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"Ketidakhadiran merupakan indikator yang dapat menggambarkan baik tidaknya dari sebuah perusahaan. Ketidakhadiran yang tinggi dapat menurunkan produktivitas. Tujuan penelitian mengkaji faktor determinan ketidakhadiran pada pekerja perempuan di bagian sewing PT.X Jakarta tahun 2012.
Penelitian ini menggunakan desain cross sectional. Dengan menggunakan data primer dan sekunder. Subyek diambil dari populasi dengan cara purposive sampling. Setelah dilakukan pengelompokan yang masuk kiteria inklusi menjadi 57 orang. Variabel yang diteliti adalah masa kerja, lama perjalanan, umur, status anemia, gaji/upah, riwayat penyakit sebelumnya.
Hasil analisis didapatkan variabel yang paling besar pengaruhnya terhadap ketidakhadiran adalah masa kerja dengan Odds Ratio (OR) 13,040. Sedangkan variabel umur, anemia, gaji/ upah dan riwayat penyakit terdahulu sebagai variabel confounding.

Absenteism is an indicator of a good company or the contrary. High absenteism could reduce the productivity. The purpose of this research is to assess the determinant factor of absenteism on female workers at sewing department in PT X year 2012.
This research is using cross sectional design with primary and secondary data. Subjects were taken from the population using purposive sampling method. After the categorization, the number of inclusive criteria is 57 people. Research variables are working years, travelling time, age, anemia status, wage/salary, history of previous disease.
Analysis result shows the most influencing variabel on absenteism is the working years with odds ratio 13.040, wbile age, anemia, wage / salary, and history of previous disease variabels act as confounding variabel.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fitri Yuliarti
"Industri manufaktur berkontribusi sebesar 20,27% dari produk domestik bruto di Indonesia dan setiap tahunnya membutuhkan sekitar 600 ribu pekerja baru. Proporsi pekerja perempuan pada sektor ini cenderung stagnan pada rata-rata 45% dan rendah pada subsektor industri tertentu. Penelitian ini menganalisis produktivitas pekerja perempuan pada industri manufaktur di Indonesia sampai dengan 23 subsektor industri menggunakan model cross section data survey IBS (Industri Besar Sedang) tahun 2019 pada 28.641 perusahaan. Tujuan analisis adalah untuk mengidentifikasi hubungan korelasi pekerja perempuan terhadap produktivitas perusahaan yang direpresentasikan melalui total output dibandingkan dengan total tenaga kerja (produktivitas tenaga kerja).

Indonesia’s manufacturing sector contributes to 20.27% of the country’s gross domestic product. The sector absorbs approximately 600 thousand new labors annually. It is noted that the proportion of female workers in this sector is approximately 45% and even lower in certain subsectors. This study analyzes the productivity of female labors in Indonesian manufacturing sector within 23 subsectors by using the 2019 IBS survey data of 28,641 companies. The objective of the analysis is to identify the correlation of the female workers participation rates with the companies’ productivities, which is resulted from the ratio of total output and participation rate."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dyah Sukmawardhani
"Berat badan lebih dan obesitas permasalahan yang meningkat pada pekerja. Salah satu faktor yang dianggap berhubungan adalah kerja gilir.
Penelitian ini menggunakan desain kasus kontrol. Populasi penelitian adalah pekerja wanita di pabrik sepatu di Jawa Barat. Subyek dengan IMT ≥ 23 disebut kelompok kasus dan subyek dengan IMT < 22,9 disebut kelompok kontrol. Data yang dikumpulkan adalah demografi, status gizi, asupan kalori, pola makan, aktivitas fisik, masa kerja dan pola kerja gilir. Pengumpulan data dilakukan menggunakan alat ukur (timbangan berat badan dan pita pengukur) serta wawancara menggunakan kuesioner.
Dari 490 sampel, subyek yang kerja gilir (shift) sebanyak 201 orang. Sejumlah 51,7% dari yang bekerja gilir memiliki berat badan lebih/obesitas. Tidak didapatkan hubungan yang bermakna antara kerja gilir dengan berat badan lebih/obesitas. Pada analisis multivariat didapatkan bahwa subyek yang berusia lebih dari 30 tahun, menikah, memiliki riwayat berat badan lebih dalam keluarga, asupan kalori lebih, serta kebiasaan konsumsi karbohidrat dan protein yang sering dalam enam bulan terakhir memberikan pengaruh terhadap berat badan lebih/obesitas.
Kerja gilir bukan merupakan faktor risiko terhadap berat badan lebih/obesitas. Usia, status pernikahan, riwayat berat badan dalam keluarga, asupan kalori, kebiasaan konsumsi karbohidrat dan protein, merupakan risiko untuk terjadinya obesitas pada pekerja wanita di pabrik sepatu.

Overweight and obesity are increasing in worker. Being overweight and obesity leads to degenerative diseases which effect on absenteeism and employees? productivity.
The design of this study is case control. Population of research is female workers in shoes manufacturer. Subject with BMI ≥ 23 grouped as case and subject with BMI <22.9 grouped as control. Data are demography data, nutrition status, calorie intake, feeding habit, physical activities, work period, and work pattern. Data collected by using measurement tools (body weight and height measurement) and questionnaire.
From 490 samples, 201 people work in shift. 51.7% from them are overweight/obese. Shift work is not the risk factor of overweight/obese. Multivariate analysis found that subjects more than 30 year old, married, with family obesity history, high calorie intake, and high carbohydrate and protein consumption habit in the past six months related to overweight/obese.
Shift work has no significant relation with overweight/obese. Age, marriage status, history of overweight in the family, calorie intake, carbohydrates and protein consumption are the risk of overweight/obesity on female worker in shoes manufacturer.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nurul Prihastita Rizyana
"[Kontak seks komersial mempercepat penularan HIV. Probabilitas pekerja seks terinfeksi HIV lebih tinggi karena beberapa faktor risiko, salah satunya penggunaan kondom secara tidak konsisten. Penelitian bertujuan mengetahui hubungan faktor individual (umur, pendidikan, negosiasi kondom, lama bekerja, jumlah pelanggan), faktor lingkungan (pelatihan kondom, ketersediaan kondom, tempat mendapatkan kondom, keterpaparan informasi) dengan konsistensi pemakaian kondom pada WPS. Analisis lanjut data Survei Manajemen Rantai
Pasokan Kondom (SMRPK) tahun 2013 dengan desain cross sectional pada 3225 WPS langsung dan tidak langsung yang dipilih secara multistage random sampling di 16 Provinsi di Indonesia. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan 62,8% konsistensi memakai kondom. Umur WPS, negosiasi kondom, ketersediaan kondom berhubungan dengan konsistensi pemakaian kondom. Variabel negosiasi kondom merupakan faktor paling dominan berhubungan dengan konsistensi pemakaian kondom.dimana WPS yang selalu melakukan negosiasi kondom
berpeluang menggunakan kondom secara konsisten 12,6 kali dibandingkan WPS yang tidak selalu negosiasi kondom dengan pelanggannya;Number of commercial sex can speed up the transmission of HIV. Probability of sex workers are infected with HIV is higher because some risk factors such as a consistency condom use. This study aims to determine the associated of individual factors (age, education, condom negotiation, length in commercial work, number of customers), environmental factors (condoms training, availability, source to get condoms, exposure by information) with the consistency of condom use by FSW’s. According to Supply Management Survey
(SMRPK) in 2013, recruited 3225 of direct and indirectly FSW’s through
multistage random sampling in 16 Provinces in Indonesia. The results indicated 62.8% consistent condom use. Age, condom negotiation, condom availability significantly correlated with consistency of condom use. Condom negotiation is the most dominant factor related to consistency of condom use after adjusting with age and condom availability. FSW’s whose always negotiated have a 12.6 times consistently of condom use with a clients.;Number of commercial sex can speed up the transmission of HIV. Probability of sex workers are infected with HIV is higher because some risk factors such as a consistency condom use. This study aims to determine the associated of individual factors (age, education, condom negotiation, length in
commercial work, number of customers), environmental factors (condoms training, availability, source to get condoms, exposure by information) with the consistency of condom use by FSW’s. According to Supply Management Survey (SMRPK) in 2013, recruited 3225 of direct and indirectly FSW’s through multistage random sampling in 16 Provinces in Indonesia. The results indicated 62.8% consistent condom use. Age, condom negotiation, condom availability significantly correlated with consistency of condom use. Condom negotiation is
the most dominant factor related to consistency of condom use after adjusting with age and condom availability. FSW’s whose always negotiated have a 12.6 times consistently of condom use with a clients., Number of commercial sex can speed up the transmission of HIV.
Probability of sex workers are infected with HIV is higher because some risk
factors such as a consistency condom use. This study aims to determine the
associated of individual factors (age, education, condom negotiation, length in
commercial work, number of customers), environmental factors (condoms
training, availability, source to get condoms, exposure by information) with the
consistency of condom use by FSW’s. According to Supply Management Survey
(SMRPK) in 2013, recruited 3225 of direct and indirectly FSW’s through
multistage random sampling in 16 Provinces in Indonesia. The results indicated
62.8% consistent condom use. Age, condom negotiation, condom availability
significantly correlated with consistency of condom use. Condom negotiation is
the most dominant factor related to consistency of condom use after adjusting
with age and condom availability. FSW’s whose always negotiated have a 12.6
times consistently of condom use with a clients.]"
Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Devvy Chaesya Amni Melakasi
"Industri manufaktur, termasuk industri sepatu, memiliki peran penting dalam pertumbuhan ekonomi, namun seringkali pekerja perempuan di sektor ini menghadapi risiko kesehatan yang tinggi, termasuk risiko kejadian abortus spontan. Adapun kematian ibu di Indonesia juga masih didominasi oleh beberapa penyebab, termasuk abortus spontan. Postur kerja yang tidak ergonomis, seperti berdiri atau duduk lama, adalah salah satu faktor yang dapat memengaruhi kesehatan reproduksi pekerja buruh. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis hubungan antara posisi kerja berdiri dan duduk lama dengan kejadian abortus spontan pada pekerja buruh di PT XY Kota Tangerang. Adapun metode penelitian yang digunakan melalui pendekatan kuantitatif dengan desain cross sectional. Data primer menggunakan purposive random sampling diperoleh melalui kuesioner yang diisi oleh para pekerja buruh di PT XY, sedangkan data sekunder diperoleh dari poliklinik perusahaan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa posisi berdiri dan duduk lama memiliki pengaruh signifikan terhadap kejadian abortus spontan pada pekerja buruh di PT XY Kota Tangerang. Oleh karena itu, perusahaan perlu memperhatikan faktor-faktor ini dalam upaya menjaga kesehatan reproduksi pekerjanya.

The manufacturing industry, including the footwear sector, plays a pivotal role in economic growth. However, female workers in this field often face elevated health risks, notably the threat of spontaneous abortion. Indonesia's maternal mortality rates are still predominantly driven by various factors, with spontaneous abortion being one of them. Among these factors, unergonomic work postures, such as prolonged standing or sitting, have a significant impact on the reproductive health of laborers. This study is aimed at examining the correlation between extended periods of standing and sitting during work and the incidence of spontaneous abortion among laborers at PT XY in Tangerang City. The research employs a quantitative approach with a cross-sectional design. Primary data was collected using purposive random sampling, involving questionnaires administered to laborers at PT XY, while secondary data was sourced from the company's polyclinic. The findings underscore the substantial influence of prolonged standing and sitting on the occurrence of spontaneous abortion among laborers at PT XY in Tangerang City. Consequently, companies must address these factors to protect the reproductive health of their employees."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Asmanadia Hidayat
Wanita Pekerja Seks Langsung (WPS) adalah salah satu kelompok populasi kunci yang paling berisiko tertular dan menularkan virus HIV. Prevalensi HIV pada WPSL pada tahun 2015 meningkat dibandingkan tahun 2013. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan status HIV pada WPSL di 16 kabupaten/kota di Indonesia pada tahun 2015. Desain penelitian ini adalah cross sectional. Penelitian ini menggunakan data sekunder dari Integrated Biological and Behavioral Survey (STBP) 2015. Sampel penelitian ini adalah wanita pekerja seks (WPS) berusia 15 tahun ke atas yang pernah melakukan hubungan seks komersial dengan minimal 1 pelanggan dalam 1 bulan terakhir. Hasil penelitian didapatkan WPSL dengan status HIV (+) sebesar 8,6%. Variabel yang secara statistik berhubungan adalah riwayat penggunaan narkoba suntikan (OR 5,449, CI 95% 1,624 - 18,285) dan riwayat gejala IMS (OR 1,579, 95% CI 1,148 - 2,172). Oleh karena itu, program pencegahan HIV-AIDS perlu terus ditingkatkan bagi kelompok perempuan pekerja seks untuk mencegah penularan HIV melalui penggunaan jarum suntik dan penularan melalui hubungan seksual.
Female Direct Sex Workers (FSW) are one of the key population groups most at risk of contracting and transmitting the HIV virus. The prevalence of HIV in FSW in 2015 increased compared to 2013. The purpose of this study was to determine the factors associated with HIV status in FSW in 16 districts/cities in Indonesia in 2015. The design of this study was cross sectional. This study uses secondary data from the 2015 Integrated Biological and Behavioral Survey (STBP). The sample of this study is female sex workers (FSW) aged 15 years and over who have had commercial sex with at least 1 customer in the last 1 month. The results of the study found that the WPSL with HIV (+) status was 8.6%. The variables that were statistically related were a history of injection drug use (OR 5,449, 95% CI 1,624 - 18,285) and a history of STI symptoms (OR 1,579, 95% CI 1,148 - 2,172). Therefore, HIV-AIDS prevention programs need to be continuously improved for groups of women sex workers to prevent HIV transmission through the use of needles and transmission through sexual contact."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Keisha Karinna Avioza
"Penelitian ini menggunakan data dari Sakernas Agustus 2021 untuk menganalisis pengaruh pelatihan dan partisipasi kerja perempuan dengan disabilitas di Indonesia. Dengan menggunakan regresi logistik biner, dapat diketahui terdapat pengaruh pelatihan terhadap partisipasi kerja perempuan dengan disabilitas. Probabilitas perempuan dengan disabilitas untuk memasuki pasar tenaga kerja pun akan semakin besar ketika mengikuti pelatihan yang bersertifikat. Namun, partisipasi kerja akan bervariasi berdasarkan jenis dan tingkat keparahan disabilitas yang dialami. Perempuan dengan disabilitas penglihatan memiliki kemungkinan yang lebih tinggi untuk bekerja. Sedangkan, perempuan dengan disabilitas fisik (mobilitas dan jari/tangan) dan mental mengalami kemungkinan yang paling kecil untuk bekerja. Kemudian, probabilitas perempuan dengan disabilitas untuk bekerja pada jenis pekerjaan apapun akan berkurang dengan meningkatnya tingkat keparahan yang dialami. Terlepas dari status disabilitasnya, perempuan dengan disabilitas yang berada dalam kelompok usia produktif (35 – 45 tahun), berpendidikan >=SMA/sederajat, bertempat tinggal di pedesaan, berstatus pernah menikah memiliki probabilitas bekerja yang lebih tinggi.

This study utilizes data from Sakernas Augustus 2021 to analyze the effect between training and work participation of women with disabilities in Indonesia. Using binary logistic regression, this study discovered that training has an impact on how many women with disabilities participate in the workforce. When they enroll in certified training, the likelihood of disabled women entering the workforce will increase even more. However, work participation will vary based on the type and degree of disabilities, where women with vision disabilities face the highest likelihood of working participation. Meanwhile, women with mental and physical disabilities (mobility and finger/hand) face the lowest likelihood of working participation. In addition, as the degree of disability increases, it becomes less likely that she will work in any sector of economic activity. Regardless of their disability status, those in the productive age group (35 – 45), have completed at least a high school education, live in rural areas, and have been married are more likely to work."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Pekerja wanita usia subur (WUS) sebagai sumber daya manusia utama di banyak industri, rawan terkena anemia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan status besi pekerja WUS yang anemia atau memiliki hemoglobin (Hb) rendah, yang bekerja di perusahaan pengalengan nanas dengan melakukan suplementasi zat besi. Penelitian ini dilakukan dua periode, menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap buta ganda. Subyek penelitian adalah pekerja WUS yang dibagi menjadi dua grup perlakuan suplemen, yakni grup-BF yang diberi zat besi dan asam folat dan grup-MVM yang diberi multivitamin dan mineral yang mengandung 15 macam vitamin dan mineral termasuk zat besi dan asam folat. Subyek penelitian pada periode-1 sebanyak 25 pekerja WUS sudah menikah (BF=13; MVM=12) dan periode-2 sebanyak 15 pekerja WUS belum menikah (BF=7; MVM=8). Suplementasi dilakukan tiga kali per minggu selama 10 minggu dengan pengawasan. Sesudah suplementasi tingkat Hb, hematokrit (Ht) dan serum feritin grup BF meningkat, sedangkan pada grup MVM ada yang menurun. Peningkatan Hb dan Ht pada yang sudah menikah lebih tinggi dibandingkan yang belum menikah. Namun, Hb tersebut turun saat suplementasi dilanjutkan tanpa pengawasan dan semakin turun saat tidak lagi diberi suplemen. Pemberian suplemen yang mengandung zat besi menjadi keharusan bagi pekerja WUS, karena mereka tidak mampu meningkatkan Hb-nya jika hanya mengandalkan dari makanan.

The Supplementation Effects of Iron and Folic Acid Compared with the Multivitamin and Mineral on Female Workers of Childbearing Age in the Pineapple Agribusiness. Female workers of childbearing age (WUS) as a major of human resources in many agribusiness exposed to anemia. This study aims to improve the iron status of anemic WUS workers with low hemoglobin (Hb) levels, who work in a pineapple agribusiness by iron supplementation. This study was conducted two periods, using a double-blind randomized trial design. Subjects were divided into two treatment groups supplements, namely IF that was given iron + folic acid and MVM that was given multi vitamin and mineral containing 15 different vitamins and minerals including iron and folic acid. The subjects of period-1 were 25 married WUS (IF=13, MVM=12) and of period-2 were 15 single WUS (BF=7, MVM=8). Supplementation performed three times weekly for 10 weeks. After supplementation, the levels of Hb, haematocrit (Hc) and serum ferritin of BFgroup increased, whereas there were declines in MVM-group. The increase in Hb and Hc in married WUS was higher than the single. However, their Hb was fallen down when supplementation was continued without supervision and getting down when not given the supplements anymore. Supplementation with iron is a must for WUS workers, because they are not able to increase their Hb if only rely on their food."
Institut Pertanian Bogor. Fakultas Ekologi Manusia, 2013
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Raihan Anugrah Pekerti
"Aspek ergonomi merupakan salah satu aspek yang perlu diperhatikan dalam lingkungan kerja, tidak terkecuali di sektor perkantoran. Pekerja kantor tidak terlepas dari beberapa isu ergonomi seperti postur janggal, postur statis, dan gerakan repetitif. Berdasarkan hasil observasi dan tinjauan dokumen perusahaan, aspek ergonomi masih menjadi permasalahan di PT X karena belum diterapkan secara maksimal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis faktor ergonomi pekerja kantor PT X dengan menggunakan desain studi yang bersifat deskriptif dan eksploratif dengan pendekatan analisis kualitatif. Hasil analisis dan pengukuran faktor ergonomi menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar kegiatan pekerja administrasi di PT X berada pada kondisi ”fitting the man to the job” dimana 5 dari 7 pekerja harus menyesuaikan diri dengan kondisi pekerjaan. Hal ini disebabkan karena adanya interaksi dari postur janggal para pekerja, frekuensi dan durasi kerja yang tidak aman (faktor pekerjaan); desain kursi dan meja, ketinggian monitor, luas area kerja serta koridor yang kurang memadai (faktor peralatan); serta kurangnya intensitas pencahayaan area kerja (faktor lingkungan). Dengan demikian, PT X perlu meningkatkan perhatian terkait aspek ergonomi diantaranya melalui pengadaan peralatan kerja yang ergonomis, penggantian lampu di area kerja, serta edukasi rutin kepada para pekerja terkait pentingnya aspek ergonomi di perkantoran.

Ergonomics is one aspect that needs to be considered in the work environment, including the office sector. Office workers cannot be separated from several ergonomic issues such as awkward postures, static postures, and repetitive movements. Based on the results of observations and review of company documents, ergonomic aspects are still a problem at PT X because they have not been implemented optimally. This study aims to analyse the ergonomic factors of PT X office workers using a descriptive and exploratory study design with a qualitative analysis approach. The results of the analysis and measurement of ergonomic factors show that most of the activities of administrative workers at PT X are in the condition of "fitting the man to the job" where 5 out of 7 workers must adjust to work conditions. This is due to the interaction of the workers awkward postures, unsafe work frequency and duration (work factors); inadequate chair and table design, monitor height, work area and corridors (equipment factors); and lack of work area lighting intensity (environmental factors). Thus, PT X needs to increase attention related to ergonomic aspects, including through the procurement of ergonomic work equipment, replacement of lights in the work area, and regular education to workers regarding the importance of ergonomic aspects in the office."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Since the 1980's there has been a growing phenomenon in Indonesia of women moving out to work overseas. The main destination countries of this movement is Saudi Arabia, but some other countries in the Middle East, such as Abu Dhabi< United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Bahrain and Qatar have also important destinations in recent years. There are strong economic factors influencing labor migration such as dearth of job opportunities in the areas of their origin. However, the phenomenon in Indonesia has other important dimensions. The majority of Indonesian female labor migrants to Saudi Arabia work as domestic workers. Many of them had bas as well as good experiences working overseas in terms of have employers treated them. This paper is an elaboration on indonesian female migrant workers' experiences working in Saudi Arabia based on a study among returned migrants in their places of origin in Indramayu and Cianjur districts in West Java. West Java is known as one of Indonesian provinces where many international female labor migrants to the Middle East came from. The many cases of mistreatment and bad working experiences among Indonesian returned female migrants in the study area do not seem to deter a number of them to work in Saudi Arabia. Some returned female migrants in the study area believe that what they would experience during their work overseas depended on their fate."
Journal of Population, 8 (1) 2002 : 73-98, 2002
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
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