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Ditemukan 10 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Arina Tantya Asianti
Abstrak :
Tesis ini membahas tentang Resistensi dalam Manajemen Perubahan Pada Direktorat Pensiun PNS dan Pejabat Negara Badan Kepegawaian Negara. Analisis Resistensi berisi faktor penghambat perubahan, strategi mengatasi hambatan, serta langkah change management mensukseskan perubahan dalam kasus perubahan strategi pelayanan pensiun cepat, tepat menggunakan Sistem Aplikasi Pelayanan Kepegawaian dan berstandar Internasional ISO 9001:2008. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan postpositivist dengan metode kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa faktor penghambat perubahan di Direktorat Pensiun PNS dan Pejabat Negara adalah parochial self interest, Misunderstanding and lack of trust, different assessment, dan low tolerance of change. Strategi yang digunakan untuk mengatasi hambatan tersebut adalah pendidikan dan komunikasi, partisipasi, fasilitasi training, negoisasi, dan paksaan atau tindakan tegas. Direktorat Pensiun PNS dan Pejabat Negara telah melakukan delapan tahapan Kotter (1996) namun masih memiliki kelemahan pada tahap increase urgency, communicate for buy in, empower action create, short term wins dan anchoring new approaches in the culture. ......This thesis discusses about the resistance of change management on the Retirement Directorate of Civil Servants and State Officials at the National Civil Service Agency The Resistance Analysis consists of the change resistance factors strategy to overcome resistances and the change management steps to succeed the change on the strategies for a faster and precise service of retirement using the National Civil Service Information System and international standard of ISO 9001 2008 This research uses the post positivist approach by the kualitatif method The research result shows that the change resistance factors on the Retirement Directorate of Civil Servants and State Officials are parochial self interest misunderstanding and lack of trust different assessment and low tolerance of change Meanwhile the strategies used to overcome those obstacles are education and communication participation training facilitation negotiation and enforcement or forceful conduct It shows that the Retirement Directorate of Civil Servants and State Officials has already been conducting the eight steps.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Reza Arfan
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh external pressure dan organizational justice terhadap resistance to change di PT. X. PT. X adalah perusahaan badan usaha milik negara yang bergerak di bidang jasa konsultasi, survei, inspeksi dan verifikasi. Metode analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis statistik deskriptif dan regresi. Resistance to change adalah faktor yang menghambat proses perubahan. External pressure memiliki dimensi coercive, mimetic dan normative pressure. Organizational justice memiliki dimensi distributive justice, procedural justice, interpersonal justice dan informational justice. Hasil penelitian terhadap 262 responden menunjukkan tingkat resistance to change di PT. X dikategorikan sedang. Dimensi mimetic pressure berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap resistance to change, dimensi informational justice berpengaruh negatif secara signifikan terhadap resistance to change. Sedangkan coercive, normative, distributive justice, procedural justice dan interpersonal justice tidak terbukti berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap resistance to change
This research aims to determine the effect of external pressure and organizational justice to resistance to change at PT. X. PT. X is a state-owned enterprise with field of work as consultant for survey, inspection, and verification. Data analysis method used are statistic descriptive analysis and regression. Resistance to change is a factor that prevent change prosess. External pressure has dimensions of coercive, mimetic and normative pressure. Organizational justice has dimensions of distributive justice, procedural justice, interpersonal justice and informational justice. Researh findings on 262 respondents indicated the level of resistance to change at PT. X categorized as moderate. Dimension of mimetic pressure significantly impact to resistance to change, dimension informational justice significantly influence and negatif impact to resistance to change. Whereas coercive, normative, distributive justice, procedural justice and interpersonal justice not proven significantly influence resistance to change
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Alwin Ponco Nugroho
Abstrak :
Perubahan terjadi dalam setiap aspek kehidupan kita, menciptakan cara untuk meningkatkan proses, menjaga kelangsungan bisnis, dan mengatasi gangguan. Perubahan sulit diatasi ketika organisasi tidak tahu bagaimana mengelolanya, dan itulah saat manajemen perubahan datang. Manajemen perubahan adalah proses untuk mengelola perubahan pada tingkat organisasi. Manajemen perubahan pada dasarnya menangani perubahan persyaratan dan orang, termasuk resistensi dari orang-orang. Resistensi menjadi penghalang bagi proses perubahan, orang akan berpendapat bahwa perubahan meningkatkan beban kerja mereka dan menjadi tidak efisien. Makalah ini dibuat untuk mengetahui bagaimana mengurangi resistensi dengan resolusi yang didasarkan pada metrik seperti jabatan, pendidikan, dan usia orang-orang. Objek penelitian adalah pengguna yang menggunakan sistem Online Single Submission (OSS). OSS adalah sistem yang digunakan sebagai gerbang untuk meminta izin bisnis dengan mudah memproses permintaan dari pengguna. Dengan metode SEM-PLS untuk mengetahui korelasi antara faktor resistensi dan faktor resolusi. hasil dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui faktor apa saja yang secara signifikan mengurangi resistensi untuk lembaga pemerintah. ......Change is happened in every aspect in our life, creating a way to improve the process, sustain the business and handle the disruption. Change is hard to handle when organization did not know how to manage, and that when change management arrive. Change management is process to manage a change in organization level. Change management is basically handling the requirement changing and people, including the resistance by the people. Resistance become a blocker for changing process, people will argue that changing is increase their workload and become inefficient. The paper is created to know how to reduce a resistance with a resolution that based on metric that is, job title, education, and an age of the people. The object of the research is the user who use the Online Single Submission (OSS) system. OSS is a system that use as a gate for request a business permission to easily maintain request from user. With SEM-PLS method to know the correlation between a resistance factor and resolution factor. The result of this research is to identify the factors that significantly reduce resistance for government institutions.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Pradhira Adikara
Abstrak :
Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi factor-faktor yang mempengaruhi resistensi terhadap perubahan dan kemauan untuk berkembang dalam bidang usaha kecil. Data akan diperoleh melalui survei yang ditujukan untuk bisnis dengan jumlah pegawai dibawah 50 orang, di Belanda dan Indonesia. Faktor yang mempengaruhi resistensi terhadap perubahan dikategorikan menjadi tiga level: informational, psychological, dan cultural. Hasil dari studi ini menunjukan bahwa faktor level psychological dan cultural mempengaruhi resistensi terhadap perubahan, sedangkan faktor level informational tidak. Faktor yang mempengaruhi kemauan untuk berkembang akan diukur dengan ekspetasi manajer atas hasil dari perkembangan tersebut. Hasil menunjukan bahwa ekspetasi atas kondisi finansial pribadi yang lebih tinggi merupakan faktor yang paling memotivasi. ......This article aims to identify factors that influence resistance to change and growth willingness in small firms. Data will be gathered from survey to firms employing less than 50 people in the Netherlands and Indonesia. Factors influencing resistance to change are categorized into three levels informational, psychological, and cultural. The findings gained from this study showed that psychological and cultural level factors do influence resistance to change, while informational level factors do not. Factors affecting growth willingness will be measured using managers rsquo expected outcomes of growth, in which expectation of higher private finances is proven to be the most motivating factor.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dina Astivian
Abstrak :
Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia (LIPI) adalah salah satu lembaga yang akan menghadapi perubahan organisasi dalam rangka pengintegrasian lembaga-lembaga riset nasional ke dalam Badan Riset Inovasi Nasional (BRIN) oleh pemerintah indonesia, sehingga penting untuk menganalisa readiness for change dan resistance to change pegawai lembaga riset ini. Psychological capital merupakan unsur psikologi yang dapat dikembangkan dan berkaitan dengan persepsi pegawai atas dukungan organisasi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk memberikan kotribusi secara praktik sehingga LIPI dapat menjawab tantangan perubahan dari pemerintah dan memberikan kontribusi dari segi ilmu pengetahuan dengan memberikan pemahaman yang komprehensif mengenai mekanisme pembentukan kesiapan dan resistensi pegawai dalam menghadapi perubahan khususnya di sektor publik. Sampel penelitian ini adalah 378 PNS LIPI dan model penelitian di analisis dengan structural equation modelling menggunakan Lisrel. Hasilnya adalah psychological capital hanya memediasi pengaruh perceiveds organizationals support terhadap respon pegawai untuk berubah, tetapi tidak dapat memediasi pengaruh perceivedssupervisor support terhadap respon pegawai untuk berubah. Artinya adalah kesiapan dan resistensi pegawai LIPI untuk berubah dipengaruhi oleh persepsi pegawai terhadap dukungan organisasi dan sumber daya psikologis positif yang mereka miliki. ...... Indonesian institute of Sciences is one of the institutions that will face organizational change in the framework of integrating national research institutions into the National Innovation Research Agency (BRIN) by the Indonesian government. Hence, it is essential to analyze the readiness for change and resistance to change of this research institute's civil servants. Psychological capital is an element of psychology that can be developed and related to employee perceptions of organizational support. The purposesof this studysis to contribute in practice so this research institute can answer challenges of change from government and contribute in terms of science through provide a comprehensive understanding of the mechanisms for forming employee readiness and resistance in the face of change, especially in the public sector. The sample of this study was 378 civil servants from Indonesian Institute of Sciences, and the research model was analyzed with structural equation modeling using Lisrell. The result is psychological capital only mediates the effect of perceived organizational support on employee responses to change, but cannot mediate the effect of perceived supervisor support on employee 'responses to change. This means that LIPI employees readiness and resistance to change is influenced by employees' perceptions of organizational support and their positive psychological resources.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mayangsari Wilandini
Abstrak :
Perkembangan teknologi yang masif saat ini sering disebut dengan transformasi digital. Salah satu industri yang terkena dampak transformasi digital masif ini adalah industri televisi. Salah satu proses transformasi digital di pertelevisian Indonesia ditandai dengan adanya program Analog Switch Off (ASO), yaitu penghentian program televisi analog dan beralih ke siaran televisi digital. Adanya digitalisasi menyebabkan perubahan besar yang berdampak pada internal perusahaan stasiun televisi, beberapa di antaranya adalah organizational culture, digital technology self-efficacy, agility, resistance to change, dan digital innovativeness. Dengan menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif, penelitian ini melibatkan 230 karyawan stasiun televisi Indonesia yang aktif bekerja di stasiun televisi milik negara. Temuan dalam peneltian ini menunjukkan bahwa budaya organisasi memiliki pengaruh positif terhadap digital innovativeness melalui digital technology self-efficacy, agility, dan resistance to change sebagai variabel mediasi. ......Massive technological developments today are often referred to as digital transformation. One of the industries affected by this massive digital transformation is the television industry. One of the digital transformation processes in Indonesian television is marked by the Analog Switch Off (ASO) program, namely the cessation of analog television programs and switching to digital television broadcasts. The existence of digitalization causes major changes that have an impact on the company's internal television stations, some of which are organizational culture, digital technology self-efficacy, agility, resistance to change, and digital innovation. Using a quantitative approach, this study involved 230 employees of Indonesian television stations who are actively working at state-owned television stations. The findings in this study indicate that organizational culture has a positive influence on digital innovativeness through digital technology self-efficacy, agility, and resistance to change as mediating variables.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Restu Ledwi Anggraeni
Abstrak :
[ABSTRAKbr Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh individual resistance to change, dan organizational justice terhadap employee commitment to change di biro organisasi dan kepegawaian dan unit pelaksana teknis Kementerian Sosial Republik Indonesia. Individual resistance to change dalam penelitian ini merupakan disposisional, dan organizational justice dalam penelitian ini merupakan persepsi pegawai terhadap organizational justice. Terdapat 194 pegawai yang ikut serta dalam survei ini. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Structural Equation Modeling dengan Partial Least Square (PLS)dan software yang digunakan adalah SmartPLS 3.0. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa individual resistance to change secara signifikan memiliki pengaruh positif terhadap affective commitment to change dan normative commitment to change, sedangkan organizational justice secara siginifikan memiliki pengaruh positif terhadap affective commitment to change, continuance commitment to changedan normative commitment to change.;This study aims to determine the effect of individual resistance to change, and organizational justice towards employee commitment to change in personnel and organization bureau, and technical implementation unit Social Ministry of Republic Indonesia. In this study the individual resistance to change is dispositional resistance to change, and organizational justice is Employee?s perceptions of Organizational Justice. There are 194 employees who participated in this survey. This research used a structural equation modelling with the Partial Least Square method and SmartPLS 3.0 software. The results showed that individual resistance significantly have a positive influence on affective commitment to change, and normative commitment to change, while organizational justice significantly have a positive influence on affective commitment to change, continuance commitment to change and normative commitment to change;This study aims to determine the effect of individual resistance to change, and organizational justice towards employee commitment to change in personnel and organization bureau, and technical implementation unit Social Ministry of Republic Indonesia. In this study the individual resistance to change is dispositional resistance to change, and organizational justice is Employee?s perceptions of Organizational Justice. There are 194 employees who participated in this survey. This research used a structural equation modelling with the Partial Least Square method and SmartPLS 3.0 software. The results showed that individual resistance significantly have a positive influence on affective commitment to change, and normative commitment to change, while organizational justice significantly have a positive influence on affective commitment to change, continuance commitment to change and normative commitment to change;This study aims to determine the effect of individual resistance to change, and organizational justice towards employee commitment to change in personnel and organization bureau, and technical implementation unit Social Ministry of Republic Indonesia. In this study the individual resistance to change is dispositional resistance to change, and organizational justice is Employee?s perceptions of Organizational Justice. There are 194 employees who participated in this survey. This research used a structural equation modelling with the Partial Least Square method and SmartPLS 3.0 software. The results showed that individual resistance significantly have a positive influence on affective commitment to change, and normative commitment to change, while organizational justice significantly have a positive influence on affective commitment to change, continuance commitment to change and normative commitment to change;This study aims to determine the effect of individual resistance to change, and organizational justice towards employee commitment to change in personnel and organization bureau, and technical implementation unit Social Ministry of Republic Indonesia. In this study the individual resistance to change is dispositional resistance to change, and organizational justice is Employee?s perceptions of Organizational Justice. There are 194 employees who participated in this survey. This research used a structural equation modelling with the Partial Least Square method and SmartPLS 3.0 software. The results showed that individual resistance significantly have a positive influence on affective commitment to change, and normative commitment to change, while organizational justice significantly have a positive influence on affective commitment to change, continuance commitment to change and normative commitment to change;This study aims to determine the effect of individual resistance to change, and organizational justice towards employee commitment to change in personnel and organization bureau, and technical implementation unit Social Ministry of Republic Indonesia. In this study the individual resistance to change is dispositional resistance to change, and organizational justice is Employee?s perceptions of Organizational Justice. There are 194 employees who participated in this survey. This research used a structural equation modelling with the Partial Least Square method and SmartPLS 3.0 software. The results showed that individual resistance significantly have a positive influence on affective commitment to change, and normative commitment to change, while organizational justice significantly have a positive influence on affective commitment to change, continuance commitment to change and normative commitment to change;This study aims to determine the effect of individual resistance to change, and organizational justice towards employee commitment to change in personnel and organization bureau, and technical implementation unit Social Ministry of Republic Indonesia. In this study the individual resistance to change is dispositional resistance to change, and organizational justice is Employee?s perceptions of Organizational Justice. There are 194 employees who participated in this survey. This research used a structural equation modelling with the Partial Least Square method and SmartPLS 3.0 software. The results showed that individual resistance significantly have a positive influence on affective commitment to change, and normative commitment to change, while organizational justice significantly have a positive influence on affective commitment to change, continuance commitment to change and normative commitment to change, This study aims to determine the effect of individual resistance to change, and organizational justice towards employee commitment to change in personnel and organization bureau, and technical implementation unit Social Ministry of Republic Indonesia. In this study the individual resistance to change is dispositional resistance to change, and organizational justice is Employee’s perceptions of Organizational Justice. There are 194 employees who participated in this survey. This research used a structural equation modelling with the Partial Least Square method and SmartPLS 3.0 software. The results showed that individual resistance significantly have a positive influence on affective commitment to change, and normative commitment to change, while organizational justice significantly have a positive influence on affective commitment to change, continuance commitment to change and normative commitment to change]
Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Meilisa Irmayanti
Abstrak :
Analisis Pengaruh Readiness for Change terhadap Resistance to Change Karyawan dalam Proses Perubahan Organisasi Studi Kasus: BPJS Kesehatan Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memahami pengaruh negatif dari individual readiness for change dan organizational readiness for change terhadap resistance to change. Proses pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode survey dengan menyebarkan kuesioner online. Objek penelitian ini adalah 3634 karyawan BPJS Kesehatan dengan masa kerja lebih dari setahun. Melalui metode Structural Equation Modelling, hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa individual readiness for change memiliki pengaruh positif terhadap resistance to change kemudian individual readiness for change dan organizational readiness for change memiliki korelasi signifikan satu sama lain. ...... Analysis of The Effect of Readiness for Change on Employee Resistance to Change in Organizational Change Processes Case Study BPJS Kesehatan This study aims to understand the negative effects of individual readiness for change and organizational readiness for change against resistance to change. The process of collecting data in this study using survey methods by distributing the online questionnaire. The object of this study was 3634 BPJS Kesehatan employees with a working period of more than a year. Using the Structural Equation Modeling method, the results showed that individual readiness for change has a positive influence on resistance to change then individual readiness for change and organizational readiness for change have significant correlation with each other organizational change readiness for change resistance to change Structural Equation Modelling, BPJS Kesehatan
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Widya Sari
Abstrak :
Tesis ini membahas tentang reaksi karyawan terhadap adanya perubahan sistem kerja organisasi akibat penerapan ISO 9001:2008 pada Kantor Hukum X sesuai dengan konteks dan kondisi yang terjadi pada organisasi. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus, yang melibatkan 10 (sepuluh) informan karyawan dari Kantor Hukum X. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa alasan utama bagi sebagian karyawan yang melakukan resistensi terhadap perubahan organisasi adalah tingginya beban pekerjaan yang mereka rasakan. Selain itu kurangnya sosialisasi terkait dengan perubahan yang terjadi juga berperan dalam keengganan karyawan untuk berpartisipasi dalam perubahan. Untuk itu diperlukan dukungan, tanggung jawab, dan komitmen dari organisasi dalam menginisiasikan perubahan, terutama komunikasi yang jelas kepada seluruh karyawan.
This thesis discusses on employee reaction toward change on organizational working system as an effect of implementing ISO 9001:2008 in Law Firm X based on its current context and condition. This research employs qualitative research method using a case study approach, which involves 10 (ten) employees of Law firm X as informants. This research shows that the main reason for most of the employees who resist the organizational change is due to the high work load against them. Further, lack of socialization on relevant change has also affected the employees? reluctance to participate on change. Therefore, support, responsibilities, and commitment from the organization are required when initiating change, especially clear communication towards all employees.;This thesis discusses on employee reaction toward change on organizational working system as an effect of implementing ISO 9001:2008 in Law Firm X based on its current context and condition. This research employs qualitative research method using a case study approach, which involves 10 (ten) employees of Law firm X as informants. This research shows that the main reason for most of the employees who resist the organizational change is due to the high work load against them. Further, lack of socialization on relevant change has also affected the employees’ reluctance to participate on change. Therefore, support, responsibilities, and commitment from the organization are required when initiating change, especially clear communication towards all employees., This thesis discusses on employee reaction toward change on organizational working system as an effect of implementing ISO 9001:2008 in Law Firm X based on its current context and condition. This research employs qualitative research method using a case study approach, which involves 10 (ten) employees of Law firm X as informants. This research shows that the main reason for most of the employees who resist the organizational change is due to the high work load against them. Further, lack of socialization on relevant change has also affected the employees’ reluctance to participate on change. Therefore, support, responsibilities, and commitment from the organization are required when initiating change, especially clear communication towards all employees.]
Jakarta: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hana' Hamidah Sahid
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini menyelidiki strategi komunikasi pada Humas Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat (PUPR) dalam mengelola resistensi masyarakat terhadap kebijakan pemindahan Ibu Kota Negara (IKN) di media sosial Instagram Kementerian PUPR. Metode penelitian studi kasus ini melibatkan wawancara mendalam dengan Humas Kementerian PUPR di Biro Komunikasi Publik dan Ketua Satuan Tugas Pelaksanaan Pembangunan Infrastruktur IKN (Satgas IKN) serta pengamatan oleh peneliti pada komentar resistensi masyarakat dalam unggahan konten #IKNkita di akun @kemenpupr. Dari hasil analisis menggunakan konsep strategi mengelola resistance to change dari Kotter dan Schlesinger, temuan menunjukkan bahwa alasan resistensi masyarakat terhadap kebijakan pemindahan IKN paling kuat adalah alasan kesalahpahaman dan kurang kepercayaan. Alasan kedua adalah penilaian yang berbeda, alasan ketiga adalah kepentingan diri sendiri yang sempit, terakhir adalah alasan toleransi berubah yang rendah. Strategi komunikasi Humas PUPR dalam mengelola resistensi masyarakat terhadap kebijakan pemindahan IKN di Instagram dengan pembuatan tagar #IKNkita, penjadwalan khusus untuk konten #IKNkita dan pembuatan konten #IKNkita. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam konten #IKNkita yang telah digunakan oleh Humas PUPR adalah pendidikan dan komunikasi, partisipasi dan keterlibatan, fasilitasi dan dukungan, serta negosiasi dan kesepakatan. Selain itu, Humas PUPR juga menerapkan strategi ‘no response’ terhadap komentar-komentar negatif. Humas PUPR tidak pernah menggunakan pendekatan manipulasi, kooptasi dan paksaan untuk mengelola resistensi terhadap kebijakan pemindahan IKN dalam konten #IKNkita di Instagram. ......This research investigates the digital communication strategies employed by Government Public Relations (GPR) of the Ministry of Public Works and Housing (PUPR) in managing public resistance towards the State Capital City relocation policy (IKN) on the Instagram social media platform of the Ministry of PUPR. This case study research method involves in-depth interviews with the GPR of the Ministry of PUPR and the Chairperson of the IKN Development Implementation Task Force (Satgas IKN), alongside the researcher's observations on public resistance comments within the #IKNkita content posts on the @kemenpupr account. Through the analysis using Kotter and Schlesinger's concept of managing resistance to change, the findings indicate that the strongest reasons for public resistance to the IKN relocation policy are misunderstanding and lack of trust. The second reason is differing assessments, the third is parochial self-interest, and lastly, low tolerance for change. The approach used in #IKNkita content that has been used by the GPR of the Ministry of PUPR is education and communication, participation and involvement, facilitation and support, as well as negotiation and agreement. Apart from that, the GPR of the Ministry of PUPR also implemented a 'no response' strategy for negative comments. The GPR of the Ministry of PUPR has never used manipulation, co-optation and coercion approaches to manage resistance to the IKN relocation policy in #IKNkita content on Instagram.

Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library