ABSTRAKBonding antara ibu dengan anak merupakan proses yang bersifat dinamik dan dua arah. Bonding berperan sangat penting pada masa awal kehidupan seorang anak. Bonding yang terbentuk akan mempengaruhi sikap pengasuhan ibu terhadap anak yang masih bergantung penuh pada dirinya. Bonding juga mempengaruhi perkembangan sensorik dan motorik anak. Dalam jangka panjang, gangguan bonding dapat menyebabkan berbagai gangguan emosi dan perilaku pada anak. Diperlukan alat ukur untuk menilai bonding antara ibu dengan anak, sehingga jika terdapat masalah maka dapat dilakukan intervensi segera. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengelaborasi kesahihan dan keandalan instrumen Mother-Infant Bonding Scale dalam Bahasa Indonesia. Kesahihan instrumen ini dalam Bahasa Indonesia baik, dibuktikan oleh uji validitas isi. Keandalan instrumen Mother-Infant Bonding Scale versi Bahasa Indonesia menurut nilai Cronbach?s alpha untuk keseluruhan butir instrumen adalah 0,4; untuk faktor lack of affection adalah 0,4; sedangkan untuk faktor anger and rejection adalah 0,5.
ABSTRACTBonding between a mother to her infant is a dynamic and bidirectional process, it play a very important role in the first days of life. Bonding create nurturing behavior of a mother to her infant that fully dependent to others to fulfill its need. Bonding also has important role in sensory motor development of the baby. In a long term, disorder of mother-infant bonding affect child?s emotional regulation and behavior. Assessment tools is needed to assess the quality of mother-infant bonding, so if there was problem, intervention should be done soon.
We did this research to evaluate validity and reliability of Mother-Infant Bonding Scale in Indonesian version. The validity of these instruments in Indonesian version tested with content validity by experts worth 1.00. Reliability of Mother-Infant Bonding Scale in Indonesian version according to Cronbach's alpha values for whole item is 0.4; for lack of affection factor is 0.4; whereas for anger and rejection factor is 0.2.
;Bonding between a mother to her infant is a dynamic and bidirectional process, it play a very important role in the first days of life. Bonding create nurturing behavior of a mother to her infant that fully dependent to others to fulfill its need. Bonding also has important role in sensory motor development of the baby. In a long term, disorder of mother-infant bonding affect child’s emotional regulation and behavior. Assessment tools is needed to assess the quality of mother-infant bonding, so if there was problem, intervention should be done soon.
We did this research to evaluate validity and reliability of Mother-Infant Bonding Scale in Indonesian version. The validity of these instruments in Indonesian version tested with content validity by experts worth 1.00. Reliability of Mother-Infant Bonding Scale in Indonesian version according to Cronbach's alpha values for whole item is 0.4; for lack of affection factor is 0.4; whereas for anger and rejection factor is 0.2.
;Bonding between a mother to her infant is a dynamic and bidirectional process, it play a very important role in the first days of life. Bonding create nurturing behavior of a mother to her infant that fully dependent to others to fulfill its need. Bonding also has important role in sensory motor development of the baby. In a long term, disorder of mother-infant bonding affect child’s emotional regulation and behavior. Assessment tools is needed to assess the quality of mother-infant bonding, so if there was problem, intervention should be done soon.
We did this research to evaluate validity and reliability of Mother-Infant Bonding Scale in Indonesian version. The validity of these instruments in Indonesian version tested with content validity by experts worth 1.00. Reliability of Mother-Infant Bonding Scale in Indonesian version according to Cronbach's alpha values for whole item is 0.4; for lack of affection factor is 0.4; whereas for anger and rejection factor is 0.2.
, Bonding between a mother to her infant is a dynamic and bidirectional process, it play a very important role in the first days of life. Bonding create nurturing behavior of a mother to her infant that fully dependent to others to fulfill its need. Bonding also has important role in sensory motor development of the baby. In a long term, disorder of mother-infant bonding affect child’s emotional regulation and behavior. Assessment tools is needed to assess the quality of mother-infant bonding, so if there was problem, intervention should be done soon.
We did this research to evaluate validity and reliability of Mother-Infant Bonding Scale in Indonesian version. The validity of these instruments in Indonesian version tested with content validity by experts worth 1.00. Reliability of Mother-Infant Bonding Scale in Indonesian version according to Cronbach's alpha values for whole item is 0.4; for lack of affection factor is 0.4; whereas for anger and rejection factor is 0.2.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2014