ABSTRAKMinimnya penerapan konsep fair trial menyebabkan rasa keadilan dan kepastian
hukum menjadi berkurang selama proses pra-ajudikasi hingga ajudikasi, terbukti
melalui Putusan No. 08/Pid.B/2013/PN-GST dengan memvonis anak dengan
hukuman mati. Minimnya penerapan asas fair trial menyebabkan pembuktian usia
Terdakwa menjadi tidak diperhatikan sehingga asas admisibilitas dan asas hukum
acara lainnya dihilangkan, termasuk asas in dubio pro reo. Hakim menjadi kunci
dalam vonis mati terdakwa karena integrasi penyidikan hingga pembuktian yang
menjadi akar putusan Majelis Hakim. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode yuridis
normatif. Berkenaan dengan permasalahan putusan ini, ditemukan suatu proses
atas penyidikan dan penuntutan terkait usia terdakwa tanpa identitas resmi.
ABSTRACTThe lack of implementation of the concept of fair trial led to a sense of justice and
legal certainty to be reduced during the pre-adjudication until the ajudication, as
evidenced by Decision No. 08 / Pid.B / 2013 / PN-GST with children sentenced to
the death penalty. The lack of a fair trial application of the principle causes of
proof of age defendant be noted that the principle of admissibility and legal
principles other events omitted, including in dubio pro reo principle. Judges
became a key defendant in a death sentence for the integration of the investigation
until evidence at the root of the decision of the judges. This research was
conducted by the method of juridical normative. With regard to the issue of this
decision, discovered a process on the investigation and prosecution of age-related
defendants without official identity.;"