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Ditemukan 28 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Gary Ekatama Bangun
"Tesis ini membahas tentang evaluasi Integrasi Angkutan Pengumpan ke Dalam Sistem Bus Rapid Transit pada segmen angkutan bus kecil melalui program Mikrotrans Jaklingko, yang merupakan salah satu layanan Transjakarta pada segmen angkutan bus kecil yang bertujuan untuk mengintegrasikan angkutan pengumpan ke dalam sistem bus rapid transit dalam rangka memberikan layanan transportasi umum yang terjangkau dan berkualitas kepada masyarakat, kehadiran program ini juga bertujuan untuk memperbaiki pola operasional transportasi umum, terutama di segmen angkutan bus kecil agar memenuhi SPM yang telah ditetapkan. Penelitian ini menggunakan model evaluasi CIPP yang digagas oleh Stufflebeam. Pendekatan penelitian yang digunakan adalah post-positivism dengan pengumpulan data secara kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat sejumlah kendala dari pelaksanaan Mikrotrans Jaklingko dari segi Input yang berdampak kepada dimensi lain yaitu Dimensi Process dan Product. Terdapat beberapa rekomendasi yang dapat diberikan antara lain penyediaan tempat khusus penyimpanan armada, optimalisasi sarana penyediaan informasi, pembakuan syarat dan ketentuan di dalam Surat Keputusan, dan juga pengevaluasian trayek existing untuk keperluan penyesuaian jumlah armada.

This thesis discusses the evaluation of Integration of Feeder Transport into the Bus Rapid Transit System policy for the small bus segment through Mikrotrans Jaklingko program, which is one of the Transjakarta services in the small bus transportation segment which aims to integrate feeder transportation into the bus rapid transit system in order to provide affordable and quality public transportation services to the community, the presence of this program also aims to improve the operational pattern of public transportation, especially in the small bus segment so that it meets predetermined SPM. This study uses the CIPP evaluation model initiated by Stufflebeam. The research approach used is post-positivism with qualitative data collection. The results of the study indicate that there are a number of obstacles to the implementation of Mikrotrans Jaklingko in terms of input which have an impact on other dimensions, namely the Process and Product Dimensions. There are several recommendations that can be given, including providing a special place for storing fleets, optimizing information provision facilities, standardizing terms and conditions in Decrees, as well as evaluating existing routes for the purpose of adjusting the number of fleets."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tiwiek Darmawanti
"Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis pelaksanaan program RSBI di Kota Depok dengan menggunakan model CIPP (Context, Input, Process, Product). Pendekatan yang dipakai adalah pendekatan positivisme. Subyek penelitian adalah kepala sekolah, penanggungjawab program, gum pengajar, siswa, kepala tata usaha, unsur Dinas Pendidikan Kota, dan pengamat pendidikan SMA RSBI di Kota Depok. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pada komponen konteks, keempat sekolah memulai program rintisan setelah ditunjuk pemerintah melalui surat resmi, pada komponen input keempat sekolah menerapkan sistem seleksi bertahap dalam penerimaan siswa baru, pada komponen proses keempatnya meneraplcan pembelajaran berbasis ICI pembelajaran secara billingual dan adopsi serta adaptasi kurikulum nasional dengan kurikulum luar negeri, dan di komponen output menunjukkan lulusan keempat sekolah mempunyai nilai rerata UN di atas 7,0 dan rerata keterserapan lulusan di perguruan tinggi terkemuka di dalam maupun di luar negeri sebesar 85%.

The objective of this study is to analyze the impiementation of Pioneering International Standard Senior High School (RSBI) viewed from school?s input, process, output and outcome paradigm. This research employs positivism approach. The subject consists of school principals, coordinator of RSBI program, class teachers, the head of administration section, class student, and school stakeholders. Results show that, from context side, all the four-schools begun their program after they had been granted with govemment?s official certificate as an operator of pioneering program. From input side, the recruitment system for new students, all the four-schools use phases selection. From process side, the four schools implement ICT based leaming, learning process conducted bilingually and also adopting and adapting national curriculum with intemational curriculum. Output side, the graduated students from all schools have high percentage for national examination (UN) in average is above 7.0 and the means of students who are accepted in prominent universities in and out of this country is 85%."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2010
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fuat Iskandar
"Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis pelaksanaan program pendampingan penyelenggaraan pendidikan kejuruan dengan mengambil studi kasus di Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta dengan menggunakan model CIPP ( Context, Input, Process, Product ). Subyek penelitian adalah Pejabat Direktorat Pembinaan SMK, koordinator program di Perguruan Tinggi, Dosen pembimbing lapangan, bendahara program, peserta program, kepala sekolah serta guru pamong. Hasil penelitian pada komponen konteks menunjukan adanya relevansi dan hubungan yang kuat antara program pendampingan dengan tujuan dari stakeholder yang terlibat yaitu pihak Direktorat Pembinaan SMK, perguruan tinggi pelaksana dan sekolah kejuruan, pada komponen input institusi pelaksana merupakan perguruan tinggi yang memiliki program studi yang dibutuhkan di sekolah kejuruan serta mampu menyediakan peserta dengan program studi yang sesuai dengan program keahlian di sekolah kejuruan yang menjadi sasaran, pada komponen proses menunjukan adanya living cost peserta yang kurang mencukupi serta waktu pelaksanaan yang kurang optimal dikarenakan kurang sesuai dengan tahun ajaran sekolah, dan dari komponen product menunjukan bahwa semua peserta telah memberikan manfaat bagi sekolah dalam pelaksanaan program pembelajaran di sekolah baik aspek teaching maupun nonteaching.

This study aims to analyze the implementation of vocational education assistance program administration by taking a case study at the University of March, Surakarta using CIPP Model (Context, Input, Process, Product). Subjects were Officer Directorate of Vocational, program coordinator at the University, Lecturer of the field supervisor, treasurer of the program, program participants, principals and teachers officials. The results show the components of the relevance and context of the strong relationship between the mentoring program with the aim of the stakeholders involved, namely the Directorate of vocational school, college and vocational school executive, the input component of the implementing institutions are universities that have courses that are needed in schools vocational and able to provide participants with an appropriate program of study with expertise in vocational education programs that are targeted, the component indicates the presence of living cost as well as those who lack sufficient implementation time is less than optimal due to lack of fit with the school year, and the product of the components showed that all participants have provided benefits to schools in the implementation of learning programs in both school and non-teaching aspects of teaching.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Zainul Mustofa
"Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengevaluasi program penyelenggaran ujian semester berbasis komputer (USBK) yang sesuai dengan program kerja kepala sekolah urusan kurikulum. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian evaluasi dengan model CIPP. Pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik observasi, angket, dan wawancara. Teknik analisis yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) pelaksanaan ujian semester berbasis komputer di SMK Al Munawwariyyah pada ujian semester gasal 2017/2018 secara umum berjalan baik dengan presentase ketercapaian 77,8%. Pada aspek proses terdapat kendala dalam administrasi server dan jaringan sehingga perlu dilakukan optimalisasi program komputer yang digunakan. (2) Tanggapan guru terhadap pelaksanaan ujian berbasis komputer adalah sekitar 88,9% guru memperoleh manfaat dari program ujian berbasis komputer karena dapat mempercepat proses koreksi dan analisis butir soal, terutama untuk menentukan butir soal mana yang berkategori mudah, sedang, dan susah bagi siswa. Dengan hasil analisis tersebut guru dapat dengan cepat memberikan feedback kepada siswa melalui remidi. Tanggapan siswa terhadap pelaksanaan ujian semester berbasis komputer adalah 44,5% siswa semakin giat belajar, 66,6% siswa menginginkan ujian berbasis komputer dilanjutkan dan lebih disempurnakan. Dilihat dari penyelenggaraan, ujian semester berbasis komputer mampu menghemat dana hingga 40,0% dibandingkan ujian semester menggunakan kertas."
Jakarta: Pusat Data dan Teknologi Informasi, 2020
371 TEKNODIK 24:1 (2020)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yoga Pratama
Tesis ini membahas tentang evaluasi three in one bidang tekstil dan produk tekstil TPT untuk operator industri garmen di Balai Diklat Industri Jakarta dilihat dengan model evaluasi CIPP yaitu evaluasi konteks, masukan, proses dan produk serta faktor-faktor yang menjadi kunci atau penghambat dalam penyelenggaraan diklat. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan post-positivisme, tipe penelitian evaluatif dengan pengumpulan data secara primer dan sekunder. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa dari sisi konteks, masukan, proses dan produk, diklat three in one sudah sejalan dengan kebutuhan industri, tersedianya infrastruktur yang memadai baik secara fisik maupun kompetensi, pelaksanaan pelatihan yang sudah mengacu kepada pedoman pengembangan diklat sesuai dengan SKKNI dan peningkatan kompetensi lulusan diklat yang langsung ditempatkan bekerja di perusahaan industri. Untuk meningkatkan kualitas diklat, BDI Jakarta harus menambah SDM baik secara kuantitas maupun kualitas, pembuatan database online profil perusahaan untuk penempatan peserta diklat dan peningkatan kompetensi peserta dari segi mentalitas etos kerja.

This thesis discusses the evaluation of three in one textile and textile products TPT for garment industry operators at Balai Diklat Industri Jakarta seen with CIPP evaluation model that is evaluation of context, input, process and product and factors that become key or obstacle in organizing training. This research uses post positivism approach, type of evaluative research with primary and secondary data collection. The results showed that from the context, inputs, processes and products, the three in one training was in line with the needs of the garment industry, the availability of adequate infrastructure both physically and competently, the implementation of the training that has been referring to the training development guidelines in accordance with SKKNI and the improvement of graduate competency training directly employed in industrial enterprises. To improve the quality of the training, BDI Jakarta should add human resources both in quantity and quality, making online database of company profile for placement of training participants and improvement of competency of participants in terms of mentality of work ethic."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Prabowo Wibowo
"Tesis ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi program Ecopreneurship kajian dalam Kemitraan Petani Buah Naga yang berkaitan dengan pelibatan dan pemberdayaan masyarakat lokal. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan post positivis dengan metode kualitatif untuk memperoleh pemahaman mengenai permasalahan yang diangkat. Penelitian ini menggunakan evaluasi metode CIPP (Context , Input, Process, Product) termasuk menganalisis faktor pendukung dan faktor penghambat yang berpengaruh dalam program tersebut.
Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa program Ecopreneurship telah berhasil menciptakan kemandirian masyarakat dalam bentuk Sentra Pemberdayaan Tani (SPT) secara terpadu yang berbasis pada kearifan lokal melalui pendekatan OVOP (One Village One Product) karena letak geografisnya yang sangat mendukung khususnya dalam budidaya buah naga yang memiliki nilai ekonomi cukup tinggi dalam upaya membantu meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat.

This thesis aims to evaluate the partnership program ecopreneurship study dragon fruit growers with regard to the involvement and empowerment of local communities. This study uses a post positivis approach with a qualitative method to gain an understanding of the issues raised. This research uses evaluation CIPP (Context, Input, Process, Product) method includes analyzis of the supporting factors and inhibiting factors that influence in the program.
Results from this study indicate that the program ecopreneurship has succeeded in creating self-reliance in the form Sentra Empowerment of Farmers in an integrated manner based on local wisdom through OVOP (One Village One Product) approach, because of their geography very supportive especially in the cultivation of dargon fruit that has economic value is high enough in order to help improve the welfare society.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Galih Cipta Sumadireja
"Tesis ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi program CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) yang sedang dilakukan oleh PT Astra International Tbk. (Astra), terutama dalam mewujudkan program-progam pemberdayaan masyarakat lokal di sekitar lingkungan Astra. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Pendekatan kualitatif dengan cara melakukan wawancara mendalam dengan key informan dan untuk pendekatan kuantitatif menggunakan metode survei. Pada penelitian ini menggunakan metode evaluasi CIPP (Context, Input, Process, Product) yang bertujuan untuk menilai program comdev yang dilakuan Astra secara komprehensif, mulai dari strategi program, input program, proses program sampai kepada produk program (output). Hasil penelitian ini adalah berupa rekomendasi untuk program SNDP, dan diharapkan dapat meningkatkan efektifitas serta penerimaan program bagi penerima program (beneficiaries).

This thesis aims to evaluate the CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) is being conducted by PT Astra International Tbk. (Astra), especially in realizing the programs of local community empowerment programs around the neighborhood Astra. This study used qualitative and quantitative approaches, qualitative approach by conducting in-depth interviews with key informants and quantitative approaches to using the survey method. In this study, evaluation using CIPP (Context, Input, Process, Product) which aims to assess the program Comdev Astra which was done in a comprehensive, ranging from program strategy (context), program input, process the program until the product (output). The results of this study is a recommendation to Sunter Nusa Dua Project (SNDP), and is expected to improve the effectiveness and acceptance programs for beneficiaries."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sovia Nurroifah
Skripsi ini membahas mengenai pelaksanaan dan evaluasi rekrutmen dan seleksi penerimaan CPNS Jalur Khusus di Kementerian Luar Negeri tahun 2014 Rekrutmen dan seleksi ini ditujukan untuk memperoleh para Diplomat yang berasal dari Universitas Negeri di luar Pulau Jawa sebagai salah satu upaya untuk mewujudkan kebhinekaan dalam diplomasi Indonesia Penelitian ini dilakukan secara Post Positivis dengan desain deskriptif Evaluasi dilakukan menggunakan model evaluasi CIPP context input process dan output Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa program ini sudah sesuai dengan konteks Kemudian dari aspek input sudah sesuai dengan aturan dan kompetensi hanya saja pada prosesnya terdapat beberapa kendala seperti pemunduran jadwal pelaksanaan sehingga berakibat pada jumlah CPNS yang diterima tidak sesuai dengan target Program ini sudah mengarah pada pencapaian tujuan jangka panjang Kementerian Luar Negeri Sehingga perlu untuk dilanjutkan dengan berbagai perbaikan dan modifikasi dari berbagai aspek yang dibutuhkan

This thesis explains the process and evaluation of Civil Servants CPNS rsquo Recruitment and Selection through Special Recruitment in Ministry of Foreign Affairs Year 2004 The recruitment and selection focuses on diplomats who graduated from universities outside Java Island as one of the efforts to enforce the unity above diversity in Indonesia diplomacy This research uses Post Positivist with descriptive design The evaluation is done using CIPP Evaluation The result of this research shows that recruitment and selection program is suitable to the context Then input aspect is suitable to the rules and competence but there are some problems such as the delay of the selection schedule and it makes the quota for civil servants accepted cannot fulfil the target number This program aims for achieving the long term purposes of Ministry of Foreign Affairs Thus this program need to be continued with improvements and modifications in all aspects needed ;This thesis explains the process and evaluation of Civil Servants CPNS rsquo Recruitment and Selection through Special Recruitment in Ministry of Foreign Affairs Year 2004 The recruitment and selection focuses on diplomats who graduated from universities outside Java Island as one of the efforts to enforce the unity above diversity in Indonesia diplomacy This research uses Post Positivist with descriptive design The evaluation is done using CIPP Evaluation The result of this research shows that recruitment and selection program is suitable to the context Then input aspect is suitable to the rules and competence but there are some problems such as the delay of the selection schedule and it makes the quota for civil servants accepted cannot fulfil the target number This program aims for achieving the long term purposes of Ministry of Foreign Affairs Thus this program need to be continued with improvements and modifications in all aspects needed ;This thesis explains the process and evaluation of Civil Servants CPNS rsquo Recruitment and Selection through Special Recruitment in Ministry of Foreign Affairs Year 2004 The recruitment and selection focuses on diplomats who graduated from universities outside Java Island as one of the efforts to enforce the unity above diversity in Indonesia diplomacy This research uses Post Positivist with descriptive design The evaluation is done using CIPP Evaluation The result of this research shows that recruitment and selection program is suitable to the context Then input aspect is suitable to the rules and competence but there are some problems such as the delay of the selection schedule and it makes the quota for civil servants accepted cannot fulfil the target number This program aims for achieving the long term purposes of Ministry of Foreign Affairs Thus this program need to be continued with improvements and modifications in all aspects needed ;This thesis explains the process and evaluation of Civil Servants CPNS rsquo Recruitment and Selection through Special Recruitment in Ministry of Foreign Affairs Year 2004 The recruitment and selection focuses on diplomats who graduated from universities outside Java Island as one of the efforts to enforce the unity above diversity in Indonesia diplomacy This research uses Post Positivist with descriptive design The evaluation is done using CIPP Evaluation The result of this research shows that recruitment and selection program is suitable to the context Then input aspect is suitable to the rules and competence but there are some problems such as the delay of the selection schedule and it makes the quota for civil servants accepted cannot fulfil the target number This program aims for achieving the long term purposes of Ministry of Foreign Affairs Thus this program need to be continued with improvements and modifications in all aspects needed , This thesis explains the process and evaluation of Civil Servants CPNS rsquo Recruitment and Selection through Special Recruitment in Ministry of Foreign Affairs Year 2004 The recruitment and selection focuses on diplomats who graduated from universities outside Java Island as one of the efforts to enforce the unity above diversity in Indonesia diplomacy This research uses Post Positivist with descriptive design The evaluation is done using CIPP Evaluation The result of this research shows that recruitment and selection program is suitable to the context Then input aspect is suitable to the rules and competence but there are some problems such as the delay of the selection schedule and it makes the quota for civil servants accepted cannot fulfil the target number This program aims for achieving the long term purposes of Ministry of Foreign Affairs Thus this program need to be continued with improvements and modifications in all aspects needed ]"
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Trysiani Vania Utomo
Penelitian evaluasi terhadap efektivitas media Youtube lsquo;Kok Bisa? rsquo; sebagai media edukasi menggunakan model CIPP Context, Input, Process, Product berdasarkan Stufflebeam dalam Zhang et al. 2011 . Peneliti ini melakukan evaluasi terhadap latar belakang, perencanaan awal, proses produksi, dan penerimaan pelanggan dan penonton lsquo;Kok Bisa? rsquo;. Masalah dari penelitian ini adalah minat masyarakat Indonesia terhadap konten edukasi di Youtube yang rendah. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa lsquo;Kok Bisa? rsquo; sudah efektif berjalan, meskipun mengalami beberapa kendala. Untuk meningkatkan efektivitasnya, penelitian ini merekomendasikan lsquo;Kok Bisa? rsquo; agar melakukan kolaborasi dengan media non-edukasi dan media edukasi Youtube dari Indonesia, menggunakan Youtube sebagai sarana promosi, meningkatkan kredibilitasnya dengan mencantumkan referensi dan kerja sama dengan institusi pendidikan.
lsquo Kok Bisa rsquo Youtube Channel Evaluation as an Educational Media uses CIPP model based on Stufflebeam in Zhang et al. 2011 . This evaluation comes from low Indonesians rsquo interest for Youtube educational contents. This research shows that lsquo Kok Bisa rsquo have been effective as an educational media, although it still have some problems. To raise its effectivity, this research recommends that lsquo Kok Bisa rsquo should collaborate with Youtube non educational channel and fellow educational channel from Indonesia, use Youtube as its promotional channel, and raise its media credibility, by linking the reference material in the video and collaborate with educational institution."
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mizzart Al Fatih
"Artikel ini membahas evaluasi program gerakan pendidikan di daerah 3T (Tertinggal, Terluar, dan Terdepan) dengan menggunakan Model CIPP (Context, Input, Process, Product) untuk menilai keberhasilan program Gerakan Universitas Indonesia Mengajar Angkatan 9. Model gerakan pendidikan di setiap negara, dapat dibedakan berdasarkan konteks kultural dan spasial, dan berkaitan dengan kebutuhan atas pendidikan yang berbeda-beda, seperti kemampuan siswa, keterlibatan orang tua, dan kualitas guru. Model gerakan pendidikan di Indonesia umumnya disebabkan oleh konteks spasial, yaitu akses pendidikan tidak merata yang dapat terlihat dari kondisi kualitas pendidikan di daerah tertinggal, terluar, dan terdepan. Hasil studi menunjukkan adanya relevansi terkait rancangan program dan kebutuhan di titik aksi pada pihak penerima manfaat. Namun, program perlu melakukan aktivitas yang seimbang pada siswa, orang tua, dan guru. Dalam prosesnya, implementasi yang tidak optimal di titik aksi berkaitan dengan keterbatasan dari program dan pihak pemberi manfaat. Hasil evaluasi menunjukkan keberhasilan program pada siswa, orang tua, dan guru. Saran bagi program yang dapat dilakukan adalah: 1) menggali lebih dalam relevansi pada orang tua; 2) membuat program untuk masing-masing penerima manfaat; 3) mengkaji ulang kesesuaian pada proses penentuan titik aksi, aktivitas-aktivitas, dan implementasinya; dan 4) mengurangi titik aksi dalam upaya meningkatkan kuantitas dan kualitas program di titik aksi.

This article discusses the evaluation of education movement programs in the 3T area (Foremost, Outermost, and Underdeveloped) using the CIPP Model (Context, Input, Process, Product) to assess the success of the Universitas Indonesia Teaching Movement Program Batch 9. Educational movement models in each country can be differentiated based on cultural and spatial contexts, and related to different educational needs, such as student ability, parental involvement, and teacher quality. The model of the education movement in Indonesia is generally caused by the spatial context, namely unequal access to education which can be seen from the condition of the quality of education in underdeveloped, outermost, and frontier areas. The results of the study indicate the relevance of program design and the need for the point of actions on the part of the beneficiaries. However, the program needs to carry out balanced activities between students, parents, and teachers. In the process, the implementation is not optimal at the point of actions due to the limitations of the program and the beneficiaries. The evaluation results show the success of the program to students, parents, and teachers. Suggestions for programs that can be done are: 1) dig deeper into the relevance of parents; 2) create programs for each beneficiary; 3) reviewing the suitability of the process of determining the point of actions, activities, and their implementation; and 4) reducing the point of actions for increasing the quantity and quality of programs at the point of actions."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
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