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Doni Darwin
"Pemulihan ekonomi negara melalui peneriman perpajakan menjadi sangat penting untuk mencegah adanya krisis dan mengembalikan kondisi perekonomian. Kinerja Direktorat Jenderal Pajak mengalami peningkatan selama dua tahun terakhir dalam hal penerimaan negara, namun dengan adanya pandemi Covid-19 yang mengakibatkan adanya disrupsi tatanan baru dalam bekerja, terdapat fenomena baru seperti faktor work-life balance, meningkatnya job stress, menurunnya job satisfaction, burnout dan dampaknya terhadap job performance pegawai Direktorat Jenderal Pajak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat dampak dari disrupsi yang ada pada masa transisi setelah pandemi Covid-19 kepada pegawai sektor publik, khususnya Direktorat Jenderal Pajak melalui kuesioner secara daring kemudian diolah dan dianalisis menggunakan Structural Equation Modelling (SEM). Hasil penelitian memberikan gambaran bahwa work-life balance tidak berpengaruh terhadap job performance, sedangkan job stress, dan job satisfaction memiliki pengaruh positif, sementara burnout memiliki pengaruh negatif terhadap job performance. Selain itu, job satisfactiondan burnout mampu menjadi variabel mediasi yang memperkuat hubungan variabel penelitian job stress dan job performance, namun tidak memiliki efek yang signifikan pada hubungan antara work-life balance dan job performance.

The performance of the Directorate General of Taxes has increased over the last two years in terms of state revenues, but with the Covid-19 pandemic which resulted in the disruption of the new work order, there are new phenomena such as increased stress, decreased job satisfaction, burnout, and its impact on the job performance of the Directorate General of Taxes employees. This study aims to see the impact of disruption during the transition period after the Covid-19 pandemic on public sector employees, especially the Directorate General of Taxes through online questionnaires which are then processed and analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The results of the study provide an illustration that work-life balance, does not affect job performance, while job stress, job satisfaction and burnout have a significant influence, both positively and negatively on job performance. In addition, job satisfaction and burnout can become mediating variables that strengthen the relationship between job stress and job performance, while they have little to no effect in relationship between work-life balance and job performance."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Vallendiah Ayuningtiyas
"Badan Narkotika Nasional (BNN) RI merupakan leading institution dalam menangani salah satu bentuk ancaman nir-militer, yaitu penyalahgunaan narkotika di Indonesia. Melalui strategi soft power approach, BNN menyediakan layanan rehabilitasi bagi penyalahguna narkotika. Konselor adiksi, merupakan tenaga profesional yang berperan penting dalam melaksanakan layanan rehabilitasi kepada penyalahguna narkotika. Kepuasan kerja konselor adiksi dalam melaksanakan tugas pokoknya, menjadi indikator terhadap kualitas, kapabilitas layanan, dan kredibilitas organisasi BNN dalam melaksanakan tugas P4GN.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor yang memengaruhi kepuasan kerja konselor adiksi. Faktor tersebut yaitu: persepsi dukungan organisasi, sindrom burnout kerja, serta lingkungan kerja fisik. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain mix-method eksplanatori, dengan melibatkan 130 orang konselor adiksi yang bekerja di fasilitas layanan rehabilitasi rawat jalan dan rawat inap BNN RI. Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah SEM-PLS dalam mengukur persepsi dukungan organisasi dan sindrom burnout terhadap kepuasan kerja melalui lingkungan kerja fisik sebagai variabel mediator. Hasilnya, sebesar 95.4% konselor adiksi memiliki kesesuaian persepsi dukungan organisasi. Kemudian, 86.9% konselor adiksi berada pada level burnout rendah karena memiliki strategi coping stres yang sesuai. Konselor adiksi yang bekerja dengan lingkungan kerja fisik yang sesuai sebesar 96.9%, dan konselor adiksi yang merasa puas dengan pekerjaanya sebesar 96.2%. Lingkungan kerja fisik konselor adiksi, memiliki pengaruh langsung (direct) dan tidak langsung (indirect) antara persepsi dukungan organisasi terhadap kepuasan kerja. Sedangkan lingkungan kerja fisik tidak memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan antara sindrom burnout kerja terhadap kepuasan kerja. Penelitian ini dapat digunakan oleh organisasi BNN RI dalam memaksimalkan kepuasan kerja konselor adiksi melalui optimalisasi dukungan organisasi, lingkungan kerja fisik, dan upaya pencegahan serta penanganan sindrom burnout kerja.

BNN RI is a leading institution in dealing with one form of non-military threat, namely narcotics abuse in Indonesia. Through a soft power approach strategy, BNN provides rehabilitation services for drug abusers. Addiction counselors are professionals who play an important role in carrying out rehabilitation services for drug abusers. The job satisfaction of addiction counselors in carrying out their main duties is an indicator of the quality, service capability, and credibility of the BNN organization in carrying out P4GN tasks. This research aims to determine the factors that affect the job satisfaction of addiction counselors, such as: perception of organizational support, burnout syndrome, and physical work environment. This study used an explanatory mix-method design, involving 130 addiction counselors who worked in BNN RI's outpatient and inpatient rehabilitation service facilities. The analysis method used is SEM-PLS in measuring the perception of organizational support and burnout syndrome on job satisfaction through the physical work environment as a mediator variable. As a result, 95.4% of addiction counselors have a suitable perception of organizational support. Then, 86.9% of addiction counselors are at low burnout levels because they have appropriate stress coping strategies. Addiction counselors who work with an appropriate physical work environment are 96.9%, and addiction counselors who are satisfied with their work are 96.2%. The physical work environment of addiction counselors has a direct and indirect influence between perceptions of organizational support and job satisfaction. While the physical work environment does not have a significant influence between job burnout syndrome and job satisfaction. While the physical work environment does not have a significant influence between job burnout syndrome and job satisfaction. This research can be used by BNN RI organizations in maximizing job satisfaction of addiction counselors through optimizing organizational support, physical work environment, and efforts to prevent and treat work burnout syndrome."
Jakarta: Sekolah Kajian Stratejik dan Global Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Siregar, Putra Iranto Kevin
"Implementasi telework mengalami percepatan karena pesatnya perkembangan teknologi dan informasi. Selain itu adanya kondisi pandemi COVID-19 juga turut meningkatkan jumlah organisasi yang menerapkan telework. Tetapi ada beberapa masalah implementasi telework yang tersisa dan  perlu menjadi perhatian dari perusahaan. Banyak pekerja merasa terisolasi secara sosial dari tempat kerja mereka, yang dapat mempengaruhi peningkatan stres mereka. Selain itu berdasarkan hasil penelitian empiris dan survey yang dilakukan oleh berbagai institusi menyimpulkan perlu juga dipertimbangkan pengaruh telework pada stres kerja, work-life balance , dan job satisfaction. Studi ini menyelidiki bagaimana telework dan isolasi sosial mempengaruhi kepuasan kerja dengan efek mediasi stres kerja dan keseimbangan kehidupan kerja di Indonesia . Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan kuesioner berbasis daring. Analisis model dilakukan dengan menggunakan Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) terhadap 280 orang responden. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa implementasi telework berpengaruh positif terhadap job satisfaction. Telework terbukti berdampak positif terhadap work-life balance dan menurunkan job stress. Namun social isolation yang dirasakan karywan memberikan dampak negatif terhadap job satisfaction. Penelitian ini membuktikan bahwa work-life balance dapat memediasi hubungan antara telework dan job satisfaction. Dari penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa implementasi telework yang memberikan otonomi dan fleksibilitas dapat berimplikasi positif terhadap job satisfaction.

The implementation of telework has accelerated due to advances in technology and COVID-19 which has changed the way people live for years. But there are some lingering problems with telework need to be addressed. Many workers feel socially isolated from their workplace, which may affect their stress increment. There are also mixed results of the effects of telework on work stress, work-life balance, and job satisfaction from previous studies. This study investigates how telework and social isolation affect job satisfaction with mediating effects of work stress and work-life balance in Indonesia. This research was conducted with 280 remote workers as participants. The hypotheses were then tested with Structural Equation Modelling using LISREL 8.8 for windows. This research finds that telework has a positive and significant effect on job satisfaction. Telework has been proven to have a positive impact on work-life balance and reduce work stress. However, the social isolation felt by employees has a negative impact on job satisfaction. This study proves that work-life balance can mediate the relationship between telework and job satisfaction. From this study, it can be concluded that the implementation of telework which provides autonomy and flexibility can have a positive impact on employee job satisfaction."
Jakarta: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Melinia Ayu Pebryanti
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh quality of work life terhadap work life balance melalui peran mediasi job stress, job satisfaction, dan job commitment pada karyawan yang bekerja pada perusahaan jasa konsultan bisnis di daerah Jabodetabek. Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah pendekatan kuantitatif dan bersifat single cross sectional. Responden sejumlah 225 orang terlibat dalam penelitian ini. Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan kuesioner yang telah dikembangkan dari penelitian sebelumnya. Pengolahan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan teknik covariance based structural equation modeling. Temuan penelitian menunjukan bahwa quality of work life berpengaruh secara tidak langsung melalui peran mediasi job stress, job satisfaction, dan job commitment terhadap work life balance.
Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini secara praktis dapat disarankan bahwa untuk menciptakan keseimbangan kehidupan dan pekerjaan pada karyawan, manajemen perusahaan jasa konsultan dapat menciptakan lingkungan kerja atau kondisi kerja yang positif sehingga kelelahan kerja yang dirasakan oleh karyawan dapat berkurang, kepuasan kerja yang dirasakan meningkat, dan rasa ingin berkomitmen kerja yang tinggi. Secara teoritis penelitian ini dapat mengkonfirmasi penelitian-penelitian sebelumnya yang menyelidiki dinamika hubungan antara quality of work life, work life balance, job stress, job satisfaction, dan job commitment.

This study aims to examine the effect of quality of work life on work life balance through the mediating role of job stress, job satisfaction, and job commitment in employees who work in business consulting services companies in the Jabodetabek area. The approach used is a quantitative approach and is single cross sectional. Respondents were 225 people involved in this study. Data collection was carried out using a questionnaire that had been developed from previous studies. Data processing was carried out using a covariance based structural equation modeling technique. The research findings show that the quality of work life has an indirect effect through the mediating role of job stress, job satisfaction, and job commitment to work life balance.
Based on the results of this study it can be practically suggested that in order to create a work-life balance for employees, the management of a consulting service company can create a positive work environment or working conditions so that the work fatigue felt by employees can be reduced, perceived job satisfaction increases, and a high sense of work commitment. Theoretically, this research can confirm previous studies that investigated the dynamics of the relationship between quality of work life, work life balance, job stress, job satisfaction, and job commitment.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Person-job fit memiliki pengaruh terhadap kinerja pegawai secara langsung di
Kelompok Wilayah I Direktorat Jenderal Pajak. Dengan menggunakan analisis
strategi causal step yang dikembangkan oleh Baron dan Kenny (1986) terhadap
data 438 responden yang dikumpulkan pada bulan Oktober 2012, penelitian ini
menemukan bahwa kepuasan kerja bukan merupakan variabel mediator pada
pengaruh person-job fit terhadap kinerja pegawai di Kelompok Wilayah I
Direktorat Jenderal Pajak. Kondisi ini terjadi karena adanya ketidakpuasan terkait
kebijakan punishment yang sangat tinggi dibandingkan dengan reward serta
belum terintegrasinya sistem kepuasan kerja dan penilaian kinerja pegawai di
Direktorat Jenderal Pajak.

Person-job fit has an effects on employee performance at Region I Directorate
General of Taxes directly. By using causal step strategy analysis that developed
by Baron and Kenny (1986) of the data from 438 respondents which collected in
October 2012, the study found that job satisfaction is not a mediator variable in
the effects of person-job fit on employee performance at Region I Directorate
General of Taxes. It occurs because of employee’s dissatisfaction with
punishment policies which is very high compared to the reward policies and
disintegration between job satisfaction and performance appraisal systems at
Directorate General of Taxes."
Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lebang, Febria Angelina
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meneliti hubungan antara work-life balance dan work stress terhadap turnover intention dan bagaimana pengaruh job satisfaction dalam memediasi hubungan antarvariabel tersebut pada pegawai Bidang Penindakan Lembaga XYZ. Penelitian dijalankan dengan menggunakan metode kuantitatif melalui penyebaran kuesioner ke seluruh pegawai Bidang Penindakan Lembaga XYZ. Sejumlah 218 responden diperoleh sebagai sampel dari populasi 427 pegawai spesialis dan administrasi. Hipotesis diuji dengan metode structural equation modeling (SEM) menggunakan IBM® SPSS® Amos 23.0.0. Hasil uji hipotesis menemukan bahwa terdapat pengaruh positif pada hubungan work stress dan turnover intention, baik secara langsung maupun tidak langsung melalui mediasi job satisfaction. Hasil uji hipotesis juga mengungkapkan bahwa tidak ditemukan pengaruh langsung pada hubungan work-life balance dan turnover intention, namun ditemukan pengaruh tidak langsung melalui mediasi job satisfaction.

This research aims to examine the relationship between work-life balance and work stress on turnover intention and the effect of job satisfaction in mediating relationships between these variables among employees of Deputy for Enforcement of XYZ Institution. This research was conducted using quantitative method through the distribution of questionnaires. An amount of 218 respondents were obtained as a sample of a population of 427 specialist and administrative employees. Hypotheses were tested with structural equation modeling (SEM) using IBM SPSS Amos 23.0.0. The results found that there were positive influences on the relationships between work stress and turnover intention, both directly and indirectly through the mediation of job satisfaction. The results also revealed that there was no direct effect on work-life balance and turnover intention relationship, but indirect effect was found through the mediation of job satisfaction."
Depok: Fakultas Eknonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Juniar Edgina
"Sumber daya manusia merupakan aspek penting dalam perusahaan. Untuk itu, penting bagi manajemen SDM untuk mengatur sumber daya manusia perusahaan untuk mencapai kepuasan kerja karyawan dan keseimbangan antara kehidupan dan pekerjaan karyawan. Unsur work-life balance merupakan salah satu yang terpenting dalam mencapai kepuasan kerja karyawan. Hal ini juga dapat membantu mengurangi jumlah turnover intention yang sering terjadi pada perusahaan advertising agency. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh Flexible Work Arrangements (FWA), Turnover Intention, Work-life Balance, dan Job Satisfaction pada karyawan advertising agency. Penelitian akan dilakukan terhadap 210 responden yakni pegawai tetap dengan menggunakan alat ukur SRQ-20 (Self-Reporting Questioner -20), IPWQ (Individual Performance Work Questionnaire) dan menganalisis pengaruhnya menggunakan PLS SEM. Pengumpulan data dilakukan secara online dan menggunakan teknik convenience sampling dan dilakukan selama 1 bulan. Hasil kajian tersebut menunjukkan adanya pengaruh positif dari praktif flexible work arrangement terhadap job satisfaction dan work-life balance. Sementara, dengan flexible work arrangemnet, work-life balance, dan job satisfaction yang tinggi memberikan pengaruh negatif terhadap turnover intention. Implikasi manajerial dari penelitian ini dapat dipertimbangkan sebagai solusi untuk meningkatkan kepuasan kerja, keseimbangan antara kerja dan kehidupan pribadi serta dapat menurunkan angka turnover intention.

Human resources are an important aspect in the company. For this reason, it is important for Human Resource management to regulate the company's human resources to achieve employee job satisfaction and work-life balance. The element of work-life balance is one of the most important in achieving employee job satisfaction. This can also help reduce the number of turnover intentions that often occur in advertising agency companies.This study aims to determine the effect of Flexible Work Arrangements (FWA), Turnover Intention, Work-life Balance, and Job Satisfaction on advertising agency employees. The research will be conducted on 210 respondents, namely permanent employees, using the measuring instrument SRQ-20 (Self-Reporting Questioner -20), IPWQ (Individual Performance Work Questionnaire) and analyzing its effect using PLS SEM. Data collection was done online and using convenience sampling technique and was carried out for 1 month. The results of this study indicate that there is a positive effect of practical flexible work arrangements on job satisfaction and work-life balance. Meanwhile, with high flexible work arrangements, work-life balance, and job satisfaction proved they have a negative influence on turnover intention. The result from this research could be considered as managerial implication for a solution to increase job satisfaction, work-life balance, and reduce turnover intention."
Jakarta: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hahotan, Siregar Minardo Resky, author
"Penataan struktur disertai pembenahan alur kerja dan proses bisnis pada organisasi
sektor publik dilakukan agar terwujud pemerintahan yang efektif dan efisien. Penelitian ini
menggunakan teori pertukaran sosial untuk mengamati pengaruh internal communication
satisfaction dan perceived organizational support terhadap readiness to change yang
dimediasi employee engagement untuk mendukung pembaruan pada pegawai Lembaga Fiskal
Pusat (LFP). Hasil analisis data dari 387 responden pegawai LFP menunjukkan bahwa 7
hipotesis memiliki pengaruh positif dan signifikan, sementara 3 hipotesis ditemukan tidak
signifikan. Data primer dikumpulkan melalui metode survei dengan mengirim kuesioner
daring kepada responden. Hipotesis diuji menggunakan Structural Equation Modeling (SEM)
dengan aplikasi Lisrel 8.8.

The structuring of the organizational framework, coupled with the improvement of
workflow and business processes in the public sector, is undertaken to achieve effective and
efficient governance. This research utilizes social exchange theory to examine the influence
of internal communication satisfaction and perceived organizational support on readiness to
change, mediated by employee engagement, to support reforms among employees of the
Central Fiscal Agency. The results of data analysis from 387 respondents of Central Fiscal
Agency employees indicate that seven hypotheses have a positive and significant influence,
while three hypotheses are found to be not significant. Primary data were collected through a
survey method by sending online questionnaires to respondents. Hypotheses were tested using
Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with Lisrel 8.8 application.
Jakarta: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Adelia Yusnita
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh work-life balance terhadap employee engagement pada milenial PT XYZ melalui persepsi kepuasan kerja. Teknik penelitian yang digunakan adalah survey dan studi pustaka dari penelitian dengan topik sejenis yang telah dilakukan sebelumnya. Sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 102 responden, dan diperoleh dengan menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Berdasarkan hasil uji regresi yang telah dilakukan menunjukkan bahwa work-life balance berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kepuasan kerja, kepuasan kerja berpengaruh signifikan terhadap employee engagement, dan work-life balance berpengaruh signifikan terhadap employee engagement. Kemudian berdasarkan hasil analisis kausal step yang dilakukan, kepuasan kerja dapat dikatakan sebagai variabel mediasi dalam hubungan work-life balance dengan employee engagement yang bersifat parsial dan signifikan.

This study aims to examine the effect of work-life balance on employee engagement at PT XYZ millennials through perceptions of job satisfaction. The research technique used was survey and literature study of research with similar topics that had been done previously. The sample used in this study amounted to 102 respondents, and obtained using purposive sampling technique. Based on the results of regression tests that have been conducted, it shows that work-life balance has a significant effect on job satisfaction, job satisfaction has a significant effect on employee engagement, and work-life balance has a significant effect on employee engagement. Then based on the results of the causal step analysis carried out, job satisfaction can be said to be a mediating variable in the work-life balance relationship with employee engagement which is partial and significant.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Umar Rabani
"Job Performance karyawan menjadi salah satu hal krusial yang mempengaruhi kinerja perusahaan sehingga perusahaan perlu memperhatikan kinerja karyawannya. Salah satu hal yang mempengaruhinya adalah work-life balance. Banyak peneliti telah menerangkan bahwa work-life balance karyawan merangsang psychological wellbeing yang memengaruhi job performance. Job performance sendiri merupakan output dari work effort. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain konklusif dan deskriptif dengan pengambilan data single-cross sectional dan self-ratings survei. Structural Equation Modelling digunakan untuk menganalisis data. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa psychological wellbeing tidak memediasi pengaruh Work-life balance terhadap work effort. Namun tetap menemukan bahwa work-life balance mempengaruhi psychological wellbeing dan work effort. Hal ini membuktikan pentingnya work-life balance bagi karyawan dan perusahaan. Di sisi lain job satisfaction memoderasi pengaruh work-life balance terhadap psychological wellbeing dan langsung mempengaruhi psychological wellbeing. Berdasarkan hasil tersebut perusahaan perlu menciptakan lingkungan yang mendukung work-life balance karyawan agar dapat meningkatkan work effort dan psychological wellbeing karyawan. Di sisi lain job satisfaction karyawan juga harus mendapat perhatian serius oleh perusahaan sehingga psychological wellbeing karyawan juga meningkat.

Employee Job Performance is one of the crucial things that affect company performance so companies need to pay attention to the performance of their employees. One of the things that influence it is the work-life balance. Many researchers have explained that employee work-life balance stimulates psychological well-being which affects job performance. Job performance itself is the output of work effort. This study uses a conclusive and descriptive design with single-cross sectional data collection and survey self-ratings. Structural Equation Modeling is used to analyze the data. This study found that psychological well-being did not mediate the effect of work-life balance on work effort. However, they still find that work-life balance affects psychological well-being and work effort. This proves the importance of work-life balance for employees and the company. On the other hand, job satisfaction moderates the effect of work-life balance on psychological well-being and directly affects psychological well-being. Based on these results, companies need to create an environment that supports work-life balance of employees in order to increase work effort and psychological well-being of employees. On the other hand, employee job satisfaction must also receive serious attention from the company so that the psychological well-being of employees also increases."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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