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Beti Kristinawati
Infark Miokard Akut dan lingkungan perawatan mempengaruhi kondisi fisik, psikologis dan sosial pasien. Penerapan perilaku caring dapat meningkatkan perubahan positif serta membangun kepercayaan dan kepuasan pasien beserta keluarganya. Penelitian ini bertujuan mendapatkan gambaran pengalaman perawat dalam menerapkan perilaku caring pada pasien IMA di Unit Perawatan Intensif. Desain kualitatif fenomenologi dipilih untuk mendapatkan informasi yang mendalam dengan wawancara pada dua belas perawat yang ditentukan melalui teknik purposive. Content analisis Collaizi menghasilkan delapan tema yang terpola dalam fenomena spirit of caring, penerapan caring dan hambatan caring. Diharapkan adanya program untuk meningkatkan penerapan perilaku caring untuk menangani pasien dalam kondisi akut dan kritis;

Acute Myocardial Infarction and the environment care affects physical conditions,
psychologis and social of the patient. The implementation of caring behavior can
increase positive changes and to build trust, satisfaction of patients with their
families too. The aims of this study was to explore the nurse?s experience in
applying caring behavior for patients with IMA at Intensive Care Unit. A
phenomenological qualitative design was chosen to obtain in-depth information
with interviews were conducted on twelve nurses were determined through
purposive technique. The content analysis Collaizi produced eight themes is
patterned in the phenomenon of spirit of caring, implementation of caring and
barriers caring implementation. Therefore expected the program to improve the
implementation caring behavior to treat with patients in acute and critical
conditions;Acute Myocardial Infarction and the environment care affects physical conditions,
psychologis and social of the patient. The implementation of caring behavior can
increase positive changes and to build trust, satisfaction of patients with their
families too. The aims of this study was to explore the nurse?s experience in
applying caring behavior for patients with IMA at Intensive Care Unit. A
phenomenological qualitative design was chosen to obtain in-depth information
with interviews were conducted on twelve nurses were determined through
purposive technique. The content analysis Collaizi produced eight themes is
patterned in the phenomenon of spirit of caring, implementation of caring and
barriers caring implementation. Therefore expected the program to improve the
implementation caring behavior to treat with patients in acute and critical
conditions;Acute Myocardial Infarction and the environment care affects physical conditions,
psychologis and social of the patient. The implementation of caring behavior can
increase positive changes and to build trust, satisfaction of patients with their
families too. The aims of this study was to explore the nurse?s experience in
applying caring behavior for patients with IMA at Intensive Care Unit. A
phenomenological qualitative design was chosen to obtain in-depth information
with interviews were conducted on twelve nurses were determined through
purposive technique. The content analysis Collaizi produced eight themes is
patterned in the phenomenon of spirit of caring, implementation of caring and
barriers caring implementation. Therefore expected the program to improve the
implementation caring behavior to treat with patients in acute and critical
conditions, Acute Myocardial Infarction and the environment care affects physical conditions,
psychologis and social of the patient. The implementation of caring behavior can
increase positive changes and to build trust, satisfaction of patients with their
families too. The aims of this study was to explore the nurse’s experience in
applying caring behavior for patients with IMA at Intensive Care Unit. A
phenomenological qualitative design was chosen to obtain in-depth information
with interviews were conducted on twelve nurses were determined through
purposive technique. The content analysis Collaizi produced eight themes is
patterned in the phenomenon of spirit of caring, implementation of caring and
barriers caring implementation. Therefore expected the program to improve the
implementation caring behavior to treat with patients in acute and critical
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rudi Kusnadi

Perawatan pasien dengan perilaku agresif dapat menjadi suatu hal yang kompleks, dikarenakan karakteristik pasien gangguan jiwa yang unik seperti kesulitan berkomunikasi, menarik diri, bahkan cenderung agresif. Kesiapan fisik dan psikologis mutlak diperlukan perawat dalam menjalankan tugasnya, karena kondisi mental pasien gangguan jiwa yang labil dan sulit diprediksi. Merawat pasien gangguan jiwa dengan perilaku agresif merupakan suatu kondisi yang dihadapi oleh perawat kesehatan jiwa khususnya di ruang PHCU. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk memperoleh pemahaman yang mendalam tentang makna pengalaman perawat kesehatan jiwa dalam merawat pasien gangguan jiwa dengan perilaku agresif di Ruang PHCU RSJ. Desain penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan fenomenologi deskriptif. Partisipan dalam penelitian ini adalah 12 orang perawat kesehatan jiwa yang telah berdinas diruang PHCU RSJ minimal 3 tahun. Metode pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara mendalam dengan pertanyaan semi terstruktur. Hasil penelitian ini dianalisis menggunakan teknik Colaizzi. Penelitian ini menghasilkan delapan tema yaitu: 1) Pengetahuan perawat dalam merawat pasien, 2) Respon holistik perawat dalam merawat pasien, 3) Tindakan perawat dalam merawat pasien, 4) Hambatan sumber daya dalam merawat pasien, 5) Dampak merawat pasien terhadap perawat, 6) Koping perawat dalam merawat pasien, 7) Harapan Perawat dalam merawat pasien, 8) Hikmah merawat pasien. Penelitian ini merekomendasikan agar perawat kesehatan jiwa dapat menyiapkan kondisi secara fisik maupun psikologis dan mengoptimalkan kerjasama antar perawat dalam penanganan pasien gangguan jiwa dengan perilaku agresif.

Treatment of patients with aggressive behavior can be a complex matter, due to the unique characteristics of patients with mental disorders such as difficulty communicating, withdrawing, and even tending to be aggressive. Nurses absolutely need physical and psychological readiness to carry out their work, because the mental condition of patients with mental disorders is unstable and difficult to predict. Caring for mental patients with aggressive behavior is a condition faced by mental health nurses, especially in the PHCU room. The purpose of this study was to gain a deep understanding of the meaning of the experience of mental health nurses in caring for mental patients with aggressive behavior in the PHCU Room of RSJ. The research design uses qualitative methods with a descriptive phenomenological approach. Participants in this study were 12 mental health nurses who had worked in the PHCU RSJ room for at least 3 years. The data collection method was carried out through in-depth interviews with semi-structured questions. The results of this study were analyzed using the Colaizzi technique. This study produced eight themes, namely: 1) Knowledge of nurses in caring for patients, 2) Holistic responses of nurses in caring for patients, 3) Actions of nurses in caring for patients, 4) Resource constraints in caring for patients, 5) Impact of caring for patients on nurses, 6) Coping of nurses in caring for patients, 7) Nurses' expectations in caring for patients, 8) Wisdom in caring for patients. This study recommends that mental health nurses prepare physical and psychological conditions and optimize collaboration between nurses in handling mental patients with aggressive behavior.

UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Siti Pratiekauri
"Aspergilosis invasif AI merupakan infeksi jamur invasif disebabkan Aspergillus spp sedangkan aspergilosis paru invasif API merupakan manifestasi AI yang sering ditemukan Gejala klinis laboratorium rutin dan radiologis tidak khas sehingga sering terjadi keterlambatan diagnosis dan tatalaksana Pemeriksaan biopsi tidak selalu dapat dilakukan dan berisiko tinggi sedangkan pemeriksaan biakan memiliki keterbatasan sensitivitas dan waktu Deteksi antigen galaktomanan GM merupakan uji penapis AI yang dinilai baik tetapi di Indonesia kit GM tidak rutin tersedia dan mahal sehingga perlu dicari uji diagnostik alternatif antara lain menggunakan deteksi antibodi anti Aspergillus yang sederhana mudah murah dan terjamin ketersediaannya Tujuan penelitian ini membandingkan hasil pemeriksaan deteksi antibodi anti Aspergillus metode immunodiffusion test IDT menggunakan crude antigen Aspergillus dengan deteksi antigen GM serta mengetahui nilai sensitivitas dan spesifisitasnya Penelitian berdisain potong lintang ini merupakan bagian dari penelitian multisenter sebelumnya mengenai insidens API pada 405 pasien ICU di 6 rumah sakit di Jakarta Selanjutnya ditentukan 125 pasien non neutropenia diduga AI yang bahan klinisnya menjalani pemeriksaan uji diagnostik di atas Biakan Aspergillus sp tumbuh pada bahan klinis ekskreta paru yang dimiliki 26 dari 125 pasien tersebut 20 8 Diagnosis AI putative ditegakkan pada 26 pasien 6 2 dari 405 pasien keseluruhan Dari 125 pasien yang diperiksa uji GM positif ditemukan pada 62 pasien 48 6 sedangkan uji IDT positif pada 74 pasien 59 2 Analisis statistik menunjukkan tidak terdapat perbedaan bermakna antara hasil uji GM dan uji IDT tetapi nilai kesetaraannya sangat lemah nilai kappa 0 169 Uji IDT menggunakan crude antigen Aspergillus mempunyai sensitivitas 67 7 dan spesifisitas 49 1

Invasive aspergillosis IA is an invasive fungal infections caused by Aspergillus spp while invasive pulmonary aspergillosis IPA is the most common manifestation of IA Clinical symptoms routine laboratory and radiological features are not typical and could lead to diagnosis and treatment delayed Biopsy is high risk and not always possible to be performed whereas culture examination has limited sensitivity and time consumed Galactomannan GM antigen detection is good for IA screening but the kit is expensive and not routinely available in Indonesia It is necessary to find an alternative tests such as detection of anti Aspergillus antibody which is simple inexpensive and more available This study aims to determine the sensitivity and specificity of immunodiffusion test IDT for detecting anti Aspergillus antibody using crude antigen compare to GM antigen detection on diagnosis of IA This cross sectional study is part of previous multicenter study on incidence of IA in ICU patients at six hospitals in Jakarta 405 patients Then clinical materials of 125 non neutropenic patients suspected IA were determined to undergo both clinical diagnostic tests Aspergillus sp were isolated from clinical materials of lung excreta from 26 out of 125 patients 20 8 Putative IA was diagnosed in 26 patients 6 2 out of 405 patients From 125 patients examined GM positive test was found in 62 patients 48 6 while IDT test positive in 74 patients 59 2 Statistical analysis showed no significant differences between the results of IDT test compared to GM but the equality value is very weak kappa 0 169 IDT test using crude Aspergillus antigen has a sensitivity of 67 7 and specificity of 49 1 ; Invasive aspergillosis IA is an invasive fungal infections caused by Aspergillus spp while invasive pulmonary aspergillosis IPA is the most common manifestation of IA Clinical symptoms routine laboratory and radiological features are not typical and could lead to diagnosis and treatment delayed Biopsy is high risk and not always possible to be performed whereas culture examination has limited sensitivity and time consumed Galactomannan GM antigen detection is good for IA screening but the kit is expensive and not routinely available in Indonesia It is necessary to find an alternative tests such as detection of anti Aspergillus antibody which is simple inexpensive and more available This study aims to determine the sensitivity and specificity of immunodiffusion test IDT for detecting anti Aspergillus antibody using crude antigen compare to GM antigen detection on diagnosis of IA This cross sectional study is part of previous multicenter study on incidence of IA in ICU patients at six hospitals in Jakarta 405 patients Then clinical materials of 125 non neutropenic patients suspected IA were determined to undergo both clinical diagnostic tests Aspergillus sp were isolated from clinical materials of lung excreta from 26 out of 125 patients 20 8 Putative IA was diagnosed in 26 patients 6 2 out of 405 patients From 125 patients examined GM positive test was found in 62 patients 48 6 while IDT test positive in 74 patients 59 2 Statistical analysis showed no significant differences between the results of IDT test compared to GM but the equality value is very weak kappa 0 169 IDT test using crude Aspergillus antigen has a sensitivity of 67 7 and specificity of 49 1 ; Invasive aspergillosis IA is an invasive fungal infections caused by Aspergillus spp while invasive pulmonary aspergillosis IPA is the most common manifestation of IA Clinical symptoms routine laboratory and radiological features are not typical and could lead to diagnosis and treatment delayed Biopsy is high risk and not always possible to be performed whereas culture examination has limited sensitivity and time consumed Galactomannan GM antigen detection is good for IA screening but the kit is expensive and not routinely available in Indonesia It is necessary to find an alternative tests such as detection of anti Aspergillus antibody which is simple inexpensive and more available This study aims to determine the sensitivity and specificity of immunodiffusion test IDT for detecting anti Aspergillus antibody using crude antigen compare to GM antigen detection on diagnosis of IA This cross sectional study is part of previous multicenter study on incidence of IA in ICU patients at six hospitals in Jakarta 405 patients Then clinical materials of 125 non neutropenic patients suspected IA were determined to undergo both clinical diagnostic tests Aspergillus sp were isolated from clinical materials of lung excreta from 26 out of 125 patients 20 8 Putative IA was diagnosed in 26 patients 6 2 out of 405 patients From 125 patients examined GM positive test was found in 62 patients 48 6 while IDT test positive in 74 patients 59 2 Statistical analysis showed no significant differences between the results of IDT test compared to GM but the equality value is very weak kappa 0 169 IDT test using crude Aspergillus antigen has a sensitivity of 67 7 and specificity of 49 1 "
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Santi Surbakti
"Caring merupakan ciri khas perawat yang menentukan kualitas sebuah layanan. Namuntidak semua perawat memiliki perilaku caring yang baik. Salah satu penyebabrendahnya perilaku caring adalah rendahnya efikasi caring perawat yang menyebabkankurangnya keyakinan dan kemampuan diri untuk membina hubungan caring dalammemberikan asuhan keperawatan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruhpelatihan efikasi caring terhadap perilaku caring perawat. Penelitian ini menggunakandesain kuantitatif dengan metode quasi eksperimen dengan pendekatan pre-post testdesign with control group. Partisipan adalah 50 perawat pada kelompok intervensi diRSUD Kota Dumai dan 50 perawat pada kelompok control di RSUD Kecamatanmandau.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ada pengaruh pelatihan efikasi caring terhadapperilaku caringperawat dengan nilai p = 0,0001, ada perbedaan bermakna pada nilaiperubahan perilaku caring baik di kelompok intervensi p = 0,0001 maupundikelompok kontrol p = 0,021 dengan ? = 0,005 dan pengetahuan memiliki hubunganbermakna dengan perilaku caring perawat. Pelatihan mampu meningkatkan efikasicaring sehingga perilaku caring perawat juga meningkat. Manajer perlu memikirkanupaya untuk mempertahankan perilaku caring yang telah dicapai terutama denganmeningkatkan pengetahuan perawat mengenai efikasi caring.

Caring is a characteristic of nurses that determine the quality of a service. But not allnurses have good caring behaviors. One of the causes of low caring behavior is the lowefficacy of caring that leads to lack of confidence and self ability to foster caringrelationships in providing nursing care. This study aimed to determine the effects ofcaring efficacy training on caring behavior of nurses. This research used quantitativedesign with quasi experimental method with approach of pre post test design withcontrol group. Participants were 50 nurses in the intervention group at RSUD Dumaiand 50 nurses in the control group at RSUD Mandau.
The results showed that there wasan effect of caring efficacy training on caring nurse behavior with p value 0.0001,there was significant difference in the value of caring behavior change in bothintervention group p 0.0001 and control group p 0,021 with 0.005 andknowledge have significant relationship with caring behavior of nurse. Training canimprove caring efficiency and increasescaring nurse behavior. Managers need to thinkabout efforts to maintain caring behavior that has been achieved primarily byincreasing the nurse's knowledge aboutcaring efficacy.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Intensive Care Unit ICU merupakan area tersendiri dan mempunyai stressor yang dapat menyebabkan masalah psikologis baik pada klien, bahkan juga pada keluarga klien. Sehingga membutuhkan kemampuan bertahan resiliensi dan social support yang memadai dari pelayanan kesehatan setempat, khususnya caring perawat. Penelitian dilakukan untuk melihat hubungan persepsi perilaku caring perawat yang diterima keluarga klien di ICU terhadap resiliensi keluarga. Metode Penelitian menggunakan deskriptif korelatif dengan pendekatan cross sectional pada 37 keluarga klien di ICU RSUP dr. Mohammad Hoesin Palembang. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan kuesioner. Hasil uji korelasi Pearson didapatkan nilai r = 0,504 dengan p value < 0,05 sehingga mengartikan adanya hubungan yang bermakna antara persepsi keluarga klien tentang perilaku caring perawat terhadap resiliensi keluarga. Hasil penelitian menyarankan pihak rumah sakit untuk memaksimalkan peningkatan mutu terutama perawat sebagai orang yang pertama dan sering berhubungan dengan klien dan keluarga.

ICU is a specialized unit in hospital that having a spesific stressor which is psychological problem that perceived by clients and the family member. Therefore, they need a resillence ability and social support from nurses. This study examined the correlation between perception of nurse's caring behaviour accepted by client's family member in ICU to family resilience. The design of this study using correlational descriptive with cross sectional approach. This participants of this study consisted of 37 client's families in ICU RSUP Mohammad Hoesin Palembang. The data has been collected by a questionnaire. Pearson were used for analyzes data and result shows r 0,504, p value 0,05 which indicates a correlation between perception of nurse's caring behaviour accepted by client's family member in ICU to family resilience. Recommendation for hospital is to increase the quality of nursing care as a primary indicator of hospital quality service."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Latar Belakang: Infark miokard salah satu penyebab kematian terbanyak di dunia. MACE (Major Adverse Cardiac Event) adalah komplikasi akut utama yang terjadi pada pasien infark miokard, meliputi gagal jantung akut, syok kardiogenik dan aritmia fatal. Diperlukan biomarker yang akurat, mudah dilakukan dan cost-effective untuk memprediksi MACE dan kematian. Cedera hati hipoksik atau HLI (hypoxic liver injury) adalah salah satu biomarker potensial menggunakan kadar enzim hati transaminase (aspartate transaminase) sebagai parameter. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui peran HLI sebagai prediktor MACE pada pasien infark miokard tanpa gambaran EKG elevasi segmen ST (NSTEMI).
Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian potong lintang dengan keluaran berupa MACE dan kohort retrospektif dengan keluaran kematian selama masa perawatan. Populasi penelitian adalah semua pasien NSTEMI yang menjalani perawatan di ICCU RSCM. Sampel penelitian adalah pasien NSTEMI yang menjalani perawatan di ICCU RSCM pada tahun 2006-2016 dan memenuhi kriteria penelitian sebanyak 277 subyek. Penentuan titik potong HLI berdasarkan kadar aspartate transaminase (AST) yang dapat memprediksi MACE dan kematian dihitung dengan kurva ROC. Analisis multivariat dilakukan menggunakan regresi logistik untuk mendapatkan POR terhadap MACE dengan memasukkan kovariat. Analisis bivariat mengenai sintasan pasien terhadap kematian dilakukan dengan menggunakan kurva Kaplan-Meier dan diuji dengan Log-rank.
Hasil: MACE pada penelitian ini adalah 51,3% (gagal jantung akut 48,4%, aritmia fatal 6,5%, syok kardiogenik 7,2%) dan angka kematian sebesar 6,13%. Median nilai AST adalah 35 U/L pada seluruh subyek, 40 (8-2062) U/L pada subyek dengan MACE dan 31 (6-1642) U/L dengan subyek tanpa MACE (p 0,003). Nilai titik potong yang diambil untuk memprediksi MACE adalah 101,0 U/L (sensitivitas 21,8%, spesifisitas 89,6%, POR 2,727 (IK 95% 1,306-5,696), p 0,006). Pada analisis multivariat tidak didapatkan hubungan yang bermakna antara HLI dengan MACE. Nilai titik potong untuk memprediksi kesintasan terhadap kematian adalah 99,0 U/L (sensitivitas 23,5%, spesifisitas 83,8%, likelihood ratio + 1,46). Tidak didapatkan perbedaan kesintasan yang bermakna antara subyek dengan nilai HLI di bawah dan di atas titik potong kadar AST.
Kesimpulan: Terdapat perbedaan median nilai AST yang bermakna pada pasien NSTEMI dengan dan tanpa MACE. Titik potong kadar AST untuk memprediksi MACE adalah 101,0 U/L. Titik potong kadar AST untuk memprediksi kesintasan adalah 99 mg/dl. Tidak terdapat perbedaan kesintasan pada pasien dengan nilai HLI di bawah dan di atas titik potong kadar AST.

Background: Myocard infarction (MI) is the leading cause of death around the world. Major Adverse Cardiac Events (MACE) complicating MI are acute heart failure, cardiogenic shock and fatal arrhytmia. An accurate, easy and cost-effective biomarker is needed to predict MACE and mortality in patients with MI. Hypoxic liver injury (HLI) is a potential biomarker using aspartate transaminase (AST) level as the parameter. This study is aimed to discover HLI's role in predicting MACE in Non ST Elevation Myocard Infarct (NSTEMI).
Method: This study is designed as cross sectional to predict MACE and prospective cohort for survival analysis. Study population is all NSTEMI patients admitted to ICCU of Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital and study sample are NSTEMI patients admitted to ICCU of Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital that meets all criteria during 2006-2016 (277 subjects). Cut-off level of AST for HLI to predict MACE and mortality is analyzed using ROC curve and AUC. Survival analysis is done using Kaplan Meier curve and the difference is tested with Log-Rank.
Result: Incidence of MACE in this study is 51.3% (acute heart failure 48.4%, fatal arrhytmia 6.5%, cardiogenic shock 7.2%) and mortality rate is 6.13%. The median of AST level on all subject is 35 U/L, 40 (8-2062) U/L in subjects with MACE and 31 (6-1642) U/L in subjects without MACE (p 0.003). Cut-off level for AST used to predict MACE is 101 U/L (sensitivity 21.8%, specificity 89.6%, POR 2.727 (CI 95% 1.306-5.696), p 0.006). In multivariate analysis, HLI is insignificantly related to MACE. Cut-off level for AST used to predict survival is 99 U/L (sensitivity 23.5%, specificity 83.8%, likelihood ratio + 1.46). There are no significant difference of survival between groups with HLI level below and above the cut-off AST level.
Conclusion: There is significant differences of median AST level between NSTEMI patients with and without MACE. Cut-off level for AST used to predict MACE is 101 U/L. Cut-off level for AST used to predict survival is 99 U/L. There are no significant difference of survival between groups with AST level below and above the cut-off AST level."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mamay Kusumawaty
"Pendahuluan: Pasien kanker yang menjalani perawatan intensif menjadi beban keluarganya. Masalah yang timbul seperti ketakutan, kecemasan, sedih, lelah, nyeri, makan tidak teratur, menghadapi kematian, kurang tidur, peran terganggu dan ekonomi. Tujuan: Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mendapatkan gambaran pengalaman keluarga dari pasien kanker yang menjalani perawatan intensif. Metode: Desain penelitian yang digunakan kualitatif deskriptif dengan sampel 10 partisipan sesuai kriteria inklusi. Teknik sampling yang digunakan adalah purposive sampling. Hasil: Tema yang ditemukan meliputi; 1) tekanan emosional dalam menghadapai kondisi kritis, 2) menjaga kesehatan tubuh untuk tetap bertahan, 3) meningkatnya kedekatan diri pada Tuhan, 4) financial toxicity, 5) perubahan peran pada anggota keluarga, dan 6) kebutuhan terhadap pelayanan ICU yang belum terpenuhi. Kesimpulan: Perawatan intensif dirasakan oleh keluarga yang menunggu sebagai beban psikologis, fisik, spiritual, sosial dan finansial, sehingga diperlukan pengkajian yang komprehensif terkait masalah tersebut.

Introduction: Cancer patients undergoing intensive care are a burden to their families. Problems that arise such as fear, anxiety, sadness, fatigue, pain, eating irregularly, facing death, lack of sleep, and disrupted roles and the economy. Objective: The purpose of this study was to obtain an overview of the family experiences of cancer patients undergoing intensive care. Methods: The research design used was descriptive qualitative with a sample of 10 participants according to the inclusion criteria. The sampling technique used is purposive sampling. Results: The themes found include; 1) emotional stress in dealing with critical conditions, 2) maintaining a healthy body to survive, 3) increasing closeness to God, 4) financial toxicity, 5) changing roles for family members, and 6) unmet needs for ICU services. Conclusion: Intensive care is felt by waiting families as a psychological, physical, spiritual, social and financial burden, so a comprehensive assessment of the problem is needed"
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ayu Januaty
"Infeksi aliran darah banyak terjadi pada pasien yang terpasang kateter vena sentral. Infeksi sistemik mengakibatkan lama rawat karena memerlukan terapi pengobatan yang panjang dan berdampak pada mahalnya biaya perawatan. Perilaku perawat yang sesuai dengan standar prosedur operasional dapat mencegah terjadinya infeksi aliran darah mulai dari pemasangan, perawatan, dan pencabutan kateter vena sentral.
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui gambaran perilaku perawat dalam pencegahan infeksi aliran darah melalui kateter vena sentral di ruang perawatan intensif. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif dengan metode cross sectional terhadap 107 perawat di sebuah RS di Jakarta diambil dengan teknik simple random sampling.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perawat yang berperilaku baik dalam pencegahan infeksi aliran darah melalui kateter vena sentral sebesar 54,2%. Hasil penelitian ini merekomendasikan penambahan informasi dan pelatihan mengenai CVC bundle pada perawat serta penyusunan dan sosialisasi standar prosedur operasional tentang perawatan dan pencabutan kateter vena sentral, termasuk desinfektan yang digunakan.

The infections in bloodstream often occur in patient with Central Venous Catheter (CVC). Systemic infection can result in longer hospitalization due to requiring lengthy treatment therapy and has an impact on the higher cost of treatment expenses. Appropriate nurse behavior standards of operational procedures can prevent bloodstream infections starting from the CVC insertion preparation, CVC maintenance, and CVC removal.
The purpose of this research was to describe the behavior of nurses in the prevention central line associated with bloodstream infections in intensive care. This research is a descriptive research using cross sectional method involving 107 nurses in the hospital in Jakarta. The respondents were taken by using simple random sampling.
The result of this study, showed that the behavior of nurses in the prevention of bloodstream infections related to Central Venous Catheter is good behavior 54,2%. This research recommends the importance of the provision of information and training on CVC bundle in nurses, as well as the promotion of standards operational procedures about CVC maintenance and removal, including disinfectant used."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Veronika Martauli S
"Perilaku caring perawat merupakan indikator penting dalam memberikan pelayanan keperawatan pada pasien. Penelitian ini mengidentifikasi perilaku caring perawat diruang rawat inap bedah dan penyakit dalam rumah sakit "T" Jakarta. Peneliti menggunakan pendekatan potong lintang (cross-sectional) dengan total sampling ketenagaan perawat diruangan bedah dan penyakit dalam rumah sakit "T" Jakarta dengan jumlah 50 responden yang mengikuti penelitian. Penelitian menggunakan kuesioner dari Wolf (1988) yang terdiri dari 42 item pertanyaan.
Hasil dari penelitian menunjukan bahwa tidak ada perbedaan perilaku caring perawat diruang rawat inap bedah dan penyakit dalam rumah sakit "T" Jakarta dengan nilai (p=0,733; α=0,05). Perilaku caring perawat diruang bedah dan penyakit dalam memiliki perilaku caring keduanya dengan hasil sangat baik.
Penelitian ini diharapkan perawat profesional kedepannya perlu menjiwai profesinya dengan perilaku caring dalam melakukan pelayanan kesehatan karena perilaku caring merupakan inti dari keperawatan.

Nurse caring behavior is an important indicator in providing nursing cared to patients. This study identified the nurse caring behavior inpatient surgical and hospital medicine "T" Jakarta. Researchers used cross-sectional sampling with a total workforced of nurses and disease in the surgical room of the hospital "T" Jakarta with 50 respondents who followed the study. The study used a questionnaire of the Wolf (1988) which consists of 42 question items.
The results of the study showed that there was no differenced in the behavior of the nurses caring inpatient surgical and internal medicine in "T" Jakarta Hospital with values (p=0,733; α=0,05). Surgical nurses and internal medicine has an excellent cared behavior.
This study is expected in the future need to be a professional nurse by profession animating caring behavior in the health service.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Siti Wahyuni, examiner
"Kebijakan baru terkait isolasi pasien di ruang perawatan anak dengan COVID-19 memengaruhi tuntutan kerja yang berdampak pada perawat berupa kelebihan beban baik fisik dan psikologis sehingga menempatkan praktik perawatan berpusat pada keluarga (PBK) yang diimplementasikan perawat di ruang isolasi pada tekanan yang sangat besar. Hal tersebut menjadi tantangan bagi perawat anak menerapkan PBK untuk memberikan outcome yang baik terhadap quality of care. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi pengalaman perawat dalam menerapkan PBK di ruang isolasi perawatan anak dengan COVID-19. Desain deskriptif kualitatif digunakan dengan melakukan wawancara semi terstruktur kepada 11 perawat anak. Kriteria inklusi partisipan antara lain memiliki pengalaman minimal 5 tahun merawat pasien anak, bertugas di ruang perawatan anak dengan COVID-19 minimal 2 bulan, pengalaman tersebut maksimal satu tahun yang lalu, dan memiliki pengetahuan PBK dengan nilai cukup. Data hasil wawancara dianalisis menggunakan analisis tematik. Enam tema yang dihasilkan yaitu mendorong keterlibatan keluarga, membangun kerja sama, meningkatkan kesejahteraan psikologis, membuat pengaturan pemberian informasi sekaligus tindakan, membutuhkan dukungan untuk tetap profesional, dan komunikasi kunci keberhasilan. Yang paling penting dalam menerapkan PBK adalah komunikasi perawat dengan anak dan orang tua. Strategi komunikasi perawat memengaruhi peran perawat untuk melibatkan, bekerja sama, meningkatkan kesejahteraan psikologi anak dan orang tua, dan untuk tetap profesional. Diperlukan dukungan institusi untuk mengembangkan kompetensi komunikasi perawat dalam penerapan PBK pada ruang isolasi perawatan anak dengan COVID-19 sehingga pelayanan keperawatan tetap mengedepankan aspek PBK untuk keuntungan pasien dan keluarga. 

The new policy regarding patient isolation in the pediatric care rooms with COVID-19 which was strictly enforced affected work demands which impacted nurses in the form of overload both physically and psychologically so that it placed the practice of family-centered care (FCC) in the isolation rooms caring for children with COVID-19 was under enormous pressure. This is a challenge for nurses to apply to the FCC to provide the best outcomes for quality of care. This study aimed to explore nurses' experiences in implementing FCC in the isolation rooms caring for children with COVID-19. A qualitative descriptive design was used by conducting semi-structured interviews with 11 nurses. The inclusion criteria include a minimum of five years of experience caring for pediatric patients, caring for a child with COVID-19 in the isolation room for at least two months, and this experienced a maximum of one year ago, and having adequate knowledge regarding FCC. The data were analyzed using thematic analysis. Six themes were generated including encouraging family involvement, building collaboration, improving psychological well-being, making arrangements for providing information as well as action, needing support for staying professional, and communication key to success. The most important thing in implementing FCC is the nurses’ communication with children and parents. The strategies to establish communication influence nurses’ roles in involving, collaborating with, and improving the psychological well-being of children and parents. Institutional support is needed to develop nurses' communication competence in the implementation of FCC in isolation rooms caring for children with COVID-19 so that nursing services continue to prioritize FCC aspects for the benefit of patients and families."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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