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Ditemukan 38 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Yulia Rahmad
"Dari data Paviliun Khusus RSGM FKG UI diketahui lebih dari separuh pasien tidak menyelesaikan perawatan kasus konservasi gigi. Hal ini diduga ada hubungan antara mutu pelayanan dengan penyelesaian perawatan.
Tujuan Penelitian : untuk mengetahui penilain pasien terhadap mutu pelayanan dengan penyelesaian perawatan kasus konservasi gigi di Paviliun Khusus RSGM FKG UI.
Subjek Penelitian : pasien yang datang berobat selama bulan Agustus sampai Desember 2004 untuk perawatan konservasi gigi yang membutuhkan lebih dari satu kali kunjungan.
Metode Penelitian : mengunakan kuesioner yang dikirim ke setiap pasien melalui surat dan dikembalikan ke peneliti setelah kuesioner diisi secara lengkap. Responden dibagi dalam dua kelompok yaitu yang menyelesaikan perawatan dan tidak menyelesaikan perawatan. Analisis bivariat mengunakan uji Anova 2 arah dengan mengunakan SPSS versi 10 dan model servqual juga dibangun untuk analisis regresi ganda.
Hasil Penelitian : nilai rata-rata jawaban responden yang menyelesaikan perawatan cenderung lebih tinggi daripada yang tidak menyelesaikan perawatan, setelah dilakukan kontrol terhadap faktor karakteristik. Penilaian responden dan variabel karakteristik secara mandiri tidak mempunyai pengaruh terhadap hubungan antara skor penilaian responden dengan variabel penyelesaian perawatan, kecuali wakta pulang pergi berobat dan jumlah kunjungan. Analisis model servqual pada mutu pelayanan kesehatan nampak tidak ada hubungan yang bermakna dengan fasilitas Paviliun khusus RSGM FKG UI.
Kesimpulan : dari analisa model servqual mengenai mutu pelayanan, diperoleh prioritas utama yang harus diperhatikan dalam meningkaikan mutu pelayanan yaitu kedua kelompok responden yang menyelesaikan perawatan dan yang tidak menyelesaikan perawatan merasa tidak mempersoalkan tentang keadaan fisik fasilitas Paviliun Khusus RSGM FKG UI. Kelompok yang tidak menyelesaikan perawatan merasa bahwa peningkatan petugas dan petugas yang cepat sangat penting. Sedangkan pada kelompok yang menyelesaikan perawatan merasa bahwa selain pelayanan petugas yang cepat juga menginginkan keterampilan harus ditingkatkan.

The Dental Hospital of Faculty of Dentistry, University of Indonesia showed that around half of patients did not complete their conservative treatment. This problem is assumed to correlate to the quality of health service at the institution.
Purpose of study: to investigate the patients' assessment towards completing their conservative treatment at the Dental Hospital.
Subject of study: incoming patients during the period of August to December 2004 with conservative treatment more than one visit.
Methods of study: A structured questionnaire was sent to each patient by mail, which should be sent back to researcher after completion the questionnaire farm. The respondents were grouped into 2 (finished and did not finished treatment). Bivariat analysis by using Two Way Annova analysis with SPSS (version 10) was carried out. A servqual model was also built in the multiple analyses.
Result of study: Mean score of respondent's assessment who finished their treatment trend to be higher than those who did not finish the treatment, after controlling confounding variables. The respondents' characteristic did not appear to influence the relationship of respondents' assessment and finishing treatment, except for the length-time the patients need to go to the hospital and number of visits. Servqual model analysis on health service quality showed that there is no significant relationship between physical facilities at the Dental Hospital of Faculty of Dentistry, University of Indonesia.
Conclusion: The respondents who did not finish the treatment gave low score in assessing the quality of dental officers and waiting time to get the treatment. While for the respondents who finished their treatment felt the need of upgrading the fast service and skill of the dental officers at the Dental Hospital.
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Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Siti Alia Ramadhani
"Menganalisa efek susu dan teh hitam terhadap demineralisasi email gigi. Mahkota 30 gigi premolar dipersiapkan membentuk kubus gigi (6mm3). Permukaan oklusal dibentuk jendela oklusal dengan menggunakan stiker berukuran 3x5mm2 dan seluruh permukaan gigi lainnya dilapisi dengan varnis tahan asam. Sampel dibagi secara acak ke dalam tiga kelompok dan direndam selama 26 menit dalam larutan remineralisasi: Grup A-susu dan teh hitam ; Grup B-susu ; Grup C-akuabides. Setelah 3 hari perendaman dalam larutan demineralisasi dengan pH 4.4, gigi di scan menggunakan micro-CT. Demineralisasi ditunjukkan dengan mean grey value (MGV). MGV dan standar deviasi pada tiap kelompok secara berurutan adalah: 90.78 ± 19.09, 98.14 ± 24.01, 81.10 ± 20.29. MGV antara ketiga kelompok berbeda bermakna (p<0.05), kecuali antara grup A dan B. Aplikasi menggunakan susu saja menunjukkan efek protektif yang lebih tinggi terhadap demineralisasi dibandingkan dengan aplikasi susu dan teh hitam.

This study is aimed to analyze the effect of milk and tea on demineralization of tooth enamel. The coronal parts of 30 sound premolars were prepared into tooth blocks (6mm3). An unvarnished occlusal surface window was created for each tooth by covering the occlusal surface with a 3x5mm2 sticker and painting other surfaces with an acid-resistant varnish. These blocks were randomly allocated into three groups immersed in remineralizing solutions for 26 minutes, respectively: Group A - milk and tea; Group B - milk ; and Group C - deionezed water. After 3 days immersion in a buffered demineralization solution at pH 4.4, micro-CT scans were taken. Demineralization was represented by the mean grey value (MGV). MGV and the standard deviation for each group respectively is: 90.78 ± 19.09, 98.14 ± 24.01, 81.10 ± 20.29. The MGV between the three groups were statistically significant (p<0.05), except between group A and B. Application using only milk showed higher protective effect against demineralization compared to application using milk and black tea.
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Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fiesta Ellyzha Eka Hendraputri
"Essential oil mampu membunuh bakteri penghasil VSCs penyebab bau mulut sehingga penelitian ini ingin menguji efektivitas strip dari edible-film mengandung lima macam essential oil terhadap bau mulut. Penelitian ini adalah uji klinis menggunakan desain cross-over, randomized-double-blind, dan placebo-controlled-trial dengan 15 partisipan laki-laki. Parameter yang diukur adalah tongue coating, skor organoleptik, dan VSCs. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, strip essential oil tidak efektif menurunkan tongue coating, namun, terbukti efektif menurunkan skor organoleptik hingga 60 menit dan menurunkan VSCs hingga 30 menit. Placebo tidak efektif menurunkan ketiga parameter bau mulut. Oleh karena itu, strip essential oil lebih efektif menurunkan bau mulut dibandingkan dengan placebo.

Essential oil could kill the VSCs-producing bacteria, so, this research was to determine the efficacy of strip made from edible-film containing five types of essential oil on oral malodor. This research was clinical trial using cross-over, randomized-double-blind, and placebo-controlled-trial design with 15 male participants. The measured parameters were tongue coating, organoleptic score, and VSCs. From the result, essential oil strip couldn`t reduce tongue coating, however, it was significantly reduce organoleptic score until 60 minutes and VSCs until 30 minutes. Placebo couldn`t reduce all three oral malodor parameters. So, essential oil strip is more effective than placebo in reducing oral malodor."
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Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dira Gemiani
"Latar Belakang: Strip essentials oil dapat digunakan sebagai alternatif pencegahan karies gigi.
Tujuan: Mengetahui efektivitas strip essentials oil terhadap resiko karies gigi.
Metode: Subjek penelitian berjumlah 15 orang yang diberikan perlakuan berupa konsumsi strip essentials oil dan placebo dengan mengukur pH plak dan jumlah koloni s. mutans.
Hasil: Tidak terdapat perbedaan bermakna pH plak dan jumlah koloni s.mutans dengan nilai p>0.05.
Kesimpulan: Penggunaan strip essentials oil tidak bermakna menghambat jumlah koloni s.mutans dan mencegah peningkatan pH plak.

Background: Strip essentials oil can be used as an alternative of dental caries prevention.
Objective: Knowing the efficacy of strip essentials oil on caries risk factor.
Methods: 15 subject were given strip essentials oil and strip placebo then measured plaque pH and s.mutans colony.
Results: There are no significancy in differences measurement on plaque ph and s.mutans colony with p>0.05.
Conclusion: The used of strip essential oil not significant to inhibit s.mutans colony growth dan the increase of plaque pH.
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Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dini Ghaliyah
"Penelitian bertujuan memperoleh informasi mengenai perubahan hasil salivary occult blood test (SOBT) dan skor indeks bleeding on probing pada pemakaian pasta gigi mengandung dipotassium glycyrrhizinate (GK2) dan isopropyl methylphenol (IPMP). Enam puluh subjek dibagi menjadi kelompok kontrol (menyikat gigi dengan pasta gigi konvensional) dan kelompok uji (dengan pasta gigi mengandung GK2 dan IPMP). Hasil menunjukan terdapat perbedaan bermakna penurunan hasil SOBT dan indeks BOP antara kedua kelompok setelah pemakaian selama tiga bulan (uji McNemar dan uji Mann-Whitney; p<0,05). GK2 dan IPMP pada pasta gigi menurunkan hasil SOBT dan indeks BOP lebih besar dibandingkan pasta gigi konvensional.

The aim of study is to obtain information on changes in salivary occult blood test results (SOBT) and bleeding on probing index scores on the use of toothpaste containing dipotassium glycyrrhizinate (GK2) and isopropyl methylphenol (IPMP). Sixty subjects are divided into a control group (conventional toothpaste) and test group (containing GK2 and IPMP). There are significant differences in reduction SOBT yield and BOP index between two groups after use for three months (the McNemar test and Mann-Whitney test, p <0.05). GK2 and IPMP on toothpaste are proven to reduce SOBT results and BOP index greater than conventional toothpaste."
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Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Marsha Griselda Yoseph
"Latar Belakang:Media sosial kini dapat dimanfaatkan untuk mencari informasi kesehatan, khususnya oleh para remaja. Namun, masih sangat sedikit penelitian yang membahas mengenai hal ini. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui preferensi remaja dalam menggunakan media sosial untuk mencari informasi kesehatan gigi dan mulut serta faktor-faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap preferensi ini. Metode:Penelitiandengan desain cross-sectional dilakukan dengan subjek 521 siswa SMP di 5 wilayah kota Jakartapada bulan Oktober 2019.Seluruh subjek diminta untuk melengkapi kuesioner yang berisi34 pertanyaan meliputi profil responden, self-perceived oral health,dandata penggunaan media sosial. Digunakan uji Chi-squareuntuk analisis statistik.Hasil:Mayoritas remaja memiliki preferensi untukmenggunakan media sosial, hanya 6,7% yang tidakmenggunakan media sosial untuk mencari informasi kesehatan gigi dan mulut. Google adalah situs yang paling sering dikunjungi untuk mencari informasi kesehatan gigi dan mulut (76,8%) sedangkanYouTube adalah situs yang paling diinginkan remaja untuk memperoleh informasi kesehatan gigi dan mulut (57,2%). Self-perceived oral healthyang berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap frekuensi penggunaan media sosial Google untuk mencari informasi kesehatan gigi dan mulutantara lainkebiasaan mencari informasi mengenai gigi berlubang (OR: 1,80; p=0,010), pembersihan karang gigi (OR: 1,87; p=0,014), memutihkan gigi (OR: 2,20; p<,001), bau mulut (OR: 1,94; p=0,010), dan sariawan (OR: 2,861, 95% CI: 1,664-4,921; p<0,001). Sementara itu, jenis kelamin (OR: 0,56; p=0,002), persepsi remaja bahwa gigi mereka rapi (OR: 1,54; p=0,019), dan kepuasan terhadap warna gigi (OR: 1,66; p=0,008) secara signifikanberpengaruh terhadap keinginan remaja untuk mendapatkan informasi mengenai kesehatan gigi dan mulut melalui YouTube.Kesimpulan:Dalam penelitian ini, remaja sebagian besar memiliki preferensi untuk mencari informasi kesehatan gigi dan mulut melalui media sosial. Hal ini mengindikasikan perlunya perhatian dari tenaga kesehatan profesional untuk menciptakan intervensi kesehatan gigi dan mulut berbasis media sosial, khususnya melalui YouTubekarena lebih cost-effective dan mampu meraih audiens yang lebih luas.

Background: Social media can now be used to seek oral health information, especially for adolescents. However, only a few studies had been conducted on this matter. Therefore, this study was aimed to assess adolescents’ preference to use social media to receive oral health information and factors associated with this preference. Methods: A cross-sectional survey was conducted, including 521 middle school students in 5 regions in Jakarta on October 2019. All the subjects were asked to fill in a questionnaire with 34 questions that assessed the subjects’ background information, self- perceived oral health, and data on social media usage. Results: Majority of adolescents preferred to use social media for oral health information—only 6,7% didn’t use social media to seek oral health information. Google was chosen as the most frequently used site to seek OHI (76,8%) meanwhile YouTube was chosen by adolescents as the most wanted social media to gain information about oral health (57,2%). Self-perceived oral health that was significantly associated with the frequency of using Google as the site to seek OHI ranged among seeking information about dental cavities (OR: 1,80; p=0,010), dental scaling (OR: 1,87; p=0,014), teeth bleaching (OR: 2,20; p<,001), halitosis (OR: 1,94; p=0,010), and aphtous ulcer (OR: 2,861, 95% CI: 1,664-4,921; p<0,001). Meanwhile, gender (OR: 0,56; p=0,002), perception of neat teeth (OR: 1,54; p=0,019), and satisfaction towards teeth colour (OR: 1,66; p=0,008) were significantly associated towards adolescents’ wantings for YouTube as the main site to gain information about OHI from in the future. Conclusion: Through this study, it could be inferred that most adolescents preferred to use social media in order to seek oral health information. This indicated the need for attention from dental health professionals to make a social media based intervention, especially through YouTube because it’s more cost-effective and it could reach a bigger audience"
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Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abrijanto Soen Bing
"[Bau mulut (Halitosis) merupakan masalah kesehatan gigi dan mulut yang dikeluhkan sebagian besar masyarakat. Komponen utama pada bau mulut adalah volatile sulfur compounds (VSCs), yaitu hidrogen sulfida (H2S), metil merkaptan (CH3SH), dan dimetilsulfida ((CH3)2S). Salah satu bahan alami yang secara tradisional digunakan untuk mengurangi bau mulut adalah buah burahol (Stelechocarpus burahol). Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengevaluasi efek sediaan tablet hisap yang mengandung buah kepel dalam mengontrol bau mulut. Tiga puluh orang subyek sehat dibagi secara acak menjadi 2 kelompok, yaitu
kelompok tablet hisap eksrak buah kepel dan kelompok permen karet xilitol. Subyek menggunakan tablet hisap pada pagi setelah makan pagi dan siang setelah makan siang. Pemeriksaan bau mulut dilakukan sebanyak tiga kali, yaitu segera setelah bangun tidur, setelah makan pagi, dan siang hari sesudah makan siang. Variabel pemeriksaan bau mulut yang diukur adalah skor organoleptik, kadar H2S,
kadar CH3SH, dan kadar (CH3)2S. Efek tablet hisap ekstrak buah burahol sebanding dengan permen karet xilitol dalam menurunkan kadar H2S, CH3SH, (CH3)2S dan skor organoleptik bau mulut pada subyek. Tablet hisap yang mengandung ekstrak buah burahol (Stelechocarpus burahol) efektif dalam mengontrol bau mulut sehingga dapat digunakan untuk pengobatan bau mulut (halitosis).;

Oral malodour (Haitosis) as an oral problem that most people complain. In all cases, bad breath is caused by the presence of volatile organic compounds originating from the mouth or the expired air. The aim of this study is know of the effect of lozenges containing kepel fruit (Stelechocarpus burahol) in controlling oral malodour in normal subjects. Thirty normal subjects were divided into two groups
randomly, one groups received lozenges containing kepel fruits and the other groups received lozenges containing xilitol. Subjects receiving as much two tablets lozenges each day during one day, ie morning after breakfast and after lunch. Oral malodour examination performed three times, ie immediately after waking, after breakfast, and afternoon after lunch. Variable oral malodour is measured levels of H2S, CH3SH, (CH3)2S. The result were shown that lozenges containing kepel fruits (Stelechocarpus burahol) did not differ with lozenges containing xilitol in reducing the levels of H2S, CH3SH, (CH3)2S and organoleptics oral malodour in normal subjects. Lozenges containing kepel fruits (Stelechocarpus burahol) is effective in controlling oral malodour so it can be used for the treatment of oral malodour (Halitosis).;Oral malodour (Haitosis) as an oral problem that most people complain. In all cases,
bad breath is caused by the presence of volatile organic compounds originating
from the mouth or the expired air. The aim of this study is know of the effect of
lozenges containing kepel fruit (Stelechocarpus burahol) in controlling oral
malodour in normal subjects. Thirty normal subjects were divided into two groups
randomly, one groups received lozenges containing kepel fruits and the other
groups received lozenges containing xilitol. Subjects receiving as much two
tablets lozenges each day during one day, ie morning after breakfast and after
lunch. Oral malodour examination performed three times, ie immediately after
waking, after breakfast, and afternoon after lunch. Variable oral malodour is
measured levels of H2S, CH3SH, (CH3)2S. The result were shown that lozenges
containing kepel fruits (Stelechocarpus burahol) did not differ with lozenges
containing xilitol in reducing the levels of H2S, CH3SH, (CH3)2S and
organoleptics oral malodour in normal subjects.
Lozenges containing kepel fruits (Stelechocarpus burahol) is effective in
controlling oral malodour so it can be used for the treatment of oral malodour
(Halitosis).;Oral malodour (Haitosis) as an oral problem that most people complain. In all cases,
bad breath is caused by the presence of volatile organic compounds originating
from the mouth or the expired air. The aim of this study is know of the effect of
lozenges containing kepel fruit (Stelechocarpus burahol) in controlling oral
malodour in normal subjects. Thirty normal subjects were divided into two groups
randomly, one groups received lozenges containing kepel fruits and the other
groups received lozenges containing xilitol. Subjects receiving as much two
tablets lozenges each day during one day, ie morning after breakfast and after
lunch. Oral malodour examination performed three times, ie immediately after
waking, after breakfast, and afternoon after lunch. Variable oral malodour is
measured levels of H2S, CH3SH, (CH3)2S. The result were shown that lozenges
containing kepel fruits (Stelechocarpus burahol) did not differ with lozenges
containing xilitol in reducing the levels of H2S, CH3SH, (CH3)2S and
organoleptics oral malodour in normal subjects.
Lozenges containing kepel fruits (Stelechocarpus burahol) is effective in
controlling oral malodour so it can be used for the treatment of oral malodour
(Halitosis)., Oral malodour (Haitosis) as an oral problem that most people complain. In all cases,
bad breath is caused by the presence of volatile organic compounds originating
from the mouth or the expired air. The aim of this study is know of the effect of
lozenges containing kepel fruit (Stelechocarpus burahol) in controlling oral
malodour in normal subjects. Thirty normal subjects were divided into two groups
randomly, one groups received lozenges containing kepel fruits and the other
groups received lozenges containing xilitol. Subjects receiving as much two
tablets lozenges each day during one day, ie morning after breakfast and after
lunch. Oral malodour examination performed three times, ie immediately after
waking, after breakfast, and afternoon after lunch. Variable oral malodour is
measured levels of H2S, CH3SH, (CH3)2S. The result were shown that lozenges
containing kepel fruits (Stelechocarpus burahol) did not differ with lozenges
containing xilitol in reducing the levels of H2S, CH3SH, (CH3)2S and
organoleptics oral malodour in normal subjects.
Lozenges containing kepel fruits (Stelechocarpus burahol) is effective in
controlling oral malodour so it can be used for the treatment of oral malodour
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Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nova Herawati
"Data epidemiologi surveilan harus memiliki nilai validitas dan reliabilitas tinggi. Indek CAST berpotensi sebagai alat penilaian epidemiologi karies gigi. Perawat gigi termasuk tenaga pelaksana upaya kesehatan gigi dalam program skrining. Tujuan: mendapatkan tingkat kesesuaian antara perawat gigi dan dokter gigi dalam menilai kebutuhan perawatan karies gigi anak umur 6-12 tahun menggunakan indek CAST. Uji diagnostik pendekatan crossectional pada 95 anak 6-12 tahun, pemeriksaan klinik, analisis pearson korelasion, ICC dan ROC. Tingkat kesesuaian antar pengamat baik (ICC 0,59-0,97). Sensitivitas dan spesifisitas cukup baik (sensitivitas 70-100%), dan spesifisitas (51-100%). Perawat gigi dapat menjadi salah satu tenaga epidemiologi suveilans dalam penilaian kebutuhan perawatan karies menggunakan indek CAST.

Epidemiological surveillance data should have high values in validity and reliability. Index CAST were a potential epidemiology tools for dental caries assessment. Dental nurses are the executive personnel for screening programs in dental health care. To get the compatibility between dentists and dental nurses in assessing care needs of dental caries by using CAST index in children 6-12 years old.Diagnostic test with Cross Sectional approach, samples consists of 95 children between 6-12 years old, clinical examination, and all data analyzed by Pearson correlation, ICC and ROC tests respectively. There are good level of concordance between the observers (ICC 0.59 to 0.97) and the sensitivity and specificity values were good enough (sensitivity 70-100%) and specificity (51- 100%). Dental nurse can be one of the surveillance epidemiologists in the assessment of dental caries care needs by using CAST index.
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Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bayu Dwi Siswanto
"Stelechocarpus Burahol buah asli nusantara penghilang bau mulut dan bau badan diketahui turun temurun di gunakan masyarakat ,sumber bahan alami pembuatan larutan kumur penghilang bau mulut.
Tujuan : Mengetahui daya hambat bakteri ekstrak buah kepel, serta efikasi larutan kumur ekstrak buah kepel dibanding larutan komersial dalam mengontrol halitosis fisiologis.
Metode : Cross-over 30 subyek penelitian, single blind,dua kelompok. Pengujian organoleptik test serta pengukuran VSCs dengan Oralchroma?.
Hasil: uji daya anti bakteri Phyromonas ginggivalis ATCC 33277, Metode dilusi, kepel KBM 75%, KHM (-), larutan komersial KBM 25%, KHM 25%. Metode difusi,kepel;daya hambat konsentrasi 50%:8mm, 75%:8mm, 100%:10mm, larutan komersial;25%:10mm, 50%:11mm, 75%:14mm, 100%:14mm,signifikan larutan komersial ,P-value 0.034,alpha 5%. Analisa crossover;H2S kepel 0.05, komersial 0.25,P-value 0.0349 ,alpha 1%,nilai R-square sebesar 69.1%. Nilai CH3SH kepel 0,24,komersial 0.17 P-value 0.324,alpha 1%. Nilai (CH3)2S kepel 0.246, komersial 0.238, P-value 0.338 alpha 1%. P-value nilai tengah H2S , CH3SH, dan (CH3)2S, diatas alpha 1%.
Kesimpulan : Kemampuan daya hambat bakteri larutan kumur komersial lebih baik secara bermakna, namun kemampuan larutan kepel dan komersial dalam menghambat H2S , CH3SH dan (CH3)2S tidak beda bermakna.

Kepel (Stelechocarpus Burahol) an nusantara's fruit of origin, well known as oral and body anti mallodour for a long time ago specialy in javanish heritage, its become natural promising source for develope natural mouthwash in controling fisiologic halitosis.
This research aimed in testing efficacy betwen kepel and commercial mouthwash containing green tea extract as oral anti mallodour in fisiologic halitosis.
Method: A randomized, single blind, two-group ,Cross-over design with 30 subject. Using organoleptic test and Oralchroma ?.
Result : anti bacterial test against Phyromonas ginggivalis ATCC 33277, diluted methode ; kepel KBM 75%, KHM (-), comercial mouthwash KBM 25%, KHM 25%. Difused methode kepel mouthwash positive in concentration 50%:8mm, 75%:8mm, 100%:10mm, comercial moutwash 25%:10mm, 50%:11mm, 75%:14mm, 100%:14mm, better result in commercial mouthwash ,P-value 0.034 alpha 5%. Crossover analytic H2S kepel 0.05, commercial 0.25,P-value 0.0349 alpha 1%, R-square 69.1%. Result for CH3SH kepel 0,24,commercial 0.17 Pvalue 0.324 alpha 1%. Result (CH3)2 kepel 0.246, commercial 0.238, P-value 0.338 alpha 1%. P-value for H2S , CH3SH and (CH3)2S above alpha 1% .
Conclusion : Anti bacterial ability of commercial mouthwash better than kepel's, thougt both kepel and commercial mouthwash had almost same resulted in reducting levels H2S , CH3SH and (CH3)2S."
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Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lisa Prihastari
"Latarbelakang: Diperlukan program intervensi perubahan perilaku menyikat gigi
yang berefek jangka panjang.
Tujuan: membandingkan efektivitas metode
appreciative inquiry (AI) dengan dental health education (DHE) konvensional
terhadap pembentukan otomatisasi habit menyikat gigi.
Metode: intervensi
komunitas dilakukan dengan rancangan acak pada 164 anak usia 7-8 tahun di kota Madiun. Pengumpulan data dengan wawancara kuesioner dan pemeriksaan intra oral.
Hasil: Proporsi anak yang mengalami otomatisasi pada kelompok AI lebih besar (63,8%) dibandingkan dengan kelompok DHE (22,1%) dan berbeda secara signifikan (P = 0.000; OR= 11.9, 95% CI = 4.794-29.497).
Kesimpulan: metode appreciative inquiry lebih efektif dalam mengubah perilaku menyikat gigi dibandingkan DHE konvensional.

Background: Intervention program to achieve toothbrushing behavioural change with long-term effect still rarely implemented.
Objective: to compare the effectiveness of appreciative inquiry (AI) againts conventional health education approach for forming automaticity toothbrushing habit.
Methods: Randomized-Community Trial on 164 children age 7-8 years in Madiun City, data collection by interview and intraoral examination.
Results: automaticity proportion was significantly higher in the AI group (63,8%) as compared to conventional group (22,1%) (P = 0.000; OR= 11.9, 95% CI = 4.794-29.497).
Conclusion: appreciative inquiry was more effective than conventional health education approach for toothbrushing behavior change.
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Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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