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Laura Widiastuti
"Tesis ini membahas perbedaan variabel penilaian kinerja tehnis keperawatan dalam Instrumen Keperawatan Rumah Sakit 'X' dengan Elemen Penilaian Standar Akreditasi Rumah Sakit KARS tahun 2011 karena adanya perubahan Sistem Akreditasi Rumah Sakit dari sistem akreditasi berorientasi input and dokumentasi menjadi sistem akreditasi berorientasi proses dan pasien Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menemukan persamaan dan perbedaan variabel dan elemen penilaian untuk kemudian dianalisa dan dirumuskan menjadi sebuah insrumen penilaian kinerja tehnis keperawatan adaptasi dari instrumen penilaian kinerja tehnis yang saat ini digunakan oleh Rumah Sakit 'X' sehingga sesuai dengan elemen penilaian Standar Akreditasi Rumah Sakit KARS tahun 2011 Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan desain deskriptif Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan bahwa terdapat sebanyak 28 variabel Instrumen Penilaian Kinerja Keperawatan Rumah Sakit 'X' yang sudah sesuai dengan elemen penilaian Standar Akreditasi Rumah Sakit KARS tahun 2011 40 variabel Instrumen Penilaian Kinerja Keperawatan Rumah Sakit 'X' masih berbeda dengan Elemen Penilaian Standar Akreditasi Rumah Sakit KARS tahun 2011 dan akan dimasukkan kedalam draft revisi Instrumen Penilaian Kinerja Rumah Sakit 'X' serta 2 variabel dalam Instrumen Penilaian Kinerja Keperawatan Rumah Sakit 'X' akan dimasukkan kedalam draft revisi Instrumen Penilaian Kinerja Rumah Sakit walau tidak terdapat dalam elemen penilaian Standar Akreditasi Rumah Sakit KARS tahun 2011.

This Thesis discuss the variable difference between nursing technical performance appraisal instrument of Hospital 'X' dan KARS Hospital Accreditation of 2011 due to a change of standard within the Hospital Accreditation System from input and document oriented system into a process and patient oriented system The goal of this research is to find the similarities dan differences between Nursing Technical Performance Appraisal Instrument of Haspital 'X' dan KARS Hospital Accreditation of 2011 to then be analyzed and be made into a draft for Hospital 'X' Nursing Appraisal Instrument revision so that the current Nursing Appraisal Instrument template still can be used with a revision to accomodate KARS Hospital Accreditation of 2011 This research is a qualitative research with a descriptive design The research show a similarities of 28 variables and a difference of 40 variabels between nursing technical performance appraisal instrument of Haspital 'X' dan KARS Hospital Accreditation of 2011 In addition there are 2 more variables derived from the current nursing technical performance appraisal instrument of Hospital 'X' that have no similarities with KARS Hospital Accreditation of 2011 which will be made into a draft for Hospital 'X' Nursing Appraisal Instrument revision.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ni Nyoman Dwi Sutrisnawati
"Rumah sakit sebagai institusi penyedia jasa pelayanan kesehatan perorangan secara paripurna dituntut untuk memberikan pelayanan yang bermutu sesuai dengan standar yang ditetapkan dan dapat menjangkau seluruh lapisan masyarakat. Dalam upaya peningkatan mutu pelayanan, Rumah Sakit wajib untuk melakukan akreditasi secara berkala, minimal tiga tahun sekali. Perkembangan terkini untuk standar akreditasi rumah sakit di Indonesia disempurnakan dengan mengacu pada versi 2012 yang berfokus pada pasien. Rumah Sakit 'X' merupakan rumah sakit kelas C yang sebelumnya telah terakreditasi lima pelayanan dasar pada penilaian akreditasi versi 2007 yang dilaksanakan pada tahun 2012. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalahmenganalisis kesenjangan antara standar pelayanan yang ada dan diaplikasikan di Rumah Sakit 'X' dengan elemen penilaian yang tercakup dalam tiga Bab Standar Akreditasi Rumah Sakit Nasional versi 2012. Hasil penelitian mendapatkan bahwa standar pelayanan menurut Hak Pasien dan Keluarga serta Pendidikan Pasien dan Kelurga masih belum sesuai, kebijakan dan dokumen yang belum ada secara resmi. Standar pelayanan Pencegahan dan Pengendalian Infeksi (PPI) pun masih belum sesuai, karena belum berkesinambungannya fungsi komite serta belum terpenuhinya sarana dan prasarana yang mendukung program Pencegahan dan Pengendalian Infeksi. Pengorganisasian tim Akreditasi telah berjalan cukup optimal, walaupun kuantitas anggota tim yang terbatas. Disarankan agar pemenuhan dokumen dan kebijakan dikoordinasikan secepatnya, dan disosialisasikan segera setelah kebijakan dan dokumen tersebut disetujui, agar dapat diadaptasi dan diaplikasikan. Pendampingan dan evaluasi secara berkala oleh manajemen tetap diperlukan untuk dapat mencapai target kelulusan akreditasi yang diharapkan rumah sakit.
Hospitals as a health care provider in the individuals plenary are required to provide a good quality services in accordance with established standards. In an effort to improve the service quality, hospital accreditation required to perform on a regular basis, at least every 3 (three) years. Recent developments for hospital accreditation standards in Indonesia improved by referring to the 2012 version that focuses on the patient. 'X' Hospital is a grade C Hospital who have previously accredited to the 2007 version of the accreditation assessment which conducted in 2012. The purpose of this study is to analyze the gap between the existing standards that applied in 'X' Hospital with the elements covered in 3 (three) chapters of Hospital Accreditation Standard (2012 version). The research used qualitative approach, was carried out through in-depth interviews and review of secondary documents. This research found that the standard of service according to Patient and Family Rights as well as in Patient and Family Education, are still not appropriate, due to the policies and documents that did not exist officially. The standard of Prevention and Control of Infection (PCI) is still not appropriate, because there is discontinuity function of the committee and unmet infrastructure that supports the Prevention and Control of Infection program. The organizing team of Accreditation has been running quite optimal, although the team members in a limited quantity. The fulfillment of the document and policy have to be coordinated and disseminated as soon as the policy and the document is approved, so can be well adapted and applied by the staff. Mentoring and periodic evaluation by hospital management are still needed in order to achieve the expected target of hospital accreditation."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ershad Nashir
"Tenaga keperawatan dituntut untuk dapat menjalankan kinerjanya dengan baik sesuai dengan standar yang telah ditetapkan oleh rumah sakit. Rumah sakit yang memiliki sistem penilaian kinerja tenaga keperawatan tentunya membutuhkan instrumen yang dapat mengukur kinerja. Rumah sakit ibu dan anak Assalam telah memiliki instrumen penilaian kinerja yang didalamnya terdapat indikator dan ukuran kinerja tenaga keperawatan, penelitian ini bertujuan menilai instrumen tersebut. Metode penelitian menggunakan desain potong lintang, dengan pendekatan kuantitatif, data primer didapatkan dengan menyebarkan kuesioner kepada seluruh tenaga keperawatan di RSIA Assalam. Total sampel 56 sama dengan populasi, dengan analisis multivariat menggunakan regresi logistik. Hasil analisis bivariat variabel terukur, relevan, hasil kerja berhubungan secara signifikan (p<0,05) dengan penilaian kinerja. Perilaku paling dominan terhadap penilaian kinerja dengan hasil analisis multivariat ukuran kinerja perilaku (p=0.0001) dan indikator jelas (p=0.039). Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini indikator kinerja yang digunakan sudah jelas tapi kurang terukur, kurang relevan dan kurang terikat waktu. Instrumen yang digunakan dapat mengukur perilaku dengan baik, tapi belum dapat mengukur hasil kerja dan kompetensi dengan baik. Perbaikan indikator kinerja dan ukuran kinerja pada instrumen penilaian kinerja perlu dilakukan demi meningkatkan kinerja tenaga keparawatan.

Nursing staff are required to be able to carry out their performance well in accordance with the standards set by the hospital. Hospitals that have a performance appraisal system for nursing staff certainly need an instrument that can measure performance. Assalam's mother and child hospital has a performance appraisal instrument in which there are indicators and measures of nursing staff performance, this study aims to assess the instrument. The research method used a cross-sectional design, with a quantitative approach, the primary data was obtained by distributing questionnaires to all nursing staff at RSIA Assalam. The total sample of 56 is the same as the population, with multivariate analysis using logistic regression. The results of the bivariate analysis of measurable, relevant variables, work results were significantly associated (p <0.05) with performance appraisal. The most dominant behavior towards performance appraisal with the results of multivariate analysis of behavior performance measures (p = 0.0001) and clear indicators (p = 0.039). The conclusion of this study is that the performance indicators used are clear but less measurable, less relevant and less time-bound. The instrument used can measure behavior well, but has not been able to measure work results and competencies properly. Improvements in performance indicators and performance measures on performance appraisal instruments need to be done to improve staff performance."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Chairunisa Saraswati Hakim
"Dokumentasi keperawatan adalah catatan yang merekam bagaimana proses keperawatan dilakukan dan merupakan salah satu indikator mutu asuhan keperawatan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis gambaran kelengkapan dokumentasi asuhan keperawatan di RS X tahun 2011-2014 berdasarkan rincian aspek-aspek dari proses keperawatan. Metode pada penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif menggunakan instrumen baku yang diterbitkan oleh Kemenkes RI, yaitu Instrumen Studi Dokumentasi Penerapan Standar Asuhan Keperawatan (Instrumen A). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa nilai kelengkapan Pengkajian, Diagnosa, Perencanaan dan Evaluasi Asuhan Keperawatan RS X 2011-2014 masih dibawah standar Kemenkes RI. Sedangkan variabel Implementasi Asuhan Keperawatan, kelengkapan catatan asuhan keperawatan sudah mencapai standar Kemenkes RI.

Nursing documentation is a record that records how the nursing process is done and is one indicator of the quality of nursing care. This study aims to analyze the complete overview of the documentation of nursing care in the hospital X in 2011-2014 based on the details of the aspects of the nursing process. The method in this research is quantitative using standard instruments issued by Ministry of Health of Indonesia, namely Instrumen Studi Dokumentasi Penerapan Standar Asuhan Keperawatan (Instrument A). These results indicate that the value of the completeness of the Assessment, Diagnosis, Planning and Evaluation Nursing in X hospital at 2011-2014 was below the standard of Ministry of Health Affairs. While the variable implementation of Nursing, the completeness of the record of nursing care has reached the standard of Ministry of Health Affairs."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rika Puspa Dewi
"Akreditasi rumah sakit adalah pengakuan resmi dari pemerintah kepada rumah sakit yang telah memenuhi standar pelayanan kesehatan, rumah sakit Zahirah sendiri sudah lulus akreditasi namun berdasarkan data yang ada kinerja perawat dianggap masih kurang sehingga perlu diketahuinya hubungan antara pengetahuan mengenai akreditasi rumah sakit dan karakteristik dengan kinerja perawat di rumah sakit Zahirah Jakarta tahun 2010.
Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian ini adalah diketahui gambaran pengetahuan perawat mengenai akreditasi rumahsakit, karakteristik individu perawat, hubungan antara pengetahuan mengenai akreditasi dengan kinerja perawat di RSU Zahirah, hubungan antara karakteristik dengan kinerja perawat RSU Zahirah.
Penelitian ini bersifat analitik dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Desain penelitian adalah survei cross sectional yang berarti pengukuran variabel dependen dan independen dilaksanakan pada satu waktu, Populasi penelitian adalah semua perawat yang berjumlah 72 orang perawat menggunakan alat ukur kuesioner.
Kesimpulannya adalah karakteristik individu perawat di RSU Zahirah adalah sebagian besar berjenis kelamin perempuan, tingkat pendidikan terakhir SPK-D3, umur 24 tahun keatas, dan masa kerja 2 tahun keatas. Sebagian besar perawat memiliki pengetahuan yang baik, karakteristik individu yang terdiri dari umur, jenis kelamin, dan pendidikan tidak memiliki hubungan yang signifikan terhadap kinerja perawat, masa kerja terbukti mempunyai hubungan yang signifikan, pengetahuan perawat mempunyai hubungan yang signifikan terhadap kinerja perawat.
Saran dari penelitian ini adalah memberikan reward dan punishment kepada perawat, dan merekrut tenaga perawat yang telah berpengalaman minimal 2 tahun. Perlu diadakan evaluasi berkala terhadap kinerja perawat dan pelaksanaan pelayanan rumahsakit sesuai dengan standar akreditasi rumah sakit.

Hospital accreditation is official recognition from the government to hospitals that have met standards of health services, hospitals themselves have passed the accreditation Zahirah but based on existing performance data were deemed to be less so the nurse needs to know the relationship between knowledge about the accreditation of hospitals and nursing performance characteristics Zahirah hospital in Jakarta in 2010.
The purpose of this study is to know the description of nurse's knowledge about the hospital accreditation, individual characteristics, the correlation between nurse's knowledge about the hospital accreditation and the performance of nurses in Zahirah Hospital, the correlation between the individual characteristics of nurses and the performance of nurses at Zahirah Hospital.
This research is a quantitative analytical approach. The design of this study was cross sectional survey which means that the measurement of dependent variable and independent variable were done at the same time. The population of this study were all nurses who numbered 72 nurses using questionnaires as the measuring instrument.
The conclusion were that individual characteristics of nurses in Zahirah Hospital is mostly female, the last education level SPK-D3, age 24 years and older, and years of service above 2 years. Half nurses have good knowledge, the individual characteristics consisting of age, gender, and education have no significant correlation to performance of nurses, the work proved to have a significant correlation, the knowledge nurses also have significant correlation to the performance of nurses.
Suggestions from this study is to provide reward and punishment to nurses, and recruit nurses with minimum 2 years of experience. Need to conduct periodic evaluation to nurse's performance and the implementation of hospital's services in accordance with hospital accreditation standard.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2010
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
R. Haryo Yudo Prabowo
"Standar Akreditasi Rumah Sakit merupakan penilaian sejauh mana rumah sakit sudah melaksanakan program keselamatan pasien sesuai dengan Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan Nomor 1691 Tahun 2011. Rumah Sakit X belum sepenuhnya melaksanakan pelayanan berbasis keselamatan pasien.
Penelitian deskriptif dengan metode kuantitatif dilanjutkan metode kualitatif bertujuan melihat persiapan Rumah Sakit X dalam menghadapai Akreditasi Bidang Keselamatan Pasien tahun 2016.
Pada penelitian ini dihasilkan kuesioner keselamatan pasien berdasarkan Standar Akreditasi Rumah Sakit 2012. Uji Reliabilitas menghasilkan 65 pernyataan kuesioner menjadi 47 pernyataan kuesioner. Hasil penelitian didapatkan 17 komponen penilaian dari Standar Akreditasi Rumah Sakit 2012 masih harus ditingkatkan pelaksanaannya di Rumah Sakit X.

Hospital Accreditation Standards is an assessment for hospitals to implement patient safety programs in accordance with the Regulation of the Minister of Health No. 1691 of 2011. Hospital X wasnot yet fully implementing patient safety based on the Hospital Accreditation 2012.
Descriptive research with quantitative method continued by qualitative method was implemented to study the preparation of Hospital X which will undergo Accreditation in 2016.
The research also developed questionnaire on Patient Safety based on The Hospital Accreditation 2012. Reliability test was done with the result of that 47 out of 65 questionnaires were reliable. The research found 17 points of The Hospital Accreditation 2012 still need improvement in implementation at Hospital X.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Agnes Ely Krisdarlina
"Kinerja personil baik kuantitas maupun kualitas dalam organisasi rumah sakit merupakan penampilan dari setiap upaya pelayanan kesehatan yang merupakan tanggung jawab perawat manajer. Perawat manajer adalah orang yang terlibat dalam akreditasi dan bertanggung jawab atas pengelolaan pelayanan keperawatan, sehingga tujuan pelayanan keperawatan yang bermutu tercapai.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh gambaran 'hubungan antara pemahaman tentang akreditasi rumah sakit dan karakteristik dengan kinerja perawat manajer di Rumah Sakit Kepolisian Pusat Raden Said Sukanto Jakarta'. Disain penelitian adalah deskriptif korelasional, pendekatan cross sectional. Sampel berjumlah 80 orang, dengan instrumen kuesioner yang telah diujikan hasil valid dan reliabel.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan tidak ada hubungan yang signifikan antara pemahaman akreditasi Rumah Sakit bidang pelayanan keperawatan dengan kinerja perawat manajer (p=0,973). Perawat manajer yang paham tentang akreditasi lebih baik, memiliki peluang untuk meningkatkan kinerjanya dibandingkan dengan perawat manajer yang kurang paham. Sedangkan karakteristik menunjukkan tidak ada hubungan yang signifikan dengan kinerja perawat manajer.
Disimpulkan bahwa pemahaman perawat manajer tentang akreditasi tidak berhubungan bermakna dengan kinerja perawat. Direkomendasikan bahwa pimpinan rumah sakit perlu menjelaskan pemahaman perawat manajer tentang akreditasi untuk meningkatkan kemampuan manajer dalam pengelolaan pelayanan keperawatan di rumah sakit.

In a hospital organization, the personnel's performance from both the quality or quantity standpoint reflects the effort in health service was responsible nurse manager. The person who is involved in the accreditation process is the nurse manager and he/ she is responsible in managing the nursing services to achieve the high quality nursing services.
This research is intended to illustrate 'the relationship between the understanding of hospital accreditation and individual characteristic with the performance of nurse managers at the Raden Said Sukanto Main Police Hospital in Jakarta'. The research format is a co relational descriptive with a cross sectional characteristic. The sample for this research is taken from the entire nurse manager staff at the RS Sukanto Main Police Hospital numbering to 80 people, the instrument used with the validity and reliability test.
The result reveals that there is no significant relation between the understanding of hospital accreditation in the field of nursing services with the nurse manager's performance (p=0.973). A nurse manager who understands the gist of accreditation has a slightly better chance to improve his/her performance compared to a nurse manager who is insufficient in his/her understanding of the accreditation. The research on characteristic reveals that there is no significant relation between the individual's characteristic and the performance of nurse managers at the RS Sukanto Main Police Hospital.
The conclusion of this study showed that there isn't significant relation between the undertanding nurse manager with performance nurse's. From this result can be suggested for direction hospital need explained the continuation of the accreditation process to provide an effective learning experience to increase the quality of the nursing service is recommended.
In a hospital organization, the personnel's performance from both the quality or quantity standpoint reflects the effort in health service was responsible nurse manager. The person who is involved in the accreditation process is the nurse manager and he/she is responsible in managing the nursing services to achieve the high quality nursing services. This research is intended to illustrate 'the relationship between the understanding of hospital accreditation and individual characteristic with the performance of nurse managers at the Raden Said Sukanto Main Police Hospital in Jakarta'. The research format is a co relational descriptive with a cross sectional characteristic. The sample for this research is taken from the entire nurse manager staff at the RS Sukanto Main Police Hospital numbering to 80 people, the instrument used with the validity and reliability test. The result reveals that there is no significant relation between the nderstanding of hospital accreditation in the field of nursing services with the nurse manager's performance (p=0.973). A nurse manager who understands the gist of accreditation has a slightly better chance to improve his/her performance compared to a nurse manager who is insufficient in his/her understanding of the accreditation. The research on characteristic reveals that there is no significant relation between the individual's characteristic and the performance of nurse managers at the RS Sukanto Main Police Hospital. The conclusion of this study showed that there isn't significant relation between the undertanding nurse manager with performance nurse's. From this result can be suggested for direction hospital need explained the continuation of the accreditation process to provide an effective learning experience to increase the quality of the nursing service is recommended.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ni Wayan Sri Astuti
"Rumah sakit dalam memberikan pelayanan kesehatan masyarakat harus dapat menjaga mutu dan kualitas. Salah satu upaya pemerintah untuk meningkatkan mutu pelayanan rumah melalui akreditasi. Akreditasi wajib dilakukan dan merupakan syarat ijin operasional sesuai aturan pemerintah. Rumah Sakit Prima Medika melakukan persiapan akreditasi KARS 2012 yang terdiri dari 4 sasaran pokok, namun penelitian ini pada dua sasaran yaitu sasaran keselamatan pasien dan Milenium Development Goals. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui tahapan, masalah dan monitoring dalam proses persiapan akreditasi. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif melibatkan partisipan sebanyak 7 orang yang terlibat dalam kelompok kerja akreditasi. Pengumpulan data dengan teknik wawancara mendalam dan penelusuran dokumen, dianalisis menggunakan content analysis. Hasil wawancara persiapan akreditasi dimulai komitmen dari seluruh jajaran rumah sakit, kelompok kerja akreditasi ditetapkan direktur, penyusunan dokumen sesuai elemen penilaian akreditasi, sosialisasi pada staf medis maupun non medis, implementasi sangat penting karena penilaian lebih terfokus pada pelaksanaan dilapangan, monitoring dan evaluasi dengan laporan monev, indikator mutu dan turun langsung ke lapangan. Kesimpulan tahapan persiapan yang penting adalah komitmen seluruh jajaran rumah sakit, melakukan pendekatan kepada dokter spesialis secara formal maupun informal, menambah pelatihan internal.

Hospitals in providing public health services should be able to maintain quality of services. One of the government's efforts to improve the quality of home services through accreditation, which is compulsory and required by government regulation. This study focus on two goals of Prima Medika Hospital in preparation of KARS 2012 accreditation: International Patient Safety Goals and Millennium Development Goals. The purpose of this study is to determine the stages, problems and monitoring in the preparation process of accreditation on the patient's safety goals and the Millennium Development Goals. This research uses qualitative method by involving 7 participants working group of accreditation. Data collected by in-depth interview technique and document tracing, then analyzed using content analysis. The results of the interviews show that the preparation phase begins with the commitment of all hospitals, the accreditation working group established by the director, the compilation of documents of the assessment elements according to the accreditation standards, program dissemination to medical and non-medical staff, then the implementation. The next stage are monitoring and evaluation, through monev report, quality indicator and field inspection. In conclusions, the very important stages in preparation process are: commitment from all level of hospital, approaches to the specialist doctors formally or informally, more internal training."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sri Rezeki
"Rumah Sakit merupakan Rumah Sakit X sebagai salah satu institusi pelayanan masyarakat yang tidak terlepas dengan kemungkinan terjadinya kasus kebakaran, gempa bumi, kecelakaan, maupun malapetaka lainnya. Data dari BMKG pada bulan Oktober 2011, gempa terjadi di Bali ada sekitar 3 rumah sakit yang rusak namun tidak ada korban jiwa dalam gempa tersebut.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kesiapan dalam menghadapi keadaan darurat gempa. Berdasarkan hasil pengumpulan data dan pengolahan data, baik data primer maupun data sekunder, diketahui bahwa Rumah Sakit X belum sepenuhnya memiliki kesiapan dalam menghadapi keadaan darurat gempa bumi.

Hospital is a Hospital X as one of public service institutions that can not be separated with the possibility of a case of fire, earthquake, accident, or other catastrophe. Data from BMKG in October 2011, an earthquake occurred in Bali there are about three hospitals damaged but no casualties in the quake.
This study aims to determine the state of emergency preparedness in the face of the earthquake. Based on data collection and processing of data, both primary data and secondary data, it is known that X has not been fully Hospital has an emergency preparedness in dealing with earthquakes.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rahma Febrina
"Rumah Sakit berpotensi untuk mencemari lingkungan dan kemungkinan menimbulkan kecelakaan serta penularan penyakit. Hal ini dapat dihindari dengan melakukan pengelolaan sampah rumah sakit. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah didapatkannya gambaran hasil dari pelaksanaan sistem pengelolaan sampah padat di Rumah Sakit X tahun 2011. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan cross sectional dengan analisis bersifat deskriptif observasional.
Hasil dari penelitian Rumah Sakit X memperoleh skor sebesar 60 %. Penilaian proses pengelolaan limbah dilakukan berdasarkan Penilaian Pemeriksaan Kesehatan Lingkungan (Inspeksi Sanitasi) Rumah Sakit dari Keputusan Menteri Kesehatan Republik Indonesia Nomor 1204/Menkes/SK/X/2004. Secara keseluruhan Rumah Sakit X belum memenuhi skor minimum sebesar 80% untuk pengelolaan limbah padat rumah sakit tipe B.

Hospital has potential to pollute the environment, cause injury and disease infection. This could be avoided by carrying out the waste management of the hospital. The objective of this study was to get description of the implementation of solid waste management system at hospital X on 2011. The method of this study was cross sectional design. The analysis method was observasional descriptive.
The result of this study's hospital X got score of 60%. Assessment of the process of the waste management was carried out was based on the Assessment of the environmental examination (the Sanitation Inspection) the Hospital from the Decision Health Minister of Republic of Indonesia the number 1204/Menkes/SK/X/2004. On the whole the X Hospital did not yet fill the minimal score of 80% for the solid waste management of the B type hospital.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
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