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Deasy Andesbrenta Sadikin
"Literasi gizi adalah kemampuan sejauh mana individu dapat memperoleh, memproses, memahami, dan menggunakan informasi gizi dan diet, serta mengakses layanan yang dibutuhkan untuk membuat keputusan gizi yang baik. Rendahnya literasi gizi dapat berdampak pada pola makan yang buruk dan berujung pada kejadian penyakit tidak menular terkait gizi, seperti diabetes, obesitas, dan hipertensi. Mahasiswa rentan mengembangkan kebiasaan makan yang buruk apabila tidak didukung dengan literasi gizi yang baik. Penelitian ini mengukur perbedaan proporsi literasi gizi pada mahasiswa S1 reguler aktif di Universitas Indonesia berdasarkan rumpun ilmu, jenis kelamin, tingkat pendidikan ayah, tingkat pendidikan ibu, uang saku, dan penggunaan media. Desain studi yang digunakan adalah desain cross-sectional dengan metode quota sampling untuk mendapatkan 130 sampel mahasiswa dari Rumpun Ilmu Kesehatan dan 130 sampel mahasiswa Rumpun Ilmu Non-Kesehatan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan mayoritas mahasiswa UI pada tahun 2021 memiliki tingkat literasi gizi adekuat (62,7%). Hasil analisis bivariat juga menunjukkan adanya perbedaan proporsi yang signifikan pada tingkat literasi gizi total mahasiswa berdasarkan rumpun ilmu (OR = 6,7, p-value < 0,01), jenis kelamin (OR = 2,25, p-value < 0,01), dan penggunaan media (OR = 4,36, p-value < 0,01).

Nutrition literacy is the ability to obtain, process, understand, and use nutritional and dietary information, as well as access the services needed to make good nutritional decisions. Low nutritional literacy can have an impact on poor diet and lead to the incidence of non-communicable diseases related to nutrition, such as diabetes, obesity, and hypertension. College students are prone to develop poor eating habits if not supported by good nutrition literacy. This study measured the difference in the proportion of nutritional literacy in regular active undergraduate students at the University of Indonesia based on the cluster of science, gender, paternal and maternal education level, pocket money, and media use. The study design used is a cross-sectional design with quota sampling method to get 130 samples of students from Health Science Cluster and 130 samples of students from Non-Health Science Cluster. The results of this study showed that the majority of the University of Indonesia students in 2021 has an adequete level of nutrition literacy (62,7%). The results of the bivariate analysis also showed a significant difference in proportion to the level of total nutrition literacy based on cluster of science (OR = 6.7, p-value < 0,01), gender (OR = 2.25, p-value < 0,01), and media use (OR = 4.36, p-value < 0,01)."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rahmawati Kusumastuti Roosadiono
"Remaja sekolah membutuhkan asupan gizi yang cukup untuk mendukung pertumbuhan dan perkembangan kognitif. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menyusun rekomendasi makanan berdasarkan kesenjangan gizi yang diidentifikasi menggunakan pemrograman linier (LP) dengan software Optifood. Sebuah studi potong lintang dilakukan dengan metode acak purposif sekolah yang berasal dari program "Gizi untuk Prestasi" by SEAMEO RECFON. Pengulangan diet 24 jam, pengukuran antropometrik, dan kuesioner terstruktur dilakukan di antara 186 siswa (laki-laki = 68, perempuan = 118, berusia 15-18 tahun), serta survei pasar. Remaja sekolah laki-laki memiliki dua masalah gizi absolut, yaitu kalsium dan folat. Sementara itu, remaja perempuan memiliki tiga masalah gizi absolut, kalsium, folat, dan zat besi. Makanan padat nutrisi yang dipilih untuk mengisi kesenjangan adalah susu fortifikasi, nasi putih, telur ayam, hati sapi, dan roti. Kombinasi akhir rekomendasi makanan mingguan untuk remaja sekolah laki-laki adalah 7 porsi telur, termasuk 5 porsi telur ayam, 7 porsi sumber protein nabati, 10 porsi sayuran berdaun hijau tua, 14 porsi nasi, dan 3 porsi susu fortifikasi. Sedangkan untuk remaja sekolah putri adalah 5 porsi buah, 14 porsi sumber protein hewani, termasuk 1 porsi hati sapi, 7 porsi produk sumber protein nabati, termasuk 5 porsi kedelai dan produknya, 7 porsi sayuran berdaun hijau tua, 3 porsi susu fortifikasi, dan 3 porsi roti.

School adolescents need an adequate nutrition to support their growth and cognitive development. This study aimed to develop food based recommendation based on nutrient-gap identified using linear programming (LP) with Optifood software. A cross-sectional study was done with purposive sampling of school obtained from “Gizi untuk Prestasi” program by SEAMEO RECFON. A repeated-24 hour dietary recall, anthropometric measurement, and structured questionnaire were conducted among 186 school adolescents (male= 68, female= 118, aged 15-18 years old), also market survey. Male adolescents had two absolute problem nutrients, namely calcium and folate. Whilst, adolescent females had three absolute problem nutrients, calcium, folate, and iron. The final combination of weekly FBR for male school adolescents were 7 serves of any eggs, included 5 serves of chicken egg, 7 serves of any plant protein sources, 10 serves of dark green leafy vegetables, 14 serves of cooked rice, and 3 serves of fortified milk. While for female school adolescents were 5 serves of fruits, 14 serves of animal protein sources, included 1 serves of beef liver, 7 serves of plant protein sources products, included 5 serves of soybean and products, 7 serves of dark green leafy vegetables), 3 serves of fortified milk,  3 serves of bread."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rahel Rara Woda
"Masalah gizi di Indonesia masih besar, tidak hanya masalah gizi kurang tetapi juga gizi lebih. Salah satu faktor pcnycbab adalah pola makan dengan gizi seimbang. Tujuan dari pcnclitian ini adalah untuk melihat pcrubahan dalam pengetahuan, sikap dan praktik dari sckolah dasar anak-anak setelah menerima pelatihan tentang pedoman umum gizi seimbang dengan menggunakan buku saku yang dikembangkan oleh PKGK dan PUSKA FKMUI selama dua minggu. Rancangan penelitian ini adalah sebelum dan sesudah. Intewcnsi dilakukan terhadap 258 siswa kelas 4 dan 5 SD Mardi Yuana, Depok Jawa Barat oleh mahasiswa regular, ekstensi dan pasca saujanajuusan gizi FKMUI dan mahasiswa fakultas farmasi UI sebanyak dua kali. Siswa dan orang tuanya di wawancara dengan menggunakan kuesioner. Hasil menunjukkan adanya peningkatan skor rata-rata yang signitikan (p<0.05) antam sebelum dan sesudah intervensi yaitu pengetahuan 3,2%, sikap 3,4% dan 3,2% untuk pralctik. Hasil ini menunjukkan bahwa perubahan pengetahuan, sikap 'dan praktik' dapat dilakul-can untuk masyarakat sckolah dasar sehingga disarankan untuk menjadi bahan pcrtimbangan mcmasuldcan pengetahuan gizi seimbang dalam salah satu mata pelajaran sckolah seperti mata pelajaran kesehatan jasmani atau ilmu pengetahuan alam.

Nutrition problems in Indonesia is still challenge, not only under nutrition but also the over nutritions. One factor that caused malnutrition is diet with unbalanced nutrition. The purpose of this research is to find out the changes in knowledge, attitudes and practices of primary school children after receiving training on general guidelines for balanced nutrition with the pocket book developed by PKGK and PUSKA FKMUI for two weeks. The design study is pra-experimental by giving test before and attaer interventions conducted on 258 students grade 4 and 5 at Mardi Yuana primary school in Depok, West Java by regular students, extension and magister of nutrition FKMUI and faculty of phannacy UI. Students and parents were interviewed using questionnaires. Results showed that average scores increased significantly (p <0.05) between before and aiter the intervention. Knowledge increased by l3,2%, attitude 3,4% and practice 3,2%. These results indicate that changes in knowledge, attitudes and practices can be done for elementary school communities so that it can be advised to include the knowledge of balanced nutrition in one of the lesson,at school such as physical health or natural science."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Anita Maria Ulfa
"Malnutrisi didapat di rumah sakit dapat mempengaruhi proses kesembuhan pada pasien. Berbagai gizi diperlukan untuk mempercepat kesembuhan. Responden penelitian ini 138 data pasien anak berusia 1 bulan sampai usia 18 tahun masa perawatan Januari-Desember 2017. Penelitian menggunakan pendekatan cross-sectional dengan model retrospektif. Pasien anak dengan organomegali, retensi cairan, dehidrasi, dan pasien dengan pulang atas permintaan pasien (APS) tidak masuk penelitian. Pengukuran status gizi menggunakan BB/TB untuk usia ≤ 5 tahun dan IMT/U untuk > 5 tahun. Hasil uji statistik antara status awal masuk RS dan lama rawat sebesar 0,689 untuk BB/TB dan 0,869 untuk IMT/U. Tidak ada hubungan antara status gizi awal masuk rumah sakit dan lama rawat (nilai P > α). Pemeriksaan awal terkait gizi sangat diperlukan untuk membantu dalam pemberian perawatan dari awal dan mempercepat proses penyembuhan.

Nutrition problem acquired in hospital effect to healing process. Nutritions need to recovery. This research used 138 respondent age between 1 month and 18 years old registered January to December 2017. Study Cross-sectional and retrospective. Patients with organomegaly, fluid retention, dehydration, and turn out of hospital by request exclude respondent. Nutritional status measured by weight for height (≤ 5 years old) and body mass index (BMI) for age (>5 years old). Statistic test between nutritional status at admission and length of stay is 0,689 for BB/TB and 0,869 for IMT/U. there is no correlation between nutritional status at admission and length of stay (P value > α). Nutrition screening at admission important to support giving early treatment and increasing recovery"
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Nowadays, many children in developing countries are suffering from micro nutrient deficiencies (Lartey et at., 2000b; Zhao et al., 1998; van Stuijvenberg et al, 1999; Sempertegui et at, 1995). And the most prevalent ones are VAD (Vitamin A Deficiency), IDA (Iron Deficiency Anemia), IDD (Iodine Deficiency Disorder), and lately is zinc deficiency (Sandstead, 1991).
The causes of micro nutrient deficiencies are varied and include inadequate dietary intakes (Robert et al, 2000), repeated infections (Khanum et al, 1998) and poor bioavailability from foods due to the presence of inhibitors or inadequate intake of dietary enhancers (Berdanier, 1998; Lunnerdal, 2000; de Pee et al, 1998; Donnen et al, 1996; Lartey et al, 2000a).
Due to the roles of micronutrients in metabolic process, immune competence and taste acuity (Golden, 1995), previous findings showed that micronutrient deficiencies might impaired growth (Allen, 1994b; Rosado, 1999; Krieger et al, 1986; Simondon et al, 1996; Hambidge, 2000; Golden & Golden, 1981) and immune system (Black, 1998; Khanum et al, 1998; Semba et al, 1993). The reversibility of impairments caused by micronutrient deficiencies depends on the severity, duration, and stage of development. In some cases, micronutrient supplementation can correct the impairment right after a certain period of supplementation.
Ninh et al (1996) stated that zinc deficiency among nutritionally deprived children may limit growth because the growth stimulating effects of zinc might be mediated through changes in circulating insulin-like growth factor (IGF). And after 5 months supplementation with daily-10 mg zinc, weight and height of growth-retarded children in supplemented group significantly increased compared to those of placebo group. In Uganda, zinc supplementation had a short-term effect (within 3 months) on weight gain and MUAC increment only among children from the school with the highest socioeconomic status (Kikafunda et al, 1998). Clinical vitamin A deficiency has been associated with poor child growth (Tarwotjo et al, 1992). Study in Zaire among moderately malnourished preschoolers found that high dose vitamin A supplementation (60 mg of oily solution of retinal palmitate, 30 mg if aged <12 months) increased MUAC and weight significantly compared to control group although without deforming at baseline (Donnen et al, 1998). In Indonesia, the intervention using vitamin A-monosodium glutamate did not merely result on increment of serum vitamin A level, but it also increased the linear growth of supplemented children compared to children in control group at every age (Muhilal et al, 1988). Similar with zinc and vitamin A, iron deficiency may also lead to slowing of growth in regarding to the increment of iron demands during periods of rapid growth and the adverse effects of morbidity.
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2001
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Schofield, Sue
London: Croom Helm, 1979
362.5 SCH d
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
King, Felicity Savage
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1995
641.109 172 KIN n
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jelliffe, Derrick B.
Washington, DC: Office of War on Hunger Agency for International Development, 1969
363.8 JEL c
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Aninda Novira
"Latar belakang: Stunting adalah gangguan pertumbuhan dan perkembangan pada anak-anak yang muncul dari akumulasi nutrisi buruk dan paparan infeksi berulang dalam 1000 hari pertama kehidupan. Stunting dicirikan dengan tinggi badan anak di bawah rata-rata dan ditemukan menyebabkan kelainan email karena berkurangnya massa jaringan email (hipoplasia) atau berkurangnya konten mineral di dalam email (hipomineralisasi). Kadar hemoglobin rendah masih menjadi kontroversi apakah ciri dari stunting karena faktor etiologinya yang serupa sering dijumpai pada kasus stunting. Tujuan: Menganalisis potensi kelainan email dan kadar hemoglobin sebagai prediktor kondisi stunting. Metode: Sampel penelitian adalah data pemeriksaan tahun 2019 pada siswa/i sekolah dasar (SD) kelas 1-2 Kecamatan Nangpanda, Ende, Nusa Tenggara Timur. Hasil: Kelainan email dan kadar hemoglobin secara statistik tidak mampu menjadi prediktor kondisi stunting (p>0,05). Tidak terdapat perbedaan bermakna pada frekuensi kelainan email dan kadar hemoglobin antara anak normal dan anak dengan stunting (p>0,05). Korelasi antara frekuensi kelainan email dengan kadar hemoglobin secara statistik memiliki korelasi sedang negatif (p<0,05; r =-0,403). Tidak terdapat korelasi secara statistik antara variabel stunting dengan frekuensi kelainan email dan kadar hemoglobin (p>0,05). Kesimpulan: Pada anak 6-8 tahun, kelainan email dan kadar hemoglobin tidak mampu menjadi prediktor stunting, meskipun terdapat hubungan antara kelainan email dengan kadar hemoglobin.

Background: Stunting is an impaired growth and development in children arises from the accumulation of poor nutrition and repeated infections in the first 1000 days of a child's life. Characterized by height below their age peer’s average height and been reported caused defect on enamel structure, due to lack of tissue mass (hypoplasia) or lack of mineral content (hypomineralization). Meanwhile, low haemoglobin levels as for now is still a controversy as to whether the characteristic of stunting or not. Objective: To analyse the potency of enamel defects and haemoglobin levels as predictors of stunting. Methods: Examination data in 2019 from elementary school students of grades 1-2 (6-8 years old) at Nangpanda District, Ende, East Nusa Tenggara. Results: Enamel defects and haemoglobin levels were unable to predict stunting (p>0.05). There was no significant difference in enamel defects and haemoglobin levels between normal and stunted children (p>0.05). The frequency of enamel defects and haemoglobin levels has a statistically moderate negative (p<0.05; r=-0.403), there is no statistical correlation between stunting and the frequency of enamel defects and haemoglobin levels (p>0.05). Conclusion: Enamel defects and haemoglobin levels are not able to predict stunting, although there is a relationship between enamel abnormalities and haemoglobin levels."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
New York: Karger, 1991
613.208 3 HUM (1)
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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