"Studi ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran karakteristik penderita pneumonia balita dan faktor resiko yang berhubungan dengan kejadian pneumonia balita. Studi ini dilakukan pada bulan Februari sampai Maret 2014 di 1 Puskesmas kecamatan dan 5 Puskesmas kelurahan yang ada di wilayah Kecamatan Ciracas. Desain Studi yang digunakan adalah desain potong lintang (cross sectional).Jumlah sampel pada studi ini adalah 556 responden. Sampel diambil secara proportional stratified random sampling. Dari studi ini diketahui balita yang menderita pneumonia sebesar 152 balita (27,3%) dan yang tidak menderita pneumonia sebanyak 404 balita (72,7%).
Hasil analisis multivariat menunjukan terdapat beberapa faktor yang berhubungan dengan kejadian pneumonia yaitu, ASI Eksklusif OR 3,630 (95% CI: 2,266-5,818), status gizi balita OR 2,126 (95% CI: 1,191-3,777), riwayat imunisasi campak OR 2,372 (95% CI: 1,326-4,245), pengetahuan ibu OR 2,126 (95% CI: 1,197-3,777), sosial ekonomi OR 1,948 (95% CI 1,216-3,121), dan polusi rumah tangga OR 2,466 (95% CI: 1,405-4,330). Upaya intervensi terhadap perbaikan status gizi balita, promosi ASI eksklusif, status imunisasi campak, polusi dalam rumah tangga, dan peningkatan pengetahuan ibu, mempunyai peranan yang penting bagi pencegahan penyakit pneumonia pada balita.
This study aims to reveal the characteristics of pneumonia on children under five years old and factors associated with the occurrence of pneumonia on children under five years old. This study was conducted from February to March 2014 in six public health centers (Puskesmas) Ciracas sub-district, Eastern Jakarta. Cross sectional design was used in this study with the sample size of 556 respondents (mothers of children). Sample was taken by proportional stratified random sampling method.It was found that 27.3% among respondent`s children were diagnosed with pneumonia. Result of multivariate analysis showed that there are some factors associated with the occurrence of pneumonia on children under five years old including exclusive breast-feeding with OR 3.630 (95% CI: 2.266-5.818), nutrition status OR 2.126 (95% CI: 1.191-3.777), measles immunization OR 2.372 (95% CI: 1.326-4.245), mother`s knowledge OR 2.126 (95% CI: 1.197-3.777), socio-economy OR 1.948 (95% CI 1.216-3.121), and indoor pollution OR 2.466 (95% CI: 1.405-4.330). Intervention efforts such as enhancing children`s nutritional status, promotion of exclusive breast feeding, measles immunization, mother`s knowledge, socio-economy and indoor pollution play an important role in the prevention of pneumonia on children under five years old."