"Latar Belakang. Pekerja pada sektor informal merupakan pekerja yang berada pada kelompok Underserved Working Population, mereka belum mendapatkan pelayanan kesehatan kerja seperti yang diharapkan. Dari seluruh pekerja di Indonesia, 80% berada pada sektor informal. Dan basil beberapa penelitian terdahulu diketahui prevalensi Nyeri Punggung Bawah (NPB) pada pekerja adalah 70% - 80%. Dan survei pendahuluan pada perajin pelat logam di Kee. Citeureup, Kab. Bogor didapatkan prevalensi NPB sebesar 64,5%. Perlu diketahui faktor-faktor apa saja yang mempengaruhi timbulnya keluhan NPB tersebut.
Metode. Disain penelitian adalah studi kros seksional. Jumlah responden 238 orang yang dipilih secara cluster random sampling dari kelompok perajin. Pengumpulan data berdasarkan wawancara, pemeriksaan fisik dan pengamatan sikap tubuh waktu bekerja (BRIEF Survey), yang dilaksanakan pada bulan Agusutus - Oktober 2002.
Hasil. Pada penelitian ini faktor risiko karakteristik pekerja, faktor pekerjaan, dan faktor lingkungan kerja terbukti tidak berkaitan dengan NPB. Didapatkan prevalensi NPB sebesar 76,9%. Faktor risiko yang mempengaruhi timbulnya NPB adalah sikap tubuh waktu bekerja (OR suaian = 3,46 ; 95% CI = 1,62 - 6,96 ), sambil membungkuk (OR = 3,47 ; 95% CI = 1,53 - 7,84) dengan derajat membungkuk sebesar 20°- 45° (fleksi sedang) (OR = 3,47 ; 95% CI = 1,53-7,85).
Kesimpulan. Ada hubungan yang bermakna antara faktor risiko sikap tubuh membungkuk dengan sudut 20° - 45° (fleksi sedang) dengan NPB.
Saran. Perlu adanya perbaikan cara kerja, disain ruang kerja, dan disain alat kerja sehingga pekerja tidak membungkuk pada waktu melakukan pekerjaannya.
The Relation Between Working Posture and Low Back Pain Among Metal Craftsman Workers at Subdistrict Citeureup, District of Bogor.Background. Workers at the informal sector are classified underserved working population, as they have not yet been covered by occupational health service as expected. In Indonesia, 80% of the total workers are informal sector. Several researches have found that workers prevalence of Low Back Pain (LBP) is 70% - 80%. Among the craftsman workers at subdistrict Citeureup it is found that there is a symptom of LBP at 64.5% workers. This study will found out what are the risk factors that cause the symptom.Method. The research design is a cross sectional study. Total subject are 238 workers, which are chosen by a cluster random sampling from the group workers . Data collecting based on interview, physical examination and visual observation of working posture (BRIEF Survey), during August to October 2002.Result. Risk factor such as worker characteristic factor, job factor and working environment factor are not proven to have correlation with LBP. The LPB prevalence is 76.9 %. The risk factors that affected the occurrence of LBP are working posture (adjusted OR = 3.46; 95% CI = 1.62 - 6.96), forward flexion ( OR. = 3.47; 95% CI = 1.53 - 7.84 ), with degree of flexion from 20° to 45° (mild flexion) (OR = 147; 95% CI = 1.53 - 7.85).Conclusion. Forward flexion of working posture with an angle from 20 to 45° (mild flexion) affecting the occurrence of LBP.Recommendation. It is needed to increase job design, working space design, and working tools design or machine, so workers do not need to forward flexion while doing their job."