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Ditemukan 26 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Sammeck, Jan
Abstrak :
[The idea of self-regulation as an instrument capable of mitigating socially undesirable practices in industries, such as corruption, environmental degradation, or the violation of human rights, is receiving substantial consideration in theory and practice. By approaching this phenomenon with the theory of the New Institutional Economics, Jan Sammeck develops an analytical approach that points out the critical mechanisms which decide about the effectiveness of this instrument. By integrating theory with practical examples of self-regulation, this study highlights the necessity to look at the institutional incentives of an industry, in order to come to a sound judgement about the feasibility and effectiveness of this instrument in a given situation., The idea of self-regulation as an instrument capable of mitigating socially undesirable practices in industries, such as corruption, environmental degradation, or the violation of human rights, is receiving substantial consideration in theory and practice. By approaching this phenomenon with the theory of the New Institutional Economics, Jan Sammeck develops an analytical approach that points out the critical mechanisms which decide about the effectiveness of this instrument. By integrating theory with practical examples of self-regulation, this study highlights the necessity to look at the institutional incentives of an industry, in order to come to a sound judgement about the feasibility and effectiveness of this instrument in a given situation.]
Wiesbaden: [Gabler Verlag, ], 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
J. Bilal Tadjoedin
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Luisa Larasati Wirawan
Abstrak :
Anak dengan ADHD diketahui memiliki defisit dalam regulasi diri dan menampilkan perilaku impulsif. Adanya hambatan dalam meregulasi diri membuatnya kesulitan untuk secara sadar mengatur serta mengendalikan emosi, pikiran, dan tubuhnya untuk berperilaku sesuai dengan situasi yang dihadapi. Hal ini yang membuat anak dengan ADHD sulit diatur, cenderung menarik diri, menampilkan perilaku agresif, dan memiliki masalah sosial, baik dengan teman maupun keluarga. Orangtua dengan anak ADHD cenderung tidak merespon secara tepat kebutuhan anak, memiliki kontrol yang berlebihan, kurang memberikan pujian, dan kurang interaktif pada anaknya, sehingga terbentuklah insecure attachment pada anak dengan ADHD. Terbentuknya insecure attachment dapat memperparah masalah regulasi diri pada anak ADHD. Hal serupa terjadi pada N, anak ADHD berusia 6 tahun yang memiliki insecure attachment dengan orangtua. Salah satu intervensi yang dapat digunakan untuk mengatasi masalah regulasi diri pada N adalah Theraplay. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Theraplay efektif dalam menangani masalah regulasi pada N dan merubah pola interaksi N dengan orangtua menjadi lebih positif
Children with ADHD are known to have deficits in self-regulation and shown impulsive behavior. Difficulties to do self-regulation makes it difficult to consciously manage and control emotion, mind, and body in order to behave accordingly to the situation. This things that makes children with ADHD tend to withdraw, displaying aggressive behavior, and have social problems, either with friends or family. Parents with ADHD children tend not to respond the needs of their children properly, have excessive control, failed to give appreciation, and less interactive with children, thus forming insecure attachment with ADHD children. Insecure attachment may worsening the self-regulation in children with ADHD. Something similar happened to N, 6 years old children with ADHD who have insecure attachment with the parents. One of the interventions that can be used to overcome the problem of self-regulation with N is Theraplay. The results of this study indicate that Theraplay is effective in dealing with regulatory issues at the N and also N change his patterns of interaction with his parents to become more positive.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Gistilisanda Fauzin Hundra
Abstrak :
Hasil survei KPAI sepanjang tahun 2011 hingga 2016 terdapat 12.202 kasus anak dan remaja Indonesia terlibat perilaku berisiko. Daerah Jabodetabek menjadi daerah dengan kasus anak dan remaja terbanyak yang terlibat perilaku berisiko yaitu 5.160 kasus. Regulasi diri remaja menjadi faktor protektif terhadap perilaku berisiko. Pola asuh orang tua dan kemampuan regulasi emosi orang tua menjadi faktor protektif utama terhadap perilaku berisiko remaja dan kemampuan regulasi diri remaja. Berdasarkan pemaparan tersebut, maka penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat peran mediasi pola asuh orang tua terhadap kontribusi dari strategi regulasi emosi orang tua terhadap regulasi diri remaja. Analisis data penelitian ini menggunakan multiple regression dengan model template Hayes yaitu model empat dengan menggunakan satu variabel mediator. Sampel penelitian ini terdiri dari 157 pasang partisipan penelitian yaitu ayah, ibu, dan remaja yang diperoleh dari SMP 73 Tebet, SMA 3 Bogor, dan SMP 8 Depok dengan menggunakan metode accidental sampling. Penelitian ini menggunakan tiga alat ukur yaitu The Adolescent Self-Regulatory Inventory (ASRI) untuk mengukur regulasi diri partisipan remaja, Emotion Regulation Questionnaire (ERQ) untuk mengukur regulasi emosi orang tua, serta Parenting Style Four Factor Questionnaire (PSFFQ) untuk mengukur pola asuh orang tua. Berdasarkan hasil analisis regresi berganda pada partisipan remaja menunjukkan bahwa adanya peran mediasi dari pola asuh authoritative ayah pada kontribusi strategi regulasi emosi reappraisal dan suppression ayah terhadap kemampuan regulasi diri remaja. Adanya peran mediasi dari pola asuh authoritarian ibu pada kontribusi strategi regulasi emosi reappraisal ibu terhadap kemampuan regulasi diri remaja.
The results of the KPAI survey from 2011 to 2016 included 12,202 cases of Indonesian children and adolescents involved in risk behaviour. Jabodetabek is the area with the most cases of children and adolescents involved in risk behaviour, namely 5,160 cases. Adolescent self-regulation becomes a protective factor against risk behaviour. Parenting and parents emotional regulation abilities become the main protective factors towards adolescent risk behaviours and adolescent self-regulation abilities. Based on that explanation, this study aims to examine the mediating role of parenting towards the contribution of parents emotional regulation strategies to adolescent self-regulation. Data analysis of this study used multiple regression with the Hayes template model, namely model four with using one mediator variable. The sample of this study consisted of 157 pairs of study participants namely fathers, mothers, and adolescents obtained from 73 Tebet Middle School, 3 Bogor High School, and Depok 8 Middle School by using accidental sampling method. There are three measuring instruments in this study, namely The Adolescent Self-Regulatory Inventory (ASRI) to measure teenage participant self-regulation, Emotion Regulation Questionnaire (ERQ) to measure parents emotional regulation, and Parenting Style Four Factor Questionnaire (PSFFQ) to measure parenting. Based on the results of multiple regression analysis on adolescent participants showed that there is a mediating role of paternal authoritative parenting on contribution of the paternal emotion regulation (reappraisal and suppression) to adolescent self-regulation abilities, then there is a mediating role of maternal authoritarian parenting on contributing of maternal emotion regulation (reappraisal) to adolescent self-regulation abilities.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Berlian Damenia Manuella
Abstrak :
Underachievement pada pelajaran Matematika adalah fenomena dimana siswa tidak menampilkan prestasi Matematika sebaik potensinya untuk belajar Matematika. Dua faktor krusial dari diri siswa yang menyebabkan siswa mengalami underachievement adalah rendahnya motivasi dan regulasi diri siswa dalam belajar matematika. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh Program Pembelajaran Regulasi Diri dalam meningkatkan kemampuan regulasi diri dan motivasi subjek dalam belajar Matematika. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain single-subject AB. Alur program disusun berdasarkan alur Self Regulation Empowerment Program yang disusun oleh Cleary, et al., 2008 dan diintegrasikan dengan berbagai strategi peningkatan motivasi dan regulasi diri untuk belajar Matematika. Uji efektivitas program dilakukan dengan menggunakan analisis Reliability Change Index RCI untuk alat ukur Motivated Strategies of Learning Questionnaire MSLQ serta analisis kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya peningkatan yang signifikan pada motivasi RCI=2.56, p
Underachiement in Mathematics is a phenomenon when a student rsquo s Mathematical achievement falls belows his her learning potential. Two crucial factors regarding student rsquo s underachievement are motivation and self regulation. Using single subject AB design, this study aims to examine the effects of Self Regulation Learning Program to enhance student rsquo s motivation and self regulation in learning Mathematics. This program designed by adapting the Self Regulation Empowement Program for the session plot, and also integrating other strategies for enhancing student rsquo s motivation and self regulation, specifically in learning Mathematics. The effctiveness of Self Regulation Learning Program will be analyzed using Reliability Change Index to examine the difference between Motivated Strategies of Learning Questionnaire MSLQ pre test and post test scores. The RCI results will be supported with qualitative analysis. This study prove that there is a significant enhancement in student rsquo s motivation RCI 2.56, p
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kentri Hastuti
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini dilatar belakangi oleh adanya berita di harian Suara Merdeka (Juli dan Oktober 1995) yang melaporkan adanya aktivitas hubungan seksual pranikah dikalangan remaja. Sebagai tanggapan, para pemuka agama dan masyarakat menganjurkan peningkatan religiusitas atau peningkatan perilaku ketaatan beragama sebagai upaya pencegahan. Menyadari pentingnya upaya pencegahan aktivitas hubungan seks pranikah dikalangan remaja, peneliti ingin menegaskan apakah religiusitas benar-benar dapat dijadikan salah satu upaya pencegahan hubungan seks pranikah dikalangan remaja. Menurut hemat peneliti, religiusitas tidak secara langsung berhubungan dengan aktivitas hubungan seks pranikah, namun langsung berhubungan dengan konsep beraktivitas seksual yang pantas dimiliki oleh setiap remaja yang menyebut dirinya religius. Konsep-konsep perilaku religius akan berperan sebagai acuan berperilaku, yang akan mengarahkan perilaku dan mengontrol perilaku. Jadi lebih tepat bila dikaitkan dengan regulasi diri, karena regulasi diri berkaitan dengan cara dalam mengarahkan dan mengontrol perilaku diri agar sesuai dengan tujuan yang hendak dicapai, sehingga tidak terjadi kesenjangan antara pola pikir dan perilaku. Oleh karena itu penelitian ini ingin melihat hubungan antara religiusitas, regulasi diri dan aktivitas seksual remaja dalam berpacaran Mengingat di Indonesia ada 5 macam agama, maka sebagai upaya untuk membatasi populasi, dipilih remaja yang beragama Kristen Protestan sesuai dengan agama yang dianut peneliti. Penelitian menggunakan metode wawancara terstruktur terhadap 60 responden yang dipilih secara purposive. Subyek terdiri atas 30 orang siswa dan 30 orang siswi SMU Masehi Semarang, beragama Kristen Protestan. Setiap responden akan mendapatkan skor tertentu pada masing-masing variabel serta catatan khusus sehubungan dengan variabel penelitian. Data berupa skor diolah dengan statistik parametrik menggunakan teknik analisa garis regresi. Setelah dilakukan penelitian, data kuantitatif menunjukkan bahwa ada hubungan yang signifikan antara religiusitas, regulasi diri dan aktivitas seksual. Hasil pengujian hubungan antar variabel menunjukkan bahwa religiusitas tidak memiliki hubungan yang signifikan dengan regulasi diri maupun aktivitas seksual, tetapi regulasi diri memiliki hubungan yang signifikan dengan aktivitas seksual. Pembahasan hasil wawancara lebih lanjut terhadap 12 responden yang memiliki skor aktivitas seksual 8 (dalam kondisi berbusana tangan saling mengelus daerah sekitar pinggang kebawah) sampai 15 (melakukan hubungan seksual tanpa alat kontrasepsi), juga menunjukkan bahwa skor religiusitas tidak menentukan tingginya rendahnya skor aktivitas seksual.
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 1998
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Irma Safitri
Abstrak :
Kemampuan berpikir matematis pada anak sangat diperlukan untuk kehidupan di masa depannya. Beberapa faktor yang mempengaruhi anak dalam kemampuan berpikir matematis adalah attentional focusing, working memory dan inhibitory control, ketiga hal ini dinamakan behavior self regulation. Behavior self regulation dengan kemampuan berpikir matematis pada anak memiliki hubungan yang signifikan, namun dalam penellitian sebelumnya ditemukan perbedaan korelasi antara kedua variabel tersebut. Hubungan antara guru dengan murid (teacher student relationship) yang baik sangat diperlukan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan akademik anak. Dalam penelitian ini teacher student relationship diposisikan sebagai variabel moderator yang berfungsi untuk meningkatkan dan menurunkan hubungan antara behavior self regulation dengan kemampuan matematika. Hasil yang didapatkan dalam penelitian ini adalah teacher student relationship tidak berperan sebagai variabel moderator pada hubungan behavior self regulation dengan kemampuan berpikir matematis pada anak, tetapi hanya sebagai independen variabel (IV).
Mathematical thinking skills in children is necessary for life in the future. Some of the factors that affect children in the ability to think mathematically is attentional focusing, working memory and inhibitory control, these three so-called behavior self regulation. Behavior self regulation with the ability to think mathematically in children has a significant relationship, but in the previous penellitian correlation differences were found between the two variables.

The relationship between teachers and student are closeness for improving academic skills of children. In this research, teacher-student relationship is positioned as a moderator variable that serves to increase and decrease the relationship between behavior self regulation behavior with math skills. The results obtained in this study is the student teacher relationship is not acting as a moderator variable in the relationship behavior self regulation with abilities to think mathematically of children, but only as an independent variable (IV);Mathematical thinking skills in children is necessary for life in the future. Some of the factors that affect children in the ability to think mathematically is attentional focusing, working memory and inhibitory control, these three so-called behavior self regulation. Behavior self regulation with the ability to think mathematically in children has a significant relationship, but in the previous penellitian correlation differences were found between the two variables. The relationship between teachers and student are closeness for improving academic skills of children. In this research, teacher-student relationship is positioned as a moderator variable that serves to increase and decrease the relationship between behavior self regulation behavior with math skills. The results obtained in this study is the student teacher relationship is not acting as a moderator variable in the relationship behavior self regulation with abilities to think mathematically of children, but only as an independent variable (IV);Mathematical thinking skills in children is necessary for life in the future. Some of the factors that affect children in the ability to think mathematically is attentional focusing, working memory and inhibitory control, these three so-called behavior self regulation. Behavior self regulation with the ability to think mathematically in children has a significant relationship, but in the previous penellitian correlation differences were found between the two variables. The relationship between teachers and student are closeness for improving academic skills of children. In this research, teacher-student relationship is positioned as a moderator variable that serves to increase and decrease the relationship between behavior self regulation behavior with math skills. The results obtained in this study is the student teacher relationship is not acting as a moderator variable in the relationship behavior self regulation with abilities to think mathematically of children, but only as an independent variable (IV), Mathematical thinking skills in children is necessary for life in the future. Some of the factors that affect children in the ability to think mathematically is attentional focusing, working memory and inhibitory control, these three so-called behavior self regulation. Behavior self regulation with the ability to think mathematically in children has a significant relationship, but in the previous penellitian correlation differences were found between the two variables. The relationship between teachers and student are closeness for improving academic skills of children. In this research, teacher-student relationship is positioned as a moderator variable that serves to increase and decrease the relationship between behavior self regulation behavior with math skills. The results obtained in this study is the student teacher relationship is not acting as a moderator variable in the relationship behavior self regulation with abilities to think mathematically of children, but only as an independent variable (IV)]
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Taris Zahratul Afifah
Abstrak :
Pandemi Covid-19 membuat metode pembelajaran bauran berpotensi makin sering digunakan dalam pendidikan kedokteran. Berbagai studi menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan antara kemampuan regulasi diri mahasiswa dengan lingkungan pembelajaran bauran. Blended Learning Questionnaire (BLQ) merupakan instrumen yang dikembangkan di University of Western Sydney, Australia untuk mengukur regulasi diri mahasiswa kedokteran dalam lingkungan pembelajaran bauran. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh BLQ versi bahasa Indonesia untuk digunakan pada mahasiswa kedokteran Indonesia. Penelitian ini dilakukan dalam beberapa tahap, yaitu penerjemahan, telaah ahli, wawancara kognitif, uji pilot, dan pengumpulan data akhir dengan BLQ versi bahasa Indonesia. Validitas isi diukur berdasarkan nilai Content Validity Index (CVI). Validitas konstruksi diukur dengan metode exploratory factor analysis (EFA). Reliabilitas diukur dari konsistensi internal dengan nilai Cronbach’s alpha. Seluruh butir pernyataan yang menyusun BLQ versi bahasa Indonesia mendapatkan nilai CVI≥0.83. Hasil EFA mengekstraksi 5 faktor. Faktor 4 dan 5 memiliki nilai Cronbach’s alpha≤0,7. Hasil-hasil tersebut menunjukkan bahwa BLQ versi bahasa Indonesia memiliki validitas isi yang baik untuk mengukur tingkat regulasi diri mahasiswa kedokteran Indonesia dalam lingkungan pembelajaran bauran. Namun, instrumen ini belum memiliki validitas konstruksi yang baik sehingga saat ini belum dapat digunakan pada mahasiswa kedokteran Indonesia. Diperlukan penelitian lebih lanjut untuk meningkatkan validitas konstruksi dan konsistensi internal dari instumen ini. ......Covid-19 pandemic has made blended learning as a more common learning environment design in medical education. Many studies have shown that there is a relationship between students' self-regulation and blended learning environment. The Blended Learning Questionnaire (BLQ) is an instrument developed at the University of Western Sydney, Australia to measure self-regulation of medical students in a blended learning environment. This study aims to obtain the Indonesian version of the BLQ to be used in Indonesia’s medical education setting. This research was conducted in several stages, namely translation, expert review, cognitive interviews, pilot testing, and final data collection using the Indonesian version of the BLQ. Content validity is measured based on the value of the Content Validity Index (CVI). Construct validity was measured by exploratory factor analysis (EFA) method. Reliability is measured from internal consistency with Cronbach's alpha value. All of the items of Indonesian version of the BLQ get CVI≥0.83. EFA results extract 5 factors. Factors 4 and 5 have a Cronbach's alpha value≤0.7. These results indicate that the Indonesian version of the BLQ has good content validity for measuring the level of self-regulation of Indonesian medical students in a blended learning environment. However, this instrument does not have good construct validity so that currently it cannot be used on Indonesian medical students. Further research is needed to improve the construct validity and internal consistency of this instrument.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Teresa Angelina Kaluge
Abstrak :
Riset yang mengkaji pengaruh regulasi diri terhadap strategi menulis di Indonesia belum banyak dilakukan. Penelitian ini mengkaji pengaruh perbedaan individu khususnya gender terhadap strategi menulis berbasis regulasi diri dengan melibatkan minat akademik sebagai mediator dan bertujuan menghubungkan strategi menulis dengan gender siswa seraya memperhitungkan minat akademik ketika belajar bahasa Inggris. Penelitian ini dilakukan secara kuantitatif dengan menggunakan desain korelasional. Data diperoleh lewat survei dengan instrumen berupa kuesioner yang disebarkan secara daring kepada 324 orang pemelajar bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa asing dari empat sekolah menengah atas swasta di kota Malang. Analisis statistik deskriptif dan inferensial multivariat digunakan untuk mengolah data yang diperoleh peneliti. Hasil olah data mengungkap bahwa penggunaan strategi menulis berbasis regulasi diri oleh siswa tergolong baik. Perbedaan gender ditemukan pada strategi "perencanaan". Apabila minat akademik Bahasa Inggris dimasukkan sebagai variabel kovariat, maka perbedaan gender ditemukan pada lebih banyak strategi menulis. "Nilai" berpengaruh terhadap "prakarsa diri", "perencanaan", dan "menghasilkan teks". "Pengetahuan" berpengaruh pada kelima dimensi strategi menulis. Selain itu, "keterlibatan" berpengaruh terhadap "prakarsa diri", "revisi", dan "respon terhadap balikan". Secara teoretis, penelitian ini berkontribusi memaparkan perbedaan gender terhadap strategi menulis dalam praktik belajar dan mengajar. Pengajar disarankan untuk memertimbangkan perbedaan gender ketika memperkenalkan strategi menulis, baik secara eksplisit maupun implisit. ......Studies on the effect of self-regulation towards writing strategies in Indonesia had not been widely carried out. This research attempted to test the effect of individual differences, particularly gender on writing strategies based on self-regulation while taking into account the academic interest as mediator. This research was conducted quantitatively using a correlational design. Data were obtained through a survey model where online questionnaires were distributed to 324 high school students who were studying English as a foreign language. Four private schools from Malang city were the sources of samples. The data were processed using descriptive and inferential multivariate statistical analyses. The results showed that the use of self-regulation-based writing strategies by students was classified as good with gender differences was found in the 'planning' strategy. However, after inputing variables of academic interest as covariates, then gender differences were found in several writing strategies. 'Value' influences 'self-initiating', 'planning', and 'text-generating'. 'Knowledge' affects the five dimensions of writing strategy. In addition, 'engagement' affects 'self-initiating', 'revising', and 'acting on feedback'. Theoretically, this research contributed to explaining gender differences in writing strategies in teaching and learning practices. Teachers were advised to consider gender differences when introducing writing strategies, either explicitly or implicitly.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Makalah dan Kertas Kerja  Universitas Indonesia Library
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