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Achmad Farid
Abstrak :
Pandemi covid-19 membawa dampak negatif bagi populasi startup di Jabodetabek. Pemanfaatan teknologi digital dapat menjadi salah satu peluang bagi startup digital untuk bertahan dan meningkatkan kinerjanya melalui perluasan pasar dan pertumbuhan konsumen. Orientasi kewirausahaan juga terbukti membantu startup mengembangkan model bisnis, menciptakan nilai, dan menigkatkan keunggulan kompetitif, sehingga startup dapat bertahan dalam menghadapi lingkungan bisnis yanng dinamis. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengkaji secara empiris pengaruh kapabilitas platform digital dalam hubungannya dengan kapabilitas jaringan dan orientasi kewirausahaan dalam pencapaian kinerja startup digital. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan metode purposive sampling dan melakukan survey terhadap 112 startup digital di Jabodetabek menggunakan analisis Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) dengan metode Partial Least Square (PLS) untuk menguji hipotesisnya. Hasil penelitian membuktikan bahwa kinerja startup digital dapat dipengaruhi oleh kapabilitas platform digital dan orientasi kewirausahaan. Namun di sisi lain, kapabilitas jaringan tidak mampu mempengaruhi kinerja startup. Hal ini justru bertentangan dengan beberapa penelitian terdahulu tentang hubungan antara kapabilitas jaringan dan Kinerja bisnis. Penelitian ini memberikan kontribusi teoritis dengan menguatkan pola hubungan pengaruh langsung kapabilitas platform digital terhadap kinerja startup. Pengaruh langsung tersebut lebih kuat dibandingkan pengaruh tidak langsung melalui orientasi kewirausahaan dalam konteks startup digital. Penelitian ini membuktikan bahwa digital startup dalam menghadapi ketidakpastian lingkungan akibat covid-19 tetap mampu meningkatkan kinerjanya yang berupa skalabilitas pertumbuhan konsumen dan perluasan pasar dengan memfokuskan strategi pada pengembangan kapabilitas platform digital melalui penguatan infrastruktur TI, kapabilitas TI, serta kapabilitas ekspansi. Kemudian, peran orientasi kewirausahaan dengan proaktif, inovatif, dan berani mengambil risiko terhadap peluang digital juga mampu meningkatkan kinerja digital startup. ......The COVID-19 pandemic has harmed the startup population in Greater Jakarta. The use of digital technology can be an opportunity for digital startups to survive and improve their performance through market expansion and consumer growth. Entrepreneurial orientation has also been proven to help startups develop business models, create value, and increase the competitive advantage to survive in the face of a dynamic business environment. The purpose of this study is to empirically examine the influence of digital platform capabilities with network capabilities and entrepreneurial orientation in achieving startup performance. This research is quantitative research with purposive sampling method and surveyed 112 digital startups in Greater Jakarta using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) analysis with Partial Least Square (PLS) method to test the hypothesis. The study results prove that digital platforms and entrepreneurial orientation capabilities can influence startup performance. However, on the other hand, network capabilities are not able to affect startup performance. This case contradicts some previous research on the relationship between network capabilities and business performance. This research provides a theoretical contribution by strengthening the relationship pattern of the direct influence of digital platform capabilities on startup performance. The direct influence is stronger than the indirect influence through entrepreneurial orientation in the context of digital startups. This research proves that in facing environmental uncertainty because of COVID-19, digital startups still can improve their consumer growth scalability and market expansion by focusing their strategy on developing digital platform capabilities by strengthening IT infrastructure and IT capability and expansion capabilities. Then, the role of entrepreneurship orientation by being proactive, innovative, and willing to take risks towards digital opportunities can also improve the digital performance of startups.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisinis Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fitria Astuti Firman
Abstrak :
Penelitian pada disertasi ini bertujuan untuk mengivestigasi pengaruh dari kebijakan pemerintah terhadap inisiasi dan implementasi proyek dengan pendekatan empirik di industri pembangkitan listrik berbasis energi terbarukan di Indonesia. Penelitian ini sangat penting dan dimotivasi oleh dua faktor utama sebagai berikut. Pertama adalah adanya "gap of knowledge" dalam penelitian di bidang manajemen. Pinto & Winch (2016) mengemukakan bahwa hubungan antara kebijakan pemerintah dengan keproyekan masih berupa 'black box' dan perlu dilakukan dengan pendekatan manajemen stratejik. Penelitian terdahulu sebenarnya telah banyak membicarakan tentang kebijakan pemerintah dan keproyekan. Namun demikian, penelitian-penelitian tersebut banyak dilakukan dengan pendekatan ekonomi, dengan asumsi bahwa keuntungan ekonomi dari suatu proyek akan menggerakkan pelaku bisnis untuk melaksanakan proyek tersebut. Pada kenyataannya, pelaku bisnis harus memahami bagaimana cara mereka menginisiasi dan mengimplementasikan suatu proyek agar dapat meraih keuntungan tersebut, dimana proses untuk memahami hal tersebut dapat diraih melalui pendekatan manajemen strategi. Selanjutnya, faktor lainnya yang memotivasi penelitian ini adalah proyek saat ini telah dipertimbangkan sebagai aktivitas stratejik untuk mencapai kepentingan pembangunan infrastruktur di dunia, termasuk Indonesia. Pemerintah Indonesia telah menetapkan target pembangunan sektor kelistrikan berbasis energi terbarukan guna mencapai target energi terbarukan sebesar minimal 23% pada bauran energi nasional pada tahun 2025. Proyek pembangunan pembangkit listrik berbasis energi terbarukan diharapkan dapat berkontribusi pada pencapaian target tersebut. Berdasarkan motivasi tersebut, penelitian ini mengintegrasikan tiga area besar penelitian di bidang manajemen, yaitu: kewirausahaan (entrepreneurship), manajemen strategi (strategic management) dan proyek manajemen (project management). Dari hasi studi literatur dibangun sebuah model penelitian yang terdiri dari enam variabel penelitian dan sepuluh hipotesis. Keenam variabel penelitian itu adalah: (1) kebijakan pemerintah (government policies); (2) orientasi kewirausahaan (entrepreneurial orientation); (3) akumulasi dan akusisi sumber daya (resource accumulation and acquisition); (4) kapabilitas jejaring (network capability); (5) kapabilitas manajemen proyek (project management capability); dan (6) persepsi kinerja investasi (perceived investment performance). Model penelitian ini diujikan pada industri pembangkitan listrik berbasis energi terbarukan dengan unit analisis perusahaan Independent Power Producer (IPP). Responden dari penelitian ini adalah direktur dan manajer IPP. Terdapat 122 IPP yang berkontribusi mengisi kuesioner pada penelitian ini. Namun demikian, hanya 117 kuesioner yang digunakan dalam pengolahan data. Hasil pengolahan data menunjukkan bahwa hanya tujuh hipotesis yang didukung dengan data. Selanjutnya, tiga hipotesis ditolak. Analisis menunjukkan bahwa kebijakan pemerintah (government policies) tidak mempengaruhi orientasi kewirausahaan (entrepreneurial orientation), dan orientasi ini juga tidak mempengaruhi kapabilitas manajemen proyek (project management capability). Yang paling mengejutkan adalah analisis model menunjukkan bahwa kapabilitas manajemen proyek (project management capability) tidak berpengaruh terhadap persepsi kinerja investasi (perceived investment performance). Akhirnya, keterbatasan dari penelitian ini menekankan akan pentingnya penelitian di masa mendatang untuk melibatkan pemangku kepentingan lainnya selain IPP, menganalisis isu pada masing-masing jenis energi terbarukan, dan menganalisis lebih jauh tentang peran kapabilitas manajemen proyek (project management capability) terhadap persepsi kinerja investasi (perceived investment performance). Lebih jauh lagi, studi komprehensif tentang bagaimana IPP menghadapi keterbatasan pasar monopsoni sangat dianjurkan oleh penelitian ini. ......This study aims to empirically investigate the influence of government policies on the initiation and implementation of the project in renewable energy based power generation industry in Indonesia. The study is critical and motivated by two main factors. The first factor is a theoretical gap. There is a gap of knowledge in management literature. Pinto & Winch (2016) argue that there is still "a black box" on the relationship between government policies and project. They argue that research is needed to investigate the black box through the strategic management perspective. This study finds that previous research on government policies and project have been conducted mostly by using the economic perspective. The assumption on those research is that the business players will take economic opportunities when the projects produce benefits. However, to gain those benefits, the business players have to understand how the government policies influence the process of project initiation and implementation. It is argued that the process can be investigated through the strategic management approach. Another factor that motivates this study is the current phenomena where projects are needed as strategic activities in world's infrastructure development, including in Indonesia. The government of Indonesia has set the target renewable energy share of minimum 23% in the national energy mix by 2025. Power generation projects from renewable energy sources are expected to contribute more in achieving the target. Based on those motivations, this study integrates three main areas of research in the management field as follow: (1) entrepreneurship; (2) strategic management; and (3) project management. Based on the literature review, a model is developed which consists of six variables and ten hypotheses. The variables are: 1) government policies; (2) entrepreneurial orientation; (3) resource accumulation and acquisition; (4) network capability; (5) project management capability; and (6) perceived investment performance. The model is tested in the renewable energy based power industry where Independent Power Producers (IPPs) act as the units of analysis. The respondents are directors and managers of IPPs. There are 122 IPPs contributing in this study by filling the questionnaires. However, there are only 117 questionnaires used in the data analysis. Results show that only seven hypotheses are supported by the data. The analysis shows that government policies do not influence the entrepreneurial orientation, and the orientation do not influence the project management capability. Surprisingly, project management capability do not influence the perceived investment performance. Finally, future studies are needed related to performance measurement which should involve other stakeholders in projects, and specific project issues for each renewable energy source. Future studies are also expected to further analyse the role of project management capability in performance. Finally, this study calls for comprehensive study on how IPPs face the limitation on monopsony market.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh network capability dan organizational learning capability terhadap transformational leadership dalam membentuk innovative work behaviour dengan mediasi critical thinking skills. Penelitian ini menggunakan analisis Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) dengan program AMOS yang melibatkan 115 Branch Manager Regional I-V di PT Bank Bukopin, Tbk. Hasil penelitian membuktikan bahwa Network Capability, Organizational Learning Capability dapat mempengaruhi positif Transformational Leadership dan mediasi Critical Thinking Skills dapat mempengaruhi positif Transformational Leadership untuk membentuk Innovative Work Behaviour. Penelitian selanjutnya diharapkan agar dapat memperluas penelitian ke institusi lain diluar institusi jasa perbankan, seperti industri jasa asuransi atau sektor lain yang memiliki cakupan wilayah yang luas. ......This research aims to assess the impact of network capability and organizational learning capability towards transformational leadership to create innovative work behaviour mediated by critical thinking skills. It uses Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) in the analysis with AMOS program which involves 115 branch managers in Regional I – V of PT Bank Bukopin, Tbk. The result shows that Network Capability, Organizational Learning Capability, Transformational Leadership and Critical Thinking Skills can positively affected Innovative Work Behaviour. Further researches are expected to broaden the scope of the research to other organizations aside from the banking industry, such as insurance or other sectors having large geographical scale.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Vanya Cendana
Abstrak :
New product development menjadi pendorong pertumbuhan perusahaan, terutama pada startup berbasis teknologi di era digital saat ini. Namun, produk baru dari startup masih sering gagal karena faktor-faktor yang berkaitan dengan pasar dan konsumen. Berdasarkan faktor-faktor kegagalan tersebut, penelitian ini mengkaji variabel yang berpengaruh terhadap new product development performance di perusahaan startup berbasis teknologi. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dan pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan penyebaran kuesioner secara online. Didapatkan responden sejumlah 193 manajer yang merupakan pengambil keputusan terkait produk baru, dari 95 startup berbasis teknologi. Kemudian, melalui pengolahan data menggunakan metode PLS, didapatkan hasil penelitian yang menunjukkan adanya pengaruh positif dan signifikan antara dynamic marketing capability dan dynamic network capability terhadap NPD performance. Dynamic marketing capability dipengaruhi oleh customer involvement in information provision dan strategic orientation perusahaan, sementara dynamic network capability hanya dipengaruhi oleh strategic orientation perusahaan. Orientasi perusahaan yang mempengaruhi kapabilitas yaitu market orientation dan entrepreneurial orientation, dimana market orientation ditemukan memiliki pengaruh yang jauh lebih signifikan dibandingkan entrepreneurial orientation. ......Company growth is driven by new product development, especially in technology-based startup in today's digital era. However, new product from startup often fail due to factors related to market and consumer. Based on the failure factors, this study examines variables which influence performance of new product development in technology-based startup. This research is a quantitative research and data collection was carried out by distributing online questionnaire. There were 193 managers as respondents who are decision makers regarding new products, who come from 95 technology-based startups. Then, through data processing using PLS method, the results obtained showed that there was a positive and significant effect between dynamic marketing capability and dynamic network capability on NPD performance. Dynamic marketing capability is influenced by customer involvement in information provision and the firm's strategic orientation, while dynamic network capability is only influenced by the firm's strategic orientation. The dimensions of strategic orientation which affect capabilities are market orientation and entrepreneurial orientation, in which market orientation is found to have a much more significant influence than entrepreneurial orientation.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mawaddah Akmalia
Abstrak :
Digitalisasi menawarkan kesempatan yang besar untuk lingkungan bisnis, tak terkecuali untuk perusahaan rintisan (startup). Menanggapi desakan teknologi, banyak perusahaan rintisan yang menggunakan platform digital sebagai strategi bisnis mereka. Namun kenyataannya, banyak perusahaan rintisan yang gugur karena tidak adanya entrepreneurial orientation dan digital platform capability yang sebanding. Selain itu, perusahaan rintisan menghadapi tantangan yang unik karena sumber daya mereka yang terbatas maka perusahaan rintisan harus mampu mengelola hubungan internal dan eksternal mereka sehingga dibutuhkan network capability yang baik. Dalam mengelola hubungan tersebut, perusahaan juga harus mampu mengembangkan pendekatan strategic flexibility mereka. Karena skala perusahaan yang kecil, maka dibutuhkannya kemampuan untuk mengambil tindakan yang fleksibel dan cepat dalam menanggapi perubahan lingkungan. Dengan adanya kapabilitas dan orientasi tersebut diharapkan bahwa perusahaan rintisan dapat meningkatkan startup performance mereka. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji secara empiris pengaruh entrepreneurial orientation dan digital platform capability yang dipengaruhi network capability dan strategic flexibility terhadap startup performance. Survey dilakukan terhadap 124 perusahaan rintisan berbasis digital dalam bidang jasa di Indonesia. Selanjutnya hasil survey dianalisis menggunakan structural equation modelling-partial least square (SEM-PLS) untuk menguji hipotesisnya. Hasilnya, entrepreneurial orientation dan digital platform capability berpengaruh secara langsung terhadap network capability dan tidak langsung terhadap startup performance melalui peran network capability dan strategic performance. Namun berdasarkan penelitian ini bahwa pengaruh network capability terhadap startup performance tidak didukung data ......Digitization offers great opportunities for the business environment, and there are no exceptions for startup companies. Responding to the pressure of technology, many startup companies are using digital platforms as their business strategy. However, in reality, many startups fail due to the lack of an entrepreneurial orientation and comparable digital platform capability. In addition, startups face unique challenges because of their limited resources, so startups must be able to manage their internal and external relationships hence good network capability is needed. In managing these relationships, companies must also be able to develop their strategic flexibility approach. Due to the small scale of the company, it requires the ability to take flexible and fast actions in response to environmental changes. With this capability and orientation, it is hoped that startup companies can improve their startup performance. This study aims to empirically examine the influence of entrepreneurial orientation and digital platform capability that effect network capability and strategic flexibility on startup performance. The survey was conducted on 124 digital-based startups in the service sector in Indonesia. Furthermore, the survey results were analyzed using the structural equation modeling-partial least square (SEM-PLS) to test the hypothesis. As a result, entrepreneurship orientation and digital platform capabilities have a direct effect on network capabilities and indirectly on startup performance through the role of network capabilities and strategic flexibility. However, based on this research, the effect of network capability on startup performance is not supported by data.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library