ABSTRAKSkripsi ini membahas mengenai perbuatan melawan hukum yang dilakukan oleh Pemerintah, dalam hal ini Menteri Perhubungan cq. Direktorat Jenderal Perhubungan Udara pada kasus perlakuan diskriminatif oleh PT Lion Air terhadap Ridwan Sumantri sebagai penumpang penyandang cacat. Direktorat Jenderal Perhubungan Udara dianggap bertanggungjawab atas perbuatan yang dilakukan oleh penyedia jasa penerbangan PT Lion Air dan penyelenggara kebandarudaraan PT Angkasa Pura II. Direktorat Jenderal Perhubungan dianggap tidak hanya sebagai regulator dalam bidang penerbangan namun juga sebagai pembina yang mencakup antara lain aspek pengaturan, pengendalian, dan pengawasan terhadap kepatuhan penyedia jasa angkutan udara serta penyelenggara kebandarudaraan dalam menjalankan peraturan perundang-undangan bidang penerbangan.
ABSTRACTThis paper discusses the unlawful act committed by the government, represented by the Director General of Civil Aviation (DGCA), Minister of Transportation, in case of discriminatory treatment by PT Lion Air to Ridwan Sumantri as a passenger with disabilities. DGCA held responsible for acts committed by PT Lion Air as an airline and PT Angkasa Pura II as airport administrator. DGCA considered not only as a regulator on civil aviation, but also as an authority on regulation, control, and supervision of the compliance of airline service provider as well as airport administrator on executing civil aviation regulations
;This paper discusses the unlawful act committed by the government, represented by the Director General of Civil Aviation (DGCA), Minister of Transportation, in case of discriminatory treatment by PT Lion Air to Ridwan Sumantri as a passenger with disabilities. DGCA held responsible for acts committed by PT Lion Air as an airline and PT Angkasa Pura II as airport administrator. DGCA considered not only as a regulator on civil aviation, but also as an authority on regulation, control, and supervision of the compliance of airline service provider as well as airport administrator on executing civil aviation regulations
;This paper discusses the unlawful act committed by the government, represented by the Director General of Civil Aviation (DGCA), Minister of Transportation, in case of discriminatory treatment by PT Lion Air to Ridwan Sumantri as a passenger with disabilities. DGCA held responsible for acts committed by PT Lion Air as an airline and PT Angkasa Pura II as airport administrator. DGCA considered not only as a regulator on civil aviation, but also as an authority on regulation, control, and supervision of the compliance of airline service provider as well as airport administrator on executing civil aviation regulations
;This paper discusses the unlawful act committed by the government, represented by the Director General of Civil Aviation (DGCA), Minister of Transportation, in case of discriminatory treatment by PT Lion Air to Ridwan Sumantri as a passenger with disabilities. DGCA held responsible for acts committed by PT Lion Air as an airline and PT Angkasa Pura II as airport administrator. DGCA considered not only as a regulator on civil aviation, but also as an authority on regulation, control, and supervision of the compliance of airline service provider as well as airport administrator on executing civil aviation regulations
;This paper discusses the unlawful act committed by the government, represented by the Director General of Civil Aviation (DGCA), Minister of Transportation, in case of discriminatory treatment by PT Lion Air to Ridwan Sumantri as a passenger with disabilities. DGCA held responsible for acts committed by PT Lion Air as an airline and PT Angkasa Pura II as airport administrator. DGCA considered not only as a regulator on civil aviation, but also as an authority on regulation, control, and supervision of the compliance of airline service provider as well as airport administrator on executing civil aviation regulations
;This paper discusses the unlawful act committed by the government, represented by the Director General of Civil Aviation (DGCA), Minister of Transportation, in case of discriminatory treatment by PT Lion Air to Ridwan Sumantri as a passenger with disabilities. DGCA held responsible for acts committed by PT Lion Air as an airline and PT Angkasa Pura II as airport administrator. DGCA considered not only as a regulator on civil aviation, but also as an authority on regulation, control, and supervision of the compliance of airline service provider as well as airport administrator on executing civil aviation regulations
;This paper discusses the unlawful act committed by the government, represented by the Director General of Civil Aviation (DGCA), Minister of Transportation, in case of discriminatory treatment by PT Lion Air to Ridwan Sumantri as a passenger with disabilities. DGCA held responsible for acts committed by PT Lion Air as an airline and PT Angkasa Pura II as airport administrator. DGCA considered not only as a regulator on civil aviation, but also as an authority on regulation, control, and supervision of the compliance of airline service provider as well as airport administrator on executing civil aviation regulations
;This paper discusses the unlawful act committed by the government, represented by the Director General of Civil Aviation (DGCA), Minister of Transportation, in case of discriminatory treatment by PT Lion Air to Ridwan Sumantri as a passenger with disabilities. DGCA held responsible for acts committed by PT Lion Air as an airline and PT Angkasa Pura II as airport administrator. DGCA considered not only as a regulator on civil aviation, but also as an authority on regulation, control, and supervision of the compliance of airline service provider as well as airport administrator on executing civil aviation regulations
;This paper discusses the unlawful act committed by the government, represented by the Director General of Civil Aviation (DGCA), Minister of Transportation, in case of discriminatory treatment by PT Lion Air to Ridwan Sumantri as a passenger with disabilities. DGCA held responsible for acts committed by PT Lion Air as an airline and PT Angkasa Pura II as airport administrator. DGCA considered not only as a regulator on civil aviation, but also as an authority on regulation, control, and supervision of the compliance of airline service provider as well as airport administrator on executing civil aviation regulations
, This paper discusses the unlawful act committed by the government, represented by the Director General of Civil Aviation (DGCA), Minister of Transportation, in case of discriminatory treatment by PT Lion Air to Ridwan Sumantri as a passenger with disabilities. DGCA held responsible for acts committed by PT Lion Air as an airline and PT Angkasa Pura II as airport administrator. DGCA considered not only as a regulator on civil aviation, but also as an authority on regulation, control, and supervision of the compliance of airline service provider as well as airport administrator on executing civil aviation regulations