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Starleen Ellexia
"Latar Belakang
Tumor otak adalah neoplasma intrakranial di dalam otak atau di kanal tulang belakang pusat. Tumor otak ganas primer mempengaruhi sekitar 200.000 orang di seluruh dunia setiap tahun. Tumor otak disebabkan oleh pembelahan sel yang abnormal dan tidak terkontrol. Penanganan tumor otak di Indonesia masih belum terintegrasi baik dari segi promotif, preventif, maupun kuratif. Tumor otak sendiri dapat menyebabkan berbagai komplikasi sampai kematian. Oleh karena itu, pada penelitian kali ini dilakukan studi mengenai keterkaitan jenis, letak, dan ukuran tumor dengan skor fungsional berupa skor KPS yang didapatkan pasien pre dan post tindakan serta hubungannya dengan tingkat resektabilitas tumor pasien saat dilakukan operasi. Skor KPS dapat berfungsi sebagai salah satu faktor prognosis kualitas hidup pasien.
Penelitian ini akan menggunakan metode kohort retrospektif dengan melihat rekam medis pasien tumor otak dari tahun 2021 sampai 2022 yang ditatalaksana di RSCM. Rekam medis akan diambil secara consecutive sampling.
Terdapat hubungan antara jenis tumor dengan skor KPS pre operasi dimana nilai median untuk semua jenis adalah 80 namun, adenoma mendapatkan mean skor KPS tertinggi (84,59) dan jenis tumor lain mendapatkan mean skor KPS terendah (73,73). Ukuran tumor dan skor KPS pre operasi tidak didapatkan hubungan korelasi yang kuat yaitu hanya sebesar -0,194 (CI 95% -0,313 - -0,069). Letak tumor dengan skor KPS pre operasi didapatkan ada hubungannya dengan hasil tumor supratentorium memiliki median skor KPS pre operasi lebih tinggi dibandingkan tumor infratentorium. Hasil ini berbeda dengan studi-studi lainnya sehingga diperlukan penelitian lebih lanjut. Demikian juga dengan tingkat resektabilitas dengan skor KPS post operasi dimana didapatkan hasil signifikansi sebesar p=0,107 sehingga hubungannya tidak signifikan. Namun jika dilihat mediannya, (Gross Total Resection) GTR memiliki skor KPS post operasi yang lebih baik dibandingkan dengan (SubTotal Resection) STR yaitu 85 dan 80 secara berurut.
Perbedaan jenis tumor mempengaruhi skor KPS pre operasi. Semakin besar ukuran tumor yang dialami pasien, maka semakin rendah skor KPS pre operasi yang didapatkan. Selain itu, skor KPS pre operasi juga berhubungan dengan letak tumor yang dialami pasien. Sedangkan, skor KPS post operasi pada penelitian ini tidak menunjukkan hubungan yang signifikan dengan tingkat resektabilitas tumor pada pasien yang dioperasi.

Brain tumors are intracranial neoplasms within the brain or in the central spinal canal. Primary malignant brain tumors affect around 200,000 people worldwide each year. Brain tumors are caused by abnormal and uncontrolled cell division. Management of brain tumors in Indonesia is still not integrated in terms of promotive, preventive and curative. Brain tumors themselves can cause various complications up to death. Therefore, In this study, an investigation was carried out to explore the correlation between the type, location, and size of the tumor and its impact on the functional score, measured by the KPS score, obtained from patients before and after surgery. Additionally, the study examined the association between the level of resectability and the type of tumor. KPS score can be used as one prognostic factor for patient quality of life.
This study will use a retrospective cohort method by looking at the medical records of brain tumor patients from 2021 to 2022 who were treated at RSCM. Medical records will be taken by consecutive sampling.
A correlation exists between tumor types and preoperative KPS scores, with a median value of 80 for all types. Adenomas achieve the highest mean KPS score (84.59), while other tumor types have the lowest mean KPS score (73.73). A weak correlation is observed between tumor size and preoperative KPS scores, with a coefficient of only - 0.194 (95% CI -0.313 to -0.069). There is a relationship between tumor location and preoperative KPS scores, as supratentorial tumors have a higher median preoperative KPS score compared to infratentorial tumors. These findings differ from other studies, suggesting the need for further research. Similarly, the level of resectability and postoperative KPS scores show a non-significant relationship with a p-value of 0.107. However, when looking at the medians, Gross Total Resection (GTR) is associated with a higher postoperative KPS score compared to Subtotal Resection (STR), namely 85 and 80, respectively.
The type of tumor affects preoperative KPS scores. The larger the tumor size, the lower the preoperative KPS score. Additionally, preoperative KPS scores are also associated with tumor location. However, postoperative KPS scores in this study do not show a significant relationship with the resectability of tumors in operated patients.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yulius Seno Nugroho
Latar Belakang : Pada studi di Jepang terdapat 678 kasus tumor intradura ekstramedulla selama tahun 2000-2009, presentasi kasus tersering adalah Schwannoma 15-50 dan Meningioma 30 . Kualitas hidup adalah persepsi individu tentang kehidupan mereka, dapat diukur dengan MOS 36-item SF-36.Metodologi : Studi retrospektif deskriptif analitik menggunakan data rekam medis 55 pasien tumor intradural ekstramedulla yang dioperasi di RS Cipto Mangunkusumo tahun 2014-2016. Subjek penelitian adalah seluruh populasi terjangkau, berdasarkan rujukan registrasi tumor intradura ekstramedula. Terdapat 30 pasien dengan hasil patologi Meningioma atau Schwanoma, sampel penelitian sebanyak 29 sampel, 1 pasien meninggal 1 bulan setelah operasi. Pasien diwawancara via telepon, dinilai dengan item SF-36, diolah menggunakan program SPSS 21.Hasil : Subjek terbanyak pada kategori 50 ndash; 60 tahun 9 subjek 30 , perempuan 20 subjek 69 , laki-laki 9 subjek 31 , lama keluhan sebelum operasi rata-rata 7,79 bulan. Didapatkan data Patologi Anatomi berupa Meningioma 10 subjek 34,5 dan Schwanoma 19 subjek 65,5 . Sebaran domisili diluar Jakarta 16 subjek 53,3 dan di Jakarta 13 subjek 46,7 . Hasil SF-36 pada penelitian ini Role Emotional, Role Physical dan Physical Function menunjukan perubahan yang signifikan dibandingkan dengan kriteria lainnya,Simpulan : Ada perubahan signifikan kriteria Role Emotional, Role Physical dan Physical Function dibandingkan dengan kriteria lainnya.

Background A study in Japan found 678 cases of intradural extramedullary tumors during 2000 2009, most common case is Schwannoma 15 50 and Meningioma 30 . Quality of life is the individual 39 s perception of their life can be measured using MOS 36 item SF 36.Methodology Descriptive analytics retrospective study using medical records of 55 intradural extramedullary tumors patients which are operated in Cipto Mangunkusmo Hospital during 2014 2016. There were 30 patients with Meningioma or Schwannoma pathology results. Sample were 29 samples, 1 patient died 1 month after surgery. Patients were interviewed by phone, assessed by SF 36 items, processed by using SPSS 21 program.Results The highest number of sample was in 50 60 years rsquo s category, 9 subjects 30 , female gender 20 subjects 69 , men 9 subjects 31 , long complaints until surgery averaged 7.79 months. Obtained results of Anatomical Pathology of Meningioma 10 subjects 34.5 and Schwanoma 19 subjects 65.5 . Distribution of domicile outside Jakart 16 subjects 53.3 and in Jakarta 13 subjects 46.7 . The results of SF 36 in this study Emotional Role, Physical Role and Physical Function showed significant changes compared to other criteriaConclusion Obtained improved outcomes Emotional Role, Physical Role and Physical Function that showed significant changes compared to other criteria. "
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Raisa Zalfa Meutia Abubakar
"Pendahuluan: Lesi serebral intrakranial, khususnya tumor, awalnya dapat muncul sebagai gejala oftalmik akibat adanya massa dan/atau peningkatan tekanan intrakranial yang mengganggu jalur penglihatan, jaringan mata, dan saraf. Diagnosis dini tumor otak penting untuk mencegah gangguan penglihatan dan/atau kebutaan yang tidak dapat disembuhkan. Namun, rendahnya kesadaran pasien tentang pentingnya manajemen bedah saraf yang tepat waktu sering mengakibatkan keterlambatan diagnosis dan pengobatan.
Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan desain cross-sectional analitik untuk mengetahui kebutaan akibat tumor otak. Data dari 54 pasien pada tahun 2020, dikelompokkan berdasarkan karakteristik demografi, dianalisis untuk mengeksplorasi hubungan antara durasi dari timbulnya gejala hingga kunjungan medis pertama dan terjadinya kebutaan pada pasien tumor otak.
Hasil: 35 (64,81%) pasien tumor otak ditemukan mengalami kebutaan. Temuan penelitian ini mengungkapkan adanya hubungan antara kebutaan pada pasien tumor otak dan durasi dari timbulnya gejala hingga kunjungan medis pertama dan konsultasi bedah saraf. Pasien yang mengalami keterlambatan dalam berkonsultasi dengan dokter layanan primer dan/atau bedah saraf sejak gejala awal menunjukkan insiden kebutaan yang lebih tinggi, hal ini menunjukkan pentingnya mencari pertolongan medis segera.
Kesimpulan: Penelitian ini menggarisbawahi pentingnya intervensi medis yang tepat waktu dan konsultasi bedah saraf khusus untuk mengurangi kejadian kebutaan di antara pasien tumor otak. Hal ini menekankan perlunya peningkatan kesadaran masyarakat, sistem rujukan yang efisien, dan pertolongan medis yang cepat untuk meringankan beban kebutaan pada populasi pasien tumor otak.

Introduction: Intracranial cerebral lesions, particularly tumours, can initially present as ophthalmic symptoms due to masses and/or elevated intracranial pressure disturbing the visual pathway, ocular tissues, and nerves. Early diagnosis of brain tumours is crucial to prevent irreversible visual impairment and/or blindness. However, low patient awareness about the importance of timely neurosurgical management often results in delayed diagnosis and treatment.
Methods: This study utilized an analytic cross-sectional design to investigate blindness related to brain tumours. Data from 54 patients in 2020, stratified by demographic characteristics, were analyzed to explore the association between the duration from symptom onset to the first medical visit and the occurrence of blindness in brain tumor patients.
Results: 35 (64.81%) brain tumour patients were found to be blind. The study findings revealed an association between blindness in brain tumour patients and the duration from symptom onset to both the first medical visit and neurosurgery consultation. Patients experiencing delays in consulting a primary care physician and/or a neurosurgeon from the initial onset of symptoms exhibited a higher incidence of blindness, highlighting the importance of seeking prompt medical attention.
Conclusion: This study underscored the critical need for timely medical intervention and specialized neurosurgical consultation to mitigate the incidence of blindness among brain tumour patients. It emphasized the necessity for increased public awareness, efficient referral systems, and prompt medical attention to alleviate the burden of blindness in patients with brain tumour.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Arry Setyawan
Latar Belakang Peningkatan insidensi tumor metastasis intrakranial setiap tahunnya, juga diikuti oleh meningkatnya angka disabilitas dan mortalitas pada pasien. Terapi standar pada tumor metastasis otak adalah WBRT, SRS, operasi atau kombinasi dari ketiganya. Dengan semua pilihan terapi yang ada, sangat penting untuk memerhatikan prognosis pasien dengan tumor metastasis otak untuk menentukan jenis terapi yang sesuai, salah satunya dengan menggunakan indeks prognosis. Belum terdapat data yang menggambarkan profil demografis dan kesintasan pasien tumor metastasis otak di Indonesia dengan menerapkan indeks prognosis yang sudah ada.Tujuan dan Metode Penelitian ini merupakan studi cohort retrospektif untuk melihat kesesuaian hasil analisis kesintasan pasien tumor metastasis otak di Departemen Radioterapi RSUPN Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo tahun 2012-2014 dengan data acuan indeks RPA, GPA, dan BSBM.Hasil Terdapat 62 subyek yang diikutsertakan dalam penelitian ini setelah mendapat persetujuan. Median kesintasan keseluruhan mencapai 9,16 bulan. Hasil analisis kesintasan berdasarkan indeks RPA memperlihatkan median kesintasan Kelas I, Kelas II dan Kelas III, secara berurutan 16.3 bulan, 11.2 bulan, dan 4.7 bulan. Karakteristik dan median kesintasan subyek pengamatan berdasarkan indeks GPA, secara berurutan mulai dari GPA 0-1 sampai GPA 3,5-4 adalah 4.3, 10.4, 12.4, dan 16.3 bulan. Hasil penerapan kedua indeks tersebut terlihat sesuai dengan data acuan penelitian pendahulunya. Namun indeks BSBM tidak mampu memperlihatkan hasil yang sesuai saat diterapkan pada populasi sampel penelitian.Kesimpulan Indeks RPA dan GPA dapat digunakan untuk memprediksi prognosis pasien tumor metastasis otak di RSUPN-CM karena memberikan karakterisitik yang sesuai dengan data acuan. Indeks GPA dianggap lebih baik karena menggunakan variabel yang lebih objektif.

Background The incidence of intracranial metastasis has increased annually, which also followed by the increased number of patient rsquo s disability and mortality. Standard therapy in brain metastasis are Whole Brain Radiotherapy WBRT , Stereotactic Radio Surgery SRS , surgery, or combination of all. With all these treatment options available, it is very important to consider the prognosis in order to decide which therapy is appropriate. One of the methods that can be used to determine the prognosis is by using the prognostic indices. Currently, there has been no data or report about the demographic and survival profile of patients with brain metastastis in Indonesia using the available index prognosis.Methods This is a retrospective cohort study to evaluate the survival analysis in patients with brain metastasis that are undergoing treatment in Radiotherapy Department, RSUPN Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo in 2012 2014 based on RPA, GPA, and BSBM index.Results Sixty two patients are included in this study after obtaining the approved consent. The median of survival rate is 9.16 months. Survival analysis based on RPA index showed median class I, II, and III are 16.3, 11.2, and 4.7 months, respectively. Characteristics and median observer based on GPA, from GPA 0 1 to GPA 3.5 4 are 4.3, 10.4, 12.4, and 16.3 months, respectively. These findings are similar with the previous studies. However, BSBM index does not able to illustrate the result that is appropriate when it is being applied to the subjects of this study.Conclusions RPA and GPA index can be used to predict the prognosis in patients with brain metastasis that are undergoing treatment in RSUPN Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo because it provides characteristics, which correspond to the reference data. GPA index is considered better because it uses more objective variables."
[, ]: 2016
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
K.M.A. Halim Habibi
"LATAR BELAKANG Pembedahan merupakan pengobatan utama tumor spinal pada umumnya. Pembedahan minimal invasif menjadi trend karena menghasilkan cidera jaringan minimal dengan tujuan operasi tetap tercapai. Laminektomi unilateral merupakan salah satu teknik yang memenuhi pilar dasar operasi minimal invasif. Penulis mengevaluasi efektivitas dan efisiensi teknik laminektomi unilateral removal tumor serta perbandingan terhadap teknik konvensional.
METODE Disain studi deskriptif analitik dengan data rekam medis periode Januari 2015 – Juni 2020. Skor fungsional (VAS, KPS, Recovery rate/Hirabayashi, Nurick) dihitung saat pra dan pascaoperasi 1, 3, 6, 12, dan 24 bulan. Efisiensi teknik laminektomi unilateral dievaluasi melalui lama operasi, jumlah perdarahan, lama rawat. Efektivitas dievaluasi melalui resektabiltas intraoperasi dan MRI kontrol tulang belakang pasca operasi
HASIL Terdapat 26 pasien, rerata usia (44.17 ± 14.4) tahun, lelaki 12 (46.1%) dan perempuan 14 (53.8%). Skor fungsional pra operasi (Median VAS 4 (0-8), Nurick 4.5 (1-6), JOA servikal 5 (2-10), Torakal 3.5 (2-9), lumbal 19 (14-23) dan KPS 60 (40-80). Follow up 24 bulan pascaoperasi VAS (0) 94%, recovery rate excellent 81%, Nurick (< 3) 87% dan KPS (> 70%) 87%. Median perdarahan intraoperasi 175 (50-1200) ml, lama operasi 180 (120-540) menit dan lama rawat 6.5 (4-42) hari. Gross total resection 76.9%. Terdapat satu komplikasi pseudomeningocele pada follow up 3 bulan pascaoperasi yang menghilang tanpa intervensi pada follow up MRI kontrol 6 bulan pascaoperasi.
SIMPULAN Laminektomi unilateral memungkinkan gross total resection dengan recovery rate baik, trauma operasi dan komplikasi lebih kecil terhadap teknik konvensional.

BACKGROUND Pembedahan merupakan pengobatan utama tumor spinal pada umumnya. Pembedahan minimal invasif menjadi trend karena menghasilkan cidera jaringan minimal dengan tujuan operasi tetap tercapai. Laminektomi unilateral merupakan salah satu teknik yang memenuhi pilar dasar operasi minimal invasif. Penulis mengevaluasi efektivitas dan efisiensi teknik laminektomi unilateral removal tumor serta perbandingan terhadap teknik konvensional.
METHOD Design of study is analytic descriptive using medical records period January 2015 – June 2020. Functional Scores (VAS, KPS, Recovery rate/Hirabayashi, Nurick) achieved pre and postoperation 1,3,6,12,and 24 months. Efficiency is observed from operative time, intraoperative bleeding, length of stay. Effectivity is observed from resectability during intraoperative and MRI control post operation.
RESULT There are 26 patients, mean age ( 44.17 ± 14.4) years, male 12 (46.1%), female 14 (53.8%). Functional score pre operation (median VAS 4 (0-8), Nurick 4.5 (1-6), JOA cervical 5 (2-10), Thoracal 3.5 (2-9), lumbar 19 (14-23) and KPS 60 (40-80). At Follow up 24 months after operation there are 94% with no pain, 81% excellent recovery rate, 87% Nurick <3 and 87% KPS >70%. Median of estimated blood loss 175 (50-1200) ml, operative time 180 (120-540) min and length of stay 6.5 (4-42) days. Gross total resection are 20 (76.9)% cases. There are one complication pseudomeningocele which detected in MRI control after 3 month surgery, then resolved without surgery by the 6 months control.
CONCLUSION Gross total resection maybe achieved by unilateral laminectomy and produces less complication and trauma compare to conventional technique.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mustaqim Prasetya
"Latar Belakang: Gangguan penglihatan adalah gejala kedua yang sering muncul pada tumor otak setelah nyeri kepala. Gejala gangguan penglihatan yang paling sering terjadi pada tumor otak adalah penurunan visus atau tajam penglihatan (low vision sampai kebutaan), sedang tanda yang paling sering dijumpai adalah atrofi n. optikus dan papilledema. Penurunan tajam penglihatan yang dialami penderita tumor otak dapat sangat berat hingga berupa kebutaan. Sampai saat ini belum terdapat data angka kejadian gangguan penglihatan sampai kebutaan pada tumor otak di Indonesia.
Metode: Sebagai studi potong lintang analitik, dikumpulkanlah data pasien penderita tumor otak di atas usia 6 tahun yang datang berobat ke poliklinik Bedah Saraf FKUIRSCM pasien September 2013 hingga Februari 2014 dari catatan rekam medis.
Hasil: Jumlah pasien tumor otak yang mengalami buta sebanyak 37 orang (34,6 %) dengan usia rata-rata 45,3 (SD 11,3 tahun). Sebesar 86,5 % penderita berada pada usia produktif 15-54 tahun. Dari 37 pasien tumor otak yang buta terlihat proporsi gejala penyerta terbesar adalah sefalgia (terutama sefalgia kronis), diikuti oleh gangguan oftalmologi lain. Data pemeriksaan funduskopi hanya ditemukan pada kurang dari 50 % penderita, dengan temuan yang terbanyak adalah papil atrofi.
Kesimpulan: Besar angka kebutaan pada pasien tumor otak menunjukkan bahwa kondisi ini tidak hanya menjadi masalah medis saja tetapi juga masalah sosial yang serius. Banyaknya jumlah pasien tanpa data funduskopi menandakan masih lemahnya standar pemeriksaan neurooftalmologi ataupun pencatatan yang ada saat ini, padahal pemeriksaan funduskopi berperan sangat penting mendeteksi dini kejadian tumor otak pada pasien dengan gangguan penglihatan.

Background: Vision impairment is the second most common symptom in brain tumor after headache, with decreased visual acuity or low vision as its most common manifestation, and optic nerve atrophy and papilledema as its most common sign. Blindness may be the final outcome of this impairment. Until now, there is no data regarding the prevalence of vision impairment in brain tumor patient in Indonesia.
Method: As a analytic cross-sectional study, data is collected from the medical record regarding brain tumor patient above the age of 6 years old who were seen in the neurosurgery facility in FKUI-RSCM from September 2013 to February 2014.
Result: As much as 37 patient (34,6%) brain tumor patient were found to be blind; mean age was 45,3 years old (SD 11,3 years old), with 86,5% patient was in the productive age 15-54 years old. The commonest related symptoms was headache (especially chronic headache), followed by other ophthalmologic symptoms. Funduscopy data was found only in less than 50% patient; the commonest finding was optic nerve atrophy.
Conclusion: Blindness rate in brain tumor patient is not just a medical issue, but also a social one. Funduscopy usage must be encouraged more to provide early detection for brain tumor patient with vision impairment.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Alvi Aulia
"Latar Belakang. Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor mengatur beberapa proses selular penting. Overekspresi EGFR merupakan penanda negatif prognosis pada glioma.
Metode. Tujuh belas pasien astrositoma dilakukan pemeriksaan imunohistokimia untuk mengevaluasi overekspresi EGFR. Seluruh pasien dievaluasi Karnofsky Performance Score 1 tahun pasca operasi.
Hasil. Sembilan pasien high-grade glioma, 67 memiliki overekspresi EGFR yang positif dan hanya 1 pasien yang hidup dengan KPS 70. Empat pasien low-grade glioma dengan overekspresi EGFR yang positif, memiliki KPS 0.
Kesimpulan. Low-grade glioma dengan overekspresi EGFR yang positif memiliki KPS yang rendah pada 1 tahun pasca operasi.

Background. Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor regulate several important cellular process. EGFR overexpression is one of negative prognostic marker in glioma.
Method. Seventeen patients with astrocytoma were performed immunohistochemistry to evaluate EGFR overexpression. All of this patient evaluate for Karnofsky Performance Score at 1 year after surgery.
Hasil. Nine patients with high grade glioma, 67 have positive EGFR overexpression, and only 1 patient still alive with KPS 70. Four patient in low grade glioma with positive EGFR overexpression have KPS 0.
Conclusion. Low grade glioma with positive EGFR overexpression have a poor KPS at 1 year after surgery.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Cahyo Ismawati Sulistyorini
"Pasien dengan kasus tumor otak memerlukan perawatan yang komprehensif dan membutuhkan waktu yang lama untuk pasien dapat beradaptasi dengan perubahan-perubahan yang terjadi pada dirinya. Selama pasien menjalani masa perawatan di rumah sakit, asuhan keperawatan yang tepat diberikan kepada pasien adalah dengan model konsep teori adaptasi Roy. Asuhan dengan pendekatan model adaptasi ini menjadi pilihan yang sesuai untuk kasus-kasus perawatan jangka panjang sehingga pasien dapat menjalani kehidupan lanjutan pasca perawatan dengan baik, mengembalikan kemandirian, kepercayaan diri terutama konsep gambaran diri dan status peran di masyarakat. Perawat dengan pendidikan spesialis harus mampu menjalankan berbagai peran terutama sebagai Clinical Care Manager, dengan demikian peningkatan layanan keperawatan di rumah sakit dapat dicapai dengan lebih optimal dan memberikan kepuasan pelanggan. Laporan analisis praktek ini membahas mengenai asuhan keperawatan perioperative pada pasien dengan tumor otak, laporan praktik keperawatan berbasis fakta yaitu early mobilization dan resume pasien dengan gangguan neurologis di RS PON Jakarta,serta e handbook peran perawat perioperative dalam pembedahan spinal. Analisis praktik residensi ini dapat digunakan sebagai dasar perawat dalam latihan critical thinking, mengelola kasus sulit dan menerapkan asuhan keperawatan berbasis bukti.

Patients with cases of brain tumor require comprehensive care and require a long time for the patient to adapt of the changes that occur. As long as the patient is undergoing treatment in the hospital, the appropriate nursing care is using Roy's adaptation teori concept model. Adaptation model approach is an appropriate choice for cases of long-term care so that patients can live a good post- treatment follow-up life, restore independence, self-confidence, especially the concept of self-image and role status in society. Nurses with specialist education must be able to carry out various roles, especially as Clinical Care Managers, thus improving nursing services in hospitals can be achieved more optimally and provide customer satisfaction. This practice analysis report discusses perioperative nursing care for patients with brain tumor, a fact-based nursing practice report, namely and resumes of patients early mobilization with neurological disorders at National brain centre Hospital Jakarta. E handbook about perioperative nursing at spinal surgery. This residency practice analysis can be used as a basis for nurses in critical thinking exercises, managing difficult cases and implementing evidence-based nursing care. Keywords: Brain tumor, Roy's adaptation model, early mobilization, E handbook about perioperative nursing at spinal surgery."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ken Ayu Mastini
Latar Belakang : Pemberian kotrimoksazol diberikan sebagai standar pencegahan primer terhadap infeksi toksoplasmosis dan pneumonia Pneumocystis jirovecii (PCP) pada pasien HIV dengan CD4 kurang dari 200 sel/mm3 dan pasien tuberkulosis. Beberapa penelitian di luar negeri mendapatkan bahwa pemberian profilaksis kotrimoksazol belum sesuai dengan panduan nasional, sehingga perlu dilakukan penelitian untuk menilai kepatuhan dokter dalam meresepkan profilaksis primer kotrimoksazol.
Tujuan : mengetahui pola peresepan dokter terutama dalam memulai, menghentikan, dosis obat, efek samping, durasi pemberian dan persentase lama pemberian profilaksis primer kotrimoksazol pada pasien HIV
Metode : Studi ini merupakan studi kohort retrospektif dan mengambil data semua pasien HIV usia lebih dari 18 tahun yang berobat ke UPT HIV RSCM tahun 2004-2013 dan memenuhi kriteria pemberian profilaksis primer kotrimoksazol. Variabel yang diteliti adalah pola inisiasi peresepan, penghentian peresepan, dosis, durasi, persentase lama pemberian, serta ada tidaknya efek samping kotrimoksazol
Hasil : Sejumlah 3818 pasien mempunyai indikasi pemberian kotrimoksazol dengan nilai tengah usia pasien adalah 29 tahun, pria (79,1%), tuberkulosis (58,5%), stadium 3 dan 4 (86%). Nilai tengah CD4 saat awal adalah 51 sel/mm3 (RIK 101). Profilaksis primer kotrimoksazol sudah dimulai pada 83% pasien. Pemberian dosis kotrimoksazol sudah sesuai pedoman pada 99,8% pasien. Efek samping yang dari yang paling sering sampai yang jarang terjadi adalah peningkatan transaminase (38,1%), leukopenia (16,9%), anemia (16,5%), mual (15,4%), muntah (7,8%), trombositopenia (7,4%) dan alergi (5,3%). Efek samping yang menyebabkan penghentian peresepan adalah alergi (100%), anemia (2,4%), peningkatan transaminase (2,1%), muntah (0,8%) dan leukopenia (0,6%). Pola penghentian peresepan tidak sesuai pedoman pada 61,6% dengan nilai tengah persentase lama pemberian 87,5% (RIK 39) dan nilai tengah durasi pemberian profilaksis primer kotrimoksazol adalah 20 bulan (RIK 20). Durasi pada pasien dengan CD4≤100 sel/mm3 dan >100 sel/mm3 adalah 21 bulan (RIK 22) dan 12,5 bulan (RIK 14,75) dengan nilai p=0,000.
Kesimpulan : walaupun pada saat awal 83% pasien HIV dewasa dilakukan pemberian profilaksis primer kotrimoksazol dengan pengaturan dosis yang sangat baik, namun 61,6% penghentian peresepan tidak sesuai pedoman.

Back Ground : Cotrimoxazole was standard of primary prevention against toxoplasmosis infection and Pneumocystis jirovecii pneumonia (PCP) in patients with CD4 less than 200 cell/mm3 and tuberculosis. Some study found that prophylactic use cotrimoxazole in patients with HIV was inappropriate with national guideline. It was necessary to have research in order to know clinician adherence to prescribe primary cotrimoxazole prophylaxis.
Objective : to know initiation, discontinuation, dosage, adverse events, duration and duration percentage of primary cotrimoxazole prophylaxis in HIV patients
Methods : This was cohort retrospective study and was done in UPT HIV RSCM and subject of study were all patients more than 18 years old from 2004 to 2013 and had indication of primary cotrimoxazole prophylaxis. Variable in this study were initiation, discontinuation, dosage, duration, duration percentage and adverse events of primary cotrimoxazole prophylaxis.
Result : There were 3818 patients had indication of primary cotrimoxazole prophylaxis with median age of study subjects were 29 years old, 79,1% were male, 58,5% were tuberculosis, WHO clinical stage 3 and 4 were 86%. Median CD4 at beginning was 51 cell/mm3 (IQR 101). Initiation of primary cotrimoxazole prophylaxis was performed in 83% patients who met indication. 99,8% patients used appropriate dose of cotrimoxazole. Frequent adverse events were increasing hepatic transaminase (38,1%), leucopenia (16,9%), anemia (16,5%), nausea (15,4%), vomiting (7,8%), thrombocytopenia (7,4%) and hypersensitivity (5,3%). Adverse event causing discontinuation were hypersensitivity (100%), anemia (2,4%), increasing hepatic transaminase (2,1%), vomiting (0,8%) and leucopenia (0,6%). Inappropriate discontinuation of cotrimoxazole was 61,6% with median duration percentage was 87,5% (IQR 39) and median of duration was 20 month (IQR 20). Duration in patients with CD4≤100 cell/mm3 and >100 cell/mm3 was 21 month (IQR 22) and 12,5 month (IQR 14,75) p=0,000.
Conclusion : although initiation of primary cotrimoxazole prophylaxis was done in 83% adult HIV patients with appropriate dosage, but 61,6% discontinuation was inappropriate with guideline;Back Ground : Cotrimoxazole was standard of primary prevention against toxoplasmosis infection and Pneumocystis jirovecii pneumonia (PCP) in patients with CD4 less than 200 cell/mm3 and tuberculosis. Some study found that prophylactic use cotrimoxazole in patients with HIV was inappropriate with national guideline. It was necessary to have research in order to know clinician adherence to prescribe primary cotrimoxazole prophylaxis.
Objective : to know initiation, discontinuation, dosage, adverse events, duration and duration percentage of primary cotrimoxazole prophylaxis in HIV patients
Methods : This was cohort retrospective study and was done in UPT HIV RSCM and subject of study were all patients more than 18 years old from 2004 to 2013 and had indication of primary cotrimoxazole prophylaxis. Variable in this study were initiation, discontinuation, dosage, duration, duration percentage and adverse events of primary cotrimoxazole prophylaxis.
Result : There were 3818 patients had indication of primary cotrimoxazole prophylaxis with median age of study subjects were 29 years old, 79,1% were male, 58,5% were tuberculosis, WHO clinical stage 3 and 4 were 86%. Median CD4 at beginning was 51 cell/mm3 (IQR 101). Initiation of primary cotrimoxazole prophylaxis was performed in 83% patients who met indication. 99,8% patients used appropriate dose of cotrimoxazole. Frequent adverse events were increasing hepatic transaminase (38,1%), leucopenia (16,9%), anemia (16,5%), nausea (15,4%), vomiting (7,8%), thrombocytopenia (7,4%) and hypersensitivity (5,3%). Adverse event causing discontinuation were hypersensitivity (100%), anemia (2,4%), increasing hepatic transaminase (2,1%), vomiting (0,8%) and leucopenia (0,6%). Inappropriate discontinuation of cotrimoxazole was 61,6% with median duration percentage was 87,5% (IQR 39) and median of duration was 20 month (IQR 20). Duration in patients with CD4≤100 cell/mm3 and >100 cell/mm3 was 21 month (IQR 22) and 12,5 month (IQR 14,75) p=0,000.
Conclusion : although initiation of primary cotrimoxazole prophylaxis was done in 83% adult HIV patients with appropriate dosage, but 61,6% discontinuation was inappropriate with guideline;Back Ground : Cotrimoxazole was standard of primary prevention against toxoplasmosis infection and Pneumocystis jirovecii pneumonia (PCP) in patients with CD4 less than 200 cell/mm3 and tuberculosis. Some study found that prophylactic use cotrimoxazole in patients with HIV was inappropriate with national guideline. It was necessary to have research in order to know clinician adherence to prescribe primary cotrimoxazole prophylaxis.
Objective : to know initiation, discontinuation, dosage, adverse events, duration and duration percentage of primary cotrimoxazole prophylaxis in HIV patients
Methods : This was cohort retrospective study and was done in UPT HIV RSCM and subject of study were all patients more than 18 years old from 2004 to 2013 and had indication of primary cotrimoxazole prophylaxis. Variable in this study were initiation, discontinuation, dosage, duration, duration percentage and adverse events of primary cotrimoxazole prophylaxis.
Result : There were 3818 patients had indication of primary cotrimoxazole prophylaxis with median age of study subjects were 29 years old, 79,1% were male, 58,5% were tuberculosis, WHO clinical stage 3 and 4 were 86%. Median CD4 at beginning was 51 cell/mm3 (IQR 101). Initiation of primary cotrimoxazole prophylaxis was performed in 83% patients who met indication. 99,8% patients used appropriate dose of cotrimoxazole. Frequent adverse events were increasing hepatic transaminase (38,1%), leucopenia (16,9%), anemia (16,5%), nausea (15,4%), vomiting (7,8%), thrombocytopenia (7,4%) and hypersensitivity (5,3%). Adverse event causing discontinuation were hypersensitivity (100%), anemia (2,4%), increasing hepatic transaminase (2,1%), vomiting (0,8%) and leucopenia (0,6%). Inappropriate discontinuation of cotrimoxazole was 61,6% with median duration percentage was 87,5% (IQR 39) and median of duration was 20 month (IQR 20). Duration in patients with CD4≤100 cell/mm3 and >100 cell/mm3 was 21 month (IQR 22) and 12,5 month (IQR 14,75) p=0,000.
Conclusion : although initiation of primary cotrimoxazole prophylaxis was done in 83% adult HIV patients with appropriate dosage, but 61,6% discontinuation was inappropriate with guideline, Back Ground : Cotrimoxazole was standard of primary prevention against toxoplasmosis infection and Pneumocystis jirovecii pneumonia (PCP) in patients with CD4 less than 200 cell/mm3 and tuberculosis. Some study found that prophylactic use cotrimoxazole in patients with HIV was inappropriate with national guideline. It was necessary to have research in order to know clinician adherence to prescribe primary cotrimoxazole prophylaxis.
Objective : to know initiation, discontinuation, dosage, adverse events, duration and duration percentage of primary cotrimoxazole prophylaxis in HIV patients
Methods : This was cohort retrospective study and was done in UPT HIV RSCM and subject of study were all patients more than 18 years old from 2004 to 2013 and had indication of primary cotrimoxazole prophylaxis. Variable in this study were initiation, discontinuation, dosage, duration, duration percentage and adverse events of primary cotrimoxazole prophylaxis.
Result : There were 3818 patients had indication of primary cotrimoxazole prophylaxis with median age of study subjects were 29 years old, 79,1% were male, 58,5% were tuberculosis, WHO clinical stage 3 and 4 were 86%. Median CD4 at beginning was 51 cell/mm3 (IQR 101). Initiation of primary cotrimoxazole prophylaxis was performed in 83% patients who met indication. 99,8% patients used appropriate dose of cotrimoxazole. Frequent adverse events were increasing hepatic transaminase (38,1%), leucopenia (16,9%), anemia (16,5%), nausea (15,4%), vomiting (7,8%), thrombocytopenia (7,4%) and hypersensitivity (5,3%). Adverse event causing discontinuation were hypersensitivity (100%), anemia (2,4%), increasing hepatic transaminase (2,1%), vomiting (0,8%) and leucopenia (0,6%). Inappropriate discontinuation of cotrimoxazole was 61,6% with median duration percentage was 87,5% (IQR 39) and median of duration was 20 month (IQR 20). Duration in patients with CD4≤100 cell/mm3 and >100 cell/mm3 was 21 month (IQR 22) and 12,5 month (IQR 14,75) p=0,000.
Conclusion : although initiation of primary cotrimoxazole prophylaxis was done in 83% adult HIV patients with appropriate dosage, but 61,6% discontinuation was inappropriate with guideline]"
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fahrizka Nurdia Putri Pakaya
"Latar Belakang Kanker serviks menempati urutan kedua sebagai kanker yang paling sering terjadi pada wanita Indonesia. Penyakit tersebut umumnya disebabkan oleh infeksi Human papillomavirus (HPV). Temuan kelainan serviks (prakanker dan kanker serviks) dapat dicegah dengan vaksinasi HPV dan deteksi dini kelainan dengan pemeriksaan Inspeksi Visual Asam Asetat (IVA). Untuk itu, tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui apakah vaksinasi HPV dan pemeriksaan IVA memiliki hubungan terhadap temuan kelainan serviks pada pasien Poliklinik Ginekologi dan Onkologi RSCM tahun 2021-2022. Metode Desain penelitian ini adalah potong lintang. Data sekunder diambil dari hasil wawancara pasien yang berkunjung ke Poliklinik Ginekologi dan Onkologi RSCM. Hasil Pada penelitian ini, subjek penelitian yang diikutsertakan berjumlah 193 subjek. Pada analisis data, hubungan vaksinasi HPV dengan temuan kelainan serviks (prakanker dan kanker serviks) didapatkan p-value 0,005 (bermakna secara statistik) dengan OR 0,022 (95% CI 0,002 – 0,194). Selanjutnya, hubungan pemeriksaan IVA dan temuan kelainan serviks didapatkan p-value 0,14 (tidak bermakna secara statistik) dengan OR 0,24 (95% CI 0,041 – 1,392). Kesimpulan Vaksinasi HPV ditemukan memiliki hubungan yang signifikan dengan temuan kelainan serviks. Sementara itu, pemeriksaan IVA ditemukan tidak memiliki hubungan yang signifikan. Faktor tersebut sebenarnya sangat berperan dalam pencegahan temuan kelainan serviks. Hasil yang tidak signifikan tersebut kemungkinan disebabkan oleh keterbatasan penelitian, seperti jumlah sampel sedikit dan karakteristik sampel yang homogen.

Introduction Cervical cancer is the second most common cancer in Indonesian women. This disease is generally caused by Human papillomavirus (HPV) infection. Therefore, cervical abnormalities findings (precancerous and cervical cancer) can be prevented by HPV vaccination and early detection of abnormalities with Visual Inspection with Acetic Acid (VIA) screening. For this reason, the purpose of this study was to determine whether HPV vaccination and IVA examination have an association with cervical abnormalities findings in patients at the RSCM Gynecology and Oncology Clinic 2021-2022. Method The design of this study was cross-sectional. Secondary data was collected by interviewing patients who visited the RSCM Gynecology and Oncology Clinic. Results In this study, the total number of research subjects was 193 subjects. In the data analysis, the association between HPV vaccination and cervical abnormalities findings (precancerous and cervical cancer) was found to have a p-value of 0.005 (statistically significant) with an OR of 0,022 (95% CI 0,002 – 0,194). Meanwhile, the association between VIA screening and cervical abnormalities findings was found to have a p-value of 0.14 (not statistically significant) with an OR of 0.24 (95% CI 0.041 – 1.392). Conclusion HPV vaccination were found to have a significant association with cervical abnormalities findings. Meanwhile, VIA screening were not found to have a significant association with cervical abnormalities findings. However, these factors play a very important role in preventing cervical abnormalities. The insignificant results are likely due to the limitations of the study, such as small sample size and homogenous sample characteristics."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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