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Ditemukan 9 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Farley, Miriam S.
New York: The John Day, 1950
331.952 Far a
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tokyo: The Japan Institute for Labour Policy and Training, 2018
331 JLI
Majalah, Jurnal, Buletin  Universitas Indonesia Library
Morin Lestari Mandiri Harianto
Abstrak :
Tesis ini membahas pengaruh kebijakan womenomics terhadap tenaga kerja wanita Jepang di Prefektur Saitama. Dengan metodologi wawancara dan kajian pustaka, penelitian ini menemukan bahwa kebijakan womenomics yang dijalankan oleh pemerintah Prefektur Saitama mendapat respon positif dari perusahaan-perusahaan yang berada di Saitama dan bersama-sama, pemerintah dan perusahaan, bekerja sama untuk menciptakan lingkungan kerja yang ramah wanita. Selain itu penelitian ini juga menemukan bahwa dukungan dari keluarga, baik suami dan orang tua, memiliki peran penting dalam mendukung partisipasi aktif wanita sebagai tenaga kerja. Walaupun demikian, kebijakan womenomics mendapat kritikan karena dianggap tidak menyentuh inti permasalahan dari tenaga kerja wanita di Jepang, yaitu kesetaraan gender. ......This study examine the influence of womenomics policy towards women workers in Saitama Prefecture. With interviews and literature review as methodology, this study found that womenomics policy, that conducted by the Saitama Prefecture Government, received a positive response from companies that are in Saitama and government and companies work together to create women-friendly working environment. In addition, this study also found that support from family, both husband and parents, have important role in supporting the active participation of women workers in Japan. Nevertheless, womenomics policy criticized because they did not touch the core issue of women’s employment in Japan, which is gender equality.
Depok: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
T. Elfani Prassanti
Abstrak :
Jepang mengalami dua kali peristiwa ekonomi yaitu pertumbuhan ekonomi tinggi dan Bubble Economy. Bubble Economy, baik pada masa emasnya maupun kejatuhannya telah mengakibatkan perubahan khususnya pada pola pikir generasi muda Jepang tentang bekerja serta pada perubahan sistem perusahaan Jepang. Kedua faktor tersebut memunculkan generasi furiitaa yang merujuk kepada anak muda yang tidak bekerja sebagai pegawai tetap seperti orang tua mereka dulu, namun menggantungkan hidupnya pada pekerjaan paruh waktu. Menjadi furiitaa baik sukarela maupun terpaksa memiliki dilema tersendiri berkaitan dengan posisinya. Tetapi tidak hanya itu, keberadaan furiitaa di tengah-tengah masyarakat Jepang juga ditakutkan akan mernbawa permasalahan baru. Sehingga pemerintah perlu untuk melakukan usaha-usaha tertentu berkaitan dengan bertambahnya jumlah furiitaa setiap tahunnya. Skripsi ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji tentang fenomena furiitaa dilihat dari latar belakang Bubble Economy Jepang serta usaha yang dilakukan pemerintah agar jumlah furiitaa tidak terus bertambah.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Herjanti Nursuksmaningtyas Santoso
Abstrak :
Kekurangan tenaga kerja produktif Jepang akibat rendahnya angka kelahiran, menginisisasi pemerintah Jepang membuka kesempatan bagi tenaga kerja asing melalui skema program TITP (Technical Internship Training Program). Peluang ini dimanfaatkan oleh Lulusan Sarjana Sastra Jepang untuk memasuki pasar tenaga kerja Jepang, walaupun di sektor low-skilled. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menyelidiki faktor-faktor yang dipertimbangkan pada keputusan tenaga kerja terdidik untuk melakukan program magang ke Jepang melalui skema TITP, serta bagaimna manfaat yang didapatkan setelah melakukan program magang tersebut. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif-fenomenologi dengan wawancara mendalam terhadap 5 orang eks-pemagang yang berpendidikan Sarjana lulusan Universitas Negeri dan Swasta di Pulau Jawa. Keputusan untuk melakukan magang ini dikaji dengan pendekatan teori pilihan rasional oleh James Coleman dan Sonja Haug dalam keputusan bermigrasi melalui program magang tersebut. Temuan penelitian antara lain: melalui program TITP informan ingin mengembangkan kemampuan berbahasa Jepang sebagai added value sehingga pengalaman selama magang menjadi sebuah pilihan yang menguntungkan ketika kembali ke Indonesia. Beberapa informan cenderung mencari pekerjaan dengan mudah karena dianggap sebagai pekerja berpengalaman.
The shortage of Japans productive workforce due to low birth rates, initiating the Japanese government opens opportunities for foreign workers through the TITP (Technical Internship Training Program) scheme. This opportunity was used by Japanese Literature Graduates to enter the Japanese labor market, even in the low-skilled sector. This study aims to investigate the factors considered in the decision of educated workers to undertake an internship program to Japan through the TITP scheme, as well as how the benefits are obtained after undertaking the internship program. This study is a qualitative-phenomenological method with in-depth interviews with 5 ex-trainees who have a Bachelors degree from State and Private University in Java. The decision to do this internship was approacehd by rational choice theory from James Coleman and Sonja Haug in the decision to migrate through the internship program. The Research findings include: through the TITP program the informant wants to develop Japanese language skills. The experience during internship becomes a profitable choice when returning to Indonesia as added value to enter Indonesias Labor Market. The experience of working in Japan is a value. Some informants tend to find jobs easily because they are considered as experienced worker.
Jakarta: Sekolah Kajian Stratejik dan Global Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tokyo : Japan Institute for Labour Policy and Training, 2016
331.095 2 LAB
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tokyo: Japan Institute for Labour Policy and Training, 2017
331.095 2 LAB
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Combining Work and Family Care Although the various research that has addressed the difficulties of balancing work and family life over the years has generally focused on issues related to raising children, increasing attention is being given to the task of caring for older people as an important family responsibility as developed countries grapple with declining birthrates and aging populations. Among such countries, Japan is experiencing population aging at a particularly rapid pace. Japan?s rate of population aging?namely, the percentage of people aged 65 or over among the total population?is currently the highest in the world, at over 25%. In that sense, Japan is at the ?forefront? of super-aging society. In the past, the Japanese govern- ment has looked to other countries such as th e US and European nations as guides in for- mulating its policies, but in the field of policies related to older people, Japan may be facing issues that are yet to arise in other countrie s. This edition was compiled on the basis of the concept that a publication of articles which grasp the development of such issues has the potential to be a valuable source of information for researchers and policymakers in other countries. The first article in this edition, ?Current Situation and Problems of Legislation on Long-Term Care in Japan?s Super-Aging Society? by Kimiyoshi Inamori, investigates is- sues concerning policies to support caregiving for older people in Japan from the perspec- tive of both the long-term care insurance system and the system of caregiver leave. While the long-term care insurance system, which was first implemented in 2000, may try to pro- vide sufficient benefits for older people who require long-term care, this system alone does not in fact necessarily always meet all of th eir care needs. Family caregiving is therefore required to complement long-term care insuranc e services. As the system of caregiver leave established in the Child Care and Family Care Leave Act was created to allow people with family members requiring care to take time to prepare and arrange a system for that care to be provided, income guarantees for workers on caregiver leave are provided in the form of caregiver leave benefits from the employment insurance system. However, noting that the percentage of workers who actually take caregi ver leave is extremely low, Inamori suggests that to assist workers in balancing work with family care it is more important to develop schemes related to ways of working, such as short working hour systems or limits on over- time work. The issues raised in this article such as the need to increase the take up rate of caregiver leave and develop the system thr ough measures for reduced working hours and limitations on overtime work, are key points that have been addressed in the amendments to the Child Care and Family Care Leave Act that will take effect in 2017. The revised act makes caregiver leave easier to use by allowing caregivers to take the 93 days of leave in three segments. It has also increased the minimum period during which employers are obliged to provide measures such as short working hours and other such schemes for re- ducing working hours, etc. (also including flextime, pushing the time of starting or finishing work forward or backward, and subsidizing th e costs of long-term care), which allow care- givers to balance daily caregiving responsibilities with work, from the current 93 days to three years. The Act also guarantees workers the right to restrictions on overtime working hours until the end of caregiving. In ?Family Care Leave and Job Quitting Due to Caregiving: Focus on the Need for Long-Term Leave,? I investigat e the potential effects of these amendments to the Child Care and Family Care Leave Act, as well as id entifying new issues that require further ex- amination. Based on the results of analysis of data on workers who are employed when caregiving begins, the article rev eals that (i) the greater the need to take caregiver leave, the less likely working caregivers are to remain continuously employed at the same enterprise from the beginning to the end of the caregiving period, but the need for caregiver leave can be alleviated through the use of long-term care services, (ii) regardless of the degree of need to take caregiver leave, workers who work six hours or less per day are more likely to re- main continuously employed at the same enterprise than those who work over eight hours a day, and (iii) those who care for their own pare nts have a greater need for caregiver leave than those who care for the parents of a spouse , but regardless of the necessity for caregiver leave, among workers who provide care alone without assistance from their families, and workers who care for relatives with severe deme ntia, there is a low likelihood of continuous employment at the same enterprise. In other words, it can be said that a factor behind the low numbers of people taking caregiver leave is the increase in the use of services offered through long-term care in surance. However, social changes such as the increase in people caring for their own biological parents and the rise in people who care for relatives alone without other family members to assist them suggest the possibility that in the future there will continue to be an increase in the number of people leaving their employment due to caregiving responsibilities. The analysis results i ndicate that in order to curb this increase, in addition to the caregiver leave system, it is also important to develop systems such as short working h ours and limitations on overtime hours. In this sense, the recent amendments to the Child Care and Family Care Leave Act are suited to addressing the current circum- stances under which people leave employment to provide care. At the same time, as the current framework was developed with the necessity for physical care that arises in the case of cerebrovascular diseases and other such conditions in mind, it may not cover social measures to support care for dementia, and this article also highlights the importance of such measures as an issue that will require more extensive consideration in the future. Since the amendments that to ok effect in 2010, the Child Care and Family Care Leave Act has prescribed the obligation of en terprises to provide not only long-term care- giver leave but also ?time off for caregivers? that can be taken in one-day units, and with the introduction of the 2017 amendments caregiv ers will be able to take this time off in half-day units. Mayumi Nishimoto?s ?Choices of Leave When Caring for Family Members: What Is the Best System for Balancing Family Care with Employment?? investigates the necessity of not only leave that can be taken on a long-term basis, but also a flexible time-off system like time off for caregivers. The results of the analysis reveal the following five points. Firstly, when the main caregiver ratio is higher, the likelihood of taking care- giver leave increases, and absenteeism is partic ularly likely. Secondly, leave is more likely to be taken when the spouse works longer hour s, especially when the spouse?s employment format precludes the control of those working hours. The likelihood of absenteeism is also higher if the spouse is a regular employee, and the likelihood of taking annual leave in- creases more or less significan tly when the spouse is a regular employee or non-regular em- ployee, or when there is no spouse. Thirdly, the likelihood that leave will be taken rises in cases where the person requiring care is admitt ed to a general hospital or geriatric hospital and in such cases caregiver leave and annual le ave are particularly likely to be taken. Fourthly, absenteeism is more likely to occur when the caregiver has a lower annual income. Fifthly, absenteeism is also more prone to occur if the person is not a regular employee. In other words, this indicates that depending on the environment of family caregiving, there is also a demand not only for caregiving leave that can be taken on a long-term basis, but also time off that caregivers can take in single-day units. As is also indicated in the aforementioned articles, balancing work and caregiving is shaped by various environmental factors, such as social services and support from enter- prises, as well as the factors highlighted by Nishimoto in relation to family environment. In ?Frameworks for Balancing Work and Long-Term Care Duties, and Support Needed from Enterprises,? Yoko Yajima focusses on the correlations between these various fields, pur- suing quantitative analysis based on the hypothesis that the quality of the balance of work and care (?subjective sense that balance is achieved, and preservation of a feeling that work is rewarding?) differs depending on the frameworks and circumstances surrounding the balance of work and care. In doing so she looks at these ?frameworks and circumstances surrounding the balance of work and care? from the five perspectives of attributes of the caregiver, attributes of the care recipient, th e relationship between these two people and the role the caregiver plays, the long-term care fra mework (including the use of long-term care services, and cooperation from other family members), and the caregiver?s work style or format (flexible work schedules and utilization of leave, etc.). The results of this analysis reveal that while caring for an elderly relativ e appears at first glance to place caregivers in circumstances that are more complex and divers e than those faced when raising children, if factors such as the attributes of the care reci pient, the relationship between the caregiver and care recipient, and the long-term care framework are controlled, the types of support that employees seek from enterprises with regard to working styles and formats entail ?curtail- ing excessively long working hours,? ?creating an environment in which time off can be taken flexibly and support programs can be utilized with ease,? and ?supervisors? consider- ation for employees? circumstan ces,? and there is hardly any difference between these forms of support and the type of work environment required for employees raising children to achieve work-life balance. However, given th at if the care ?framework? required for bal- ancing work and long-t erm care duties is not in place, su pport related to work style and format from enterprises will not function effectively, Yajima highlights that it is therefore important that enterprises do not merely offer such support in terms of work styles and for- mats, but also encourage caregivers, who often try to handle duties directly by themselves, to focus on the ?management of care services and division of duties,? that is, using long-term care services and other such support effectively and dividing duties among family members. The final article in this journal, ?Current Issues regarding Family Caregiving and Gender Equality in Japan: Male Caregivers and the Interplay between Caregiving and Mas- culinities? by Mao Saito, examines the problems faced by fami ly caregivers in Japan from the perspective of gender. More specifically, Saito focuses on the increasing numbers of male caregivers in Japan, and investigates what significance th e increase in male caregivers may have for the achievement of gender equality in family caregiving, in light of the actual conditions of caregiving by male caregivers. Contemporary family caregiving is inseparable from the gender relationship between men as the breadwinners and women as the caregivers. At the same time, in Japan as in other countries, changes in family structures are leading to a growing number of situations in which men must take on caregiving roles. As men take on caregiving roles, they are forced to confront their own masculinities, and by looking at the difficulties faced by male caregivers, this ar ticle demonstrates that care and masculinities are not simply conflicting aspects of men?s identities. In discourse on ?welfare regimes,? Japan is considered to be a conservative regime in which the family takes the key role in providing care. However, as family sizes decline along with decreases in birth rates, it is be coming difficult to rely on families to provide care, and efforts have been made to supplement family care by socializing caregiving through the development of public long-term care services and comp any-based support for balancing work and caregiving. Countries with social democratic regimes in which the gov- ernment typically provides substantial policies for supporting elderly people and liberal regimes characterized by small government models may find that the onset of super-aging society necessitates some kinds of changes to their frameworks. We hope that this edition provides useful insights to readers who are aware of such issues. Shingou Ikeda The Japan Institute for Labour Policy and Training
Tokyo: The Japan Institute for Labour Policy and Training, 2006
331 JLR
Majalah, Jurnal, Buletin  Universitas Indonesia Library