ABSTRAKPenelitian ini mendeskripsikan perilaku vokasional dan penempatan kerja dalam kegiatan bimbingan vokasional di PSPP Husnul Khatimah Tangerang Selatan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data berupa wawancara tidak terstruktur, observasi dan studi literatur. Hasilnya adalah gambaran persiapan perilaku vokasional terkait erat dengan metode pembinaan yang dilaksanakan, yang terlihat dari jadwal kegiatan harian klien. Dalam kaitannya dengan penempatan kerja pihak panti melibatkan staf pendamping, instruktur dan bagian satpel pembinaan sosial selaku penanggungjawab kegiatan. Faktor utama penerimaan dunia kerja adalah rasa ingin menolong, sehingga tidak ada seleksi yang cukup ketat dalam penerimaan klien. Faktor pendukung antara lain adalah keberadaan pegawai dan instruktur yang mantan klien, sarana dan prasarana, dukungan dunia usaha, jenis vokasional masih sangat dibutuhkan, membuat akses ke pasar tenaga. Faktor penghambat antara lain adalah karakteristik klien, latar belakang penyalahgunaan napza, dan tidak adanya anggaran after care.
ABSTRACTThis research describes vocational behavior and work placement in vocational program in PSPP Husnul Khatimah Tangerang Selatan. This study uses qualitative methods with data collection techniques in the form of unstructured interviews, observations and literature studies. The result is the preparation of vocational behavior in PSPP Husnul Khatimah is closely related to the coaching method implemented, as seen from the daily schedule of the client 39 s activities. The daily schedule of client activities carefully monitored by social workers, accompanying staff and other employees is able to provide behavioral changes for clients during the rehabilitation process. In relation to work placements The placement of work on the client involves advisory staff, instructor and part of the social counselor as responsible for the client 39 s job placement. The motivation of the acceptance of the working world to the client is primarily a sense of wanting to help, so there is no strict selection in the acceptance of clients as long as those who have accepted the existing job conditions and can accept the rules applicable in the workplace. The inhibiting factors stem from the client characteristics and limited budget support for aftercare stages. Factors supporting the client 39 s vocational behavior include the presence of former client employees and instructors, facilities and infrastructure, business support, vocational types are still urgently needed, making access to power markets. Factors inhibiting vocational behavior of client characteristics, background of drug abuse, no aftercare budget."