Arovian Yuliardi
Abstrak :
[Pada 1 Januari 2014 Negara Indonesia berupaya untuk mensejahterakan
rakyatnya melalui Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional (JKN). Jaminan Kesehatan berupa
perlindungan kesehatan agar peserta memperoleh manfaat pemeliharaan kesehatan
dan perlindungan dalam memenuhi kebutuhan dasar kesehatan. Dalam pelaksanaan
penyelenggraan jaminan kesehatan pada prinsipnya menggunakan konsep managed
care, yaitu suatu teknik yang mengintegrasikan pembiayaan dan pelayanan
kesehatan melalui penerapan kendali biaya dan kendali mutu dengan tujuan
mengurangi biaya pelayanan yang tidak perlu melalui cara meningkatkan kelayakan
dan efisiensi pelayanan kesehatan.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menganalisa gambaran pola
pemanfaatan pelayanan kesehatan bersumber dana kapitasi dan non kapitasi pada
FKTP milik Pemerintah di Kabupaten Pandeglang. Penelitian ini merupakan studi
analitik dengan desain cross sectional. Sampel sebanyak 615 pasien, merupakan
pasien yang berkunjung ke FKTP milik Pemerintah di tiga wilayah Puskesmas
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Proporsi peserta JKN yang
memanfaatkan pelayanan kesehatan di FKTP milik Pemerintah di Kabupaten
Pandeglang adalah 47,3%, sebesar 52,7% dari yang memanfaatkan pelayanan
kesehatan merupakan bukan peserta JKN (pasien umum). Pemanfaatan pelayanan
kesehatan pada peserta JKN sebanyak 66,7% memanfaatkan jenis pelayanan
kesehatan yang dapat didanai oleh kapitasi dan 33,3% memanfaatkan jenis
pelayanan kesehatan yang dapat didanai oleh non kapitasi. Pada peserta JKN
pemanfaatan jenis pelayanan kesehatan yang dapat didanai oleh non kapitasi lebih
tinggi dibandingkan dengan bukan peserta JKN. Faktor – faktor yang berhubungan
dengan pemanfaatan jenis pelayanan kesehatan yang didanai kapitasi dan non
kapitasi di FKTP adalah status kesehatan, kepesertaan JKN, dan kemampuan
Disarankan dalam perumusan pembuatan kebijakan tingkat daerah
diharapkan dapat lebih memperhatikan acuan pelaksanaan ditingkat pusat, sehingga
manfaat pelayanan kesehatan bagi masyarakat tidak menjadi bias. Dalam
menunjang Universal Coverage pada tahun 2019, mekanisme pendaftaran peserta
JKN diharapkan dapat menjadi bahan pokok bahasan penting di tingkat
Kementerian Kesehatan maupun BPJS sebagai pelaksana;On 1st January 2014, Indonesia tried to welfare its people by National Health
Insurance (JKN). National Health Insurance in the form of health protection for
participants to obtain health care benefits and protection to meet basic health needs.
Principle of health insurance implementation is using managed care principle,
technique that integrates the funding and health care trough the implementation of
cost control and quality control with the aim of reducing the cost of needless
services by improve the viability and efficiency of health care.
This research aims for knowing and analysing the models of health care
utilization which funded capitation and non-capitation in government primary
health facility of Pandeglang Regency. This research is an analytical study with
cross sectional design. Amount of samples are 615 patients, those are visited to
government primary health facility at the three areas selected health centers.
The result of research show that national health insurance proportion of
participants who use the health care in government primary health facility of
Pandeglang is 47.3%, and 52.7% of using health care is not participant of national
health insurance. In health care utilization of national health insurance participant
there are 66,7% who use health care model of capitation and 33,3% who use health
care model of non-capitation. In national health insurance participant of health care
utilization with non-capitation model is higher than non-participant of national
health insurance. Factors that related to the utilization of health care with funded
capitation and non-capitation in primary health facility are health status,
membership of national health insurance, and ability to pay.
It is suggested in the formulation of policy-making in regional level is
expected to be more concerned with the reference implementation at central level,
so the benefits of health care for the people will not be refraction. In supporting the
Universal Coverage in 2019, the registration mechanism of national health
insurance participant is expected to be an important discussion at the Health
Ministry level and BPJS as executor, On 1st January 2014, Indonesia tried to welfare its people by National Health
Insurance (JKN). National Health Insurance in the form of health protection for
participants to obtain health care benefits and protection to meet basic health needs.
Principle of health insurance implementation is using managed care principle,
technique that integrates the funding and health care trough the implementation of
cost control and quality control with the aim of reducing the cost of needless
services by improve the viability and efficiency of health care.
This research aims for knowing and analysing the models of health care
utilization which funded capitation and non-capitation in government primary
health facility of Pandeglang Regency. This research is an analytical study with
cross sectional design. Amount of samples are 615 patients, those are visited to
government primary health facility at the three areas selected health centers.
The result of research show that national health insurance proportion of
participants who use the health care in government primary health facility of
Pandeglang is 47.3%, and 52.7% of using health care is not participant of national
health insurance. In health care utilization of national health insurance participant
there are 66,7% who use health care model of capitation and 33,3% who use health
care model of non-capitation. In national health insurance participant of health care
utilization with non-capitation model is higher than non-participant of national
health insurance. Factors that related to the utilization of health care with funded
capitation and non-capitation in primary health facility are health status,
membership of national health insurance, and ability to pay.
It is suggested in the formulation of policy-making in regional level is
expected to be more concerned with the reference implementation at central level,
so the benefits of health care for the people will not be refraction. In supporting the
Universal Coverage in 2019, the registration mechanism of national health
insurance participant is expected to be an important discussion at the Health
Ministry level and BPJS as executor]
Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership Universitas Indonesia Library