Hasil: Terdapat 59 donor hati di RSCM. 3 subjek tidak bisa dihubungi, 1 subjek menolak untuk menjadi subjek penelitian. Kualitas hidup donor hati pada memiliki median domain fisik 69 (44-100), pada doman psikologis 69 (50-94), domain hubungan sosial 65 (44-100) dan domain lingkungan 69 (31-94). Tidak terdapat perbedaan bermakna antara kualitas hidup donor hati sintas dan nonsintas pada domain fisik (p=0,466), domain psikologis (p=1,00), domain hubungan social (p=0,77) dan domain lingkungan (p=0,13).
Kesimpulan: Subjek donor transplantasi hati di RSCM memiliki kualitas hidup yang baik. Tidak ada perbedaan bermakna kualitas hidup subjek donor transplantasi hati antara resipien sintas dan non sintas. ......Background: Liver donors are healthy people. The quality of liver transplantation is assessed based on the quality of life of donors and recipients. Evaluation of the quality of life of liver donors with surviving and non-surviving recipients is important for liver transplant centers. Method: Quality of life of liver donors in RSCM was assessed using World Health Organization Quality of Life questionnaire abbreviated version (WHOQoL-BREF). The quality of life of donors with surviving and non-surviving recipients is compared.
Result: There are 59 liver donors in RSCM. Three subjects could not be contacted, one subject refused to participate in this research. Donors’ Quality of life physical domain median was 69 (44-100), psychological domain median was 69 (50-94), social relation domain median was 65 (44-100), and environmental domain median was 69 (31-94). There were no significant differences between the quality of life of donors with surviving and non-surviving recipient in physical domain (p=0,466), psychological domain (p=1,00), social relation domain (p=0,77), and environmental domain (p=0,13). Conclusion: Liver donors in RSCM have good quality of life. There were no significant differences in quality of life of liver donors between Bedah Digestifsurviving and non-surviving liver recipients.