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Hermes Santosa
"Latar belakang: Medical tourism menjadi bidang yang penting dalam perkembangan perekonomian suatu negara. Perkembangan medical tourism di Indonesia, khususnya Bali memiliki potensi yang cukup tinggi karena Bali telah dikenal dengan keindahan alam serta budayanya sebagai tujuan wisata. Pre-arrival experience merupakan aspek penentu dalam pengambilan keputusan melakukan medical tourism. Tujuan Penelitian: Studi ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor yang mempengaruhi pre-arrival experience dalam kaitannya dengan pengambilan keputusan melakukan medical tourism. Metodelogi penelitian Penelitian ini menggunakan desain kualitatif dengan pendekatan fenomenologis. Penelitian dilakukan di RSK Bedah BIMC Nusa Dua Bali, pada Oktober-November 2023. Hasil penelitian: Faktor pre-arrival experience yang berkaitan dengan pengambilan keputusan yaitu faktor reputasi rumah sakit, komunikasi, sumber infrormasi, status ekonomi, biaya layanan, kualitas layanan, kualifikasi tenaga medis, citra lokasi, dan faktor motivasi individu. Faktor pendukung dalam pengambilan keputusan sebagian besar berkaitan dengan kualitas rumah sakit, jarak yang dekat dengan negara asal, dan Word-of-Mouth (WoM). Peneliti tidak menemukan adanya faktor penghambat dalam pengambilan keputusan, namun terdapat beberapa kondisi yang membuat tourist kurang nyaman dalam pre-arrival experience yaitu faktor psikologis, kendala bahasa di luar rumah sakit, dan kekhawatiran dari lingkungan sekitar, berkaitan dengan kualitas layanan medical tourism di Indonesia. Kesimpulan: Penelitian ini menemukan beberapa faktor pre-arrival experience memberikan pengaruh besar dalam pengambilan keputusan, terutama faktor biaya layanan. Citra lokasi dan faktor motivasi individu menjadi faktor baru yang peneliti temukan.

Background: Medical tourism is an important field in the economic development of a country. The development of medical tourism in Indonesia, especially Bali, has quite high potential because Bali is known for its natural beauty and culture as a tourist destination. Pre-arrival experience is a determining aspect in decision making for medical tourism. Research Objective: This study aims to determine the factors that influence pre-arrival experience in relation to decision making to undertake medical tourism. Research methodology This research uses a qualitative design with a phenomenological approach. The research was conducted at the BIMC Surgical Hospital Nusa Dua Bali, in October-November 2023. Research results: Pre-arrival experience factors related to decision making, namely hospital reputation, communication, information sources, economic status, service costs, service quality, qualifications medical personnel, location image, and individual internal factors. Supporting factors in decision making are mostly related to hospital quality, proximity to the country of origin, and Word-of-Mouth (WoM). Researchers did not find any inhibiting factors in decision making, but there were several conditions that made tourists less comfortable in the pre-arrival experience, namely psychological factors, language barriers outside the hospital, and concerns from the surrounding environment, related to the quality of medical tourism services in Indonesia. Conclusion: This research finds that several pre-arrival experience factors have a big influence on decision making, especially the service cost factor. Location image and individual motivation factors are new factors that researchers discovered."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Vrilia Adirasari
Pada 29 November 2012 Kementerian Kesehatan dan Kementerian Pariwisata
dan Ekonomi Kreatif menandatangani Nota Kesepakatan Bersama no
412/Menkes/SKB/XI/2012 dan NK/30/PW.202/MPEK/201 untuk mendukung
Wisata Kesehatan atau Health Tourism. Nota tersebut berlaku selama 2 tahun dan
akan berakhir pada November 2014. Indonesia menargetkan menjadi negara
tujuan medical tourism pada 2015. Untuk mengetahui implementasi medical
tourism saat ini, dilakukan analisis kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus di
Wing Amerta Rumah Sakit Umum Pusat Sanglah Denpasar Bali. Telah dilakukan
wawancara kepada 12 informan kemudian dilakukan analisis konten. Kecukupan
informan diperoleh dengan mekanisme “snow balling”. Validasi dengan
triangulasi melalui pengamatan dan tilik dokumen. Simpulan penelitian adalah
bahwa medical tourism sudah terlaksana di Wing Amerta Rumah Sakit Umum
Pusat Sanglah Bali sebagai proses alamiah. Tahapannya belum seperti pre dan
post prosedur diagram Deloitte 2008. Kajian implementasi yang mengacu pada
mekanisme sistem masih dalam tahap perencanaan. Membutuhkan dukungan
kebijakan, sarana, teknologi informasi, publikasi pemasaran dan otoritas
pelaksana. Program medical tourism di Bali telah dilaksanakan di beberapa
Rumah Sakit Swasta, antara lain Bali Royal Hospital dengan program unggulan
Bayi Tabung/ Fertilisasi In Vitro dan Bedah Plastik.

On 29th November 2012, Ministry of Health and Ministry of Tourism and Creative
Economics signed the Memorandum Of Understanding number
412/Menkes/SKB/XI/2012 and NK/30/PW.202/MPEK/201 to support medical
tourism or health tourism. There were twelve (12) informan have been asked.
Observation and reviewing documents were done for triangulation. Study showed
that the medical tourism has been implemented in Wing Amerta of Sanglah
General Hospital as a natural process. This medical tourism did not suit as pre
and post procedure of medical tourism from Deloitte 2008 diagram. The process
is still on the planning stage. It needs regulation support, information technology
resources, publication support and authority good will. In Bali there are private
hospitals which have medical tourism as their main services, one of them is Royal
Bali Hospital choose In Vitro Fertilization and Plastic Surgery as their prime
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ni Wayan Okayeni
"Rumah Sakit Umum Bali Royal Denpasar telah mengimplementasikan wisatamedis sejak tahun 2010, namun implementasi wisata medis tersebut belumdianalisis secara sistematis. Oleh karena, itu perlu dilakukan kajian lebih lanjuttentang implementasi wisata medis pada Rumah Sakit Umum Bali RoyalDenpasar.Tujuan umum penelitian adalah untuk memperoleh gambaran tentangimplementasi wisata medis pada Rumah Sakit Umum Bali Royal Denpasar. Tujuankhusus penelitian adalah untuk memperoleh gambaran tentang prosedurimplementasi wisata medis pada Rumah Sakit Umum Bali Royal Denpasar;menganalisis kesesuaian prosedur implementasi wisata medis pada Rumah SakitUmum Bali Royal Denpasar dengan Permenkes No. 76/2015; menganalisiskesesuaian prosedur implementasi wisata medis pada Rumah Sakit Umum BaliRoyal Denpasar dengan diagram wisata medis model Deloitte 2008; danmenganalisis kepuasan wisatawan medis terhadap implementasi wisata medispada Rumah Sakit Umum Bali Royal Denpasar. Penelitian ini adalah penelitiankualitatif dengan desain deskriptif. Pelayanan wisata medis pada Rumah SakitUmum Bali Royal Denpasar mencakup pelayanan prarumah sakit, selama di rumahsakit, dan pascarumah sakit. Prosedur implementasi wisata medis pada RumahSakit Umum Bali Royal Denpasar belum sesuai dengan Permenkes No. 76/2015.Prosedur implementasi wisata medis pada Rumah Sakit Umum Bali RoyalDenpasar sesuai dengan diagram wisata medis model Deloitte 2008. Wisatawanmedis belum sepenuhnya puas terhadap pelayanan wisata medis pada Rumah SakitUmum Bali Royal Denpasar.
Bali Royal Hospital Denpasar has been implementing medical tourism since2010, but the implementation of medical tourism has not been systematicallyanalyzed. Therefore, it is necessary to do further study on the implementation ofmedical tourism at Bali Royal Hospital Denpasar. The general purpose of theresearch is to obtain an overview of the implementation of medical tourism at BaliRoyal Hospital Denpasar. The specific objective of the study are to obtain anoverview of procedures for the implementation of medical tourism at Bali RoyalHospital Denpasar analyzing the appropriateness of procedures for theimplementation of medical tourism at Bali Royal Hospital Denpasar with HealthMinister Regulation No. 76 2015 analyzing the appropriateness of medical tourismimplementation procedures at Bali Royal Hospital Denpasar with the medicaltourism diagram of Deloitte 2008 model and analyzing the satisfaction of medicaltourists on the implementation of medical tourism at Bali Royal Hospital Denpasar.This research is a qualitative research with descriptive design. Medical tourismservices at Bali Royal Hospital Denpasar include pre hospital, during the hospital,and post hospital services. The implementation procedure of medical tourism at BaliRoyal Hospital Denpasar has not been in accordance with Health MinisterRegulation No. 76 2015. The implementation procedure of medical tourism at BaliRoyal Hospital Denpasar in accordance with the medical tourism diagram ofDeloitte 2008 model. Medical tourists have not fully satisfied with medical tourismservices at Bali Royal Hospital Denpasar."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ni Putu Indra Dewi
"Penandatangan Nota Kesefahaman antara KemenParekraf dan Kemenkes pada tahun 2012 dan disahkannya PMK No. 76 Tahun 2015 tentang Wisata Medis merupakan sebuah bentuk dukungan dari pemerintah terhadap program wisata medis di Indonesia. Hal tersebut pun disambut baik oleh Pemerintah Provinsi NTB dengan adanya penandatanganan Nota Kesefahaman antara 4 rumah sakit besar di Lombok pada 19 Februari 2019 dan adanya SK Gubernur tentang Pembentukan Tim Gugus Kerja Pengembangan Wisata Medis di NTB. Ikut andil di dalamnya adalah RS Harapan Keluarga sebagai salah satu rumah sakit swasta yang juga telah lama berkecimpung dalam penanganan pasien mancanegara. Dengan demikian, perlu dilakukan penetapan strategi pemasaran berdasarkan penetapan segmentasi pasar, target pasar, dan posisi pasar untuk program tersebut. Telah dilakukan wawancara pada 12 informan kemudian dilakukan analisis konten. Validasi dilakukan dengan triangulasi sumber dan metode. Kesimpulan penelitian adalah kesiapan RS Harapan Keluarga dalam program wisata medis berdasarkan PMK No. 76 tahun 2015 tentang Wisata Medis masih harus dilengkapi, terutama dalam kesiapan syarat administratif. Dari segi strategi pemasaran telah ditetapkan segmen, target, dan posisi pasar, namun masih perlu dilakukan pengembangan dan dibutuhkan dukungan dalam kebijakan dan kesiapan, peningkatan kemampuan SDM dalam bahasa mandarin dan arab, pembentukan tarif dalam US Dollar, dan promosi untuk program unggulan Total Knee Replacement (TKR) di RS Harapan Keluarga Mataram.

Memorandum Of Understanding that been signed between Ministry of Health and Ministry of Tourism and Economis also the passed of PMK No. 76 2015 about Medical Tourism are the support of Indonesia goverment for medical tourism program. This support was welcomed by West Nusa Tenggara Goverment by signed the Memorandum Of Understanding from 4 big hospitals in Lombok and Governor decree about The Formation of Medical Tourism Program Workforce Team in West Nusa Tenggara. Harapan Keluarga hospital is one of the hospital that have a lot of experience with expatriat patient. Therefore, need to establish the marketing strategy by segmenting, targeting, and positioning for this program. There were twelve informan have been asked. Validation is using source and methode triangulation. Study showed that Harapan Keluarga hospital isnt ready enough, especially from the administratif aspect, refer to PMK No. 76 2015 about Medical Tourism. From marketing strategy, need more support from policy and readiness, enhacement of Mandarin and Arabic for communication, also promotion for Total Knee Replacement (TKR) as their prime service."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Gracia Risnawaty
"Perjalanan ke luar negeri untuk tujuan kesehatan, yang akrab disebut sebagai medical tourism khususnya perjalanan medis, kini sedang menjadi hal yang menarik minat banyak individu yang mencari layanan perawatan medis berkualitas di luar negeri. Malaysia menjadi salah satu destinasi terkenal bagi masyarakat Indonesia yang mencari pelayanan kesehatan internasional, dan Pulau Penang menjadi tujuan utama warga Indonesia. Sejak pandemi COVID-19 telah terjadi penurunan yang signifikan kunjungan medis ke Penang dikarenakan lock down. Namun setelah dibukanya kembali kunjungan medis di Malaysia, terjadi peningkatan yang signifikan dan hal tersebut membawa dampak kerugian nilai valuta asing yang cukup besar bagi Indonesia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui studi kasus pemanfaatan pelayanan kunjungan medis Warga Negara Indonesia (WNI) ke Penang. Penelitian merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan design penelitian cross sectional. Lokasi di wilayah Indonesia dengan jumlah sampel penelitian sebesar 97 responden dengan instrumen penelitian menggunakan data primer (kuesioner). Hasil penelitian menyatakan bahwa mayoritas responden melakukan pemanfaatan pelayanan kunjungan medis berulang dan rata-rata sebanyak dua kali, dengan persepsi terhadap kualitas pelayanan yang baik. Umur, pekerjaan, pendapatan dan riwayat Penyakit memiliki hubungan yang signifikan terhadap pemanfaatan pelayanan kesehatan kunjungan medis ke Penang. Dimana variabel yang paling besar peranannya dalam mempengaruhi terhadap pemanfataan pelayanan kesehatan kunjungan medis ke Penang adalah pendapatan, meskipun memiliki kartu BPJS. Dari hasil penelitian tersebut, alasan utama adalah persepsi atas ketepatan diagnosa, biaya yang murah dan kualitas layanan. Pelayanan kesehatan di dalam negeri di masa depan harus meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan dan efisien untuk mengurangi biaya dalam pengobatan. Penelitian ini mengusulkan agar mengutamakan kepentingan pasien, ketepatan dalam pengobatan, meningkatkan pelayanan dokter, perawat dan staf yang ramah dan cekatan, dan memberikan kenyamanan fasilitas pelayanan.

The journey abroad for health purposes, commonly known as medical tourism, especially medical travel, is currently gaining interest among individuals seeking quality medical care services overseas. Malaysia has become a renowned destination for Indonesian citizens seeking international healthcare services, and Penang Island is a primary destination for Indonesian residents. Since the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been a significant decline in medical visits to Penang due to lockdown measures. However, with the reopening of medical visits in Malaysia, there has been a significant increase, leading to a substantial impact on Indonesia's foreign exchange losses. This study aims to investigate a case study of the utilization of medical visit services by Indonesian citizens in Penang. The research adopts a quantitative approach with a cross-sectional research design. The study is conducted in Indonesia with a sample size of 97 respondents, and the research instrument utilizes primary data (questionnaires). The findings indicate that the majority of respondents utilize medical visit services repeatedly, averaging twice, with a perception of good service quality. Age, occupation, income, and medical history have a significant relationship with the utilization of medical visit services to Penang. The variable with the most significant role in influencing the utilization of medical visit services to Penang is income, even though respondents have BPJS cards. The main reasons for utilizing medical visit services are perceived accuracy of diagnosis, affordability, and service quality. Future domestic healthcare services should focus on improving service quality and efficiency to reduce treatment costs. The study proposes prioritizing patient interests, accuracy in treatment, enhancing the services of doctors, nurses, and friendly and efficient staff, and providing comfortable facilities."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Made Indra Wijaya
"Rekam medis elektronik (RME) telah diimplementasikan di Rumah Sakit Khusus BIMC sejak tahun 1998. Pada tahun 2005, BIMC berganti status dari sebuah sentra medis menjadi sebuah rumah sakit khusus. RME dimodifikasi sesuai kebutuhan. Hingga tahun 2011, belum pernah dilakukan evaluasi terhadap RME. Metode penelitian ini adalah explanatory sequential yang merupakan kombinasi metode kuantitatif dengan metode kualitatif, dengan metode kuantitatif dilakukan terlebih dahulu.
Penelitian kuantitatif dilakukan dengan menyebarkan self-assessment questionnaire kepada seluruh pengguna RME yaitu dokter, perawat, administrator, staf radiologi, staf farmasi, dan staf teknologi informasi (TI), sedangkan penelitian kualitatif dilakukan dengan wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi dengan peran peneliti sebagai human instrument.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa atribut RME berpengaruh terhadap kinerja RME dengan atribut presentation sebagai atribut RME yang paling berpengaruh. Penelitian juga mendapatkan adanya faktor lain yang berpengaruh terhadap kinerja RME, yaitu kemampuan pengguna RME dan perangkat keras. Untuk meningkatkan kinerja RME perlu dilakukan peningkatan terhadap semua faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap kinerja RME.

Electronic medical record (EMR) has been implemented in BIMC since 1998. In 2005, BIMC developed into a hospital from a mere medical center. EMR was adjusted to the needs then. Up to 2011, EMR has not been formally evaluated. This study is a mixed methods research, namely explanatory sequential design, in which quantitative research was performed previously followed by qualitative one.
Quantitative data was derived by distributing self-assessment questionnaires to the EMR users consists of doctors, nurses, administrators, radiology staff, pharmacy staff, and IT staff. Qualitative data was obtained from interview, observation, and documentation with researcher as the human instrument.
The results showed that EMR attributes influenced its performance with presentation as the most influential attribute. Research revealed that there are two other factors influencing EMR performance. They are EMR users? ability and hardware. EMR performance can be increased by improving those three factors mentioned above.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sarika Zuhri
Wisata medis merupakan bentuk baru kombinasi antara pariwisata dan medis
yang saat ini sedang berkembang. Fenomena ini memberikan dampak positif
untuk perekonomian suatu negara dan berdampak negatif untuk negara asal
wisatawan medis. Wisata medis juga berkembang di Indonesia, salah satu
contohnya adalah warga Aceh yang sering melakukan perjalanan medis ke
Malaysia. Sehingga perlu dilakukan analisis untuk menyelidiki faktor-faktor yang
berkontribusi terhadap perilaku wisata medis yang mempengaruhi loyalitas
masyarakat Aceh. Penelitian ini menggunakan Structural Equation modelling
(SEM) dan sampel yang berhasil dikumpulkan sebesar 208 kuesioner melalui
teknik non probability. Dengan menggunakan software AMOS, dapat
disimpulkan bahwa loyalitas masyarakat Aceh terhadap perjalanan medis ke
Malaysia dipengaruhi oleh perceived quality, perceived value, kepuasan,
kepercayaan, Citra Kesehatan, destination competitiveness, medical tourism in
Malaysia dan medical tourism loyalty baik secara langsung maupun tidak

Medical tourism is a new combination of tourism and medic which is now
trending. The medical tourism phenomenon gives positive impact to the
destination country and at the same time negative impact to the country where the
tourists come from. Medical tourism is also trending in Indonesia. To cope with
this situation, deep analysis is necessary to identify factors which contribute to
medical tourism behavior, which affect loyalty of Aceh citizen. Structural
Equation Modeling (SEM) is used in this research and there are 208
questionnaires collected in total through the non-probability technique. After a
test conducted using AMOS software. So the conclusion is, the loyalty of Aceh
citizen towards medical trip to Malaysia is influenced by perceived quality,
perceived value, satisfaction, trust, image, destination competitiveness, medical
tourism in Malaysia and medical tourism loyalty, directly and indirectly."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dwita Hidayati
Tesis ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi pengaruh perkembangan
pariwisata terhadap ketimpangan pendapatan penduduk di 10 Kabupaten/Kota yang
ada di NTB pada kurun waktu 2007 - 2012. Metode penelitian yang digunakan untuk
menjawab tujuan tersebut adalah regresi data panel dengan pendekatan fixed effect.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perkembangan pariwisata (SHTour)
tidak berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap ketimpangan pendapatan penduduk
Kabupaten/kota di NTB, ceteris paribus. Adapun variabel yang berpengaruh
terhadap ketimpangan pendapatan adalah jumlah penduduk tingkat Pendidikan
tinggi (Pend_tinggi) dan rata-rata lama belajar, dengan hubungan negatif terhadao
ketimpangan pendapatan penduduk Kabupaten/kota di NTB, ceteris paribus.
Variabel pendapatan per kapita juga berpengaruh signifikan dan memiliki hubungan
positif terhadap ketimpangan pendapatan penduduk Kabupaten/kota di NTB, ceteris
Untuk menekan ketimpangan pendapatan penduduk melalui sektor
pariwisata pemerintah daerah perlu mengurangi kebocoran ekspor dan impor di
sektor pariwisata antara lain melalui peningkatan kapasitas masyarakat lokal serta
kualitas dan kuantitas produk lokal agar dapat bersaing di pasar lokal, regional, dan

This thesis aims to identify the effects of tourism development to income
inequality in 10 cities in NTB during 2007-2012. Research methods used in this
study is panel data regression with fixed effect approach.
The results showed that
development of tourism didn?t significantly affect to income inequality at cities in
West Nusa Tenggara. Variables that significantly influence income inequality is
high education level of population and year of school population. Its has negative
correlation to income inequality, ceteris paribus. Income per capita is the other
significant variable that affect income inequality in Cities in West Nusa Tenggara,
ceteris paribus.
In order to reduce population income inequality in Cities in West Nusa
Tenggara through tourism development, local government and other stakeholders
should reduce import and export leakages by increasing the capacity of local
community, also increasing quality and quantity of local product to be competitive at
local, regional, and international market,;This thesis aims to identify the effects of tourism development to income
inequality in 10 cities in NTB during 2007-2012. Research methods used in this
study is panel data regression with fixed effect approach. The results showed that
development of tourism didn?t significantly affect to income inequality at cities in
West Nusa Tenggara. Variables that significantly influence income inequality is
high education level of population and year of school population. Its has negative
correlation to income inequality, ceteris paribus. Income per capita is the other
significant variable that affect income inequality in Cities in West Nusa Tenggara,
ceteris paribus.
In order to reduce population income inequality in Cities in West Nusa
Tenggara through tourism development, local government and other stakeholders
should reduce import and export leakages by increasing the capacity of local
community, also increasing quality and quantity of local product to be competitive at
local, regional, and international market,;This thesis aims to identify the effects of tourism development to income
inequality in 10 cities in NTB during 2007-2012. Research methods used in this
study is panel data regression with fixed effect approach. The results showed that
development of tourism didn?t significantly affect to income inequality at cities in
West Nusa Tenggara. Variables that significantly influence income inequality is
high education level of population and year of school population. Its has negative
correlation to income inequality, ceteris paribus. Income per capita is the other
significant variable that affect income inequality in Cities in West Nusa Tenggara,
ceteris paribus.
In order to reduce population income inequality in Cities in West Nusa
Tenggara through tourism development, local government and other stakeholders
should reduce import and export leakages by increasing the capacity of local
community, also increasing quality and quantity of local product to be competitive at
local, regional, and international market,;This thesis aims to identify the effects of tourism development to income
inequality in 10 cities in NTB during 2007-2012. Research methods used in this
study is panel data regression with fixed effect approach. The results showed that
development of tourism didn’t significantly affect to income inequality at cities in
West Nusa Tenggara. Variables that significantly influence income inequality is
high education level of population and year of school population. Its has negative
correlation to income inequality, ceteris paribus. Income per capita is the other
significant variable that affect income inequality in Cities in West Nusa Tenggara,
ceteris paribus.
In order to reduce population income inequality in Cities in West Nusa
Tenggara through tourism development, local government and other stakeholders
should reduce import and export leakages by increasing the capacity of local
community, also increasing quality and quantity of local product to be competitive at
local, regional, and international market,, This thesis aims to identify the effects of tourism development to income
inequality in 10 cities in NTB during 2007-2012. Research methods used in this
study is panel data regression with fixed effect approach. The results showed that
development of tourism didn’t significantly affect to income inequality at cities in
West Nusa Tenggara. Variables that significantly influence income inequality is
high education level of population and year of school population. Its has negative
correlation to income inequality, ceteris paribus. Income per capita is the other
significant variable that affect income inequality in Cities in West Nusa Tenggara,
ceteris paribus.
In order to reduce population income inequality in Cities in West Nusa
Tenggara through tourism development, local government and other stakeholders
should reduce import and export leakages by increasing the capacity of local
community, also increasing quality and quantity of local product to be competitive at
local, regional, and international market,]"
Jakarta: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Made Handijaya Dewantara
This article is based on a six-month study in North Bali, with the aim of identifying and explaining the opinions of Bali tourism stakeholders for the development of the international airport in North Bali. The research was conducted with quantitative and qualitative approach, through questionnaires and interview. Through the qualitative analysis, it can be concluded several things, as follows: (1) most of the Bali tourism stakeholders are strongly agree that government should build a new international airport in North Bali, by seeing its implication for tourism industry, economy, environment, and social as considerations; (2) most of the tourism stakeholders believe that the airport development can be built within at least five (5) years from now, meanwhile the supporting infrastructure should be put as main priorities; and (3) the tourism stakeholders in Bali strongly believe that development of international airport in North Bali could bring a positive situation, not only for local society, but for Bali itself, Indonesia, and increasing number of connectivity among South East Asian Countries."
Jakarta: The Ary Suta Center, 2018
330 ASCSM 43 (2018)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lilis Chodijah
"Dark tourism merupakan perjalanan wisata ke suatu tempat atau atraksi yang berhubungan dengan kekerasan, pembantaian dan kematian. Jakarta sebagai salah satu destinasi pariwisata utama di Indonesia, memiliki citra sejarah sebagai Ratu dari Timur juga kuburan orang-orang Belanda. Sehingga dapat digali peristiwa-peristiwa yang dapat menjadi sumber daya tarik (potensi) pengembangan dark tourism. Rangkaian sejarah gelap Jakarta dalam penelitian ini diperoleh dari penjelasan informan dan studi literatur. Data diolah dengan metode skoring untuk penempatan spektrum dan penilaian potensi. Selanjutnya dianalisis secara deskriptif keruangan. Potensi dark tourism ini terletak di sekitar pusat pemerintahan atau kawasan yang berhubungan dengan lambang kekuasaan dari setiap dark history sesuai masa pemerintahannya.
Berdasarkan hasil analisis diperoleh potensi tinggi dan sedang dengan tiga kecenderungan. Yakni potensi tinggi dengan kecenderungan ekonomi dan edukasi (Monumen Pancasila Sakti, Sasmita Loka A. Yani, Museum Jend. A.H. Nasution dan Museum Sejarah Jakarta), potensi sedang dengan kecenderungan orientasi pendidikan (Monumen Tragedi 12 Mei, Taman Makam Pahlawan dan Vihara saksi pembantaian Etnis Tionghoa) dan potensi sedang orientasi ekonomi (Museum Taman Prasasti). Selain delapan atraksi atau destinasi potensial dark tourism tersebut, terdapat dua potensial destinasi dark tourism yang saat ini belum diperuntukan untuk dikunjungi masyarakat umum, yakni lokasi (rumah) penembakan D.I. Panjaitan dan M.T. Haryono.

Dark tourism defined as a travel experience to a place or certain attraction associated with violence, carnage and death. Jakarta as one of the major tourism destinations in Indonesia has a historical image of the Queen of the East as well as the Dutch cemetery. Therefore, historical events can be explored as a source of attraction (potential) development of dark tourism in Jakarta. Series of dark history of Jakarta in this study were obtained from informants and literature studies. Data processed by the method of scoring for the placement and assessment of the potential spectrum. Further spatial analyzed descriptively. Dark tourism potential is located in the centre of administration or related area with a symbol of power of any appropriate dark history of its reign.
Based on the analysis, high and medium potential was found and each obtained by three trends. The high potential was found for economic and education trends (Monumen Pancasila Sakti, Sasmita Loka A. Yani, Museum Jend. A.H. Nasution and Museum Sejarah Jakarta), the medium potential found for educational orientation (Monumen Tragedi 12 Mei, Taman Makam Pahlawan and Temple massacre witness Ethnicity Chinese) and the medium potential for the economic orientation (Museum Prasasti). In addition to the eight potential attraction or dark tourism destinations, there are two potential dark tourism destinations that are currently not intended for public visit, they are the location (home) shooting of D.I. Panjaitan and M.T. Haryono.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2012
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