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Abstrak :
In this modern era, business processes become one of the important aspects for a company to stay ahead in the competition to its competitors. A company that has an optimal business processes and supported by an integrated information system will win the competition.
005 ULTI 5:1 (2014)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hutagaol, Tumbur Agustin
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menyelesaikan masalah ketersediaan barang yang dapat menimbulkan keluhan konsumen dengan menggunakan pendekatan Business Process Reengineering pada sebuah perusahaan perdagangan suku cadang otomotif. Dengan memetakan kembali proses bisnis yang terjadi di perusahaan dapat diperoleh sebuah pemahaman yang benar mengenai proses yang terjadi di perusahaan sehingga dapat dilakukan perbaikan. Pendekatan dalam merancang proses bisnis dapat menggunakan pendekatan secara sistematis dan pendekatan clean sheet (menggunakan metode idealisasi). Kedua pendekatan ini dikombinasikan untuk mendapatkan hasil yang lebih baik. Perbandingan dari proses sekarang dan proses yang dirancang belum memberikan hasil yang maksimal hal ini terjadi karena adanya perbedaan aktivitas antara aktivitas saat ini dengan aktivitas yang dirancang. Perbedaan aktivitas ini menyebabkan perubahan budaya kerja dari budaya kerja administratif ke budaya kerja yang lebih terencana. Kesiapan dukungan sistem informasi sangat dibutuhkan untuk kelancaran implementasi proses bisnis yang baru.
This research aims to solve the problem of availability of goods which can lead to consumer complaints using Business Process Reengineering approach on an auto spare parts trading company. By mapping business processes that occurred back in the company can be obtained by a correct understanding of the processes occurring in the company so it can be repaired. Approach in designing business processes can use a systematic approach and a clean sheet approach (using the method of idealization). Both approaches are combined to obtain better results. Comparison of the current process and process designed yet provide maximum results this is the case because of the difference in activity between the current activity with the activities designed. These differences lead to changes in the activity of the working culture of administrative work culture to work culture more planned. Preparedness information system support is needed for the smooth implementation of new business processes.
Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ardelia Atila Patriajaya
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui kepuasan pelanggan perusahaan pelayaran nasional yang diukur dengan metode SERVQUAL. Beberapa gap terbesar antara persepsi dan harapan pelanggan, diperbaiki dengan metode Business Process Reengineering. Pengambilan data dilakukan kepada para pengguna jasa di salah satu perusahaan pelayaran nasional sebagai responden dengan 20 (dua puluh) kuesioner service quality serta wawancara dengan pihak top management perusahaan pelayaran nasional. Permasalahan diselesaikan dengan merancang proses baru, meningkatkan sistem informasi dan menerapkan rencana perbaikan dengan metode Business Process Reengineering (BPR). Dibangun lima buah scenario perbaikan yang akan disimulasi dengan menggunakan software oracle BPM. Dari lima skenario yang ada, scenario 5 merupakan scenario terbaik dengan  perbaikan proses berupa penghapusan non value added activities, perbaikan proses dengan membuat sistem automatic CODA, perbaikan proses dengan membuat sistem automatic vessel tracking, dan adanya perbaikan proses dengan cara penggantian personel yang melakukan aktivitas, agar langsung dilakukan oleh personel yang memiliki kompetensi yang tepat. Simulasi skenario 5 menghasilkan pengurangan waktu proses operasional kualitas pelayanan  sebesar 77.30% menjadi  51.4  hari.
This study was conducted to determine customer satisfaction of national shipping company and measured by SERVQUAL method. Some of the largest gap between perceptions and expectations of customers, will be improved with Business Process Reengineering method. Data collecttion was performed to the charterer who used national shipping industry as a respondent with 20 (twenty) questionnaires on service quality, and interviews with the top management of the national shipping company. Problems are solved by designing new processes, improving the information systems and implement an improvement plan with the methods of Business Process Reengineering (BPR). In the study, five scenario improvement is being  built using Oracle BPM software. From all scenarios, scenario number 5 (five) have the best result, this scenario includes removing non-value added activities, improving the process by creating an automatic CODA system, creating of automatic vessel tracking system, process improvement  by replacing personnel with the right skills and competencies. This reduces service quality  operational time by 77.30%   to 51.4 days.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Silitonga, Aldo Paian Augustinus
Abstrak :
Tujuan laporan magang ini adalah untuk mengevaluasi proses bisnis pengadaan barang di PT CDR dan mengevaluasi pembuatan dan pengujian desain dari Risk Control Matrix yang dilakukan KAP Drake Indonesia (nama disamarkan) dalam proyek yang disebut Business Process Improvement terhadap aktivitas Pengadaan Barang di PT CDR. Proyek Business Process Improvement ini dimulai dari analisis atas praktik saat ini, identifikasi dan penilaian risiko, hingga rekomendasi untuk aktivitas pengadaan barang. Proses pengadaan barang PT CDR dinilai masih sangat berpotensi memungkinkan timbulnya risiko dan berdampak pada kerugian finansial perusahaan. Untuk mengatasi risiko-risiko tersebut, dilakukan penataan proses pengadaan barang yang dikerjakan melalui analisis risiko yang terdiri dari 2 tahapan, yaitu pembuatan desain dan pengujian Risk Control Matrix. Hasil evaluasi menunjukkan bahwa praktik perbaikan proses bisnis yang dilakukan KAP Drake Indonesia sudah dijalankan sesuai dengan tujuan kontrol internal untuk meningkatkan efektivitas operasi perusahaan. Namun, terdapat beberapa fitur pada Risk Control Matrix yang perlu ditambahkan, salah satunya komponen pengukuran level risiko dalam rangka melihat potensi risiko yang berpengaruh pada aktivitas pengadaan barang di PT CDR. ......The objective of this internship report is to evaluate the procurement process of PT CDR and evaluate the design and testing process of the Risk Control Matrix performed by Drake Indonesia – Accounting Firm (name is disguised) through a project called Business Process Improvement on the procurement activity of PT CDR. The Business Process Improvement project is started from the analysis of current practice, risk identification and risk assessment, to the recommendation for the procurement activity. The current practice is considered having the likelihood to affect other risk to be occured and may affect to the company’s financial loss. To address those risks, the restructuring process on the procurement activities is done by making risk analysis that consist of 2 steps, the design process and testing process of Risk Control Matrix. The evaluation result shows that the practice performed by Drake Indonesia, the business process improvement, is aligned with the internal control objective, to increase the effectiveness of operation in PT CDR. However, there are some features in the Risk Control Matrix that need to be added, one of which is risk level measurement component, in order to capture the potential risks that affect the procurement activity in PT CDR.

Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Alif Arif Wicaksono
Abstrak :
Kebutuhan masyarakat akan energi terus bertumbuh setiap tahunnya. Penggunaan energi di Indonesia masih di dominasi oleh penggunaan energi tak terbarukan yang berasal dari fosil, khususnya minyak bumi dan batu bara, namun seiring berjalannya waktu, ketersediaan energi fosil semakin menipis dan untuk mengantisipasinya energi baru terbarukan (EBT) merupakan alternatif terbaik. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui apakah PT.XYZ telah memiliki bisnis proses yang sesuai dengan arah pengembangan energy baru terbarukan dan melakukan pembaharuan proses bisnis PT. XYZ. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Metode analisa yang digunakan adalah business process value added analysis dan cause effect analysis. Metode pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan observasi dan wawancara. Hasil Penelitian menunjukan bahwa dibutuhkan pembaharuan proses bisns untuk renewable energy berfokus kepada pembenahan proses procurement sebagai strategi operasi dalam meningkatkan efektivitas perusahaan dan Penerapan metode vertical integration disarankan untuk mendapatkan efisiensi dan optimasi pada biaya, mutu dan waktu pelaksanaan pada proyek renewable energy. ......People's need for energy continues to grow every year. Energy use in Indonesia is still dominated by the use of non-renewable energy derived from fossils, especially oil and coal, but over time, the availability of fossil energy is running low and to anticipate this, new renewable energy (EBT) is the best alternative. The purpose of this research is to find out whether PT. XYZ already has a business process that is in accordance with the direction of developing new and renewable energy and renewing the business process of PT. XYZ. This study uses a qualitative approach. The analytical methods used are business process value added analysis and cause effect analysis. Methods of data collection is done by observation and interviews. The results of the study indicate that it is necessary to redesign the business process for renewable energy focusing on improving the procurement process as an operating strategy in increasing the effectiveness of the company and the application of the vertical integration method isrecommended to obtain efficiency and optimization of cost, quality and implementation time in renewable energy projects.
Jakarta: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sania Angelita
Abstrak :
Pandemi Covid-19 berdampak tidak hanya pada aspek kesehatan tetapi juga pada ekonomi Indonesia, baik dari permintaan maupun penawaran. Masalah dalam pemerintahan Indonesia, seperti kurangnya peralatan medis dan fasilitas pendukung dalam menangani pandemi Covid-19, telah memicu kebutuhan akan tiba-tiba (mendesak / darurat). Di sisi lain, masih ada banyak perusahaan distributor yang tidak memiliki pengalaman dalam menangani keadaan darurat. Salah satu dampaknya adalah pengiriman barang yang tidak tepat waktu / terlambat. Untuk menyelesaikan masalah, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan bisnis proses di perusahaan distributor dengan proses yang lebih efektif dan efisien dengan melibatkan antar perusahaan untuk meningkatkan ketepatan waktu pengiriman kepada pelanggan. Kami mengusulkan menggunakan BPR (Rekayasa Proses Bisnis) dan simulasi untuk memodelkan dan menganalisis proses saat ini dan mendesain ulang proses perbaikan. Hasilnya diperoleh, dengan pengadaan barang rata -rata menurun sebesar 46%. ......Pandemic Covid-19 has had an impact not only on health aspects but also on the economy of Indonesia, both from demand and supply. Problems in Indonesia’s government, such as the lack of medical equipment and supporting facilities in handling Covid-19 pandemics, have triggered the need for a sudden (urgent / emergency). On the other hand, there are still many distributor companies that have no experience in handling emergencies. One of the impacts is the delivery of goods that are not on time / late. To solve the problem, this study aims to get a process business in a distributor company with more effective and efficient processes by involving intercompany to increase the timeliness of delivery to customers. We propose using BPR (Business Process Reengineering) and simulation to model and analyze the current process and redesign the repair process. The results were obtained, with the average procurement of goods decreased by 46%.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhamad Ali Umar Ismail
Abstrak :
Tesis ini membahas tentang faktor-faktor yang merupakan kapabilitas berbasis pasar (market-based capabilities) yang berkontribusi terhadap kinerja proses bisnis utama suatu perusahaan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan responden yang merupakan Pekerja Waktu Tidak Tertentu (PWTT) di Divisi Non Fuel Direktorat Pemasaran PT. Pertamina (Persero). Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan variable pengembangan diferensiasi produk, market sensing, high value customers, market responsiveness, customer relationship assets, collaborative partnering, transparansi informasi, supply chain leadership dan research & development intensity sebagai acuan untuk kinerja proses bisnis utama perusahaan (new product development, customer relationship management dan supply chain management). Data diolah dengan menggunakan analisis reliabilitas, validitas, korelasi dan structural equation modeling (SEM). Hasil dari penilaian tersebut akan dijadikan landasan untuk mengetahui kontribusi kapabillitas berbasis pasar (market-based capabilities) pada kinerja proses bisnis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengembangan diferensiasi produk, market sensing, high value customers, market responsiveness, customer relationship assets, collaborative partnering, transparansi informasi, supply chain leadership berkontribusi terhadap kinerja proses bisnis utama perusahaan
This thesis examines factors which are market-based capabilities that contribute to main business process performance. This quantitative research based on respondent who are PT. Pertamina (Persero) Non Fuel Division Marketing Directorate employee. There are several variables that are used in this research, and those are market-based capabilities, market sensing, developed differentiated products, market sensing, high value customers, market responsiveness, customer relationship assets, collaborative partnering, information sharing, supply chain leadership, as reference to main business process performance (new product development, customer relationship management and supply chain management). This research use a reliability analysis, validity, correlation and structural equation modeling (SEM) as analyzing tools. The result of this research shows us that developed differentiated products, market sensing, high value customers, market responsiveness, customer relationship assets, collaborative partnering, information sharing, supply chain leadership contribute to main business process performance;This thesis examines factors which are market-based capabilities that contribute to main business process performance. This quantitative research based on respondent who are PT. Pertamina (Persero) Non Fuel Division Marketing Directorate employee. There are several variables that are used in this research, and those are market-based capabilities, market sensing, developed differentiated products, market sensing, high value customers, market responsiveness, customer relationship assets, collaborative partnering, information sharing, supply chain leadership, as reference to main business process performance (new product development, customer relationship management and supply chain management). This research use a reliability analysis, validity, correlation and structural equation modeling (SEM) as analyzing tools. The result of this research shows us that developed differentiated products, market sensing, high value customers, market responsiveness, customer relationship assets, collaborative partnering, information sharing, supply chain leadership contribute to main business process performance;This thesis examines factors which are market-based capabilities that contribute to main business process performance. This quantitative research based on respondent who are PT. Pertamina (Persero) Non Fuel Division Marketing Directorate employee. There are several variables that are used in this research, and those are market-based capabilities, market sensing, developed differentiated products, market sensing, high value customers, market responsiveness, customer relationship assets, collaborative partnering, information sharing, supply chain leadership, as reference to main business process performance (new product development, customer relationship management and supply chain management). This research use a reliability analysis, validity, correlation and structural equation modeling (SEM) as analyzing tools. The result of this research shows us that developed differentiated products, market sensing, high value customers, market responsiveness, customer relationship assets, collaborative partnering, information sharing, supply chain leadership contribute to main business process performance, This thesis examines factors which are market-based capabilities that contribute to main business process performance. This quantitative research based on respondent who are PT. Pertamina (Persero) Non Fuel Division Marketing Directorate employee. There are several variables that are used in this research, and those are market-based capabilities, market sensing, developed differentiated products, market sensing, high value customers, market responsiveness, customer relationship assets, collaborative partnering, information sharing, supply chain leadership, as reference to main business process performance (new product development, customer relationship management and supply chain management). This research use a reliability analysis, validity, correlation and structural equation modeling (SEM) as analyzing tools. The result of this research shows us that developed differentiated products, market sensing, high value customers, market responsiveness, customer relationship assets, collaborative partnering, information sharing, supply chain leadership contribute to main business process performance]
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ratih Harumsari
Abstrak :
This research is about improvement on several operational processes at Human Resource Department PT X using business process reengineering approach. The operational processes have many non-value-adding activities. The objectives of this research are to mapping current process and proposed a new design business process that is more efficient, so that can increase intemal customer satisfaction. The Business Process Mapping method is used by gathering information hom observation and in-depth interview with process oumers. Qualitative _analysis (service tasks, people, technology) and quantitative analysis (number of activity and time) were also conducted to gain a better understanding about the process. There are two main approaches to redesigning process, systematic redesign approach (with Eliminate, Simplify, Integrate, Automate method) and clean sheet redesign approach (with idealizing method). The choice between these two approaches will depend on what the organization is most comfortable with. Results of the comparison between proposed process and current process show that proposed process can improve the process etiiciencies and fulfill the customer satisfaction signiiicantly. The improvement made by proposed processes reaches 50%-60% on the activity etiiciencies and 73%-94% on the time efficiencies.
Studi ini membahas perbaikan beberapa proses operasiona! pada Departemen Sumber Daya Manusia PT X dengan menggunakan pendekatan rekayasa ulang proses bisnis. Proses operasional memiliki banyak kegiatan yang tidak memberikan nilai tambah. Tujuan studi ini adalah memetakan proses sekarang dan mengusulkan rancangan proses bisnis bam yang lebih etisien, sehingga dapat meningkatkan kepuasan konsumen intemal. Metode Pemetaan Proses Bisnis 'digunakan dengan mengumpulkan infonnasi utama dari observasi dan wawancam dengan para pemilik proses. Untuk memperoleh pemahaman yang benar mengenai proses. dilakukan pula analisis kualitatif (pelayanan, sumber daya manusia, teknologi) dan analisis kuantitatif (jumlah aktivitas dan waktu). Ada dua pendekatan utama untuk mendisain ulang proses, yaitu pendekatan disain ulang sistematis (dengan metode mengeliminasi, menyederhanakan, menggabungkan, dan mengotomatisasi proses) dan pendekatan disain ulang clean sheer (dengan metode pengidealan). Penggunaan antara kedua pendekatan ini akan tergantung pada keinginan organisasi. Hasil perbandingan antara proses usulan dengan proses sekarang menunjukkan bahwa proses usulan mampu meningkatkan efisiensi proses dan memenuhi kepuasan konsurnen intemal perusahaan secara signifikan. Peningkatan oleh proses usulan mencapai 50%-60% pada efisiensi aktivitas dan mencapai 73%-94% pada efisiensi waktu.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2004
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Latuconsina, Amanda Zainur
Abstrak :
Efisiensi di industri konstruksi masih menjadi perhatian. Di banyak negara, industri konstruksi sering menerima kritik mengenai kualitas dan kepuasan pelanggan yang buruk, sering terjadi konflik dan perselisihan di antara berbagai pelaku, dan biaya serta jadwal yang melebihi batas dalam proyek. dari data kepuasan pelanggan PT. Waskita, presentase tidak puas pada penyelesaian proyek meningkat dari 3,7% pada tahun 2011 menjadi 6,1% pada tahun 2013. Dengan pendekatan Business Process Reengineering, penelitian ini mencoba untuk merancang perbaikan proses procurement pada apartemen yukata. Fase awal yaitu dengan memetakan dan analisis proses as-is menggunakan tools IDEF 0. Proses bisnis disimulasikan dengan software iGrafx dan didapatkan waktu proses as is 73,31 minggu. Kemudian ditentukan alternatif target perbaikan dari best practice menggunakan modified House of Quality. 15 kombinasi model rancangan perbaikan disimulasikan dan didapatkan hasil terbaik yaitu pengurangan cylce time hingga 40%.
Efficiency in the construction industry is still a concern. In many countries, the construction industry often receives criticism about poor quality and customer satisfaction, frequent conflicts and disputes among various actors, and costs and schedules that exceed the project's limits. from customer satisfaction data by PT. Waskita Karya, the percentage of dissatisfaction with the completion of the project increased from 3.7% in 2011 to 6.1% in 2013. With the Business Process Reengineering approach, this study tried to design an improvement in the procurement process for yukata apartments. The initial phase is by mapping and analyzing the as-is process using IDEF 0 tools . Business processes are simulated with the iGrafx software and the result shown that cycle time is 73.31 weeks. Then the alternative improvement targets are determined from best practice using modified House of Quality. 15 combinations of repair design models were simulated and the best results were obtained, that is the reduction of cylce time to 40%.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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