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Sarashvati Adi Sasongko
There is a growing interest in physical fitness lately, for physical fitness is believed to be important throughout life, to develop and maintain functional capability, to meet the demands of living and to promote optimal health (ACSM, 1968.). Physical fitness implies health plus, that is the extent to which a child or an adult is free from illness and free to work or play with maximum vigor and endurance (HALSEY & FOSTER, 1973). The interest in the physical fitness of children has also been increasing since the past decade (BARR-OR, 1989).
As a matter of fact, being physically fit is relative to the tasks in which the individual must engage. For physical fitness is mostly related to muscular work, it should be noted that some degree of muscular activity is indeed required in all kinds of work, even the most intellectual occupations. Therefore, its importance is undoubtedly true in all walks of life (ASTRAND & RODAHL, 1987).
In order to attain the desired physical performance, i.e. being fit, the human body, a biological machine, needs food for fuel. It is thus logical to expect that nutrition may well play a role in physical performance (THITGEY, CATALDO, ROLFES, 1987). Some studies have indeed supported the assumption. SATYANARAYANA et al (1977) demonstrated the relationship between body size and work output in male industrial workers. Several other studies on young boys and adolescents showed similar relationship. The subjects, recorded as having been malnourished in their early childhood, failed to perform as expected (SATYANARAYANA et al, 1979; SPURR, et al, 1983). It is then generally considered that individuals with low body weight and height may not have reached their full genetic potential as a consequence of inadequate food intake in early childhood, leading to lower capacity to perform their daily tasks.
While some findings have shown the adverse effect of under nutrition on the physical performance of the individuals later in life, little is known as to how far nutrition influences physical fitness during childhood. The idea is, the earlier the adverse effect is detected, and the sooner actions can be made. Unfortunately, data about this subject are scanty. Some experts, however, have put forward the emphasis on the well-being of a specific group - the school children, in particular those at elementary schools (ADAMS et al, 1961; AGARWAL et al, 1987).
It has been long recognized that the elementary school period is the most decisive stage in a person's life as it is at this particular time that many important norms are implanted on the learners. Moreover, the elementary school years are nutritionally significant because this period is a preparation for the rapid growth of adolescence (Mc WILLIAMS, 1974; WENCK, BAREN, DEWAN, 1984).
In the case of nutrition and physical fitness of elementary school children, the whole school community - parents, teachers, and school children -- is concerned. This is in line with the Alma Ata Declaration which states that people have the right and duty to participate individually and collectively in the planning and implementation of their healthy care (WHO, 1978). This concept has been adopted by the Indonesian government and it is reflected in the Indonesian National Health System (MINISTRY ON HEALTH R.I., 1982). The WHO-based declaration reflects the growing conviction that an individual choice of healthy lifestyle is the key factor and that emphasis should be placed on the positive actions that individuals and communities could take to maintain and promote health (STROOT, 1989). As a rule, healthy lifestyle is best to be taught during the elementary school period; but actions, nevertheless, can be expected when base-line information has been available. Only then it is hoped that parents will be convinced that "academic" performance, which has sometimes been overemphasized, would? "
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Miptahul Janah
Anak usia sekolah merupakan generasi penerus bangsa. Pada anak usia sekolah muncul berbagai masalah salah satunya mengenai masalah nutrisi. Sarapan merupakan salah satu komponen untuk memenuhi kebutuhan nutrisi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan kebiasaan sarapan dengan status gizi pada anak usia sekolah di SD Negeri Jatisampurna X Kota Bekasi. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan desain penelitian potong lintang, dimana 112 siswa diambil menggunakan metode stratified random sampling untuk menjadi sampelnya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tidak adanya hubungan yang bermakna antara kebiasaan sarapan pagi dengan status gizi (p value = 0.773). Hal ini disebabkan oleh faktor lain seperti tingkat aktivitas siswa dan asupan energi harian yang tidak diteliti oleh peneliti. Oleh karena itu, pentingnya kebiasaan sarapan pagi pada anak usia sekolah perlu ditingkatkan dan dijadikan kebiasaan.

School-aged children are the future generation. There are common problems in school-aged children such as nutritional problem. Breakfast is one of the component for nutritional needs. This study aimed to determine the correlation between breakfast routine and nutritional status in school-aged children at SD Negeri Jatisampurna X Kota Bekasi. This study used a quantitative approach to the cross-sectional design of the study, in which 112 students were taken using stratified random sampling method to be sampled. The results showed that breakfast routine and nutritional status have no significant correlation (p value = 0.773. This caused by other factors such as the level of student activity and daily energy intake were not identified by researcher. Therefore, the importance of breakfast routine of school-aged children need to be improved and must be a routinity."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Pradita Sari
"Berdasarkan kriteria WHO, menurut Departemen Kesehatan (2004), pada tahun 2003 terdapat sekitar 27,5% anak Indonesia kurang gizi, 19,2% anak Indonesia mengalami gizi kurang dan 8,3% anak Indonesia mengalami gizi buruk. Salah satu asupan gizi yang diperlukan dalam masa pertumbuhan dan perkembangan anak adalah kalsium. Kurangnya asupan kalsium pada anak-anak akan meningkatkan risiko rapuhnya tulang pada anak, sehingga anak tidak dapat mencapai pertumbuhan tulang secara optimal.
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui status gizi anak sekolah usia 10-12 tahun dan hubungannya dengan asupan kalsium dari makanan sebagai salah satu upaya pencegahan dan penanganan masalah gizi.
Penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian cross sectional. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini berupa data antopometri untuk mengetahui status gizi dan wawancara survei konsumsi makanan (FFQ) untuk mengetahui asupan kalsium serta subjek penelitian yang dipilih adalah 68 anak sekolah usia 10-12 tahun di SDN X, Kampung Serang, Bekasi. Persentil status gizi dan asupan kalsium dianalisis dengan menggunakan uji Fisher untuk mengetahui hubungan antara status gizi dan asupan kalsium dari makanan.
Dari penelitian di dapatkan data bahwa responden yang memiliki gizi kurang sebanyak 51,5% (BB/U), 50% (TB/U) dan 22,1% (IMT/U). Hampir seluruh responden yaitu sebanyak 67 anak memiliki asupan kalsium dari makanan yang kurang. Berdasarkan uji Fisher didapatkan bahwa tidak terdapat hubungan bermakna antara status gizi berdasarkan indikator BB/U, TB/U dan IMT/U dengan asupan kalsium dari makanan.

Based on WHO criteria and Ministry of Health (2004), in 2003, there are about 27.5% Indonesian's children who lack of nutrition, 19.2% who suffer nutrition deficiency, and 8.3% who suffer malnutrition. One of the nutrition needed in the period of growing for children is calcium. The lack of calcium in children will increase the risk of bone fragility, so they can not reach the bone growth optimally.
The objective of this research is to know the nutrition status in 10-12 years old-students and the relation with calcium intake from food as one of the way to prevent and handle the nutrition problem.
This research uses cross sectional design. Data needed by this research are anthopometry data to know the nutrition status and also FFQ to know the calcium intake. The subjects of this research are 68 students between 10-12 years old in SDN X, Kampung Serang, Bekasi. Nutrition status percentile and calcium intake are analyzed by using Fischer test to know the relation between them.
This research gets that respondents who lack of nutrition are about 51.5% (BB/U), 50% (TB/U), and 22.1% (IMT/U). Almost all respondents about 67 children, lack of calcium intake from food. Fischer test gets that there is no meaningful relationship between nutrition status by BB/U, TB/U, and IMT/U indicator with calcium intake from food.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Reza Damayanti
"Di Indonesia, masalah gizi buruk masih sangat memprihatinkan dan salah satu daerah dengan status gizi buruk terbanyak adalah Nusa Tenggara Timur NTT. Salah satu desa di NTT yang juga merupakan desa miskin dan sulit air adalah Desa Pero Konda di Sumba Barat Daya. Oleh karena itu, diduga banyak kejadian kekurangan gizi pada daerah tersebut sehingga perlu dilakukan penelitian. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan status gizi dengan asupan protein pada anak usia 2-12 tahun di Desa Pero Konda. Desain penelitian ini adalah potong lintang analitik. Data yang digunakan adalah data primer. Data diambil melalui pengukuran berat badan dan tinggi badan, serta dengan bantuan instrumen kuesioner food recall 24 jam. Status gizi ditentukan berdasarkan Kurva CDC-2000 dengan indeks berat badan menurut usia BB/U, tinggi badan menurut usia TB/U, dan berat badan menurut tinggi badan BB/TB. Setelah itu, data diolah dengan SPSS versi 20 dan dianalisis dengan uji chi-square. Terdapat 99 responden pada penelitian ini. Hasilnya menunjukkan terdapat 52 orang responden perempuan 52,5 dan 47 orang responden laki-laki 47,5. Dari hasil pengukuran status gizi berdasarkan indeks BB/U, TB/U, dan BB/TB didapatkan 57 responden 57,6 berperawakan kurus, 33 responden 33,3 berperawakan pendek, dan 34 responden 34,3 memiliki status gizi kurang. Sebanyak 34 responden 34,3 memiliki asupan protein yang cukup dan 65 responden 65,7 memiliki asupan protein kurang. Berdasarkan anamnesis food recall, asupan protein terbanyak didapat dari protein hewani cumi dan ikan. Pada uji chi-square, tidak terdapat perbedaan bermakna antara kecukupan asupan protein dengan status gizi berdasarkan indeks BB/U, TB/U, dan BB/TB. Disimpulkan, status gizi pada anak di Desa Pero Konda tergolong kurang dan tidak terdapat hubungan yang bermakna secara statistik dengan asupan protein.

In Indonesia, undernourished is still become a concern problem and province which has the most undernourished children is Nusa Tenggara Timur NTT. One of its village where poverty and lack of water are common is Pero Konda at Sumba Barat Daya. Based on the data, a study needs to be done. This study aims to evaluate the association between protein intake with the nutritional status of children age 2-12 years old in Pero Konda. Analytic cross sectional studies using primary data was used in this study. The weight and height of the children were measured, and the 24 hour food recall was gathered through questionnaire. Nutritional statuses were assessed using curve of CDC 2000 grow chart with weighth for age index W/A, height for age index H/A, and weight for height index W/H. After that, the data processed using SPSS version 20 and analyzed with chi square test. There were 99 respondent in this study. The results showed there were 52 girl respondents 52,5 and 47 boy respondents 47,5. Based on the results of nutritional statusses rsquo measures using W/A, H/A, and W/H index, there were 57 respondent 57,6 wasting, 33 respondent 33,3 stunting, and 34 respondent 34,3 undernourished. A total of 34 respondents 34,3 had adequate protein intake and 65 respondents 65,7 have poor protein intake. Based on the anamnesis food recall, the highest protein sources were from animal protein squid and fish. In the chi square test, there are no significant differences between the protein intake and nutritional status based on W/A, H/A, and W/H index. In conclusion, the nutritional status of children in Pero Konda was considered undernourished and there was no statistically significant association with protein intake."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Defitra Nanda Sasmita
"Pendahuluan: Masalah kekurangan gizi masih menjadi permasalahan utama di negara-negara berkembang seperti Indonesia. Salah satu indikatornya adalah status gizi. Asupan vitamin A dari makanan termasuk salah satu dari masalah tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat status gizi anak usia 10-12 tahun dan hubungannya dengan asupan vitamin A dari makanan.
Metode: Penelitian menggunakan data primer dengan desain cross-sectional di SDN 03 Taman Rahayu, Kabupaten Bekasi, pada 11-12 Januari 2011. Sampel dipilih dengan non probability-consecutive sampling pada semua anak berusia 10-12 tahun di lokasi yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi. Dilakukan pengambilan data umum, antropometri, dan wawancara konsumsi makanan menggunakan Food and Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ) 1 week recall. Status gizi didapatkan dari data antropometri dengan indikator BB/TB, BB/U, TB/U. Asupan vitamin A dari data FFQ yang diolah dengan nutrisurvey. Hubungan kedua variabel ini dianalisis dengan uji hipotesis komparatif kategorik.
Hasil: Dari 68 orang responden, 16,2% responden memiliki status gizi kurang berdasarkan indikator IMT/U, 41,2% berdasarkan TB/U, 44,1% berdasarkan BB/U. 95,6% responden mendapapatkan asupan vitamin A berlebih dari makanan, dengan asupan rata-rata 256,3% AKG. Tidak ditemukan hubungan yang signifikan dari status gizi dan asupan vitamin A dari makanan pada penelitian ini.

Introduction: Nutrient deficiency still being a major problem in developing country like Indonesia. One of the indicator is nutrient status. Vitamin A intake from food is one of those problem. This study aimed to see the nutrient status of 10-12 y.o children and its relationship with vitamin A intake from food.
Methods: This study use primary data with cross-sectional design in SDN 03 Taman Rahayu, Kabupaten Bekasi on January 11th-12th 2011. Sample choosed with non probability-consecutive sampling to all children aged 10-12 y.o in location which fulfill the inclusion criteria.From the responden, we input the general data, antropometri, and food consumption interview by using Food and Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ) 1 week recall. From antropometri data we got responden nutrient status with indicator BMI/Age, Height/Age, and Weight/Age. From FFQ data we got vitamin A intake from food. Relationship between both variable analyzed by hypothetical comparative categoric test.
Result: From 68 responden, 16.2% were in poor nutrient status based on BMI/Age, 41.2% on Height/Age, 44.1% on Weight/Age. 95.6% responden were in excess vitamin A intake from food, with the average intake 256.3% RDA. No significant relationship between nutrient status and vitaminn A intake from food in this study.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sacha Audindra
"Latar Belakang: Prevalensi infeksi parasit usus masih tinggi di Indonesia, terutama pada anak-anak usia sekolah karena beberapa faktor termasuk kebersihan yang buruk, faktor sosial ekonomi, perilaku, dan penduduk yang padat. Saat ini faktor-faktor tersebut masih ditemukan di Indonesia, sehingga angka infeksi masih tinggi. Nutrisi dan infeksi parasit memiliki hubungan erat. Infeksi parasite usus dapat menyebabkan gangguan penyerapan makanan dan status gizi pada anak usia sekolah yang membutuhkan nutrisi yang cukup untuk tumbuh. Infeksi parasit usus sebagai penyebab kekurangan gizi masih menjadi masalah utama kesehatan masyarakat dan dapat menunda pertumbuhan anak.Metode: Sampel diperoleh dari SDN Kalibata 04, Jakarta Selatan dengan cara mengumpulkan tinja dari murid kelas 1-5. Secara total ada 157 anak mengumpulkan sampel mereka. Pemeriksaan langsung dari tinja dilakukan di Departemen Parasitologi, Fakultas Kedokteran, Universitas Indonesia menggunakan lugol dan eosin. Data status gizi didapatkan dengan pemeriksaan fisik langsung berat dan tinggi badan yang digunakan untuk menghitung persentil indeks massa tubuh IMT. Setelah itu, data dianalisis menggunakan uji Chi-square; SPSS versi 20 untuk mengetahui apakah ada hubungan antara infeksi parasit usus dan status gizi.Hasil: Sampel diperiksa sebanyak 157 tinja dan ditemukan adanya 60 anak 38.2 positif terinfeksi dengan berbagai macam parasit. Sebagian besar infeksi disebabkan oleh B. hominis, yang menginfeksi 44 anak 69,4. Infeksi lain disebabkan oleh G. intestinalis 15,3, T. trichiura 1,4, cacing tambang 1,4, dan infeksi campuran B. hominis dan E. coli 4,2 , dan B.hominis dengan G. intestinalis 4,2. Dari total anak yang terinfeksi, 17 anak 28,3 memiliki IMT di bawah 5 persentil, dianggap sebagai kekurangan gizi. Secara statistik, terdapat hubungan antara infeksi parasit usus dan status gizi di SDN Kalibata 04, Jakarta Selatan. Kesimpulan: Kejadian infeksi parasit usus di SDN Kalibata 04 adalah 38,2 dengan 28,3 dari anak-anak yang terinfeksi memiliki gizi kurang. Pada penelitian ini bisa disimpulkan ada hubungan antara infeksi parasit usus dan status gizi di SDN Kalibata 04, Jakarta Selatan.

Background Prevalence of intestinal parasitic infection still high in Indonesia, especially in the school aged children. Several factors including poor hygiene, socioeconomic factors, behavior, and crowded population have a contribution in this high prevalence. Nutrition and parasitic infection are closely linked. Intestinal parasitic infection can cause malabsorption and malnutrition especially in school aged children while they need adequate nutrition intake to grow. Therefore, intestinal parasite infection in school aged children is become a major public health problem since it will delay their growth.Methods Sample is obtained from SDN Kalibata 04, South Jakarta by collecting the children's stool from 1st 5th grade. Direct examination of the stool is conducted in the Parasitology Department, Fakultas Kedokteran, Universitas Indonesia by Lugol and eosin staining. Additionally, data of nutritional status was obtained by direct physical examination of the weight and height of the children and then they were used to calculate the BMI percentile. Thereafter, data was analyzed using Chi square test, SPSS version 20 to know is there any association between intestinal parasitic infection and nutritional status.Results From the total 157 stool examined in the laboratory, there were 60 38.2 children positively infected with various kinds of intestinal parasites. Mostly the infection is caused by B. hominis, which infect 44 children 69.4 . Other infection is caused by G. intestinalis 15.3, T. trichiura 1.4, hookworm 1.4, and mixed infection of B. hominis and E. coli 4.2, and B.hominis with G. intestinalis 4.2 . From the total of infected children, 17 children 28.3 have BMI below 5th percentile, and it was considered as malnourished. Moreover, 67 uninfected children have healthy weight. Statistically, there is association between intestinal parasitic infection and nutritional status in SDN Kalibata 04, South Jakarta. Conclusion The incidence of intestinal parasitic infection in SDN Kalibata 04 is 38.2. Moreover, 28.3 of the infected children were malnourished and it is suggested that children with intestinal parasite infection has low nutritional status in SDN Kalibata 04, South Jakarta. "
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mila Sri Wardani
"Status gizi merupakan salah satu faktor risiko terjadinya kesakitan dan kematian. Balita termasuk dalam kelompok rentan atau rawan gizi. Banyak faktor yang mempengaruhi status gizi balita baik secara langsung maupun tidak langsung. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi status gizi balita di RW 06 Kelurahan Pancoran Mas Kecamatan Pancoran Mas Kota Depok. Metode yang digunakan bersifat deskriptif sederhana dengan sampel berjumlah 93 balita. Instrumen penelitian berupa kuesioner. Data dikumpulkan dengan teknik wawancara terstruktur kemudian dianalisa dengan rumus persentase dan proporsi.
Hasil penelitian menunjukan status gizi baik 79,6%, jenis kelamin perempuan 51,6%, berat badan lahir normal 91,4%, tidak memiliki riwayat diare 54,8%, memiliki riwayat ISPA 62,4%, yang diberikan kolostrum 54,8%, yang diberikan ASI eksklusif 55,9%, tingkat pendidikan ibu tinggi 50,5%, tingkat penghasilan keluarga perbulan tinggi 57%, tingkat pengetahuan ibu baik 72%, ibu tidak bekerja 83,9% dan jumlah anak 1-2 orang 75,3%. Saran bagi penelitian selanjutnya adalah agar menggunakan desain deskriptif korelatif sehingga dapat mengidentifikasi determinan angka kejadian status gizi pada balita dari faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhinya.

Nutritional status is a risk factor for morbidity and mortality. The children (0-5 years old) belonging to vulnerable groups or cartilage nutrition. Many factors influence the nutritional status of children, both directly and indirectly. This study aims to determine the factors that influence the nutritional status of children in the RW 06 Kelurahan Pancoran Mas Kecamatan Pancoran Mas Depok City. The method used is a simple descriptive with a sample of 93 children. Research instrument in the form of a questionnaire. Sample collecting procedures with a structured interview techniques were analyzed according to the formula percentages and proportions.
The results showed good nutritional status 79.6%, 51.6% female gender, normal birth weight 91.4%, had no history of diarrhea 54.8%, 62.4% had a history of ARI (Acute Respiratory Infection), which is given colostrum 54, 8%, which provided 55.9% exclusive breastfeeding, maternal education level 50.5% higher, the higher monthly family income is 57%, the level of knowledge of good mothers 72%, 83.9% mothers did not work and the number of children 1-2 people 75.3%. Recommendation for next research is using descriptive correlative design so as to identify the determinants of the incidence of nutritional status in children of the factors that influence it.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nuril Aiffa Dewantari
"Kekurangan gizi pada balita terutama pada dua tahun pertama kehidupan masih merupakan salah satu permasalahan kesehatan masyarakat di Indonesia. Selain kekurangan gizi berdasarkan indikator tunggal BB/U, TB/U, BB/TB, balita juga berisiko mengalami permasalahan kurang gizi kombinasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui gambaran status gizi balita umur 6-23 bulan berdasarkan indikator antropometri tunggal dan CIAF serta mengetahui hubungan antara status ASI eksklusif (inisiasi menyusui dini, ASI eksklusif), status MP ASI (inisiasi MP ASI, keragaman konsumsi makanan, protein hewani), penyakit infeksi (diare, ISPA, TB paru), tinggi badan ibu, status BBLR dan faktor dominan terhadap status gizi balita umur 6-23 bulan berdasarkan CIAF. Penelitian ini merupakan studi cross sectional menggunakan data sekunder Riskesdas 2018 dengan jumlah sampel 12.366 balita umur 6-23 bulan di Indonesia. Analisis bivariat dilakukan dengan uji chi square dan analisis multivariat dilakukan dengan uji regresi logistik dengan nilai signifikansi (p value< 0,05). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat 42,4% balita yang mengalami kurang gizi berdasarkan indikator CIAF. ASI eksklusif, inisiasi MP ASI, tinggi badan ibu, dan status BBLR berhubungan signifikan dengan status gizi berdasarkan CIAF dan status BBLR merupakan faktor dominan. Balita yang dilahirkan dalam kondisi BBLR berisiko mengalami kurang gizi sebesar 2,17 kali (95%CI: 1,869-2,524) dibandingkan balita yang dilahirkan normal. Diperlukan peningkatan edukasi gizi melalui kolaborasi dengan kegiatan kemasyarakatan sehingga dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan dan kesadaran gizi pada masyarakat dan mencegah terjadinya permasalahan gizi.

Undernutrition in children under five especially the first two years of life was still one of public health problem in Indonesia. Besides undernutrition according to single indicator WAZ, HAZ, and WHZ, children might be risk of combination undernutrition problem. Until the first two years of life, children were in important periode of growing and developing. The aim of this study was to know nutrition status of children 6-23 months of age using a single indicator of anthropometry and CIAF, besides determining the relationship between exclusive breastfeeding status (initiation of early breastfeeding, exclusive breastfeeding), complementary feeding status (initiation of complementary feeding, dietary diversity, animal protein), infectious diseases (diarrhea, upper respiratory tract infection, pulmonary tuberculosis), maternal height, low birth weight status and the dominant factor of nutrition status in children 6-23 months of age using CIAF. This was crosssectional study using secondary datas on 12.366 children from Indonesia Basic Health Research 2018. Data analysis used chi square for bivariat and logistic regression for multivariate with significance value (p value < 0,05). The results of this study showed 42,4% children 6-23 months were undernutrition by using CIAF. Exclusive breastfeeding, initiation of complementary feeding, maternal height, and low birth weight status were significantly related to undernutrition based on CIAF with low birth weight status as the dominant factor. Children 6-23 months of age had 2.17 times risk (95% CI: 1.869-2.524) of undernutrition compared to children who were born normally. Increasing nutrition education was required by collaborating with public activities so that it would be able to increase nutrition knowledge and awareness moreover to prevent undernutrition."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rooswidiawati Dewi
"Penyebab langsung status gizi adalah asupan dan penyakit infeksi. Penyebab tidak langsung adalah pola asuh, ketersediaan pangan, sanitasi ,air bersih, dan pelayanan kesehatan dasar. Prevalensi balita kurus di Kecamatan Beruntung Baru berada lebih tinggi dari ambang batas 0.5% yaitu 13.36%. Penelitian ini menggunakan data primer yang dikumpulkan melalui wawancara dan observasi menggunakan kuesioner. Metode yang digunakan Cross Sectional. Analisis univariat menunjukkan prevalensi anak dengan status gizi sangat kurus 0.75 %, 28% kurus, 69% normal dan 2.25% gemuk.
Hasil analisis Bivariat ditemukan berhubungan bermakna pada jumlah balita dalam keluarga (p=0.000), Jumlah anggota keluarga (p=0.007), jumlah penghasilan keluarga (p=0.027), pola asuh gizi (p=0.030), pemberian ASI ekslusif (p=0.029), Penyakit infeksi (p=0.029), asupan energi (p=0.001), asupan protein (p=0.00) dan variabel sanitasi dasar (p=0.010) serta pelayanan kesehatan (p=0.002). Variabel tidak berhubungan adalah umur, jenis kelamin dan berat badan lahir.
The immediate cause nutritional status is the intake and of infectious diseases. Indirect cause is the pattern of care, availability of food, sanitation, clean water and basic health services. The prevalence of underweight children in the District of Beruntung Baru higher than the 0.5% threshold is 13,36%. This study uses primary data collected through interviews and observation with questionnaires. Used Cross Sectional methods. Univariate analysis showed the prevalence of nutritional status of children with a very thin 0.75%, 28% lean, 69% normal and 2.25% fat.
Bivariate analysis of the results found to be related significantly to the number of children in the family (p=0.000), number of family members (p=0.007), number of family income (p=0.027), parenting nutrition (p= 0.030), exclusive breastfeeding (p=0.029), Infectious diseases (p = 0.029), energy intake (p = 0.001), protein intake (p = 0.00) and basic sanitation (p = 0.010) as well as health services (p = 0.002).Variables are not related to age, sex and birth weight.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Syafira Ummu Rahmatillah
"Kebugaran jasmani dan prestasi akadami dapat dipengaruhi oleh status gizi. Status gizi anak usia sekolah saat ini masih memprihatinkan baik di dunia maupun di Indonesia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan status gizi dengan kebugaran jasmani dan prestasi akademik. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada anak usia sekolah di Kecamatan Banjar, Kabupaten Pandeglan. Jumlah responden pada penelitian ini sebanyak 137 siswa sekolah dasar yang berada di kelas 4,5 dan 6. Responden diambil secara acak sederhana.
Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa mayoritas anak memiliki status gizi normal 78,8 dengan sebagian besar anak memiliki status kebugaran yang tidak bugar yaitu 86,9 dan didaptkan juga anak yang memiliki prestasi kurang sebesar 46. Penelitian menunjukan bahwa tidak ada hubungan yang signifikan anatara status gizi dengan kebugaran jasmani p value = 0,787, a = 0,05 namun ada hubungan yang signikan antara status gizi dengan prestasi akademik anak p value =0,031, a = 0,05. Oleh karena itu, pihak sekolah dapat memberikan pendidikan kesehatan mengenai gizi seimbang pada siswa.

Physical fitness and academic achievement can be affected by the child 39 s nutritional status. The nutritional status of children today is still very concerning both the world and Indonesia. This study aims to determine the relationship of nutritional status with physical fitness and academic achievement. This study was conducted on school age children in Banjar, Pandeglang. The number of respondents in this study were 137 elementary school students who were in grades 4,5 and 6. Respondents were taken at random simple.
The results of this study indicate that the majority of children have normal nutritional status 78.8 with most children having unhealthy fitness status of 86.9 and also children who have less achievement of 46. The study showed that there was no significant correlation between nutritional status and physical fitness p value 0,787, a 0,05 but there was a significant correlation between nutritional status and children 39s academic achievement p value 0,031, a 0,05. Therefore, the school needs to provide health education for students about balanced nutrition.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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