"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh health belief model (persepsi kerentanan, persepsi keparahan, persepsi keuntungan, persepsi halangan, self-efficacy, dan cues to action) dan perceived social support (keluarga, teman, dan significant others) terhadap perilaku pencegahan Covid-19 (perilaku mempromosikan kebersihan dan perilaku menghindari kontak sosial) pada populasi usia produktif di Jabodetabek. Sebanyak 192 partisipan mengisi tiga kuesioner self-report pada bulan April 2021. Hasil analisis regresi linear berganda menunjukkan bahwa dua komponen dari variabel health belief model, yaitu persepsi halangan dan self-efficacy, memengaruhi perilaku pencegahan Covid-19 berupa perilaku mempromosikan kebersihan, F(9,182) = 6,075, p < 0,05. Selanjutnya, tiga komponen dari variabel health belief model, yaitu persepsi keuntungan, persepsi halangan, dan self-efficacy, dan dua sumber perceived social support, yaitu keluarga dan teman, memengaruhi perilaku pencegahan Covid-19 berupa perilaku menghindari kontak sosial, F(9,182) = 8,958, p < 0,05. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, kebijakan pemerintah perlu difokuskan pada eliminasi halangan perilaku pencegahan Covid-19 dan kampanye berupa ajakan interaksi sosial secara daring, terutama pada perempuan dan usia muda, supaya kebutuhan dukungan sosial tetap terpenuhi dan di saat yang sama tetap melindungi keluarga dan orang terdekat yang berisiko terinfeksi virus Covid-19.
This research examined the effect of health belief model (perceived susceptibility, perceived severity, perceived benefit, perceived barrier, self-efficacy, and cues to action) and perceived social support (family, friends, and significant others) on Covid-19 preventive behavior (promoting hygiene and cleaning and avoiding social closeness) in the working age population in Jabodetabek. A total of 192 participants completed the self-report questionnaire in April 2021. The analysis result of multiple linear regression showed two components of health belief model, that is perceived barrier and self-efficacy, predicted Covid-19 preventive behavior in the form of promoting hygiene and cleaning, F(9,182) = 6,075, p < 0,05. In addition, three components of health belief model, that is perceived benefit, perceived barrier, and self-efficacy, and perceived social support from family and friends predicted Covid-19 preventive behavior in the form of avoiding social closeness, F(9,182) = 8,958, p < 0,05. Based on these results, government policy should aim on the elimination of Covid-19 preventive behavior’s barriers and campaign about online social interaction, especially for women and young adults, so they can fulfill their need of social support while also protecting family and significant others who have high risk of being infected by Covid-19 virus."