ABSTRAKAsuhan keperawatan holistik peka budaya (AKHPB) sangat penting diberikan pada ibu pascaseksio sesarea. Tujuan penelitian yaitu memperoleh model asuhan keperawatan holistik peka budaya yang efektif untuk meningkatkan kemampuan merawat dan kepuasan.
Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan action research melalui tiga tahap penelitian yaitu:
Tahap I, identifikasi masalah pelayanan dengan penelitian kualitatif dengan desain fenomenologi deskriptif dan kuantitasif deskriptif.
Tahap II, solusi pengembangaan model asuhan keperawatan holistik peka budaya pada ibu pascaseksio melalui pengembangan instrumen, seminar pakar dan pelatihan kompetensi budaya perawat pelaksana. Tahap III, uji coba dan evaluasi model dengan desain quasi experiment with control group design. Hasil tahap I, diperoleh 5 tema dari partisipan ibu pascaseksio dan 6 tema dari perawat pelaksana , tahap II, dihasilkan model asuhan keperawatan holistik peka budaya dengan dua modul dan panduan bagi perawat, hasil pelatihan didapatkan peningkatan pengetahuan, kesadaran diri, sikap, ketrampilan peka budaya dan kemampuan mendokumentasikan asuhan keperawatan.
Tahap III, terdapat perbedaan bermakna kemampuan merawat diri, dan kemampuan merawat bayi dan kepuasan antara sebelum dan sesudah implementasi model.
Kesimpulan, model Asuhan keperawatan holistik peka budaya efektif meningkatkan kemampuan merawat diri, kemampuan merawat bayi, dan kepuasan ibu pascaseksio. Rekomendasi: (1) replikasi model pada budaya yang berbeda, (2) implementasi model di setiap rumah sakit, (3) Pelatihan berkelanjutan bagi perawat maternitas, (4) pengembangan kurikulum pendidikan berbasis budaya dan (5) penelitian lanjut yaitu model AKHPB meningkatkan kesehatan reproduksi perempuan.
ABSTRAKCulturally sensitive, holistic nursing care (CSHNC) is very important to be given to postcaesarean mothers. The purpose of the study was to obtain a model of culturally sensitive, holistic nursing care which is effective to improve the ability of care and satisfaction.
This research applied an action research approach through three stages of research, namely:
Stage I, the identification of service problems by qualitative research with phenomenological descriptive and quantitative descriptive design.
Stage II, the solution of the culturally sensitive, holistic nursing care model development to postcaesarean mothers through the instrument development, expert seminars and cultural competency training for staff nurses. Stage III, Model trial and evaluation with a quasi-experiment design with control group design. The first stage acquired 5 themes from postcaesarean mother participants and 6 themes from nurses. Stage II produced a model of culturally sensitive, holistic nursing care with two modules and guides for nurses, the training results were the increase of knowledge, self-awareness, attitudes, culturally sensitive skills, and the ability to document the nursing care.
Stage III, there was a significant difference of self-care and infant care ability, as well as the satisfaction before and after the implementation of the model. In conclusion, the model of culturally sensitive, holistic nursing care was effective to enhance the postcaesarean mothers? self-care and infant-care ability, as well as the maternal satisfaction.
Recommendations: (1) the replication of the model in different cultures, (2) the implementation of the model in every hospital, (3) the ongoing training for maternity nurses, (4) the development of culture-based education curriculum and (5) the further research, namely CSHNC model to improve female reproductive health."