"Saat ini praktek pelayanan keperawatan di rumah sakit belum mencerminkan praktek pelayanan profesional dimana aktivitas keperawatan belum sepenuhnya berorientasi pada pemenuhan kebutuhan pasien. MPKP merupakan salah satu upaya meningkatkan praktek pelayanan keperawatan di rumah Sakit. Pelaksanaan MPKP di RSCM masih mengalami hambatan yaitu penerapan proses keperawatan yang belum optimal yang disebabkan jumlah perawat yang belum seimbang dengan beban kerja perawat.
Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif analitik dengan menggunakan work sampling, populasi kegiatan keperawatan dengan jumlah sampel 1696 pengamatan. Tujuan penelitian untuk memperoleh gambaran beban kerja perawat di ruang rawat MPKP IRNA B RSCM.
Hasil penelitian didapatkan beban kerja perawat berdasarkan klasifikasi pasien pada 88,4 jam. Proporsi kegiatan keperawatan langsung (51,1%) lebih besar dari kegiatan tak langsung (22,5%), kegiatan pribadi produktif 15,5% dan pribadi non produktif 10,95%. Kategori perawat PA lebih banyak melakukan kegiatan langsung, sedangkan perawat PP melakukan kegiatan langsung dan tidak langsung dengan proporsi yang hampir sama. Pada waktu tugas pagi, perawat lebih banyak melakukan kegiatan tidak langsung; sore hari kegiatan pribadi produktif dan malam hari kegiatan pribadi non produktif. Perawat PA mempunyai variasi beban kerja berat, normal dan ringan; sedangkan perawat PP mempunyai variasi beban kerja normal dan ringan pada pelaksanaan kegiatan keperawatan. Hasil uji statistik dengan chi - square didapatkan ada hubungan bermakna antara beban kerja perawat dengan pelaksanaan praktek keperawatan di ruang MPKP IRNA B RSCM.
Penelitian ini hanya mengukur beban kerja perawat maka diajukan penelitian lanjutan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi beban kerja perawat.
At this time nursing service practice in the hospital has not represented yet professional practice in which all nurse activities have not been based on patient's need. Professional Nursing Practice Model (PNPM) is one of the efforts in order to increase nursing service practice in the hospital. The implementation PNPM in Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital still have some constraints such as nursing process is not optimal implemented due to number of nurses? activities was not inline with nurses' workload.
This research is descriptive analysis using work sampling, populated is nurse activities, total sample consist of 1696 observation. The aim of the research was to get existing nurses' workload picture at the model unit (PNPM IRNA B RSCM). Population was nurses? activities with observation as total sample.
The research showed that nurses' workload base on patient classification is 88,4 hours, the direct care (51.1%) indirect care (22,5%), personal productive activity (15,5%) and non productive activity (10,95%).
Primary Nurse did the direct care and indirect care, while the Associate nurse did direct care more than indirect care. At the morning shift nurse did much indirect care than direct care, at the afternoon shifts nurse did much personal productive activities than direct care and indirect care, at night shifts nurse does much personal non productive activities than direct care and indirect care. Primary Nurse Workload has normal workload, and Associate Nurse had workload with range heavy to normal workload. The result of Chi-square test is significant relation between nurse work loads with implementation of nursing practice in PNPM IRNA B RSCM.
Since this study based on chi-square result showed the was a significant relationship between nurses' workload and implementation of nursing practice in PNPM., it is recommended that the study about on factors which is influenced nurse workload in nursing practice services."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2002