjauan keselarasan dengan identifikasi faktor kunci keberhasilan atau critical success factor (CSF). Tujuh kriteria organisasi atau fungsional digunakan sebagai elemen kunci menuju pendekatan KM yang efektif, yaitu kebijakan strategi, perencanaan dan proses SDM, pelatihan dan peningkatan kinerja manusia, metode prosedur & proses dokumentasi, solusi teknis (TI), pendekatan menangkap mengginakan pengetahuan tacid, dan budaya KM. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, disimpulkan tingkat kematangan KM berada pasa lever dua, yaitu tahap pengembangan. Kebijakan strategi adalah katagori yang paling utama untuk ditingkatkan.

At present, knowledge management (KM) is considered an appropriate competitive tool for success in a knowledge-based economy, so many organizations have deployed and implemented KM to improve performance such as construction service companies. The purpose of this paper is to provide guidelines and picture for organizations to evaluate the level of KM maturity of national private construction service companies in Indonesia and ways to improve them so that organizational performance improves. The first step in achieving the KM goal is the recognition of the current status of the KM capability itself in the company gained through the knowledge management maturity model. Next, how to improve it so that the companys performance is better by reviewing alignment with identifying critical success factors (CSF). Seven organizational or functional criteria are used as key elements towards an effective KM approach, namely policies strategies, HR planning and processes, training and improvement of human performance, procedure methods & documentation processes, technical solutions (IT), approaches to capture use tacid knowledge, and KM culture. Based on the results of the study, it was concluded that the level of KM maturity was in the second level, namely the development stage. Policies strategies are the main categories to be improved.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Gilang Axelline Andriani
"Untuk mempermudah pengenaan pajak penghasilan atas penghasilan dari usaha jasa konstruksi dan memberikan kemudahan serta mengurangi beban administrasi bagi wajib pajak, Pemerintah menerbitkan peraturan tersebut dengan Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 51 Tahun 2008 diubah Nomor 40 Tahun 2009 tentang Pajak Penghasilan Jasa Konstruksi. Dari sisi administrasi, pengenaan tarif final sangat memudahkan wajib pajak dalam menyampaikan pajak penghasilan, namun tarif final tersebut tidak mencerminkan keadilan yang menganut prinsip teori kemampuan membayar. Perubahan tarif non final menjadi final ditengarai menjadi faktor bagi jasa konstruksi untuk mengejar nilai kontrak tertentu. Skema ini dapat diasumsikan sebagai bentuk penghindaran pajak. Penelitian ini akan mengkaji apakah kebijakan pajak final usaha konstruksi mempengaruhi perilaku perusahaan dalam pemilihan proyek. Selain preferensi pemilihan proyek, penelitian ini menguji pengaruh kebijakan pajak terhadap pendapatan lain-lain perusahaan, total pendapatan, dan laba dengan mengacu pada variabel dalam survei statistik oleh Badan Pusat Statistik.

To simplify the imposition of income tax on income from the construction service business and provide convenience and reduce the administrative burden for taxpayers, The Government published the regulation with Government Regulation Number 51 the Year 2008 amended Number 40 the Year 2009 about Construction Sevices Income Tax. From the administrative side, the imposition of the final rate is very easy for taxpayers in submitting income tax, but the final rate does not reflect justice which adheres to the principle of ability to pay theory. Changes in non-final tariffs to final are suspected to be a factor for construction services to pursue certain contract values. This scheme can be assumed as a form of tax avoidance. This study will examine whether the final tax policy of construction businesses affects the behavior of companies in project selection. In addition to project selection preferences, this study examines the effect of tax policy on company other incomes, total incomes, and profits by referring to variables in a statistical survey by the Central Bureau of Statistics."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan BIsnis Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dhenok Yusvitarini
"Laporan akhir ini berisi analisis kewajiban pajak dari pendapatan jasa konstruksi yang diterima oleh PT DHEN. Tujuan dari laporan akhir ini adalah apakah PT DHEN telah menerapkan Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 40 Tahun 2009 atau tidak. Menggunakan metode kualitatif, penulis mengumpulkan data dengan mewawancarai staf akuntansi PT DHEN dan studi literatur. Kesimpulan dari laporan akhir ini adalah PT DHEN tidak sepenuhnya menerapkan Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 40 Tahun 2009.

This final report contains an analysis of the tax liabilities of construction service income received by PT DHEN. The purpose of this final report is whether PT DHEN has implemented Government Regulation Number 40 of 2009 or not. Using qualitative methods, the authors collected data by interviewing PT DHEN accounting staff and literature studies. The conclusion of this final report is that PT DHEN did not fully implement Government Regulation Number 40 of 2009"
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Maureen Theodora
Peran aktif Indonesia dalam persaingan global, khususnya pada sektor konstruksi tidak dapat dihindari lagi. Salah satu faktor utama yang mendorong pertumbuhan ekonomi nasional tersebut adalah inovasi. Sayangnya, performa inovasi di Indonesia, termasuk di dalamnya sektor konstruksi, masih dinilai rendah. Dipercaya, dua penyebab utama dari rendahnya inovasi adalah ketidaktersediaan ilmu dan manajemen mutu perusahaan yang buruk. Sejalan dengan hal tersebut, penelitian ini menguji pengaruh Total Quality Management (TQM) terhadap Knowledge Management (KM), serta pengaruh Knowledge Management (KM) terhadap inovasi. Diawali dengan analisa hubungan antar variabel dengan pendekatan PLS-SEM, penelitian dilanjutkan dengan analisa hubungan antar tingkat kepentingan dan performa dari KM dan TQM pada perusahaan pengembang konstruksi, sebagai pihak yang dipercaya memiliki pengaruh besar dalam meningkatkan inovasi pada sektor konstruksi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa praktik TQM memberikan pengaruh yang signifikan bagi proses KM, yaitu melalui praktik fokus pelanggan, manajemen karyawan, dan manajemen proses dan proses KM berpengaruh terhadap inovasi melalui proses pembagian ilmu dan aplikasi ilmu. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, disimpulkan juga bahwa penerapan KM pada perusahaan pengembang konstruksi di Indonesia memiliki tingkat kesesuaian sangat baik, dan untuk penerapan TQM memiliki tingkat kesesuaian baik, dengan catatan ada indikator-indikator yang memerlukan perbaikan dan perlu untuk dipertahankan performanya. Berangkat dari dua hasil analisa tersebut, disusunlah sebuah strategi pengembangan KM dan TQM yang dapat meningkatkan inovasi pada sektor konstruksi di Indonesia.

Indonesias active role in global competitiveness, especially in construction field cant be denied. One of the main factor that promote national economic growth is innovation. Unfortunately, innovation performance in Indonesia, including construction sector, is regarded as low. It is believed that the two main causes of low innovation are lack of knowledge and poor company quality management. In light of that issue, this study examined the influence of Total Quality Management (TQM) on Knowledge Management (KM), and the influence of Knowledge Management (KM) on innovation. Begin with an analysis of the relationship between variables with the PLS-SEM approach, the relationship between importance and performance level of KM and TQM in developers companies, who are believed to be the most influential in increasing innovation in the construction sector, then will be evaluated. The obtained results showed that TQM practices give significant influence on KM processes, through customer focus, people management and process management. KM processes also give significant influence on innovation through the process of knowledge sharing and knowledge application. Based on the results of the study, it was also concluded that the performance of KM in developers companies is at a very good state, while the performance of TQM is at a good state, with a note that there are some indicators that need to be improved and mantained. Depart from the results of the study, a development strategy of KM and TQM which can increase innovation in the construction sector in Indonesia has been developed.

UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Samantha Debora Noellivy
"[Perhitungan PPh Badan Bentuk Usaha Tetap (BUT) jasa konstruksi menggunakan
metode penghitungan final namun perhitungan Branch Profit Tax (BPT) harus
melalui pembukuan yang sudah dikoreksi fiskal. Terdapat inkonsistensi metode
penghitungan antara PPh Badan dan BPT untuk BUT jasa konstruksi. Dengan
menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis
evaluasi dasar pengenaan BPT untuk BUT jasa konstruksi ditinjau dari prinsip
netralitas dan kesederhanaan serta untuk mengetahui metode perhitungan yang
tepat untuk dasar pengenaan BPT pada BUT jasa konstruksi. Hasil dari penelitian
ini menyimpulkan bahwa prinsip netralitas telah terpenuhi sementara prinsip
kesederhanaan tidak terpenuhi. Dasar pengenaan BPT pada BUT jasa konstruksi
yang tepat adalah persamaan perhitungan dengan dividen yang diterima oleh
perusahaan jasa konstruksi nasional.;The calculation of Corporate Income Tax is using schedular taxation method
whereas the calculation of the Branch Profit Tax, construction service permanent
establishment has to calculate based on accounting method and fiscal correction.
There is an issue of inconsistency of calculation method between Corporate
Income Tax and Branch Profit Tax for construction service permanent
establishment. By using qualitative approach, this research aims to analyze the
evaluation of Branch Profit Tax base on construction service permanent
establishment from neutrality and convenience of payment principles as well as to
analyze the appropriate method for Branch Profit Tax base for construction
service permanent establishment. The result of this research shows that the Branch
Profit Tax base policy for construction service permanent establishment has fulfill
the neutrality principle. However, the policy hasn?t fulfill the simplicity principle.
Furthermore, the appropriate method of Branch Profit Tax base for construction
service permanent establishment is the same method for domestic construction
company dividend., The calculation of Corporate Income Tax is using schedular taxation method
whereas the calculation of the Branch Profit Tax, construction service permanent
establishment has to calculate based on accounting method and fiscal correction.
There is an issue of inconsistency of calculation method between Corporate
Income Tax and Branch Profit Tax for construction service permanent
establishment. By using qualitative approach, this research aims to analyze the
evaluation of Branch Profit Tax base on construction service permanent
establishment from neutrality and convenience of payment principles as well as to
analyze the appropriate method for Branch Profit Tax base for construction
service permanent establishment. The result of this research shows that the Branch
Profit Tax base policy for construction service permanent establishment has fulfill
the neutrality principle. However, the policy hasn’t fulfill the simplicity principle.
Furthermore, the appropriate method of Branch Profit Tax base for construction
service permanent establishment is the same method for domestic construction
company dividend.]"
Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Devinta Virly Damayanti
"Beberapa kerjasama yang melibatkan Indonesia dan Jepang dalam beberapa proyek pembangunan infrastuktur mengharuskan pengguna anggaran menggunakan pedoman pengadaan barang/jasa yang diatur JICA JICA procurement Under Japanese ODA Loan. Pada pedoman proses pengadaan terdapat beberapa perbedaaan antara pedoman JICA dengan pedoman pengadaan yang diatur oleh Pemerintah Indonesia Peraturan Presiden No 54 Tahun 2010.
Penelitian ini meninjau proses pengadaan jasa konstruksi pada salah satu proyek yang didanai oleh Jepang yaitu proyek Rumah Sakit UI untuk mengetahui perbedaan-perbedaan pedoman tersebut dan mengetahui implementasinya secara langsung di lapangan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif. Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan melakukan wawancara mendalam. Pengolahan data pada penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif analitis dan disajikan dalam bentuk jaringan kausal.
Penelitian ini mendokumentasikan kendala pelaksanaan proyek dan tahapan pengadaan yang harus diperhatikan karena mempengaruhi perjanjian Indonesia-Jepang. Segala keputusan yang diambil setelah loan agremeent ditandatangani akan memiliki konsekuensi salah satunya kepada commitement fee yang terus berjalan. Untuk itu diperlukan kajian menyeluruh mengenai hal-hal yang harus diperhatikan dalam proses pengadaan untuk dapat memaksimalkan dana pinjaman. Tahap tersebut antara lain tahap perencanaan pengadaan, penyusunan HPS, persetujuan concurrence JICA dan evaluasi penawaran peserta.

Several collaborations involving Indonesias government and Japans government in various national infrastructure projects requires the borrower to conduct service or goods procurement using JICA Procurement Guidelines Under Japanese ODA Loan. There are several differences between JICA Procurement Guideline and procurement guideline regulated by Indonesias government namely Peraturan Presiden No 54 Tahun 2010. Every decision taken after the loan agreement was signed will have consequences, such as affecting commitment fee that has to be paid by the borrower to the lender. Hence, comprehensive research is needed to overview procurement process to maximize usage of the loan.
The purpose of this study is to review procurement of Universitas Indonesias Hospital construction service which the project funded by JICA in order to know the differences and know how the guideline being implemented as well. This study uses in depth interview technique to gain a better understanding of the project 39s nature and the procurement process itself. In addition, observation directly to the project also conducted to determine the condition quality of University Hospital that has been built. The data analyzed descriptively and presented using causal networks.
This study captured several obstacles during the construction and procurement process which beliefs affect substance of the agreement between two countries. Several procurement processes which need to be considered are the procurement planning stage, arranging Owner Estimates OE stage, participants bid evaluation stage, and JICA concurrence.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Along with the tendencies of Indonesian construction companies in getting the Quality Management
System (QMS) certification as an impact of the prerequisite needed in project tender mechanism and the
awareness of internal companies QMS blueprint improvement in continual improvement concept, also
emerge construction companies stakeholder critical question, that is if the companies which had already
adopted and executed QMS like ISO 9001 will had a better competitiveness. This research proves
theoretically and statistically about significant correlation between better competitiveness and Critical
Success Factor (CSF) in QMS.
Jurnal Teknologi, Vol. 22 (3) September 2008 : 179-186, 2008
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library