"Cognitive function reduction is a normal situation in which elderly usually experienced This condition might be decreased or inhibited by increasing the physical activities The purpose of this research is to identify the relation between physical activity with the cognitive function of the elderly Research design used cross sectional approach with cluster sampling method on 104 elderly people This research sample dominated by female elderly age 60 74 years old not graduated from junior high school not registered in school married status and having chronic diseases The result showed that there is a relation between the level of physical activity and the cognitive function of elderly people p 0 000 0 05 Nurses are expected to prevent decline in cognitive function through increasing physical activity in the form of Cognitive function reduction is a normal situation in which elderly usually
experienced. This condition might be decreased or inhibited by increasing the
physical activities. The purpose of this research is to identify the relation between
physical activity with the cognitive function of the elderly. Research design used
cross sectional approach with cluster sampling method on 104 elderly people.
This research sample dominated by female elderly age 60-74 years old, not
graduated from junior high school/not registered in school, married status, and
having chronic diseases. The result showed that there is a relation between the
level of physical activity and the cognitive function of elderly people (p=0.000;
ɑ=0.05). Nurses are expected to prevent decline in cognitive function through
increasing physical activity in the form of physical exercise. Moreover, the next
research is expected to continue to study about the intensity, duration, frequency,
and other kinds of physical exercise which are good to increase the cognitive
function for the elderly.
Penurunan fungsi kognitif merupakan keadaan normal yang dialami oleh lansia.
Keadaan ini dapat dikurangi atau dihambat dengan cara meningkatkan aktivitas
fisik. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan antara tingkat
aktivitas fisik dengan fungsi kognitif lansia. Desain penelitian ini adalah cross
sectional dengan metode cluster sampling dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 104
responden lansia. Sampel penelitian ini rata-rata didominasi lansia perempuan yang berusia 60-74 tahun, tidak lulus SD/tidak sekolah, masih berstatus nikah, dan memiliki penyakit kronis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ada hubungan antara tingkat aktivitas fisik dengan fungsi kognitif lansia (p=0.000; ɑ=0.05). Perawat diharapkan dapat mencegah penurunan fungsi kognitif dengan cara meningkatkan aktivitas fisik lansia berupa latihan fisik. Selain itu, penelitian selanjutnya diharapkan dapat melakukan studi mengenai intensitas, durasi, frekuensi, dan jenis latihan fisik yang paling baik untuk meningkatkan fungsi kognitif pada lansia."