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Elfina Natalia
"Infeksi yang terjadi pada anak merupakan perhatian penting pada kesehatan anak di dunia. Kondisi ini membutuhkan pelayanan dan perawatan jangka panjang
sehingga dilakukan tindakan invasif pada anak, salah satunya pemasangan central venous catheter (CVC), tindakan ini meningkatkan potensial komplikasi yang memperberat kondisi infeksi pada anak. Pendekatan asuhan keperawatan menggunakan teori caring Swanson dapat diterapkan. Teori ini sesuai dengan
proses keperawatan dan sejalan dengan family centered care (FCC) yang merupakan paradigma keperawatan anak. Karya ilmiah spesialis ini bertujuan
memberikan gambaran asuhan keperawatan berdasarkan teori caring Swanson pada anak dengan masalah infeksi. Metode yang digunakan adalah studi kasus.
Kebutuhan pada 5 kasus kelolaan dikaji berdasarkan 5 konsep caring Swanson yaitu knowing meliputi pengkajian dan diagnosis keperawatan. Intervensi
keperawatan diberikan dengan melakukan doing for, being with, enablingempowering, dan maintaining belief . Salah satu intervensi yang dilakukan adalah pemantauan dan perawatan CVC menggunakan CVC exit-site infection score untuk menurunkan kejadian infeksi. Evaluasi tindakan dilakukan berdasarkan nursing outcome sesuai dengan diagnosis keperawatan yang telah ditegakkan. Hasil studi aplikasi teori caring Swanson pada anak dengan masalah infeksi, berdampak pada penurunan kondisi infeksi CVC dan kepuasan pasien dan keluarga atas pelayanan yang diberikan.

Infection that occurs in children is an important concern for children's health in the world. This condition requires long-term care and treatment so that invasive measures are taken on children, one of which is the installation of a central venous
catheter (CVC), this action increases the potential for complications that aggravate the condition of infection in children. Nursing care approach using Swanson's caring theory can be applied. This theory is in accordance with the nursing process and is in line with family centered care (FCC) which is the paradigm of pediatric
nursing. The scientific work of this specialist is aimed at providing an overview of nursing care based on Swanson's theory of caring for children with infectious problems. The method used is a case study. The needs of the 5 cases under management were studied based on Swanson's 5 caring concepts, namely knowing covering nursing assessment and diagnosis. Nursing intervention is given by doing for, being with, enabling-empowering, and maintaining belief. One of the interventions carried out is CVC monitoring and treatment using CVC exit-site infection score to reduce the incidence of infection. Evaluation of actions is carried out based on nursing outcomes in accordance with the Nursing diagnosis that has been established. The results of the study of the application of Swanson's caring theory in children with infection problems, have an impact on reducing the condition of CVC infection and patient and family satisfaction with the services
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Priska Emiliana

Kemoterapi adalah salah satu pengobatan kanker yang memiliki efek samping immunosupressan yang menekan sistem imun tubuh sehingga tubuh mudah terinfeksi. Pendekatan teori yang dapat diaplikasikan pada anak kanker adalah teori caring Swanson. Konsep teori caring Swanson menyerupai dengan alur proses keperawatan. Karya Ilmiah ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan aplikasi teori keperawatan Caring Swanson pada anak dengan kanker yang mengalami masalah risiko penyebaran infeksi. Metode yang digunakan adalah studi kasus. Kebutuhan pada 5 kasus kelolaan dikaji berdasarkan lima konsep caring Swanson yaitu knowing yaitu pengkajian dan diagnosa keperawatan. Pengkajian yang dapat dilakukan menggunakan instrumen “telephone triage oncology” versi Indonesia untuk mengetahui secara cepat masalah pada anak kanker. Intervensi keperawatan diberikan dengan melakukan doing for, being with, enabling dan maintaining belief. Evaluasi tindakan dilakukan berdasarkan nursing outcome sesuai dengan diagnosa keperawatan yang telah ditegakkan. Hasil studi aplikasi teori caring Swanson pada anak kanker yang mengalami risiko penyebaran infeksi berdampak pada kepuasan pasien dan keluarga atas pelayanan keperawatan yang telah diberikan.


Kata Kunci: Kanker, risiko penyebaran infeksi, Teori Caring Swanson

Chemotherapy is a cancer treatment that has immunosupressant side effects that suppress the body's immune system so that the body is easily infected. The theoretical approach that can be applied to cancer children is the theory of Swanson caring. The concept of Swanson caring theory resembles that of the nursing process. This Scientific Work aims to describe the application of Caring Swanson's theory of nursing in children with cancer who experience problems with the risk of spreading infection. The method used is a case study. The need for 5 cases under management was examined based on five Swanson caring concepts, namely knowing, namely the assessment and diagnosis of nursing. Assessments that can be carried out using the Indonesian version of the "telephone triage oncology" instrument to quickly identify problems in children with cancer. Nursing interventions are given by doing for, being with, enabling and maintaining belief. Action evaluation is based on the nursing outcome in accordance with the nursing diagnosis that has been enforced. The study results of the application of Swanson's caring theory in cancer children who experience the risk of spreading infection have an impact on patient and family satisfaction with the nursing services that have been given.


Keywords: Cancer, risk of spread of infection, Swanson Caring Theory

Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Eka Widiati
Studi ilmiah ini menggambarkan aplikasi teori caring Swanson dalam pemberian asuhan keperawatan anak dengan stoma.Lima kasus anak dengan stoma diberikan asuhan keperawatan berdasarkan lima prinsip dasar caring Swanson yaitu knowing, being with, enabling/empower-ing, doing for, dan maintaining belief. Asuhan keperawatan diberikan pada anak dan keluarga dengan menerapkan konsep family centered of care. Hasil dari aplikasi teori caring Swanson yaitu anak dengan stoma mendapatkan keperawatan yang komprehensif, kebutuhan pasien selama perawatan di rumah sakit terpenuhi, pemberian edukasi dan pendampingan orang tua dalam mencegah komplikasi kulit peristomal dan perawatan stoma anak di rumah, orang tua dapat mempertahankan keyakinan dan harapan untuk perawatan anak selanjutnya di rumah serta mempersiapkan kondisi anak untuk tindakan definitif.Lima prinsip teori caring Swanson merupakan dasar bagi perawat dalam menerapkan proses keperawatan, teori caring dapat melengkapi teori keperawatan lain yang menjelaskan secara spesifik tahapan dalam proses keperawatan.

The aim of study was to apply of Swanson 39;s caring theory in nursing care of children with stoma. Five cases of children with stoma were given nursing care based on the five basic principles of Swanson caring: knowing, being with, enabling / empowering, doing for, and maintaining belief. Nursing care is given to children and families by applying the concept of family centered of care. The result of the Swanson caring theory application is that children with stoma get comprehensive nursing, the patient 39;s need during hospitalization is fulfilled, giving education and parental guidance in preventing peristomal skin complications and stoma care of children at home, parents can maintain the belief and hope to further child care at home as well as preparing the child 39;s condition for definitive treatment. The five principles of the Swanson caring theory are the basis for nurses in applying the nursing process, caring theory can complement other nursing theories that explain the specific stages in the nursing process. "
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Simamora, Elfrida
"Ibu hamil dengan preeklampsia dengan gambaran yang parah dapat mengakibatkan komplikasi akut dan berisiko menetap dalam jangka panjang bagi wanita dan bayinya. Perjalanan klinis preeklampsia dengan gambaran berat ditandai dengan kemunduran progresif kondisi ibu dan janin. Pendekatan dengan teori Newman “health as expanding consciousness”, disini perawat hadir untuk klien pada titik pilihan kritis dalam hidup mereka dan berpartisipasi dengan mereka dalam proses perluasan kesadaran melalui proses keperawatan. Perawat memfasilitasi wawasan klien melalui berbagi proses pengenalan pola dalam bentuk pemberian proses keperawatan. Selama proses keperawatan, perawat hadir dalam merawat kesejahteraan biologis, psikologis, sosial dan spiritual pasien, sehingga melalui fokus caring Swanson ini yang berfokus pada “maintaining belief”, “being with”, “doing for” dan “enabling”. Uji coba evidence-based practice nursing (EBNP) dengan menggunakan teknik diaphragm breathing menjadi bagian dari proses keperawatan. Alat ukur atau tool yang digunakan untuk mengukur kecemasan ibu hamil adalah menggunakan PRAQ-R2. Hasil yang diterapkan oleh wanita hamil memiliki efek menguntungkan dalam menurunkan kecemasan ibu hamil dengan rata rata pre-test skor 38.6 menjadi 15.4 di post-test.

.Pregnant women with preeclampsia with severe features can cause acute complications and risk long-term persistence for the woman and her baby. The clinical course of preeclampsia with severe features is characterized by progressive deterioration of maternal and foetal condition. Approach to Newman's theory of "health as expanding consciousness", here nurses are present for clients at critical choice points in their lives and participate with them in the process of expanding awareness through the nursing process. The nurse facilitates client insight through sharing the pattern recognition process in the form of providing the nursing process. During the nursing process, nurses are present in caring for the biological, psychological, social and spiritual well-being of patients, so that through Swanson's caring focus which focuses on "maintaining belief", "being with", "doing for" and "enabling". Evidence-based practice nursing (EBNP) trials using the diaphragm breathing technique are part of the nursing process. Measuring instrument or tool used to measure the anxiety of pregnant women is using PRAQ- R2. The results applied by pregnant women have a beneficial effect in reducing the anxiety of pregnant women with an average pre-test score of 38.6 to 15.4 in the post-test."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Marilin Diah Astuti
"Nyeri persalinan merupakan kodisi yang fisiologis yang dialami oleh semua ibu bersalin termasuk ibu bersalin dengan stillbirth. Nyeri dapat berupa sakit pada pinggang, daerah erut dan menjalar ke paha. Penanganan nyeri non farmakologi merupakan hal yang penting salah satunya dengan counterpressure dan terapi relaksasi nafas dalam. Penanganan nyeri non farmakologi ini dapat meminimalisir risiko alergi terhadap beberapa terapi farmakologi. Tujuan dari penulisan ini adalah melaporkan hasil uji coba kombinasi counterpressure dan terapi relaksasi nafas dalam pada ibu bersalin kala satu. Uji coba dilakukan pada lima kasus ibu pada kala satu dengan stillbirth di mana ibu kehilangan satu faktor passenger sebagai syarat proses persalinan. Penerapannya dimulai dengan penjelasan terlebih dahulu mengenai konsep counterpressure dan teknik relaksasi nafas dalam pada pasien dan pendamping kemudian demonstrasi. Teknik ini diterapkan pada lima ibu dengan stillbirth pada kala satu aktif. Kombinasi dai kedua metode ini terbukti dapat mengurangi nyeri dan klien mengatakan lebih nyaman dan rileks saat dilakukan counterpressure dan teknik relaksasi nafas dalam. Didapatkan juga respiration rate dan tekanan darah ibu dalam batas normal.
Labor pain is a physiological condition experienced by all maternity mothers including mothers giving birth with stillbirth. Pain can be a pain in the waist, abdomen and spread to the thighs. Non-pharmacological pain management is an important thing, one of them is counterpressure and deep breathing relaxation therapy. This non-pharmacological pain management can minimize the risk of allergies to several pharmacological therapies. The purpose of this paper is to report the results of a combination of counterpressure trials and deep breath relaxation therapy in first-time maternity mothers. The trial was carried out in five cases of mothers at a time with a stillbirth in which the mother lost one factor passenger as a condition for labor. The application begins with an explanation first about the concept of counterpressure and deep breathing relaxation techniques in patients and companions then demonstrations. This technique is applied to five mothers with a stillbirth when one is active. The combination of the two methods is proven to reduce pain and the client says it is more comfortable and relaxed when counterpressure and deep breathing relaxation techniques were performed.

2019: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ika Herya Kusmawati
"Demam merupakan respon tubuh terhadap adanya infeksi. Anak dengan demam dapat mengalami gangguan fisiologis, gelisah, dehidrasi, dan ketidaknyamanan. Penanganan demam dilakukan dengan menurunkan suhu tubuh secara perlahan dan memberikan kenyamanan pada anak. Salah satu penanganan demam nonfarmakologi berupa tepid water sponge yang menjadi rekomendasi jika dipadukan dengan terapi farmakologi. Pendekatan keperawatan untuk memberikan kenyamanan pada pasien didasarkan pada teori Comfort Kolcaba yang meliputi aspek kenyamanan fisik, psikospiritual, sosiokultural, dan lingkungan. Asuhan keperawatan menggunakan teori Comfort Kolcaba dapat digunakan sebagai salah satu acuan dalam pemberian asuhan keperawatan pada anak dengan demam.

Fever is the body's response to infection. Children with fever may experience physiological disorders, anxiety, dehydration, and discomfort. Handling fever is done by slowly lowering the body temperature and provide comfort to the child. One of non pharmacological treatment to fever is tepid water sponge that recommended when it combined with pharmacological therapy. The nursing approach to comforting patient is based on Kolcaba Comfort theory which includes aspects of physical comfort, psychospiritual, sociocultural, and environment. Kolcaba comfort theory can be used as a reference in the provision of nursing care in children with fever.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mercy Nafratilova
"Masalah kecemasan yang tidak teridentifikasi dan ditangani pada anak dengan kanker dapat mempengaruhi kualitas hidup anak. Tujuan karya ilmiah ini adalah untuk menganalisis optimalisasi asuhan keperawatan pada anak dengan kanker melalui pengkajian kecemasan dengan pendekatan Teori Kenyamanan Kolcaba. Lima kasus terpilih yaitu osteosarkoma, leukemia limfoblastik akut, leukemia mieloid akut, dan limfoma maligna non-Hodgkin menunjukkan terjadi masalah keperawatan kecemasan. Pengkajian dilakukan pada tiga tipe kenyamanan relief, ease, transcendence pada empat konteks kenyamanan fisik, psikospritual, sosiokultural, dan lingkungan. Intervensi keperawatan diberikan sesuai dengan intervensi kenyamanan standard comfort, coaching, dan comfort food for the soul. Evaluasi akhir masalah kecemasan pada kenyamanan psikospiritual menunjukkan 2 anak mencapai kenyamanan transcendence, 1 anak berada pada tipe kenyamanan ease, dan 2 anak berada pada tipe relief. Hasil penerapan evidence-based nursing practice menunjukkan instrumen STAIC dan VAS-A dapat digunakan untuk mengkaji kecemasan pada anak dengan kanker. Perawat harus lebih memperhatikan masalah kecemasan pada anak, melakukan pengkajian kecemasan secara rutin, dan manajemen kecemasan sebagai bagian dari asuhan keperawatan komprehensif pada anak dengan kanker, sehingga tercapai derajat kesehatan yang optimal.

Anxiety problems that unidentified caused children were unadvantage in proper nursing care, so that it contributed to children quality of life. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the optimization of nursing care in children with cancer through anxiety assessment with Kolcaba's Theory of Comfort. Five selected cases of osteosarcoma, acute lymphoblastic leukemia, acute myeloid leukemia, and non-Hodgkin malignant lymphoma faced an anxiety problem. The assessment was conducted on three types of comfort relief, ease, transcendence in physical, psychospiritual, sociocultural, and environmental contexts of comfort. Nursing interventions are provided in accordance with comfort intervention, that are standard comfort, coaching, and comfort food for the soul. Evaluation of anxiety problems on psychospiritual of comfort shown that two children achieving transcendence comfort, one child is in ease type of comfort, and two children are in relief type of comfort. The results of evidence-based nursing practice suggest that STAIC and VAS-A instruments can be used to assess anxiety in children with cancer. Nurses should pay more attention to children's anxiety problem, conduct regular anxiety assessment, and anxiety management as part of comprehensive nursing care in children with cancer, to achieve optimal healthcare."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ely Mawaddah
Karya ilmiah akhir ini mengintegrasikan model konservasi Levine pada lima kasus terpilih anak dengan masalah oksigenasi. Tujuannya adalah menggambarkan penerapan model konservasi Levine dalam asuhan keperawatan anak dengan masalah oksigenasi dan pengaruh penerapan posisi semirecumbent pada anak dengan masalah oksigenasi. Model konservasi Levine telah memberikan panduan berpikir yang sistematis dalam pemberian asuhan keperawatan. Pelaksanaan asuhan keperawatan dengan mengintegrasikan model konservasi Levine dapat diterapkan pada anak yang mengalami masalah oksigenasi. Pengaturan posisi semirecumbent dapat meningkatkan saturasi oksigen anak dengan masalah oksigenasi. Pengaturan posisi semirecumbent diharapkan dapat menjadi salah satu intervensi pada pasien anak dengan masalah oksigenasi. Kata kunci: Masalah oksigenasi, anak, model konservasi Levine, posisi semirecumbent. ABSTRACT The final scientific paper integrates Levine 39 s conservation model in five selected cases in nursing care of children with oxygenation problems. The purpose is to describe the application of the Levine conservation model in nursing care of children with oxygenation problems and the effect of applying semirecumbent positions on children with oxygenation problems. Levine 39 s conservation model has provided a systematic thinking guide in nursing care. Implementation of nursing care by integrating Levine conservation model can be applied to children with oxygenation problems. Semirecumbent position can increase the oxygen saturation of children with oxygenation problem. Semirecumbent positioning is expected to be one of the interventions in pediatric patients with oxygenation problems. "
Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
La Saudi
"Malnutrisi (underweight) merupakan suatu kondisi ketidakseimbangan antara asupan dan kebutuhan nutrisi yang dapat mengakibatkan defisit energi, protein, atau mikronutrien. Status gizi yang buruk akan memiliki toleransi perawatan yang buruk selama pengobatan dan selama anak hidup. Gizi buruk selalu identik dengan penurunan berat badan, hal ini merupakan tanda buruk pada pasien yang menunjukkan perkembangan penyakit. Tujuan penulisan Karya Ilmia Akhir Spesialis ini untuk memberikan gambaran penerapan model konservasi menurut Levine dalam asuhan keperawatan pada anak dengan kanker yang memiliki masalah nutrisi. Model konservasi yang dikembangkan Levine dapat diterapkan dalam asuhan keperawatan pada anak kanker yang memiliki masalah nutrisi. Penerapakan model teori konservasi yang memandang bahwa lingkungan salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhi perubahan adaptasi individu, dan akan terus berupaya untuk mempertahankan keutuhan mereka. Empat domain yang menjadi fokus dalam melakukan asuhan keperawatan menurut teori konservasi Levine. Empat konservasi tersebut adalah konservasi energi, integritas struktural, integritas personal, integritas sosial. Konsep adaptasi dan empat domain konservasi sangat relevan konservasi energi sangat penting untuk penyembuhan anak dengan kanker yang memiliki masalah nutrisi. Hasil pelaksanaan evidence based nursing practice validasi SCAN versi Indonesia pada anak dengan kanker yang memilki masalah nutrisi menunjukkan bahwa instrumen SCAN ini valid dan bisa digunakan untuk menilai status nutrisi anak dengan kanker

Malnutrition (underweight) is a condition of imbalance between intake and nutritional needs which can result in energy, protein or micronutrient deficits. The poor nutritional status will have to tolerate bad treatment during treatment and the childs life. Malnutrition is always identical with weight loss that is a bad sign for patients who show the development of the disease. The purpose is to provide an overview of the Application of Levine's conservation models in nursing care to children with cancer who had nutritional disorders. The conservation model developed by Levine can be applied in nursing care for cancer children who had nutritional problems. The application of a conservation theory model that views the environment as one of the factors that influence changes in individual adaptation, and will continue to strive to maintain their integrity. Four domains are the focus of nursing care according to Levines conservation theory. The four conservation areas are energy conservation, structural integrity, personal integrity, social integrity. The concept of adaptation and the four conservation domains are very relevant for energy conservation is very important for healing children with cancer who had nutritional problems. The results of the implementation of the evidence-based nursing practice validation of the Indonesian version of SCAN in children with cancer who had the Nursi disorders indicate that the SCAN instrument is valid and can be used to assess the nutritional status of children with cancer."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Angka kematian ibu (AKI) merupakan salah satu indikator penting dari derajat
kesehatan masyarakat. AKI menggambarkan jumlah wanita meninggal dari suatu
penyebab kematian terkait dengan gangguan kehamilan atau penanganannya selama
kehamilan, melahirkan dan selama nifas. Kasus perdarahan sebagai penyebab utama
kematian ibu dapat terjadi pada masa kehamilan, persalinan dan masa nifas. Salah
satu penyebab perdarahan diantaranya adalah plasenta previa. Plasenta previa
merupakan salah satu keadaan yang menjadi penyebab perdarahan yang memerlukan
tindakan segera tenaga kesehatan terkait dengan kondisi ibu dan janin yang
dikandungnya. Perawat sebagai salah satu tenaga kesehatan yang memberikan asuhan
keperawatan secara komprehensif berperan dalam melakukan pemantauan secara
berkesinambungan kondisi ibu dan janin serta proses persalinan yang akan dihadapi .
Tujuan penulisan laporan KIA ini adalah menjelaskan tentang aplikasi konsep dan
teori keperawatan dalam pemberian asuhan keperawatan pada ibu hamil dengan
plasenta previa totalis,serta menjelaskan peran perawat maternitas sebagai pemberi
asuhan keperawatan, educator, konselor, advokator, pengelola, kolaborator, agen
pembaharu (innovator), komunikator dan koordinator serta peneliti dalam
memberikan asuhan keperawatan pada ibu hamil dengan plasenta previa. Pemilihan
konsep dan teori keperawatan berdasarkan kepada kontek klien yang dalam kondisi
mengalami komplikasi yang berakibat kecemasan, dibutuhkan pendekatan perawat
yang mampu memberikan asuhan secara komprehensif. Oleh karena itu konsep dan
teori need for help Wiedenbach dan teori of caring Swanson tepat digunakan dalam
pemberian asuhan keperawatan pada ibu hamil dengan plasenta previa totalis.
Dengan harapan kondisi ibu hamil dengan plasenta previa totalis tetap optimal,
mampu beradaptasi secara fisik maupun pskologis serta siap terhadap proses persalinan yang akan dihadapi. ABSTRACT
The maternal mortality rate (MMR) is one of important indicators of the community
health. MMR describes the number of women death caused by problems associated
with pregnancy or the treatment during pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum period.
Hemorrhagic cases as the main cause of maternal death occur during pregnancy,
childbirth and postpartum period. One of hemorrhagic causes is placenta previa.
Placenta previa is a condition that causes bleeding which requires health
professionals? immediate interventions related to the maternal and fetal condition. A
nurse as one of health professionals who provides a comprehensive nursing care has a
role in monitoring continuously the maternal and fetal condition as well as the labor
and birth process. The purpose of this final scientific work was to explain about the
application of the nursing concepts and theories in providing nursing care to pregnant
women with placenta previa totalis, as well as to explain the role of maternity nurses
as a caregiver, an educator, a counselor, an advocate, a manager, a collaborator, an
innovator, a communicator and a coordinator as well as a researcher in providing
nursing care to pregnant women with placenta previa. The selection of nursing
concepts and theories was based on the context of the client experienced
complications causing anxiety, nurses? approach that can provide comprehensive care
was needed. Therefore, Wiedenbach need for help concept and theory and Swanson
theory of caring were appropriate to be used in the provision of nursing care to
pregnant women with placenta previa totalis. Hopefully the conditions of pregnant
women with placenta previa totalis remain optimal, able to adapt physically and psychologically and ready to face the labor process. ;The maternal mortality rate (MMR) is one of important indicators of the community
health. MMR describes the number of women death caused by problems associated
with pregnancy or the treatment during pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum period.
Hemorrhagic cases as the main cause of maternal death occur during pregnancy,
childbirth and postpartum period. One of hemorrhagic causes is placenta previa.
Placenta previa is a condition that causes bleeding which requires health
professionals? immediate interventions related to the maternal and fetal condition. A
nurse as one of health professionals who provides a comprehensive nursing care has a
role in monitoring continuously the maternal and fetal condition as well as the labor
and birth process. The purpose of this final scientific work was to explain about the
application of the nursing concepts and theories in providing nursing care to pregnant
women with placenta previa totalis, as well as to explain the role of maternity nurses
as a caregiver, an educator, a counselor, an advocate, a manager, a collaborator, an
innovator, a communicator and a coordinator as well as a researcher in providing
nursing care to pregnant women with placenta previa. The selection of nursing
concepts and theories was based on the context of the client experienced
complications causing anxiety, nurses? approach that can provide comprehensive care
was needed. Therefore, Wiedenbach need for help concept and theory and Swanson
theory of caring were appropriate to be used in the provision of nursing care to
pregnant women with placenta previa totalis. Hopefully the conditions of pregnant
women with placenta previa totalis remain optimal, able to adapt physically and psychologically and ready to face the labor process. "
Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
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