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Ditemukan 8 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Nirwana Rifani Farasati
Abstrak :
Fenomena “pernyaian” pada masa kolonial dan cerita peranakan Tionghoa merupakan dua aspek yang tidak terpisahkan. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengkaji representasi perempuan pada novelet Njai Isah terbitan tahun 1931. Representasi diteliti melalui tokoh perempuan yang mewakili bangsa Eropa, Peranakan Tionghoa, dan pribumi. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif. Analisis dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teori representasi dari Stuart Hall. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan terdapat ketimpangan ras dalam novelet Njai Isah. Hal itu terlihat pada perempuan peranakan Tionghoa yang digambarkan jauh lebih baik daripada perempuan Eropa dan pribumi. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa timbulnya diskriminasi ras pada karya sastra Melayu Tionghoa yang ditulis oleh penulis Peranakan Tionghoa, disebabkan oleh adanya tujuan untuk membangun citra baik pada etnis Tionghoa sebagai kaum minoritas. ......The phenomenon of "pernyaian" during the colonial period and the Chinese Peranakan story are two inseparable aspects. This research aims to examine the representation of women in the novelette Njai Isah published in 1931. Representation is examined through female characters who represent Europeans, Peranakan Chinese and natives. The method used in this research is qualitative method. The analysis in this research uses Stuart Hall's representation theory. The results of this research show that there is racial inequality in the Njai Isah novelette. This can be seen in Peranakan Chinese women who are described as being much better than European and native women. This research concludes that the emergence of racial discrimination in Malay Chinese literary works written by Peranakan Chinese writers is caused by the aim of building a good image of ethnic Chinese as a minority.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Makalah dan Kertas Kerja  Universitas Indonesia Library
Andin Andiyasari
Abstrak :
Pengalaman tertekan dengan perubahan-perubahan yang terjadi akibat proses akulturasi didefinisikan sebagai acculturative stress (Berry dalam Organista, Chun, & Marin, 1998). Acculturative stress tergantung pada sejumlah faktor-faktor perantara, termasuk diantaranya adalah karakter kelompok dominan, strategi akulturasi yang dilakukan kelompok minoritas, bentuk-bentuk akulturasi yang dialami, kondisi demografi, sosial, serta karakteristik psikologis dari kelompok maupun anggota kelompok. Masing-masing faktor ini dapat mempengaruhi level acculturative stress (Berry dalam Organista, Chun & Maria, 1998). Faktor-faktor perantara yang lain adalah bagaimana kelompok dominan menggunakan pengaruh-pengaruhnya pada proses akulturasi dan tingkat pluralisme dalam masyarakat (Murphy, 1965 dalam Berry, 1989). Acculturative stress merupakan konsekuensi dari proses akulturasi, tetapi kemungkinan terjadinya dapat berkurang secara signifikan jika partisipasi dalam masyarakat dan pertahanan kultur yang diwariskan didukung oleh kebijakan dan praktek di dalam masyarakat. Acculturative stress juga diketahui berdampak pada tingkat personal, beberapa diantaranya adalah menurunnya kesehatan (fisik, sosial, dan psikologis), menurunnya tingkat motivasi, perasaan terasing, dan meningkatnya penyimpangan sosial. Etnis Cina di Jakarta sebagai etnis minoritas tennasuk salah satu etnis yang mengalami proses akulturasi. Bagaimana accullurative stress terjadi pada etnis Cina di Jakarta merupakan pokok permasalahan yang dibahas dalam penelitian ini. Model konseptual yang diuji didasarkan pada model Liebkind (1996), yaitu `Migration Contigencies and Acculturative Stress'. Model ini merupakan modifikasi dari teori acculturative stress Berry (1992) dan Beyser (1991). Pengujian model konseptual menggunakan teknik Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) dengan bantuan program LISREL. Model ini terdiri dari satu variabel exogeneous (diskriminasi) dan tiga variabel endogeneous (tingkat akulturasi, identitas etnis, dan acculturative stress). Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui kuesioner self-report yang terdiri dari tujuh instrumen (perceived discrimination, reaksi emosional alas racial discrimination, tingkat akulturasi, identitas etnis, perceived stress, dan Chinese Depressive Symptom). Sebanyak 313 kuesioner yang dapat dianalisis dari 360 kuesioner yang disebar secara proporsional berdasarkan penyebaran populasi etnis Cina di lima wilayah di DKI Jakarta. Dari pengujian diketahui bahwa model konseptual yang diadaptasi dari "Migration Contigencies and Acculturative Stress" Liebkind yang meramalkan acculturative stress pada kelompok etnis minoritas, dalam hal ini kelompok etnis Cina di Jakarta, ternyata terbukti signifikan secara statistik. Goodness of Fit yang diperoleh adalah Chi square (x') =6.62, DF=5, pada p-value=0.23, RMSEA=0.032, GPI=0.99, CF1=1.00, dan NFI=0.99 menunjukkan bahwa data fit dengan model. Dengan demikian acculturative stress dapat diramalkan melalui variabel diskriminasi, akulturasi, dan identitas etnis. Dari pengujian model, didapat hubungan langsung yang positif antara diskriminasi dan acculturative stress. Hal ini berarti semakin individu merasakan diskriminasi semakin tinggi acculturative stress-nya. identitas etnis menjadi variabel tidak langsung dari pengaruh diskriminasi terhadap acculturative stress. Dengan adanya perantara identitas etnis maka pengaruh diskriminasi terhadap acculturative stress menjadi lebih kecil. Terdapat hubungan tidak langsung antara diskriminasi dan acculturative stress melalui perantara akulturasi dan identitas etnis. Variabel identitas etnis memberikan pengaruh yang lebih besar bila dibandingkan variabel akulturasi_ Disamping itu, terbukti signifikan adanya hubungan langsung yang positif antara low self-esteem dengan acculturative stress. Pengujian model juga membuktikan adanya perbedaan model acculturative stress berdasarkan gender. Pada perempuan, acculturative stress dipengaruhi secara langsung oleh diskriminasi dan terdapat pengaruh tidak langsung diskriminasi terhadap acculturative stress melalui identitas etnis. Pada laki-Iaki diskriminasi berpengaruh langsung terhadap acculturative stress, namun tidak terdapat pengaruh tidak langsung dari identitas etnis. Demikian jugs pada pengujian model acculturative stress berdasarkan identifikasi etnis (Tionghoa keturunan, Tionghoa Indonesia, dan Orang Indonesia) terdapat hubungan langsung antara diskriminasi dengan acculturative stress, namun tidak terdapat pengaruh identitas etnis sebagai variabel perantara dari diskriminasi terhadap acculturative stress.
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rotua Elisabeth
Abstrak :
Tesis ini membahas tentang fenomena kekerasan rasial yang dilakukan oleh kelompok Neonazi ektrem kanan, Nationalsozialistischer Untergrund NSU .Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa keberadaan serta peningkatan jumlah imigran asing terkhusus imigran Turki di Jerman tanpa disadari telah menjadi pemicu tindakan kekerasan serta teror pembunuhan yang dilakukan oleh kelompok Nationalsozialistischer Untergrund NSU . Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif yang menggunakan koran online der Spiegel sebagai korpus penelitian.Berdasarkan studi kasus kelompok Nationalsozialistischer Untergrund NSU dalam der Spiegel, kelalaian Dewan Perlindungan Konstitusi Jerman sejogyanya tidak terulang kembali di kemudian. Untuk itu pemerintah Jerman beserta masyarakat perlu secara cermat menyikapi situasi yang mengarah kepada racial discrimination dan hate crime. ...... The focus of this study is about racial discrimination and hate crime conducted by Neonazi right wing group, Nasionalsozialistischer Untergrund NSU .The result of this research showed that the presence and the increasing number of foreign immigrants especially Turkish immigrants in Germany unwittingly triggered the violent acts of terror and murder commited by Nasionalsozialistischer Untergrund NSU . This study is a qualitative study using German online newspaper, der Spiegel as research corpus.Based on case studies of Nasionalsozialistischer Untergrund NSU in der Spiegel, the negligence of German federal officer for the protection of the constitution Verfassungsschutz should not happen again in the future. German government and citizens need to look carefully at the situations that can lead to racial discrimination and hate crime.
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Johanna G.S.D. Poerba
Abstrak :
Pada tahun 1998 terjadi dua peristiwa yang memberikan dampak penting terhadap warga etnis Tionghoa di Indonesia.Peristiwa pertama adalah Kerusuhan Mei 1998 yang dilanjutkan oleh peristiwa berikutnya yaitu turunnya Soeharto dari kursi presiden yang menandai berakhirnya pemerintahan Orde Baru. Kerusuhan Mei 1998 yang sarat akan sentimen anti-Tionghoa dan memakan banyak korban warga etnis Tionghoa justru menciptakan sebuah titik balik dalam gerakan warga Tionghoa. Penelitian ini ditujukan untuk mengetahui proses berdirinya organisasi massa bernama Perhimpunan Indonesia Tionghoa (INTI) dan sejauh apa kiprahnya dalam upaya integrasi dengan warga etnis lainnya serta upaya pemenuhan hak WNI keturunan Tionghoa. Sumber-sumber data untuk penelitian ini diperoleh dari buku-buku, jurnal, koran, serta arsip yang didapatkan dari berbagai sumber seperti Arsip Nasional Republik Indonesia dan arsip Perhimpunan INTI. Kontribusi dari Perhimpunan INTI tidak begitu disorot dalam koran-koran nasional pada masa awal berdirinya sehingga sumber utama berasal dari wawancara dengan beberapa pendiri organisasi.Tidak semua upaya sepenuhnya dilakukan oleh warga Tionghoa semata tetapi juga terdapat kontribusi dari tokoh-tokoh dengan latar belakang etnis yang berbeda.Ini pun menunjukkan bahwa Perhimpunan INTI berhasil meraih simpati dari berbagai kalangan yang menjadi sebuah langkah awal yang penting dalam upaya integrasi.
ABSTRACT During 1998, there were two events that had important impacts on Chinese ethnic in Indonesia. The first was May 1998 Riot, which followed by the second event, i.e. the fall of Soeharto and the end of the New Order government in Indonesia. Mei 1998 Riots, which was filled with anti-Chinese sentiment and took a lot of victims of Chinese ethnic, created a turning point in the Indonesian Chinese movement. This research aims to explore the process of the establishment of the Association of the Indonesian Chinese (Perhimpunan INTI) and its contribution tothe integration of the Indonesian Chinese ethnic with other ethnicsas well as thefulfillment ofthe Indonesian Chinese rights. Data is coming from books, journals, newspapers, and archives, which is provided in libraries of ANRI (Arsip Nasional Republik Indonesia) and Association of the Indonesian Chinese. However, its contribution to the above goals is hardly found in national newspapers at the beginning of its foundation; therefore this research will use interviews with some Association of the Indonesian Chinese founders as its main data (information). It is clear from this research that the success of Association of the Indonesian Chinese does not result from Indonesian Chinese efforts alone, but also from other ethnic supports. Those supports have become proves that Association of the Indonesian Chinese has been winning a sympathy from many people.;During 1998, there were two events that had important impacts on Chinese ethnic in Indonesia. The first was May 1998 Riot, which followed by the second event, i.e. the fall of Soeharto and the end of the New Order government in Indonesia. Mei 1998 Riots, which was filled with anti-Chinese sentiment and took a lot of victims of Chinese ethnic, created a turning point in the Indonesian Chinese movement. This research aims to explore the process of the establishment of the Association of the Indonesian Chinese (Perhimpunan INTI) and its contribution tothe integration of the Indonesian Chinese ethnic with other ethnicsas well as thefulfillment ofthe Indonesian Chinese rights. Data is coming from books, journals, newspapers, and archives, which is provided in libraries of ANRI (Arsip Nasional Republik Indonesia) and Association of the Indonesian Chinese. However, its contribution to the above goals is hardly found in national newspapers at the beginning of its foundation; therefore this research will use interviews with some Association of the Indonesian Chinese founders as its main data (information). It is clear from this research that the success of Association of the Indonesian Chinese does not result from Indonesian Chinese efforts alone, but also from other ethnic supports. Those supports have become proves that Association of the Indonesian Chinese has been winning a sympathy from many people.;During 1998, there were two events that had important impacts on Chinese ethnic in Indonesia. The first was May 1998 Riot, which followed by the second event, i.e. the fall of Soeharto and the end of the New Order government in Indonesia. Mei 1998 Riots, which was filled with anti-Chinese sentiment and took a lot of victims of Chinese ethnic, created a turning point in the Indonesian Chinese movement. This research aims to explore the process of the establishment of the Association of the Indonesian Chinese (Perhimpunan INTI) and its contribution tothe integration of the Indonesian Chinese ethnic with other ethnicsas well as thefulfillment ofthe Indonesian Chinese rights. Data is coming from books, journals, newspapers, and archives, which is provided in libraries of ANRI (Arsip Nasional Republik Indonesia) and Association of the Indonesian Chinese. However, its contribution to the above goals is hardly found in national newspapers at the beginning of its foundation; therefore this research will use interviews with some Association of the Indonesian Chinese founders as its main data (information). It is clear from this research that the success of Association of the Indonesian Chinese does not result from Indonesian Chinese efforts alone, but also from other ethnic supports. Those supports have become proves that Association of the Indonesian Chinese has been winning a sympathy from many people.;During 1998, there were two events that had important impacts on Chinese ethnic in Indonesia. The first was May 1998 Riot, which followed by the second event, i.e. the fall of Soeharto and the end of the New Order government in Indonesia. Mei 1998 Riots, which was filled with anti-Chinese sentiment and took a lot of victims of Chinese ethnic, created a turning point in the Indonesian Chinese movement. This research aims to explore the process of the establishment of the Association of the Indonesian Chinese (Perhimpunan INTI) and its contribution tothe integration of the Indonesian Chinese ethnic with other ethnicsas well as thefulfillment ofthe Indonesian Chinese rights. Data is coming from books, journals, newspapers, and archives, which is provided in libraries of ANRI (Arsip Nasional Republik Indonesia) and Association of the Indonesian Chinese. However, its contribution to the above goals is hardly found in national newspapers at the beginning of its foundation; therefore this research will use interviews with some Association of the Indonesian Chinese founders as its main data (information). It is clear from this research that the success of Association of the Indonesian Chinese does not result from Indonesian Chinese efforts alone, but also from other ethnic supports. Those supports have become proves that Association of the Indonesian Chinese has been winning a sympathy from many people.;During 1998, there were two events that had important impacts on Chinese ethnic in Indonesia. The first was May 1998 Riot, which followed by the second event, i.e. the fall of Soeharto and the end of the New Order government in Indonesia. Mei 1998 Riots, which was filled with anti-Chinese sentiment and took a lot of victims of Chinese ethnic, created a turning point in the Indonesian Chinese movement. This research aims to explore the process of the establishment of the Association of the Indonesian Chinese (Perhimpunan INTI) and its contribution tothe integration of the Indonesian Chinese ethnic with other ethnicsas well as thefulfillment ofthe Indonesian Chinese rights. Data is coming from books, journals, newspapers, and archives, which is provided in libraries of ANRI (Arsip Nasional Republik Indonesia) and Association of the Indonesian Chinese. However, its contribution to the above goals is hardly found in national newspapers at the beginning of its foundation; therefore this research will use interviews with some Association of the Indonesian Chinese founders as its main data (information). It is clear from this research that the success of Association of the Indonesian Chinese does not result from Indonesian Chinese efforts alone, but also from other ethnic supports. Those supports have become proves that Association of the Indonesian Chinese has been winning a sympathy from many people.;During 1998, there were two events that had important impacts on Chinese ethnic in Indonesia. The first was May 1998 Riot, which followed by the second event, i.e. the fall of Soeharto and the end of the New Order government in Indonesia. Mei 1998 Riots, which was filled with anti-Chinese sentiment and took a lot of victims of Chinese ethnic, created a turning point in the Indonesian Chinese movement. This research aims to explore the process of the establishment of the Association of the Indonesian Chinese (Perhimpunan INTI) and its contribution tothe integration of the Indonesian Chinese ethnic with other ethnicsas well as thefulfillment ofthe Indonesian Chinese rights. Data is coming from books, journals, newspapers, and archives, which is provided in libraries of ANRI (Arsip Nasional Republik Indonesia) and Association of the Indonesian Chinese. However, its contribution to the above goals is hardly found in national newspapers at the beginning of its foundation; therefore this research will use interviews with some Association of the Indonesian Chinese founders as its main data (information). It is clear from this research that the success of Association of the Indonesian Chinese does not result from Indonesian Chinese efforts alone, but also from other ethnic supports. Those supports have become proves that Association of the Indonesian Chinese has been winning a sympathy from many people.;During 1998, there were two events that had important impacts on Chinese ethnic in Indonesia. The first was May 1998 Riot, which followed by the second event, i.e. the fall of Soeharto and the end of the New Order government in Indonesia. Mei 1998 Riots, which was filled with anti-Chinese sentiment and took a lot of victims of Chinese ethnic, created a turning point in the Indonesian Chinese movement. This research aims to explore the process of the establishment of the Association of the Indonesian Chinese (Perhimpunan INTI) and its contribution tothe integration of the Indonesian Chinese ethnic with other ethnicsas well as thefulfillment ofthe Indonesian Chinese rights. Data is coming from books, journals, newspapers, and archives, which is provided in libraries of ANRI (Arsip Nasional Republik Indonesia) and Association of the Indonesian Chinese. However, its contribution to the above goals is hardly found in national newspapers at the beginning of its foundation; therefore this research will use interviews with some Association of the Indonesian Chinese founders as its main data (information). It is clear from this research that the success of Association of the Indonesian Chinese does not result from Indonesian Chinese efforts alone, but also from other ethnic supports. Those supports have become proves that Association of the Indonesian Chinese has been winning a sympathy from many people., During 1998, there were two events that had important impacts on Chinese ethnic in Indonesia. The first was May 1998 Riot, which followed by the second event, i.e. the fall of Soeharto and the end of the New Order government in Indonesia. Mei 1998 Riots, which was filled with anti-Chinese sentiment and took a lot of victims of Chinese ethnic, created a turning point in the Indonesian Chinese movement. This research aims to explore the process of the establishment of the Association of the Indonesian Chinese (Perhimpunan INTI) and its contribution tothe integration of the Indonesian Chinese ethnic with other ethnicsas well as thefulfillment ofthe Indonesian Chinese rights. Data is coming from books, journals, newspapers, and archives, which is provided in libraries of ANRI (Arsip Nasional Republik Indonesia) and Association of the Indonesian Chinese. However, its contribution to the above goals is hardly found in national newspapers at the beginning of its foundation; therefore this research will use interviews with some Association of the Indonesian Chinese founders as its main data (information). It is clear from this research that the success of Association of the Indonesian Chinese does not result from Indonesian Chinese efforts alone, but also from other ethnic supports. Those supports have become proves that Association of the Indonesian Chinese has been winning a sympathy from many people.]
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Aisha Maura Puteri
Abstrak :
Artikel ini menganalisis normativitas ras kulit hitam dalam musik rap dan bagaimana pengaruhnya terhadap MC Asia Amerika dan Amerika kulit putih di Rap Battle (khususnya Jin the MC, Dumbfoundead, dan Eminem), nilai rap battle dalam kaitannya antara ras dan rap, dan bagaimana hubungan rap battle dengan ras dan rap berkontribusi pada faktor keberhasilan Jin The MC, Dumbfoundead, dan Eminem saat mereka menangani serangan rasisme dari lawan rap battle mereka. Korpus penelitian ini adalah film dokumenter tentang perjuangan Asia-Amerika di industri hip-hop berjudul Bad Rap (2016) serta film otobiografi Eminem, 8 Mile (2002). Studi ini menggunakan prinsip De La Garza and Ono's Critical Race Theory (2016) dan Edgar and Sedwick's New Criticism (1999) untuk menemukan pentingnya Rap Battle dalam hubungan antara ras dan rap serta bagaimana musik yang berasal dari seniman kulit hitam mempengaruhi ras non-kulit hitam MC tersebut; khususnya dalam karakteristik penampilan mereka sendiri, strategi untuk melawan serangan rasisme dari lawan, serta pengakuan dan pengembangan karir mereka di industri. Setelah itu, peneliti membahas kesenjangan dalam aspek rasial dan sosiokultural dari normativitas kulit hitam dalam rap dan bagaimana hal itu berkontribusi pada 'faktor keberhasilan' artis yang disebutkan ini sementara serangan rasisme memainkan peran kuat dari lawan ras kulit hitam Amerika. ......This article analyze the normativity of black race in rap music and how it affected Asian American and White American MCs in Rap Battle (specifically Jin the MC, Dumbfoundead, and Eminem), the importance of rap battle in connection between race and rap, and how rap battle’s connection with race and rap contributed to Jin the MC, Dumbfoundead, and Eminem’s success factors as they tackled racist attacks from their rap battle opponents. The corpus of the study is a documentary about Asian American’s struggle in the hip-hop industry called Bad Rap (2016) as well as Eminem’s revised-autobiography film 8 Mile (2002). The study uses De La Garza and Ono’s Critical Race Theory (2016) tenets and Edgar and Sedwick’s New Criticism (1999) to discover the importance of Rap Battle in connection between race and rap as well as the ways that black-originated music affected the nonblack MCs mentioned; specifically in their own performance characteristics, strategies to battle racist attacks from the opponents, as well as their recognition and career development in the industry. Following that, the researcher discussed a gap within racial and sociocultural aspects of black normativity in rap and how it contributed to the ‘success factors’ of these mentioned artists whilst racist attacks played a strong role from Black American opponents.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mochamad Reza Aryaswara
Abstrak :
Isu diskriminasi sosial terhadap kaum minoritas masih menjadi permasalahan sensitif yang masih sulit untuk diselesaikan. Selaras dengan hal itu, Prancis menjadi salah satu negara dengan tingkat diskriminasi rasial yang masih terbilang tinggi (RFI, 2023) Kery James, seorang rapper, kerap kali mengangkat isu rasisme dalam lagunya, seperti dalam “Le Poète Noir” yang secara implisit menampilkan kritik terhadap diskriminasi rasial terhadap kaum minoritas. Dalam hal ini, musik dapat menjadi media penyampaian kritik atas isu sosial yang terjadi di masyarakat, termasuk permasalahan diskriminasi rasial. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperlihatkan adanya resistensi wacana diskriminasi sosial melalui pemilihan diksi dan penggunaan gaya bahasa sebagai media fokalisasi kaum minoritas yang terdiskriminasi di dalam lirik lagu “Le Poète Noir” karya Kery James. Melalui metode kualitatifdengan teknik studi kepustakaan, penelitian ini menggunakan teori struktural puisi Schmitt & Viala (1982), teori analisis komponen makna Leech (1982), dan teori aktivitas diskriminasi Baron & Byrne (1997). Ditemukan bahwa eksistensi kritik sosial atas diskriminasi ditunjukkan melalui dominasi penggunaan aliterasi, asonansi, dan metafora pada lagu untuk mendukung pemberian makna penderitaan dan perjuangan sebagai bentuk kritik atas tindakan diskriminasi rasial. ......The issue of social discrimination against minorities is still a sensitive issue that is still difficult to resolve. In line with this, France is one of the countries with a high level of racial discrimination (RFI, 2023) Kery James, a rapper, often raises issues of racism in his songs, such as in "Le Poète Noir" which implicitly criticizes racial discrimination against minorities. In this case, music can be a medium to convey criticism of social issues that occur in society, including the problem of racial discrimination. This research aims to show the resistance of social discrimination discourse through the selection of diction and the use of language styles as a medium of focalization of discriminated minorities in the lyrics of the song "Le Poète Noir" by Kery James. Through qualitative method with literature study technique, this research uses Schmitt & Viala's structural theory of poetry (1982), Leech's theory of componential analysing of meaning (1982), and Baron & Byrne's theory of discrimination activity (1997). It was found that the existence of social criticism of discrimination is shown through the dominant use of alliteration, assonance, and metaphor in the song to support the meaning of suffering and struggle as a form of criticism of acts of racial discrimination.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Makalah dan Kertas Kerja  Universitas Indonesia Library
Adies Caesarian
Abstrak :
Produk hukum yang bersumber dari aktivitas organisasi internasional banyak memberikan kontribusi bagi perkembangan sumber hukum internasional. Kebanyakan instrumen ini hadir sebagai pelengkap dari perjanjian konstitutifnya dengan sifat yang tidak mengikat, tetapi tidak dipungkiri memiliki signifikansi sebagai sumber hukum. Berkaitan dengan ini, Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD) merupakan badan ciptaan dari International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (ICERD) yang secara khusus diberikan mandat untuk mengawasi implementasi kewajiban Negara pihak yang lahir dari ICERD. Untuk menjalankan mandatnya, CERD dapat mengeluarkan General Recommendationsebagai panduan bagi Negara pihak dalam memahami ketentuan ICERD sehingga Negara dapat melaksanakan kewajibannya dengan lebih baik. Selain bagi Negara pihak, General Recommendation juga digunakan oleh organ yudisial, seperti International Court of Justice (ICJ) sebagai pertimbangan untuk memahami suatu ketentuan Konvensi. Hal ini tercermin dari praktik ICJ dalam pertimbangan Putusan Diallo, Belgia melawan Senegal, Wall Advisory Opinion, dan IFAD Advisory Opinion. Dengan menggunakan metode yuridis-normatif dan data sekunder, penelitian ini berusaha untuk mengetahui posisi General Recommendation sebagai sumber hukum internasional, mengamati praktik ICJ sebelumnya dalam menggunakan General Recommendation sebagai bahan pertimbangan, serta menganalisis pertimbangan ICJ terhadap General Recommendation No.30 Tahun 2004 dari CERD dalam perkara Qatar melawan UEA. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa ICJ tidak menggunakan General Recommendation No.30 Tahun 2004 untuk menginterpretasikan ketentuan dalam ICERD tanpa mengelaborasikan alasannya. Meskipun hal ini dapat dilakukan oleh ICJ karena ICJ tidak wajib mengikuti interpretasi dari CERD ataupun preseden sebelumnya, hal ini menyimpang dari praktik-praktik ICJ sebelumnya. Sehubungan dengan itu, penggunaan General Recommendation sebagai sarana interpretasi oleh ICJ dapat dilihat sebagai supplementary means of interpretation dalam kaitannya dengan posisi General Recommendation sebagai sumber hukum subsider. Penelitian ini menyarankan General Recommendation diberikan pertimbangan yang besar terhadap suatu pertimbangan interpretasi ketentuan perjanjian HAM internasional. Pun ketika ICJ memilih untuk menyimpang dari interpretasi General Recommendation, hendaknya memberikan justifikasinya demi menjaga konsistensi putusannya. ......Sources of law originating from the activities of international organizations contribute a lot to the development of sources of international law. Most of these instruments are complements to the constitutive agreement with a non-binding nature, but it is undeniable that they have a certain legal significance as a source of law. In this regard, the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (“CERD”) is an organ created by the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (“ICERD”) which is specifically mandated to monitor the implementation of obligations of ICERD States parties. To carry out its mandate, CERD can issue General Recommendations as a guide for States parties in understanding the provisions of ICERD so that States can carry out their obligations better. In addition to State parties, the General Recommendation is also used by judicial organs, such as the International Court of Justice (“ICJ”) as considerations to interpret International Human Rights Law Convention’s certain provisions. This is reflected in ICJ's practices such as Diallo Judgement, Belgium v. Senegal Judgement, Wall Advisory Opinion, and IFAD Advisory Opinion. By using juridical-normative methods and secondary data, this study aims to locate General Recommendation as a source of international law, observe previous ICJ practices in using General Recommendations as considerations, and further analyse ICJ's considerations on CERD’s General Recommendation No. 30 (2004) in the Qatar v. UAE Judgement. This study concludes that ICJ does not use General Recommendation No. 30 of 2004 to interpret the provisions in ICERD without providing its justification. While this is a common and reasonable practice by the ICJ—as they are not obliged to follow the interpretation of the CERD nor ICJ’s previous precedents—this Judgement deviates from previous ICJ practices. The relation of General Recommendation as a means of interpretation by the ICJ can be seen as a supplementary means of interpretation as this closely relates to the General Recommendation position as a subsidiary source of international law. This study suggests that the General Recommendation is given great weight to the consideration of the interpretation of International Human Rights treaties. In a situation where ICJ chooses to dismiss the interpretation of the General Recommendation, ICJ should provide its justification in doing so to maintain the consistency of ICJ’s jurisprudence.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mukherjee, Sujata
Abstrak :
This book analyses the interface between medicine and colonial society through the lens of gender. Based on hitherto unused primary sources the work traces how since almost the beginning of the nineteenth century the growth of hospital medicine in Bengal created a space, albeit small, for providing Western health care to female patients. It observes that, unlike in the colonial setup, before the advent of hospital medicine women were treated mostly by female practitioners of indigenous therapies who had commendable skill as practitioners. The book also explores the linkages of growth of medical education for women and the role of the Indian reformers as well as British administrators in this process. The manuscript tackles several crucial questions including those of racial discrimination, reproductive health practices, sexual health, famines and mortality, and the role of womens agencies and other organizations in popularizing Western medicine and health care. Thus this work, explores the different processes which contributed towards the shaping of the discursive domain of medicine with a bearing on womens health as well as highlights different dimensions of empirical developments. In the process it enriches our understanding of colonialism, gender, and politics of medicine in the nineteenth and twentieth century in a novel way.
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library