Abstrak :
Fokus penelitian ini adalah mengetahui pengaruh karakteristik individu
terhadap upah pekerja konstruksi menggunakan data SAKERNAS 2013 dengan
jumlah responden 13.365 dan menggunakan analisis regresi linier berganda
dengan metode ordinary least square (OLS).
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa variabel bebas meliputi umur, jenis
kelamin, status kawin, tempat tinggal, pendidikan, pelatihan, regional, hari kerja
mempunyai pengaruh positif terhadap upah pekerja konstruksi. Penerimaan upah
maksimum terjadi pada umur 46,43 tahun, sedangkan setiap penambahan umur 1
tahun akan menambah penghasilan sebesar 2,6%. Jenis kelamin laki-laki akan
mendapatkan upah sebesar 3,49% > berjenis kelamin perempuan. Status kawin
akan menerima upah sebesar 10,34% > tidak kawin. Sedangkan pekerja yang
tinggal di kota akan menerima upah sebesar 13,43% > pekerja yang tinggal di
desa. Pendidikan tamat SMP akan menerima upah sebesar 6,64% , berpendidikan
tamat SMA+ sebesar 26,18% lebih tinggi dari pekerja yang berpendidikan <=SD.
Pekerja yang mengikuti pelatihan kerja (bangunan batu, kayu dan beton) akan
mendapatkan upah sebesar 25,72% > tidak mengikuti pelatihan kerja. Dan pekerja
yang tinggal di Pulau Sumatera akan mendapatkan upah sebesar 29,78%, Pulau
Jawa sebesar 10,01%, Pulau Kalimantan sebesar 50,75%, Pulau Sulawesi sebesar
26,26% dan Pulau Maluku serta Papua yang akan mendapat upah sebesar 45,08%
lebih tinggi jika di bandingkan dengan pekerja yang tinggal di pulau Bali dan
Nusa Tenggara.
The focus of this study find out of the effect of individual characteristics
on the wages of construction workers using SAKERNAS 2013 with 13.365
number of respondents and using multiple linear regression analysis with the
method of Ordinary Least Squares (OLS).
Results of research shows that the independent variables consist of age,
gender, marital status, place of residence, education, training, regional, working
days have a positive effect on the wages of construction workers. The maximum
wages occurs at the age of 46.43 years, and base on inferential analysis can
conclude that every additional 1 year of age will increase revenue 2.6%. Male will
get wages 3.49% > female. Marital status will get wages 10.34% > are not
married. While workers living in the city will receive a wage 13.43% > worker
who lives in the village. Junior high school will receive wages 6.64%, completed
high school plus will receive wages 26.18% higher than <= SD. Workers who
follow vocational training (masonry, wood and concrete) will get wages 25.72% >
does not follow vocational training. And workers who live on the island of
Sumatra will get wages 29.78%, 10.01% Java, 50.75% Borneo, 26.26% Sulawesi
and 45,08% Maluku and Papua island higher when compared with workers who
live on the island of Bali and Nusa Tenggara, The focus of this study find out of the effect of individual characteristics
on the wages of construction workers using SAKERNAS 2013 with 13.365
number of respondents and using multiple linear regression analysis with the
method of Ordinary Least Squares (OLS).
Results of research shows that the independent variables consist of age,
gender, marital status, place of residence, education, training, regional, working
days have a positive effect on the wages of construction workers. The maximum
wages occurs at the age of 46.43 years, and base on inferential analysis can
conclude that every additional 1 year of age will increase revenue 2.6%. Male will
get wages 3.49% > female. Marital status will get wages 10.34% > are not
married. While workers living in the city will receive a wage 13.43% > worker
who lives in the village. Junior high school will receive wages 6.64%, completed
high school plus will receive wages 26.18% higher than <= SD. Workers who
follow vocational training (masonry, wood and concrete) will get wages 25.72% >
does not follow vocational training. And workers who live on the island of
Sumatra will get wages 29.78%, 10.01% Java, 50.75% Borneo, 26.26% Sulawesi
and 45,08% Maluku and Papua island higher when compared with workers who
live on the island of Bali and Nusa Tenggara]
UI - Tesis Membership Universitas Indonesia Library