"Perkembangan pelayanan kesehatan mulai dari unit yang terkecil sampai dengan rumah sakit yang kompleks baik .dari segi sumber daya maupun dari sistem yang berlaku, umumnya berlangsung sedemikian rupa. Kehadiran rumah sakit pada saat ini mempunyai daya saing yang cukup tinggi. Oleh karena itu setiap jenjang perkembangama memerlukan penetapan rencana strategis, sehingga dapat melakukan pelayanan dengan balk dan terus bertahan hidup.
Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Aceh Tarniang yang merupakan instansi sektor publik juga bertujuan memberikan pelayanan prima kepada konsumen baik dari segi pelayanan medis maupun fasilitas yang memadai dan hal tersebut dapat terrwujud apabila rumah sakit mempunyai perencanaan strategis.
Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisa Klinik Umum, Klinik Gigi dan Rehabilitasi Medik melalui variabel internal Product Life Cycle (PL)yaitu sales, cost, profit, cash flow, capital access, serta variabel ekstemal yaitu competitor, sehingga dapat diketahui posisinya menurut siklus hidupnya yang akan menjadi dasar pembuatan sirategi yang tepat. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian operasional dengan pendekatan kualitatif.
Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa klinik Umum Klinik Gigi clan Rehabilitasi Medik berada pada fase Growth dalam PLC. Selanjutnya dilakukan pencocokan strategi berdasarkan teori dari para ahli, maka alternatif strateginya adalah pengembangan produk, pengembangan pasar dan penetrasi pasar. Penentuan strategi terpilih berdasarkan hasil wawancara tidak terstruktur memberikan rekomendasi sebagai berikut:
a. Klinik Umum : Pembuatan paket medical check-up sederhana bagi perneriksaan kesehatan calon jemaah haji
b. Klinik Gigi menambah jenis pelayanan pembuatan gigi tiruan
c. Rehabilitasi Medik : Perbaikan tamplIan ruang Rehabilitasi Medik
Pengimplementasian strategi terpilih secara terprogram diharapkan dapat lebih mengembangkan Klinik Umum, Klinik Gigi clan Rehabilitasi Medik.
Generally the development of health service from the smallest unit to the hospital which has a complex from both resources and applied system, is usually occur in such ways. The presence of hospitals these days are very competitive. There for every step of its development needed a strategic plan so that the institution can performed the excellent service and in order to keep survive. Aceh Tamiang District Hospital as a public sector institution has aim to give the excellent service to consumer in medical services and an adequate facility, and those thing only happened if the hospital has the strategic planning. The research's aim to analyze the general clinic, dental Clinic and Medical rehabilitation by using the internal variables of Product Life Cycle (PLC) which are sales, cost, profit, cash flow, capital access and external variable such as competitors, in order to define each position according to its life cycle that becomes a reference to create the accurate strategic response. This is an operational research with a qualitative approach. The result shows that all units, general Clinic, dental Clinic and medical rehabilitation, were in the growth phase of product life cycle. After that the matching strategy was done based on the expert's theory, and we can conclude that the alternative strategies were product development, market development and market penetration. Chosen strategy that was pick based on the result of non structured interview that give the recommendation as follows :a. General Clinic : simple medical check-up package to examine the health of hajj candidates.b. Dental clinic add prosthodontic treatmentc. medical rehabilitation : enhance the medical rehabilitation room The implementing of well-planned chosen strategy was hopefully could be more developed the General Clinic, Dental Clinic and Medical Rehabilitation."