"Perkembangan teknologi informasi mengubah perilaku individu menjadi berjejaring, menciptakan lanskap bisnis yang horizontal dimana semua orang, penjual, pembeli, distributor, supplier, kompetitor, saling terhubung. Untuk menghadapi lanskap bisnis horizontal tersebut perusahaan dapat menjalankan konsep New Wave Marketing yang dimulai dengan communitization, yang mendorong terciptanya produk berbasis komunitas. Saat ini banyak komunikasi dalam social media komunitas yang bertujuan memasarkan produk. Padahal komunitas adalah sekumpulan orang dengan minat atau aktivitas yang sama, yang saling peduli antar anggotanya.
Tesis ini meneliti bagaimana formulasi social media yang digunakan dalam pemasaran produk berbasis komunitas tersebut dalam menghadapi lanskap bisnis horizontal. Temuan penelitian formulasi social media adalah penggunaan social media search, social networking, interpersonal, publish, video, microblogging, dan photo sharing, dengan fungsinya masingmasing yang disesuaikan dengan elemen communitization, confirming, clarifying, commercialization, co-creation / Experience, communal activation / Anyplace, conversation / Communication dari New Wave Marketing dan ABCDE marketing mix. Social media pada akhirnya juga menciptakan word of mouth yang dapat mempengaruhi penjualan produk berbasis komunitas.
The development of information technology changed the behavior of individuals into networking, creating a horizontal business landscape where all people, sellers, buyers, distributors, suppliers, competitors, are well connected to each other. To deal with the horizontal business landscape, company can execute New Wave Marketing concept that began with communitization, which encourages the emergence of community-based products. Today there is a lot of product marketing communication in community’s social media, though the community is a group of people with similar interests or activities that its members take care of each other.This thesis examines how social media formulations used in the community based products marketing based dealing with the horizontal business landscape. Social media formulation of research findings is the use of search, social networking, interpersonal, publishing, video, microblogging, and photo sharing social media, with their respective functions that are adapted to communitization, confirming, clarifying, commercialization, co-creation / Experience, communal activation / Anyplace, conversation / Communication elements of New Wave Marketing and ABCDE marketing mix elements. At the end, social media also creates word of mouth that can affect community-based product sales."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2014