Gaya hidup sehat menjadi kesatuan yang tidak terpisahkan bagi generasi milenial. Hal ini sejalan dengan survei Centre Strategic and International Studies (2017) yang menyebutkan bahwa olahraga dan kesehatan merupakan aktivitas paling menarik dan sumber kebahagiaan bagi milenial. Kepedulian terhadap kesehatan secara tidak langsung meningkatkan pertumbuhan wellnes industry sub-sektor produk makanan sehat, suplemen, dan nutrisi penurun berat badan. Laporan Global Wellnes Economy Monitor (2017) menyatakan sub-sektor ini tumbuh 6,2% atau U$D 647.8 pada 2015. Berdasarkan data - data, penulis tertarik melakukan penelitian berdasarkan perspektif muslim milenial. Alasannya yaitu muslim di Indonesia berjumlah 207.176.162 jiwa, yang mana 61,68 juta adalah para milenial. Maka, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis pengaruh harga, kualitas, kepuasan, ekuitas merek, switching cost, sikap, norma subjektif, alternative attractiveness, pricing benefits, dan kemasan terhadap switching intention ke suplemen halal. Model analisis data menggunakan Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). Objek riset terdiri dari 189 responden dengan kriteria usia 18 - 37 tahun, berdomisili di Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, dan Bekasi. Riset ini menggunakan teori Bansal, Taylor, dan James (2005) yaitu Push-Pull Mooring (PPM). Temuan riset menyatakan, pada push effect hanya kualitas yang berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap switching intention, sedangkan harga, kepuasan, dan ekuitas merek tidak berpengaruh. Pada Mooring effect yang berpengaruh positif signifikan hanya variabel sikap, sementara norma subjektif dan switching cost tidak berpengaruh. Sedangkan pada pull effect, variabel kemasan berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap switching intention, namun variabel alternative attractiveness dan pricing benefits tidak berpengaruh. Hasil temuan diharapkan dapat membantu produsen suplemen halal untuk melakukan model pemasaran yang kreatif dan inovatif.
The healthy lifestyle has been becoming an integration among the millennial generation. This is in line with a Centre for Strategic and International Studies (2017) survey, which states that sports and exercises are most interesting activities and a source of happiness for the millennials. The awareness towards health indirectly affects to the increasing the wellness of sub-sector of healthy food product, supplements, and weight loss nutrients industry. A report from Global Wellness Economy Monitor (2017) states that it has been growing 6,2 percent or U$D 647.8 billion in 2015. Based on the above data, the authors have been interested to conduct a specific study regarding the perspective of Muslim millennials. The number of Muslim in Indonesia is 207.176.162 people in which 61,68 million of them are millennial generations. In addition, halal labeled- supplement is a new market in the country. These are reasons why the study conducted. This study aims to find out and analyze the effect of prices, quality, satisfaction, brand equity, switching cost, attitude, subjective norms, alternative attractiveness, pricing benefits, and packaging to halal supplement switching intention. Data analysis using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The research object consist of 189 respondents aged 18 -37 years, stay in the city of Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, and Bekasi by using Push-Pull,Mooring (PPM) theory by Bansal, Taylor, and James (2005). Research finding suggest that the push effect is only a quality variable that has a significant positive effect on switching intention. While price, satisfaction, and brand equity are insignificant. In the mooring effect, attitude variable is significantly influence, but subjective norms and switching cost are not significant. For the pull effect, packaging has a significant effect on switching intention while other variables such as alternative attractiveness and pricing benefits are not significant. The result can be a reference to producers of halal supplements do creative and innovative marketing models