ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji aplikasi strategi pembentukan portofolio
saham berdasarkan model penilaian aset Fama-French three-factors, Carhart
four-factors dan Fama-French five-factors yang didasarkan pada pertumbuhan
Earning Per Share /EPS, Momentum dan pertumbuhan pendapatan dari saham
LQ45. Setiap portofolio yang dibentuk selanjutnuya di-hold selama 1 bulan, 3
bulan dan 6 bulan dengan mencari strategi manakah yang memberikan abnormal
return positif. Hasilnya diperoleh abnormal return positif dengan menggunakan
EPS Growth dan Revenue Growth. Sedangkan berdasarkan momentum tidak
diperoleh abnormal return yang positif.
ABSTRACTThe study aims to examine the application of stock portfolio construction
strategies based on the asset valuation models Fama-French three-factors,
Carhart four-factors and Fama-French five-factors focus on variables EPS
growth, momentum and earnings growth of LQ45. Each constructed portfolio is
held for 1 month, 3 months and 6 months to find strategy that produce a positive
abnormal return. The result found positive abnormal return using EPS growth
and revenue growth, while based on momentum is not obtained positive
abnormal return., The study aims to examine the application of stock portfolio construction
strategies based on the asset valuation models Fama-French three-factors,
Carhart four-factors and Fama-French five-factors focus on variables EPS
growth, momentum and earnings growth of LQ45. Each constructed portfolio is
held for 1 month, 3 months and 6 months to find strategy that produce a positive
abnormal return. The result found positive abnormal return using EPS growth
and revenue growth, while based on momentum is not obtained positive
abnormal return.]"