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Ditemukan 23 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Asma Zahidah
"Batuk merupakan tindakan perlindungan dan pertahanan terhadap infeksi mukosa, zat berbahaya, infeksi pada laring, trakea dan bronkus. Penggunaan obat di fasilitas kesehatan harus sesuai dengan acuan yang berlaku secara nasional yaitu Formularium Nasional. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi penggunaan obat batuk pada pasien ISPA di Puskesmas Kota Depok pada tahun 2015. Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif analitik dengan pengambilan data secara retrospektif dari resep pasien, Sistem Informasi Manajemen Puskesmas (SIMPUS), dan Sistem Informasi Pengelolaan Obat (SIPO). Sampel adalah resep pasien ISPA periode Januari hingga Desember 2015. Analisis dilakukan pada resep yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi secara kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Analisis secara kuantitatif dinyatakan dalam DDD dan DDD/1000 pasien/hari. Analisis kualitatif dinyatakan dalam segmen DU90%. Berdasarkan hasil analisis menggunakan Microsoft Excel, urutan puskesmas dengan kuantitas penggunaan obat yang dinyatakan dalam DDD dari yang terbesar adalah Puskesmas Cipayung (59136,33g), Puskesmas Limo (34512,55g), dan Puskesmas Bojongsari (14771.28g). Total kuantitas DDD/1000 pasien/hari pada ketiga puskesmas yaitu gliseril guaiakolat (34,885g), ambroksol (1,92g), sirup ambroksol (0,2692g), tablet dekstrometorfan (0,2692g) dan sirup dekstrometorfan (0,0006g). Obat batuk yang menyusun segmen DU90%, yaitu gliseril guaiakolat. Obat batuk penyusun DU90% tidak sesuai dengan Formularium Nasional.

Cough is an act of protection and defense against mucosal infections, harmful substances, infection of the larynx, trachea and bronchi. The drug utilization in health facilities must comply with applicable national reference namely Formularium Nasional. This study aimed to evaluate the use of cough medicine in ARI’spatientsat three primary health care in Depok 2015. This study used descriptive design with retrospectively data collection of patient prescriptions, Primary health care Management Information System (SIMPUS), and Medication Management Information System (SIPO). Analysis was conducted on prescriptions that appropriate with inclusion criteria. Samples are prescribed to patients with ARI’s period January to December 2015. Analyses were performed quantitatively and qualitatively. Quantitative analysis expressed in DDD and DDD/1000 patients/day. Qualitative analysis expressed in DU 90% segment. Based on the analysis using Microsoft Excel, the biggest quantity of drug utilization in DDD were Cipayung primary health care (59136.33g), Limo primary health care (34512.55g), and Bojongsari primary health care (14771.28g). Quantity of DDD/1000 patients/day in the third primary health care were glyceryl guaiakolat (34.885g), ambroksol (1.92g), ambroksol syrup (0.2692g), dextromethorphan tablets (0.2692g) and dextromethorphan syrup (0.0006g). Cough medicines that compose DU 90% segment was Glyceryl Guaiacolat. Cough medicines that compose segment DU 90% were not in accordance with national formulary."
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Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Daniel Surjadinata
Latar Belakang. Sebagai klinisi, dokter diharapkan mampu menegakkan diagnosis etiologi keluhan BKB dengan cepat, tepat, hemat biaya dan tidak hanya bersifat simptomatik belaka. Sayangnya, hingga kini masih sedikit penelitian mengenai etiologi BKB pada anak, padahal setiap pusat pelayanan kesehatan memiliki data etiologi BKB yang berbeda-beda. Perbedaan etiologi ini disebabkan oleh perbedaan definisi yang dianut, batasan usia anak, serta karakteristik dan tingkat pusat pelayanan kesehatan yang menjadi tempat penelitian.
Tujuan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui prevalens keluhan utama BKB pada pasien anak dengan keluhan batuk, tiga etiologi tersering, waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk menegakkan diagnosis etiologi BKB, profil klinis dan pemeriksaan penunjang pada pasien di unit rawat jalan Departemen IKA-RSCM dari bulan Juli 2007 sampai dengan Juli 2013.
Metode. Metode penelitian ini adalah deskriptif retrospektif dengan melakukan penelusuran dan analisis data rekam medis pasien berusia 1-18 tahun (12-216 bulan) dengan keluhan utama batuk (ICD 10-R05.0).
Hasil. Prevalens BKB dari seluruh subjek dengan keluhan batuk adalah 437 subjek (87,6%), dengan median usia 54 bulan (12-220 bulan). Etiologi spesifik tersering adalah United airway diseases (46,9%), asma (31,7%) dan TB paru (15,4%). Riwayat penyakit dahulu dan keluarga dengan atopi, alergi dan asma membantu penegakan diagnosis. Dari 28 subjek yang tidak mendapat imunisasi BCG, 15 (53,6%) subjek didiagnosis TB paru dan 1 subjek TB milier. Sebanyak 362 (82,9%) subjek yang didiagnosis etiologi batuk pascainfeksi virus, rinitis alergi, asma dan TB paru telah mendapat terapi antibiotik sebelumnya. Median waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk menegakkan diagnosis etiologi BKB adalah 2,5 hari/pasien (0-8 hari/pasien) untuk diagnosis BKB nonspesifik batuk pasca infeksi virus dan diagnosis etiologi spesifik yaitu rinitis alergi adalah 3,7 hari/pasien (0-21hari/pasien), rinosinusitis 4,8 hari/pasien (2-21 hari/pasien), asma 2,5 hari/pasien (0-53 hari/pasien) dan TB paru 6,2 hari/pasien (3-60 hari/pasien). Pemeriksaan penunjang yang banyak dilakukan untuk penegakan diagnosis meliputi uji tuberkulin (84,7%), foto toraks (72,5%), spirometri (14%), dan foto polos sinus paranasal (26,8%).
Simpulan. Prevalens BKB mencapai 87,6% dengan etiologi tersering adalah penyakit saluran respiratorik atas, asma dan TB paru. Kata kunci. Batuk kronik berulang (BKB) pada anak,

Background. As clinician, a physician should be able to diagnose the etiology of chronic cough in children, therefore the therapy could be done promptly, precisely, cost-effectively, and not merely symptomatic. Unfortunately, publication on the etiology of chronic cough in children is limited up to now, and every health care centers may have different etiologic data. This differences might be caused by the gaps of chronic cough definition, the child's age restrictions, as well as the characteristics and the level of health care services.
Objective. To determine the prevalence of chronic cough in pediatric patients with chief complaints of cough, the three most common etiology, the duration of time to establish the etiology, clinical profiles and supportive investigation in outpatient pediatric unit at CMH from July 2007 to July 2013.
Method. A descriptive retrospective analysis was conducted from medical records of patients aged 1-18 years (12-216 months) with a chief complaint of cough (ICD-10 R05.0)
Result. Chronic cough prevalence of all subjects with complaints of cough was 87.6% (437 subjects), with a median age of 54 months (12-220 months). The most common specific etiology is upper respiratory tract disease (44.7%), asthma (31.7%%) and pulmonary tuberculosis (15.4%). Past medical history and family with atopy, allergy and asthma aid diagnosis. In 28 subjects who had never received BCG immunization, 15 (53.6%) subjects were diagnosed as pulmonary tuberculosis and 1 subject as miliary TB. Prior antibiotic treatment had been given in 362 (82.9%) subjects that were diagnosed as post viral cough, allergic rhinitis, asthma and pulmonary TB. Median duration of time to diagnose the etiology of nonspesific post viral cough was 2.5 days/patient (0-8 days/patient) and specific etiologic such as allergic rhinitis was 3.7 days/patient (0-21 days/patient), rhinosinusitis in 4.8 days/patient (2-21 days/patient), asthma in 2.5 days/patient (0-53 days/patient) and pulmonary TB in 6.2 days /patient (3 - 60 days/patient). Investigations that commonly done to established the diagnosis were tuberculin test (84.7%), chest Xray (72.5%), spirometer (14%), and plain radiography of paranasal sinuses (26.8%).
Conclusion. The prevalence of chronic cough from all subjects with complaints of cough in the outpatient pediatric unit at CMH is 87.6% with the most common etiologies are upper respiratory tract disease, asthma and pulmonary tuberculosis."
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UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ardhona Irani
"Penyelenggaraan pelayanan kefarmasian oleh Apoteker di Apotek wajib mengikuti standar pelayanan kefarmasian yang tercantum dalam Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan Republik Indonesia No 73 tahun 2016. Implementasi penyelenggaraan pelayanan kefarmasian yang dilakukan oleh Apoteker di Apotek berawal dari kegiatan manajerial (menjamin ketersediaan dan pengelolaan sediaan farmasi, alat kesehatan yang aman, bermutu serta terjangkau) hingga pelayanan farmasi klinis yang berorientasi pada pasien untuk meningkatkan kualitas hidup pasien. Pelayanan swamedikasi terkait dengan keluhan batuk pilek merupakan salah satu pelayanan kefarmasian klinis yang umum dilakukan oleh Apoteker di Apotek. Dokumentasi pelayanan kefarmasian di Apotek Kimia Farma Jalan Raya Lenteng Agung No 39 dilakukan dengan melakukan observasi langsung dan membandingkan kesesuaiannya dengan peraturan yang berlaku. Berdasarkan hasil observasi, pelaksanaan kegiatan pengelolaan sediaan farmasi, alat kesehatan, dan BMHP serta pelayanan swamedikasi di Apotek Kimia Farma Jl Raya Lenteng Agung No 39 sudah cukup baik dan sesuai dengan PMK No. 73 Tahun 2016.

The implementation of pharmaceutical services by pharmacists at pharmacies must follow the pharmaceutical service standards listed in the Regulation of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia No. 73 of 2016. Implementation of pharmaceutical services by pharmacists at pharmacies starts with managerial activities (ensuring the availability and management of pharmaceutical preparations, medical devices safe, quality and affordable) to patient-oriented clinical pharmacy services to improve the quality of life of patients. Self-medication services related to complaints of cough and cold are one of the clinical pharmacy services that are commonly performed by pharmacists at pharmacies. Documentation of pharmaceutical services at Kimia Farma Pharmacy Jalan Raya Lenteng Agung No. 39 is carried out by direct observation and comparing compliance with applicable regulations. Based on the results of observations, the implementation of management activities for pharmaceutical preparations, medical devices and BMHP as well as self-medication services at Kimia Farma Pharmacy Jl Raya Lenteng Agung No 39 is quite good and in accordance with PMK No. 73 of 2016."
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Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas ndonesia, 2023
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yunita Kadarsih
"OBH quinqplex adalah sediaan Obat Batuk Hitam konsentrat dalam konsentrasi lima kali lebih pekat daripada sediaan Obat Batuk Hitam biasa. OBH quinqplex banyak dibuat sebagai sediaan di apotik maupun di rumah sakit, karena lebih menghemat waktu, tenaga, dan tempat, serta lebih praktis clan lebih memudahkan jika sewaktu - waktu dibutuhkan dalam waktu yang cepat danjumlah yang banyak. Dalam OBH quinqplex terdapat air dan Glicyrrhizae succus yang mengandung karbohidrat tinggi, sehingga dapat mempermudah pertumbuhan dan perkembangbiakan mikroorganisme, akibatnya jumlah mikroorganisme dapat melebihi batas maksimum cemaran mikroba yang diperbolehkan dalam sediaan oral cair, yaitu 100 kuman per mL. Penelitian mi dimaksudkan untuk memeriksa stabilitas mikrobiologis OBH quinqplex tanpa pengawet dan OBH quinqplex yang diberi pengawet nipagin dengan konsentrasi 0,10 %, 0,15 %, 0,20 %, dan 0,25 %. Pemeriksaan stabilitas mikrobiologis dilakukan selama 6 bulan pada sampel OBH quinqplex tanpa pengawet dan OBH quinqplex yang diberi pengawet nipagin dalam konsentrasi 0,10 %, 0,15 %, 0,20 %, dan 0,25 %, clan didapat hasil bahwa OBH quinqplex tanpa pengawet tidak stabil secara mikrobiologis, sedangkan OBH quinqplex yang diberi pengawet nipagin 0,10 %, 0,15 %, 0,20 %, dan 0,25 % stabil secara mikrobiologis selama 6 bulan pemeriksaan. Dari hasil pemeriksaan tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa nipagin dengan konsentrasi 0,10 %, 0,15 %, 0,20 %, dan 0,25 % efektif sebagai pengawet dalam sediaan OBH quinqplex.

Potio Nigra Contra Tussim quinqplex is a concentrate preparation of Potio Nigra Contra Tussim in five times concentration of regular Potio Nigra Contra Tussim. In hospital and dispensary, Potio Nigra Contra Tussim quinqplex is made as a stock of pharmaceutical preparation, because it can save time, energy, and place, beside it is more practice and easier if anytime it is needed quickly and in a large number of quantities. In Potio Nigra Contra Tussim quinqplex, there are water and Glicyrrhizae succus which consists of carbohydrate in high concentrate, so it can facilitate the growth of microorganisms and it can rise the number of microorganisms over maximum limits of acceptance microbial contamination in liquid oral dosage form i.e. 100 microorganisms per mL. The purpose of this study is to determine the microbiological stability of regular Potio Nigra Contra Tussim quinqplex and Potio Nigra Contra Tussim quinqplex with nipagin as preservative in concentration of 0,10 %, 0,15 %, 0,20 %, dan 0,25 %. The study of microbiological stability has been done for six months and the result showed that Potio Nigra Contra Tussim without preservative was unstable in microbiological stability, while the one which was added by nipagin in concentration of 0,10 %, 0,15 %, 0,20 %, and 0,25 % were stable. From this study, we can say that nipagin in concentration of 0,10 %, 0,15 %, 0,20 %, and 0,25 % are effective as preservative in Potio Nigra Contra Tussim quinqplex."
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Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 1997
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Elvina Apriani
"Tingginya persentase swamedikasi batuk dibandingkan dengan penyakit lain dapat menjadi pemicu timbulnya swamedikasi yang tidak rasional sehingga menyebabkan konsekuensi kesehatan yang serius. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh pengetahuan dan sikap pasien dewasa terhadap perilaku swamedikasi batuk di Jabodetabek. Desain penelitian ini adalah cross-sectional dengan metode mixed method tipe embedded design. Metode perolehan sampel dilakukan dengan teknik consecutive sampling menggunakan kuesioner yang telah memenuhi uji validitas dan reliabilitas. Data yang dikumpulkan adalah data primer dengan total 139 responden dan dianalisis menggunakan IBM®SPSS® versi 25. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan sebesar 53,96% responden memiliki pengetahuan yang cukup, 81,29% responden memiliki sikap yang baik, dan 64,03% responden memiliki perilaku yang baik. Terdapat korelasi positif berkekuatan lemah antara pengetahuan swamedikasi batuk (p=0,000; r=0,285) dan sikap serta korelasi kuat positif antara sikap dan perilaku swamedikasi batuk (p=0,000; r=0,403). Namun tidak terdapat korelasi antara pengetahuan dan perilaku swamedikasi batuk responden (p=0,138; r=1,105). Hubungan antara pengetahuan, sikap, dan perilaku terhadap faktor sosiodemografi menunjukkan korelasi yang tidak bermakna (p>0.05). Oleh sebab itu, dapat disimpulkan semakin baik pengetahuan swamedikasi batuk responden maka semakin baik pula sikap swamedikasi batuk responden dan semakin baik sikap swamedikasi batuk responden maka semakin baik pula perilaku swamedikasi batuk yang ditunjukkan responden. Pada profil swamedikasi responden melakukan swamedikasi karena sudah mengetahui obat yang harus digunakan berdasarkan pengalaman dengan frekuensi swamedikasi dalam 3 bulan terakhir 1-2 kali. Responden memperoleh obat dari apotek dan mengandalkan pengalaman penggunaan obat pribadi/keluarga sebagai informasi obat mereka. Pada penggunaan obat batuk ditemukan responden yang menggunakan obat batuk kering untuk mengobati batuk berdahak

The high percentage of cough self-medication compared to other diseases can trigger irrational self-medication, causing serious health consequences. This study aims to analyze the effect of adult patient's knowledge and attitudes on cough self-medication practice in Jabodetabek. The research design is cross-sectional with mixed method type embedded design. The data was collected by using consecutive sampling technique using questionnaire that had fulfilled validity and reliability test. Primary data were collected with 139 samples and analyzed by IBM®SPSS® 25. The results showed that 53.96% of respondents had enough knowledge, 81.29% of respondents had a good attitude, and 64.03% respondents have good practice. The results of the correlation test showed that there was a positive weak correlation between self-medication knowledge (p=0,000; r=0,285) and attitudes and a positive strong correlation between self-medication attitudes and practice (p=0,000; r=0,403). There was no correlation between self-medication knowledge and practice (p=0,138; r=1,105). The relationship between knowledge, attitudes, and practice towards sociodemographic factors showed no significant correlation (p>0.05). Therefore, it can be concluded that the higher respondent's self-medication knowledge, the better the self-medication attitude of respondents and the better self-medication attitude, the better self-medication behavior shown by respondents. In self-medication profile, respondents did self-medication because they already knew drug they used based on experience and self-medication frequency in last 3 months is 1-2 times. Respondents obtained drugs from pharmacies and relied on their personal/family drug use experience as their drug information. It was found that respondents used dry cough medicine to treat coughs with phlegm."
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Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Margareth Christina Halim
Penggunaan angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor (ACEi) sebagai antihipertensi dapat menyebabkan efek samping berupa batuk kering. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menilai risiko penggunaan ACEi, yaitu kaptopril sebagai standar dibandingkan ACEi lain terhadap kejadian batuk kering pada pasien hipertensi di RSUD Cengkareng Jakarta Barat dan RSUD Tarakan Jakarta Pusat. Desain penelitian ini adalah kohort prospektif. Kriteria inklusi adalah pasien hipertensi rawat jalan yang mendapatkan terapi obat golongan ACEi selama ≤ 3 bulan dan bersedia untuk diikutsertakan sebagai sampel dalam penelitian di RSUD Cengkareng Jakarta Barat dan RSUD Tarakan tahun 2014. Sampel terdiri dari 54 pasien yang mendapat kaptopril dan 54 pasien yang mendapat obat ACEi bukan kaptopril yang diambil secara consecutive sampling pada bulan Januari-Juli 2014. Alat pengumpul data menggunakan wawancara terstruktur dan rekam medis pasien. Kejadian batuk kering akibat ACEi dievaluasi dengan menggunakan Algoritma Naranjo dan analisis data menggunakan uji Chi Square. Kejadian batuk kering terjadi pada 19,44% sampel. Faktor usia, jenis kelamin, suku bangsa, komorbiditas, body mass index (BMI), dosis obat, dan lama penggunaan tidak berhubungan bermakna dengan kejadian batuk kering akibat penggunaan ACEi. Tidak ada perbedaan risiko penggunaan ACEi kelompok kaptopril dibanding bukan kaptopril terhadap kejadian batuk kering.

Use of angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEi) as an antihypertensive agent can cause side effects such as dry cough. This study aimed to evaluate the risk of ACEi administration with captopril as the standard against another ACEi on dry cough incidence in hypertensive patients from various tribes at RSUD Cengkareng West Jakarta and RSUD Tarakan Central Jakarta. The design of this study is prospective cohort. The inclusion criteria were patients who received ACEi as hypertension therapy for ≤ 3 months gathered from outpatient polyclinics and those willing to participate as sample in this study at RSUD Cengkareng West Jakarta and RSUD Tarakan Central Jakarta. Sample consist of 54 patients who received captopril and 54 patients received non captopril ACEi, taken by consecutive sampling from January-July 2014. The data was collected using structured interviews and from medical record. Dry cough incidence due to ACEi was evaluated using Naranjo Algorithm and the data was analyzed using Chi Square test. Dry cough incidence was found in 19,44% of sample. No significant relationship of age, gender, tribe, comorbidity, body mass index (BMI), dosage, and duration of use with dry cough incidence due to the use of ACEi. Furthermore there is no difference in risk between the use of captopril group and non captopril ACEi group on dry cough incidence.;Use of angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEi) as an antihypertensive agent can cause side effects such as dry cough. This study aimed to evaluate the risk of ACEi administration with captopril as the standard against another ACEi on dry cough incidence in hypertensive patients from various tribes at RSUD Cengkareng West Jakarta and RSUD Tarakan Central Jakarta. The design of this study is prospective cohort. The inclusion criteria were patients who received ACEi as hypertension therapy for ≤ 3 months gathered from outpatient polyclinics and those willing to participate as sample in this study at RSUD Cengkareng West Jakarta and RSUD Tarakan Central Jakarta. Sample consist of 54 patients who received captopril and 54 patients received non captopril ACEi, taken by consecutive sampling from January-July 2014. The data was collected using structured interviews and from medical record. Dry cough incidence due to ACEi was evaluated using Naranjo Algorithm and the data was analyzed using Chi Square test. Dry cough incidence was found in 19,44% of sample. No significant relationship of age, gender, tribe, comorbidity, body mass index (BMI), dosage, and duration of use with dry cough incidence due to the use of ACEi. Furthermore there is no difference in risk between the use of captopril group and non captopril ACEi group on dry cough incidence., Use of angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEi) as an antihypertensive agent can cause side effects such as dry cough. This study aimed to evaluate the risk of ACEi administration with captopril as the standard against another ACEi on dry cough incidence in hypertensive patients from various tribes at RSUD Cengkareng West Jakarta and RSUD Tarakan Central Jakarta. The design of this study is prospective cohort. The inclusion criteria were patients who received ACEi as hypertension therapy for ≤ 3 months gathered from outpatient polyclinics and those willing to participate as sample in this study at RSUD Cengkareng West Jakarta and RSUD Tarakan Central Jakarta. Sample consist of 54 patients who received captopril and 54 patients received non captopril ACEi, taken by consecutive sampling from January-July 2014. The data was collected using structured interviews and from medical record. Dry cough incidence due to ACEi was evaluated using Naranjo Algorithm and the data was analyzed using Chi Square test. Dry cough incidence was found in 19,44% of sample. No significant relationship of age, gender, tribe, comorbidity, body mass index (BMI), dosage, and duration of use with dry cough incidence due to the use of ACEi. Furthermore there is no difference in risk between the use of captopril group and non captopril ACEi group on dry cough incidence.]"
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UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yuli Hastini
Telah dilakukan penetapan kadar oleum anisi dalam Obat Batuk Putih dengan menggunakan alat kromatografi gas dengan detektor FID. Sampel Obat Batuk Putih diperoleh dari lima wilayah di DKI Jakarta. Sampel yang diperoleh diekstraksi dengan petroleum eter, kemudian dianalisa dengan kromatografi gas untuk mengukur kadar anetol dalam oleum anisi dengan menggunakan kamfor sebagai baku dalam. Pada percobaan ini dilakukan pemrograman temperatur kolom, dengan temperatur kolom mula-mula 600C dinaikkan 10 0C /menit sampai 160°C. Dari 51 sampel yang diperiksa hanya 2 macam yang memenuhi persyaratan (Nederland Pharmacopoeia V), sedangkan yang lain tidak memenuhi persyaratan."
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Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 1992
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kevin Bharata
"Latar Belakang Gejala common cold pada COVID-19 dan penyakit respirasi lain menyerupai satu sama lain sehingga seseorang yang mengalami gejala sering kali tidak melakukan perilaku preventif yang sesuai. Untuk mengatasi gejala tersebut, perilaku kesehatan yang sering diterapkan di masa pandemi COVID-19 adalah swamedikasi (self-medication). Swamedikasi ini dapat dipengaruhi oleh pengetahuan dan sikap karena perilaku kesehatan yang baik umumnya didahului oleh pengetahuan dan sikap yang baik juga. Akan tetapi, belum banyak studi yang meneliti hubungan antara pengetahuan dan sikap terhadap COVID-19 dengan swamedikasi common cold. Metode Penelitian dilakukan secara cross-sectional dengan data primer yang diperoleh melalui kuesioner yang sudah divalidasi oleh penelitian sebelumnya. Kuesioner yang digunakan menilai pengetahuan dan sikap terhadap COVID-19, serta perilaku swamedikasi masyarakat ketika mengalami gejala common cold. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Kelurahan Panjunan, Cirebon, dan sekitarnya sebagai wilayah binaan Pengabdian Masyarakat FKUI. Data dianalisis dengan uji Fisher dan dihitung rasio odds dengan interval kepercayaan 95%. Hasil analisis signifikan apabila p<0,05. Hasil Dari 94 responden, 86,2% memiliki pengetahuan baik, dan 95,7% memiliki sikap positif terhadap COVID-19. Sebanyak 95,7% responden mempraktikkan swamedikasi common cold. Tidak ditemukan perbedaan yang bermakna antara pengetahuan dan sikap masyarakat mengenai COVID-19 dengan swamedikasi common cold di Kelurahan Panjunan, Cirebon dan sekitarnya. Kesimpulan Pengetahuan dan sikap terhadap COVID-19 di Kelurahan Panjunan, Cirebon dan sekitarnya sudah tergolong baik. Selain itu, swamedikasi untuk gejala common cold merupakan perilaku kesehatan yang sering dilakukan oleh masyarakat di daerah tersebut. Maka dari itu, pengaturan kebijakan dan peningkatan kesadaran masyarakat melalui edukasi mengenai swamedikasi yang tepat perlu menjadi perhatian bagi Pemerintah dan stakeholder kesehatan lainnya.

Introduction Symptoms of the common cold in COVID-19 and other respiratory diseases resemble each other so someone who experiences these symptoms often do not carry out appropriate preventive behavior. In an attempt to alleviate these symptoms, the health behavior that is often practiced in the COVID-19 pandemic is self-medication. This selfmedication behavior can be influenced by knowledge and attitudes because good health behavior is generally preceded by good knowledge and attitudes as well. However, not many studies have examined the relationship between knowledge and attitude towards COVID-19 and self-medication for the common cold. Method The research was done with a cross-sectional design with primary data obtained through questionnaires that had been validated by previous research. The questionnaire used assesses knowledge and attitudes towards COVID-19, as well as people's self-medication behavior when experiencing symptoms of the common cold. The research was done in Kelurahan Panjunan, Cirebon, and surrounding areas as it is one of the areas supported by FKUI. Data were analyzed using Fisher's exact test and odds ratios with 95% confidence intervals were calculated. The results are significant if p value <0.05. Results Of the 94 respondents, 86,2% had good knowledge, and 95,7% had a positive attitude towards COVID-19. 95,7% of respondents practiced self-medication towards common cold. No significant differences were found between knowledge and attitudes about COVID-19 and self-medication for the common cold in Kelurahan Panjunan, Cirebon and its surrounding areas. Conclusion Knowledge and attitude towards COVID-19 in Kelurahan Panjunan, Cirebon and its surrounding areas are good. Self-medication for the common cold is a health behavior that is often carried out by the community in those areas. Therefore, setting regulations and increasing public awareness through education regarding proper self-medication for the common cold needs to be a concern for the government and other health stakeholders."
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Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ayu Tiarno Lestari
Pneumonia adalah penyakit infeksi yang menular melalui udara. Karakteristik kota yang memiliki kepadatan penduduk, pemukiman dan transportasi, membuat penyebaran pneumonia menjadi lebih mudah. Salah satu masalah keperawatan pada pneumonia adalah ketidakefektifan bersihan jalan nafas. Studi kasus ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pemberian intervensi yaitu batuk efektif, positioning, dan inhalasi pada klien dengan Closed Pathological Fracture Bilateral dengan Community Acquired Pneumonia. Hasil yang diperoleh yaitu pengeluaran sekret yang kurang maksimal berhubungan dengan keterbatasan pasien dalam melakukan mobilisasi dan positoning karena nyeri akibat fraktur. Rekomendasi untuk intervensi selanjutnya adalah pemberian posisi semi fowler 45 atau tegak lurus harus diupayakan agar terjadi pengembangan ekspansi paru yang dapat meningkatkan tekanan ekspirasi maksimum yang memudahkan dalam pengeluaran sekret.

Pneumonia is an airbone infectious disease. Urban is characterized by its density of residents, living area and transportation which make the spreading of infectious disease is easier. One of the nursing problem of Pneumonia is Ineffective Airway Clearance. This case study was conducted to analyze the intervention of the effective cough, positioning and inhalation for client who had closed pathological bilateral fracture with community acquired pneumonia. The results of the intervention showed less optimal in mucous secretion related to client rsquo s immobilization and position because of pain due to fractures. This study recommend nurses should give positioning for 45 semi fowler or sit to maximize the pulmonary expansion which may increase the maximum expiratory pressure which facilitates the discharge of secretions."
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UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
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