ABSTRAKEfisiensi di industri konstruksi masih menjadi perhatian. Di banyak negara, industri konstruksi sering menerima kritik mengenai kualitas dan kepuasan pelanggan yang buruk, sering terjadi konflik dan perselisihan di antara berbagai pelaku, dan biaya serta jadwal yang melebihi batas dalam proyek. dari data kepuasan pelanggan PT. Waskita, presentase tidak puas pada penyelesaian proyek meningkat dari 3,7% pada tahun 2011 menjadi 6,1% pada tahun 2013. Dengan pendekatan Business Process Reengineering, penelitian ini mencoba untuk merancang perbaikan proses procurement pada apartemen yukata. Fase awal yaitu dengan memetakan dan analisis proses as-is menggunakan tools IDEF 0. Proses bisnis disimulasikan dengan software iGrafx dan didapatkan waktu proses as is 73,31 minggu. Kemudian ditentukan alternatif target perbaikan dari best practice menggunakan modified House of Quality. 15 kombinasi model rancangan perbaikan disimulasikan dan didapatkan hasil terbaik yaitu pengurangan cylce time hingga 40%.
ABSTRACTEfficiency in the construction industry is still a concern. In many countries, the construction industry often receives criticism about poor quality and customer satisfaction, frequent conflicts and disputes among various actors, and costs and schedules that exceed the project's limits. from customer satisfaction data by PT. Waskita Karya, the percentage of dissatisfaction with the completion of the project increased from 3.7% in 2011 to 6.1% in 2013. With the Business Process Reengineering approach, this study tried to design an improvement in the procurement process for yukata apartments. The initial phase is by mapping and analyzing the as-is process using IDEF 0 tools . Business processes are simulated with the iGrafx software and the result shown that cycle time is 73.31 weeks. Then the alternative improvement targets are determined from best practice using modified House of Quality. 15 combinations of repair design models were simulated and the best results were obtained, that is the reduction of cylce time to 40%."