Hepatitis imbas obat termasuk salah satu efek samping serius dari Obat Anti Tuberkulosis (OAT) yang dapat menurunkan kepatuhan pasien tuberkulosis dalam menjalani pengobatan sehingga dapat meningkatkan risiko kegagalan pengobatan atau berkembang menjadi resistensi obat. Salah satu mekanisme hepatitis imbas obat adalah terjadinya stres oksidatif akibat pembentukan metabolit reaktif, terganggunya rantai respirasi mitokondria, dan menurunnya pool enzim antioksidan yang dapat dipicu oleh OAT. Vitamin C merupakan antioksidan potensial yang diketahui memiliki efek protektif pada kerusakan hati akibat obat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mencari hubungan antara asupan vitamin C dengan kejadian hepatitis imbas OAT pada pasien tuberkulosis paru. Studi potong lintang dilakukan di RSUP Persahabatan pada bulan Februari – Maret 2024. Sebanyak 108 pasien yang memenuhi kriteria menjadi subjek penelitian. Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan wawancara kuesioner sosiodemografi, pengukuran antropometri, penilaian asupan vitamin dengan SQ FFQ, dan data hasil laboratorium fungsi hati subjek dalam 1 bulan terakhir. Proporsi hepatitis imbas obat pada pasien TB paru di penelitian ini sebesar 6.5%. Mayoritas subjek berjenis kelamin laki-laki (54.6%) dan memiliki nilai tengah usia 41 tahun. Sebagian besar berstatus gizi BB kurang (40.7%), dengan tingkat pendidikan tamat sekolah menengah (73.1%), dan pendapatan kurang (72.2%). Sebanyak 40.7% memiliki penyakit penyerta, 4.6% berstatus positif HIV, 43.5% mengonsumsi obat lain bersama dengan OAT, 52.8% tidak merokok, dan 7.4% subjek mengonsumsi alkohol. Lebih dari separuh subjek berada pada fase pengobatan intensif (56.5%) dan memiliki status bakteriologis positif (50.9%). Umumnya subjek tidak mengonsumsi suplemen vitamin C (85.2%). Sebagian besar pasien memiliki asupan vitamin E dan C yang rendah (97.2% dan 63.0%) dengan nilai tengah asupan sebesar 1.20mg/hari dan 66.65mg/hari. Tidak terdapat hubungan antara asupan vitamin C dengan kejadian hepatitis imbas OAT (OR 3.77 IK 95% 0.44-32.55, nilai p 0.256). Tidak terdapat pula faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kejadian hepatitis imbas OAT pada penelitian ini. ......Drug-induced hepatitis is one of the serious side effects of anti-tuberculosis drugs (ATD) that can reduce patient compliance in tuberculosis treatment, thus increasing the risk of treatment failure or developing drug resistance. One of the proposed mechanisms is the occurrence of oxidative stress due to the formation of reactive metabolites, disruption of the mitochondrial respiration chain, and decreased antioxidant enzyme pools that can be triggered by ATD. Vitamin C is a potential antioxidant that is known to have a protective effect on drug-induced liver damage. This study aims to find the relationship between vitamin C intake and the incidence of ATD-induced hepatitis in pulmonary tuberculosis patients. A cross-sectional study was conducted at Persahabatan General Hospital from February to March 2024. A total of 108 patients who met the criteria became research subjects. Data were collected using sociodemographic questionnaire interviews, anthropometric measurements, assessment of vitamin intake with the SQ FFQ, and data on the subject's liver function laboratory results in the last 1 month. The proportion of drug-induced hepatitis in pulmonary TB patients in this study was 6.5%. The majority of subjects were male (54.6%) and had a median age of 41 years. Most of them had poor nutritional status (40.7%), with completed secondary school education (73.1%), and low income (72.2%). A total of 40.7% had comorbidities, 4.6% were HIV positive, 43.5% took other drugs along with ATD, 52.8% did not smoke, and 7.4% of subjects consumed alcohol. More than half of the subjects were in the intensive phase (56.5%) and had positive bacteriological status (50.9%). Many subjects did not take vitamin C supplements (85.2%). Most patients had low intakes of vitamins E and C (97.2% and 63.0%) with median intake values ââwere 1.20 mg/day and 66.65 mg/day. There was no relationship between vitamin C intake and the incidence of ATD-induced hepatitis (OR 3.77 95% CI 0.44-32.55, p value 0.256). There were also no factors that influenced the incidence of OAT-induced hepatitis in this study.