Pembentukan jaringan telekomunikasi seluler dapat dilakukan menggunakan sebuah komputer. OpenBTS dan OpenAirInterface (OAI) merupakan alternatif membangun jaringan seluler GPRS dan LTE secara portabel dengan bantuan USRP B210 yang dapat mengimplementasikan sistem radio secara fleksibel. Aplikasi open source tersebut memungkinkan modifikasi atau kustomisasi pada source code untuk ekstensibilitas fungsi dalam evaluasi eksperimental. Bekerja berdasarkan standarisasi yang ada, termasuk OAI sepenuhnya berdasarkan Release 10 sehingga memungkinkan pembentukan berbagai komponen seperti UE, eNB, MME, HSS, SGW dan PGW pada peralatan komputasi standar berbasis Linux.
Penelitian berfokus pada studi untuk melakukan evaluasi kinerja komparatif terhadap perkembangan teknologi seluler untuk akses internet. Evaluasi meliputi throughput, delay, jitter, dan persentase packet loss dengan nilai masing-masing untuk GPRS yaitu 62,34 KBps, 1,03 s, 433,47 ms, dan 5,20% sedangkan untuk LTE yaitu 2,17 MBps, 54,44 ms, 12,48 ms, dan 3,12%. Penggunaan GPRS untuk layanan saat ini seperti akses video dan penelusuran tidak dimungkinkan. Hasil persentase kualitas LTE untuk browsing sebesar 69,96% dan streaming sebesar 83,80%. LTE mengoptmasi QoS dibandingkan GPRS hingga 3492% untuk throughput, 1904% untuk delay, 3473% untuk jitter, dan 166% untuk packet loss.
The formation of cellular telecommunications networks can be done using a computer. OpenBTS and OpenAir Interface (OAI) are an alternative to building portable GPRS and LTE cellular networks with the help of USRP B210 to implement flexible radio systems. This open source application allows modification or customization of the source code for the extension of functions in experimental evaluations. Work based on existing standards, including OAI is fully based on Release 10, allowing the formation of various components such as the EU, eNB, MME, HSS, SGW and PGW on standard Linux-based computing equipment.
The research focuses on studies to conduct comparative performance evaluations of the development of cellular technology for internet access. Evaluation includes throughput, delay, jitter, and percentage of packet loss with their respective values for GPRS, which are 62.34 KBps, 1.03 s, 433.47 ms, and 5.20% while those for LTE are 2.17 MBps, 54 , 44 ms, 12.48 ms, and 3.12%. The use of GPRS for current services such as video access and search is not possible. The percentage results of LTE quality for browsing were 69.96% and streaming was 83.80%. LTE optimizes QoS compared to GPRS up to 3492% for throughput, 1904% for delay, 3473% for jitter, and 166% for packet loss.
Competition in the digital era is getting tougher, especially in the cellular telecommunication industry which has been developing since 1993 in Indonesia and has become one of the industries with very stable growth. However, in the last 3 to 5 years, competition has arisen not only from service providers, networks and telecommunication equipment, but also from digital telecommunication. This development forced management in the companys business units to be more proactive and innovative in developing their business. This situation encourages research with the aim of identifying and exploring wheter factors that can maintain and improve the performance of business units in cellular telecommunication companies in order to remain competitive with digital companies by relying on organizational culture, corporate entrepreneurship, and customer relationship management. By distributing questionnaires to business unit managers in several cellular telecommunication companies in Indonesia and using structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) research method, this research has implications that, at the business unit level, managerial needs to grow and maintain innovativeness, which is a dimension of corporate entrepreneurship, and routinely conducts the process of collecting and storing customer data, which is a dimension of CRM success implementation, so it can directly maintain and improve organizational performance, especially in the dimension of customer perspective.