Tujuan penelitian: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji hubungan lingkungan fisik dan dimensi-dimensinya terhadap persepsi kualitas layanan di rawat inap Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Prabumulih.
Metodologi penelitian: Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan desain cross sectional (potong lintang). Data primer diperoleh dari pengisian kuisoner sebanyak 200 orang. Lingkungan fisik dinilai dengan aspek kondisi lingkungan, tata letak fungsionalitas, tanda symbol, desain dan kebersihan, dan persepsi kualitas layanan dinilai dengan kualitas fungsional dan teknikal
Hasil penelitian : Hasil analisis menunjukan terdapat korelasi sedang antara lingkungan fisik dengan persepsi kualitas layanan, dimana aspek lingkungan fisik yang paling berhubungan dengan persepsi kualitas layanan adalah kondisi lingkungan. Sedangkan desain dan tanda symbol tidak terdapat hubungan.
Kesimpulan : Peningkatan lingkungan fisik melalui peningkatan kondisi lingkungan, tata letak ruang dan fungsionalitas dan kebersihan dapat membantu membangun hubungan yang kuat terhadap persepsi kualitas layanan, oleh karena itu perlu untuk meningkatkan lingkungan fisik melalui peningkatan pengelolaan fasilitas yang telah. ......Background: Achieving good service quality is crucial for the Prabumulih General Hospital. Apart from the treatment, another aspect that can influence the perception of service quality is the servicescape. Patients will assess the quality of intangible hospital services through the concrete physical environment. Therefore, attention to the dimensions of the servicescape is important, considering its influence on the formation of perceived service quality.
Objective: This study aims to examine the relationship between the servicescape and its dimensions on the perceived service quality in inpatient unit at the Prabumulih General Hospital.
Methods: This study uses a quantitative approach with a cross-sectional design. Primary data was collected from a questionnaire filled out by 200 individuals. The physical environment was assessed based on environmental conditions, functional layout, symbols, design and cleanliness, and the perception of service quality was evaluated in terms of functional and technical quality.
Results: Based on statistical tests, it was found that the servicescape had a significant correlation between the physical environment and the perception of service quality, with environmental conditions being the physical aspect most associated with the perception of service quality. Meanwhile, there is no correlation found between design and symbols and the perception of service quality.
Conclusion : Improving the physical environment through the enhancement of environmental conditions, spatial layout, functionality, and cleanliness can help build a strong relationship with the perception of service quality. Therefore, it is necessary to improve the physical environment by enhancing the management of existing facilities